Class War in Florida

"Would you open a business and hire people for $20 per hour when their job produces $15 per hour in revenue?.....Be honest...Answer as though it were you taking all of the risks and paying all of the bills....Would you hire people that COST rather than EARN you money?"

Nope. I would do THE WORK MYSELF RATHER THAN HIRING because if I cant afford to create a high paying job then I wouldnt even consider it. Well, not for an adult. Maybe for a kid.

I do understand that even in the best jobs its the workers VERSUS the ownership. They are not a team nor should they ever try to be. Its a conflict. The most profitable businesses run with this adversarial relationship as they have a high turnover rate.
If you cant afford to pay good wages and benefits then MAN Up and do the labor yourself.

NO...someone will always NEED the JOB...what separates ME from YOU? I look at the bennies, the PAY before I take a job...but I haven't done that in awhile...because I am a member of one that I have been at for 24 years...

Sorry...If that Businessman can't find someone? Guess what happens?

*Venture FAIL* or he DOES it by himself...

I see that logic might escape you somehow...
I dont like this idea that we are entitled to money from other people.

Are you entitled to the wealth created by another person?

so... 'no' to the above question?

This isn't class warfare. It's ending robbery.
It harms one class while enriching another. That is class warfare.

Do you even know what the term means?

Nope. Only class warriors believe there is something called "class" in America that in any resembles what the term referred to in the 18th Century.

Class warfare is when you use envy to stir up hatred against people so you can take the money they earned. Welfare and entitlements aren't earned, so cutting them is not class warfare.

Never has been. It's called Fiscal responsibility...

there's that 'R' word again...
O I manned up plenty in my lifetime. As I have stated I PROUDLY SO HAPPILY walked out on two companies when they asked extra of me. I didnt give any notice. See ya boss, stick it where the sun dont shine right in the middle of the day. Those were some of the proudest moments of my life. Of course there were alot of jobs and getting a better paying one wasnt difficult. But dog gone it was good to put them in a tough spot. I'm retired now. I dont invest either as wall street workers are trying to take america down.
It harms one class while enriching another. That is class warfare.

Do you even know what the term means?

Nope. Only class warriors believe there is something called "class" in America that in any resembles what the term referred to in the 18th Century.

Class warfare is when you use envy to stir up hatred against people so you can take the money they earned. Welfare and entitlements aren't earned, so cutting them is not class warfare.
Class warfare is when you use envy to stir up hatred against people so you can take the money they earned. Welfare and entitlements aren't earned, so cutting them is not class warfare.

That's not what they think for whatever reason. They seem to think they are entitled to Entitlements for just existing. They earned it because their parents gave birth to them.

It's amazing how far the lie has gone. And is it any wonder society is beginning to break down in it's own corruption?
If you cant afford to pay good wages and benefits then MAN Up and do the labor yourself.

If you don't think people are paying you enough for your skills man up and get a better job.

It's what I have been telling this person...and he/she/it thinks that IF business doesn't capitulate to their WHIM? It's vendetta time...take them OUT courtesy of Big Gubmint...without thinking of the Consequences...
O I manned up plenty in my lifetime. As I have stated I PROUDLY SO HAPPILY walked out on two companies when they asked extra of me. I didnt give any notice. See ya boss, stick it where the sun dont shine right in the middle of the day. Those were some of the proudest moments of my life. Of course there were alot of jobs and getting a better paying one wasnt difficult. But dog gone it was good to put them in a tough spot. I'm retired now. I dont invest either as wall street workers are trying to take america down.

So essentially you've become an idle leach.
"NO...someone will always NEED the JOB...what separates ME from YOU? I look at the bennies, the PAY before I take a job...but I haven't done that in awhile...because I am a member of one that I have been at for 24 years..."

You are right. However, when I suddenly decided that the pay and bennies were unfair and un american I walked away, no phone call nothing. I didnt owe them that even.
"NO...someone will always NEED the JOB...what separates ME from YOU? I look at the bennies, the PAY before I take a job...but I haven't done that in awhile...because I am a member of one that I have been at for 24 years..."

You are right. However, when I suddenly decided that the pay and bennies were unfair and un american I walked away, no phone call nothing. I didnt owe them that even.

So what now? Still looking...Or on Welfare?
"So essentially you've become an idle leach."

