Class War in Florida

Classes only exist as long as you let them exist in your mind.

Take a look at the Bilderbergers and other wealthy elite. Take a look at the political elites in D.C.- the ones behind the scenes. Then take a look at someone trying to pay rent.

Pretended classes don't exist doesn't make them go away. Pretending the capitalists aren't doing everything in their power to increase their own wealth regardless of the expense to the common man (outsourcing, pollution, etc) doesn't change the reality.

You can close your eyes while you run toward a a wall, but the wall doesn't disappear.
If you cant afford to pay good wages and benefits then MAN Up and do the labor yourself.

Give examples of "good wages"....
This, I gotta see.
Oh, and spare me that nonsense about "liveable wages"...Every wage is liveable if the person getting the money spends it wisely and budgets properly.
If one cannot make enough money to live on their own, get a room mate. If young enough ,live with parents. If disatisfied with wages, find another job. If not fulfilled in career, go back to school or take night courses to improve skills.
Class warfare is when you use envy to stir up hatred against people so you can take the money they earned. Welfare and entitlements aren't earned, so cutting them is not class warfare.

That's not what they think for whatever reason. They seem to think they are entitled to Entitlements for just existing. They earned it because their parents gave birth to them.

It's amazing how far the lie has gone. And is it any wonder society is beginning to break down in it's own corruption?

entitlement for people who are entitled ?
entitlement not earned ? their gifts ?
welfare is not earned yet business and farmers get them ,
wow you sound like mormons ,
how about VA care ? a gift ? some call it an entitlement ,
seems the faze alone would explain it entitled .

people think just because their born , well abortion clinics are trying to stop that part .
hey why not research sterility operation so everyone born has it automatically and to give birth them must show financial stability , education and a job . a credit report ? that way we get ride of poverty ,no need for people welfare . just corporate welfare .
Are you entitled to the wealth created by another person?
Funny that the capitalists are always afraid to answer that one :eusa_whistle:

NO. A sound, stable person create their OWN wealth without any help from Gubmint...or anyone else but their own GRIT and determination, that is the essence of TRUE LIBERTY.

*Chew On That Statist*

So you are DENIED again.
A bill that would establish some of the deepest and most far-reaching cuts in unemployment benefits in the nation is heading for the desk of Gov. Rick Scott… the money saved from cutting unemployment benefits will be used to reduce business taxes in a state where the corporate tax rate is already exceedingly low. Scott had been looking to cut corporate taxes even further, but was rebuffed by the legislature.
Florida Cuts Unemployment Benefits To Pay For Corporate Tax Cut


He didn't cut just unemployment for those "tax cuts for the rich".

He also slashed:


Gov. Rick Scott's proposed education budget: $1.75 billion in cuts

For the owner of a home worth $129,000, the state's median value, just the 43-cent cut in the tax rate would mean a savings of $44.72, assuming the owner took the $25,000 homestead exemption allowed for school taxes.

Another Palm Beach County teacher, who did not want her name or her school's name used, pointed out that those with the most expensive homes would benefit the most.

"At this point, what are we doing? We're going to give to his friends who have expensive homes," the second-grade teacher said. "So are we looking to give the very wealthy tax breaks at the expense of what we can do for our children to help them compete in the global economy?"


Wow, owners of smaller homes would get back 44 bucks. Gee, I wonder what the owners of BIG homes would get?

Very expensive homes ,huh?.....Homes that have seen market values fall 50% since 2008 while property taxes skyrocketed.
My parent's home in Florida is still assessed at a 2006 value. They are asking for 60% of tax value and still cannot sell. Meanwhile there are paying over $7,000 per year to the greedy assed politicians who are throwing the taxpayer's money down a rat hole.
That teacher could not cares less about her students. Lower tax rates mean smaller raises for public school teachers and all other public employees. That part she's deliberately not mentioning...
Funny thing is "it's for the children" is most used when funding for schools is cut....Even funnier is when school districts ramp up spending right after they get juicy tax increases, education does not improve. Test scores and graduation rates do not improve. More college students are not produced.
This teacher is going to have to give a detailed explanation of where the money goes and how the additonal dollars directly affects the student's performance.
If she starts off with " we need the resources..." she's full of shit.
The last opinion I want to hear on property taxes is that of a public employee.
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Class warfare is when you use envy to stir up hatred against people so you can take the money they earned. Welfare and entitlements aren't earned, so cutting them is not class warfare.

That's not what they think for whatever reason. They seem to think they are entitled to Entitlements for just existing. They earned it because their parents gave birth to them.

It's amazing how far the lie has gone. And is it any wonder society is beginning to break down in it's own corruption?

entitlement for people who are entitled ?
entitlement not earned ? their gifts ?
welfare is not earned yet business and farmers get them ,
wow you sound like mormons ,
how about VA care ? a gift ? some call it an entitlement ,
seems the faze alone would explain it entitled .

people think just because their born , well abortion clinics are trying to stop that part .
hey why not research sterility operation so everyone born has it automatically and to give birth them must show financial stability , education and a job . a credit report ? that way we get ride of poverty ,no need for people welfare . just corporate welfare .

I assume you're trying to insult me as usual. It loses it's effect when you cant be understood.
Remember when Democrats said that Unemployment benefits stimulate the economy?

Democrats create ghettos

Nothing more
"Would you open a business and hire people for $20 per hour when their job produces $15 per hour in revenue?.....Be honest...Answer as though it were you taking all of the risks and paying all of the bills....Would you hire people that COST rather than EARN you money?"

Nope. I would do THE WORK MYSELF RATHER THAN HIRING because if I cant afford to create a high paying job then I wouldnt even consider it. Well, not for an adult. Maybe for a kid.

I do understand that even in the best jobs its the workers VERSUS the ownership. They are not a team nor should they ever try to be. Its a conflict. The most profitable businesses run with this adversarial relationship as they have a high turnover rate.

I didn't ask you that. Now answer the question put to you.
By business I mean one that would require the hiring of employees. As in plural. As in more than one.
Don't give me this evasive nonsense.
You're not going to spout off this crap and get away with it.
Just answer the question ......Would you staff your business and pay inappropriate wages?
Oh, what is a "high paying job"?....
If you owned an ice cream shop, would you pay the adult employees $50k per year?
Or let's say a lumber yard....Would you pay the yard people( laborers) $25 per hour even though their jobs only produce $12 per hour of revenue?
Or a better way to ask, would you staff your lumber yard at a 40 or 50% labor expense?
Have you ever owned a business? DO you have a clue the expense and mountains of paperwork that go into running a business.
Do you have any idea what a full time employee paid $15 per hour actually COSTS a business?....
If you cannot answer any of these questions directly without passion or prejudice, then this discussion is terminated.
Remember when Obama said he would be transparent?

Or would end lobbyists?

And earmarks?

And stop illegally invading countries for oil like Libya?

and would keep unemployment under 8%?

And unite the country?

And lower sea levels? LOL

that was my favorite.......Democrats are not bright


He didn't cut just unemployment for those "tax cuts for the rich".

He also slashed:


Gov. Rick Scott's proposed education budget: $1.75 billion in cuts

For the owner of a home worth $129,000, the state's median value, just the 43-cent cut in the tax rate would mean a savings of $44.72, assuming the owner took the $25,000 homestead exemption allowed for school taxes.

Another Palm Beach County teacher, who did not want her name or her school's name used, pointed out that those with the most expensive homes would benefit the most.

"At this point, what are we doing? We're going to give to his friends who have expensive homes," the second-grade teacher said. "So are we looking to give the very wealthy tax breaks at the expense of what we can do for our children to help them compete in the global economy?"


Wow, owners of smaller homes would get back 44 bucks. Gee, I wonder what the owners of BIG homes would get?

Very expensive homes ,huh?.....Homes that have seen market values fall 50% since 2008 while property taxes skyrocketed.
My parent's home in Florida is still assessed at a 2006 value. They are asking for 60% of tax value and still cannot sell. Meanwhile there are paying over $7,000 per year to the greedy assed politicians who are throwing the taxpayer's money down a rat hole.
That teacher could not cares less about her students. Lower tax rates mean smaller raises for public school teachers and all other public employees. That part she's deliberately not mentioning...
Funny thing is "it's for the children" is most used when funding for schools is cut....Even funnier is when school districts ramp up spending right after they get juicy tax increases, education does not improve. Test scores and graduation wates do not improve. More college students are not produced.
This teacher is going to have to give a detailed explanation of where the money goes and how the additonal doillars directly affects the student's performance.
If she starts off with " we need the resources..." she's full of shit.
The last opinion I want to hear on property taxes is that of a public employee.

And YES Housing Market has Double-Dipped...