I paid in. Now I'm collecting. Working until you die is the most humiliating thing you can do in my estimation. Plus someone younger needs the job now.
O I manned up plenty in my lifetime. As I have stated I PROUDLY SO HAPPILY walked out on two companies when they asked extra of me. I didnt give any notice. See ya boss, stick it where the sun dont shine right in the middle of the day. Those were some of the proudest moments of my life. Of course there were alot of jobs and getting a better paying one wasnt difficult. But dog gone it was good to put them in a tough spot. I'm retired now. I dont invest either as wall street workers are trying to take america down.

So essentially you've become an idle leach.
Kinda the idea I get. Making excuses for making others PAY for his/her folly.
being clearly you can only be for the poor if who encourage them to be dependent on the government. Encouraging self sufficience and personal charity is clearly warfare against them.

There is absolutely no reason to cut programs people can't afford.

Pretty much sums it up. 'Think Progress' is angry that Florida and a handful of States are taking charge and trying to get people OFF the dole that they think they're entitled to...

Taxpayers here in Florida have had it. That's why Rick Scott was elected.

I dont like this idea that we are entitled to money from other people. All we are entitled to is life, liberty, and our ability to pursue happiness. That's it. I find it ridiculous how people presume that because we exist we are entitled to take from others by force for whatever we need.

This isn't class warfare. It's ending robbery.

That settles it...impossible in Florida.
I also learned that if you bust your butt hard, you usually hurt yourself and get nothing for it unless you can find a way to hold something over your bosses heads. It worked for me.

That's funny. I've always worked hard and it's always paid off for me. Maybe the problem isn't your employers, but you. Maybe you were only good at your job in your own mind. In my experience, it is usually the worst performing employees who do all the bitching and complaining
Nope. I'm retired. No welfare. Live the simple life. Just sitting back watching the country go to heck... I have never seen this country so pitted against one another as it is now. But in reality a country divided will last longer than one that all believes the same principles. Gotta have some balance.
Nope the problem isnt me. I did my gig in the rat race. Dont miss it at all. Might even fly my flag again someday if I see fit.
Never bitched or complained. Did ask for a raise now and then though. I didnt complain, I just walked away. No bitching, nothing. Have a problem with that?
Nope. I'm retired. No welfare. Live the simple life. Just sitting back watching the country go to heck... I have never seen this country so pitted against one another as it is now. But in reality a country divided will last longer than one that all believes the same principles. Gotta have some balance.

OK...IF that's the case? Why the leading on? WHY the baiting?

The ONLY way balance will be struck is when people start AGAIN to take responsibility for themselves and NOT force others through punitive taxation courtesy of Gubmint to keep them on the WELFARE rolls...and that being used by the Gubmint to garner VOTES/Power...

And it will come when people get wise, and hold Gubmints' feet to the fire...or FIRE them...instead of being useful TOOLS of that Gubmint...THINK and Do for themselves...
Pretty much sums it up. 'Think Progress' is angry that Florida and a handful of States are taking charge and trying to get people OFF the dole that they think they're entitled to...

Taxpayers here in Florida have had it. That's why Rick Scott was elected.

I dont like this idea that we are entitled to money from other people. All we are entitled to is life, liberty, and our ability to pursue happiness. That's it. I find it ridiculous how people presume that because we exist we are entitled to take from others by force for whatever we need.

This isn't class warfare. It's ending robbery.

That settles it...impossible in Florida.

Yep. The taxpayers spoke. Those of you coming from BLUE States? *THINK AGAIN* Florida ain't *KALEEFORNYA*
I never said I'm for welfare. I did pay into SS though for my whole working life. And then some pukes come along and say we need to get rid of it and no payments for you. They are the new snot nosed, greedy, generation that I would not stand beside in any circumstance. Easy for them to say "to heck with you." You know what? I never collected unemployment or welfare. When I saw that I was getting terribly terribly terribly screwed on my job I simply left no questions asked and yes IT WAS THE PROPER THING FOR ONE TO DO in my circumstance. And you know what? I walked out right when they needed me to come through for them. Well to heck with them I prayed for their demise. I found a good job in a small town with excellent public schools for my kids. So I stayed there for them. ANd now I collect SS and I use my medicare for my few medical needs. I worked hard yes I did. I did the dance. It surely didnt instill this bs patriotic jargin in me.

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