NO. A sound, stable person create their OWN wealth without any help from Gubmint...or anyone else
So every single business owner is unstable and unsound?

You do realize that their businesses would collapse if they had nobody working for them, right?

Your neo-randian cooperation-is-the-root-of-all-evil spiel makes zero sense.
NO. A sound, stable person create their OWN wealth without any help from Gubmint...or anyone else
So every single business owner is unstable and unsound?

You do realize that their businesses would collapse if they had nobody working for them, right?

Your neo-randian cooperation-is-the-root-of-all-evil spiel makes zero sense.

*NO SHIT*...So why does FEDERAL Gubmint get involved and accelerate it when Florida Gubmint is essentially GETTING OUT OF THE WAY?

What about Liberty don't YOU understand?
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Ahhh yes to see people argue like this. Warms my heart. ALso makes for funning TV viewing. And it all comes down in the end to the struggle between employers versus their employees. Think about it. Can this be disputed? Only by a jerk.
Ahhh yes to see people argue like this. Warms my heart. ALso makes for funning TV viewing. And it all comes down in the end to the struggle between employers versus their employees. Think about it. Can this be disputed? Only by a jerk.

Then that would make you a obvious cloaked UNION THUG...Then That makes *ME* a your terms...

Another CHEVRON on my sleeve...and happy to wear it.
Ahhh yes to see people argue like this. Warms my heart. ALso makes for funning TV viewing. And it all comes down in the end to the struggle between employers versus their employees. Think about it. Can this be disputed? Only by a jerk.

Then that would make you a Staist...

Do you even know what statism is, you twit?

What he's expressed is the libertarian position- the argument that the natural competition between employee and employer in the free market will reach a happy equilibrium that's best for everyone.

Do you even have a position or any understanding of economics, or are you just here to throw around moronic insults?
Never belonged to a union. Worked in the insurance business my whole career. Nice try though. Just calling it the way I see it. Was I supposed to show up with the companies best interests every day or my own? Thats an easy one. Put self before company. Always. Learn that lesson and learn it well. As has been said companies arent there to create jobs, only profits. I agree. But if they hire me for a job, its their doing, not mine. So you dont see that its about workers versus their employers? In the end, thats what it is. Thats the reason for all the arguments. It's supposed to be that way.
Every wage is liveable if the person getting the money spends it wisely and budgets properly.
So if I pay you 35 cents/hour, you can live on that?

Save for prison inmates, who pays that?
Another all or nothing straw man argument..
Oh, BTW why would any sane person take a job for less than they believe their skills are worth?
You see smart guy, for every one of your "power to the people/ down with business" arguments, I whack them out of the ballpark with facts to back up the logic.
The inescapable truths here are there is no such thing as indentured servitiude. No jobs paying in company scrip. No more company owned housing. No more company stores. And no more company owned slums.
We have escaped the cramped living conditions of large cities as a matter of choice. We elected representatives to make law that protects us from the potential evils of certain types of people who would take advantage of an uneducated workforce. We hopefully are now keeping ourselves informed of our rights.
So when the XYZ company opens a call center in rural Southwestern Virginia for example, the pay rates ironically are higher than those of area businesses. And why is that one might ask? Simple, the XYZ company invested hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars on facilities and other tangables. The XYZ company would be foolish to offer substandard wages because the class of applicants would be substandard.
Boeing will be building the 787 Dreamliner in Charleston, SC....The plant is near the second busiest seaport on the East coast. The wokrforce there is educated and skilled. Many ex military people, smart and skilled live in the area. Those people will fill the jobs Boeing has to offer. The wage structure will be among the highest in the area so that Boeing can attract the best and brightest. Got a problem with that?
Now of course the unions want their chunk of Boeing's hide. Fortunately SC is the most non-union state in the nation. Very business friendly. So the unions went WAH WAH to the federal government and complained that Boeing is building the plant in SC in retaliation against the unions that struck the Washington State plants....Oh boo fucking hoo hoo.
Ironically as with the BMW plant in Greer, SC the pay rates there and in the Boeing facility are as high as the union scale. This to encourage the workers to keep the unions out. That is a good thing. No reason to have a middle man mucking up the works if the employer treats the employees correctly.
So you can't live on 35 cents/hour? So your statement that 'Every wage is liveable if the person getting the money spends it wisely and budgets properly' is bullshit?

Are you now recanting your earlier stupidity?'

You shouldn't make absolute statements if you're not prepared to stand by them.

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