Class War in Florida

Florida has a really bad unemployment situation, I think they are 2nd only to Nevada in %UE. It's tough to cut benefits to people that can't find a job, but the taxpayers can't foot the bill forever. The governor is trying to create jobs and incentivize people to find one. Hope it works.
It’s his lame ‘Field of Dreams’ approach – with crappy schools and a failing infrastructure, low taxes alone won’t lure business to the state. And those that do come bring only low paying jobs with little or no benefits.
I say we need to form a watchdog to make sure those companies that are getting the people's tax dollars are creating jobs (and high paying ones, not those chincy $35,000 jokes)...if not, stick it to em.

Pfft - $35,000 is considered ‘big-time’ pay in Florida.
Florida has a really bad unemployment situation, I think they are 2nd only to Nevada in %UE. It's tough to cut benefits to people that can't find a job, but the taxpayers can't foot the bill forever. The governor is trying to create jobs and incentivize people to find one. Hope it works.
It’s his lame ‘Field of Dreams’ approach – with crappy schools and a failing infrastructure, low taxes alone won’t lure business to the state. And those that do come bring only low paying jobs with little or no benefits.
I say we need to form a watchdog to make sure those companies that are getting the people's tax dollars are creating jobs (and high paying ones, not those chincy $35,000 jokes)...if not, stick it to em.

Pfft - $35,000 is considered ‘big-time’ pay in Florida.

Another Elitist that FAILS to understand Liberty speaks up. IMAGINE that?
Let's just see how fast these business tax cuts turn around the unemplyment situation in Florida.
Classes are an artificial political construct. They don't exist. People don't cease being my brethren because they earn more or less money than I do.

You're certainly right in the sense that there is no legal cast system in this nation.

But there certainly differences between people on this nation socio-economically.

"Class" is merely handy sociologcal concept used to describe groups of people within a society that typically share similar traits.

Here in the USA the most obvious class difference (but certainly not the only difference) stems from people's economic circumstance.
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Classes are alive and well. Those that want cuts to SS or medicare are not my brethren. Enemy would be a closer description.
That better be one hell of a tax cut to make up the difference between American worker's compensation and their foreign counterparts.
The problem with your premise is those people are NOT workers....They are on a taxpayer funded vacation. ENOUGH....
The people of Florida can no longer afford to pay their share and pay for others who are capable of working but refuse to look for work.
A bill that would establish some of the deepest and most far-reaching cuts in unemployment benefits in the nation is heading for the desk of Gov. Rick Scott… the money saved from cutting unemployment benefits will be used to reduce business taxes in a state where the corporate tax rate is already exceedingly low. Scott had been looking to cut corporate taxes even further, but was rebuffed by the legislature.
Florida Cuts Unemployment Benefits To Pay For Corporate Tax Cut


He didn't cut just unemployment for those "tax cuts for the rich".

He also slashed:


Gov. Rick Scott's proposed education budget: $1.75 billion in cuts

For the owner of a home worth $129,000, the state's median value, just the 43-cent cut in the tax rate would mean a savings of $44.72, assuming the owner took the $25,000 homestead exemption allowed for school taxes.

Another Palm Beach County teacher, who did not want her name or her school's name used, pointed out that those with the most expensive homes would benefit the most.

"At this point, what are we doing? We're going to give to his friends who have expensive homes," the second-grade teacher said. "So are we looking to give the very wealthy tax breaks at the expense of what we can do for our children to help them compete in the global economy?"


Wow, owners of smaller homes would get back 44 bucks. Gee, I wonder what the owners of BIG homes would get?
If those companies that are getting the tax breaks dont create good paying jobs with really good benefits then everything should be done to shut them down asap until they comply. No $40,000 a year garbage. Of course its florida, a second rate state.
I say we need to form a watchdog to make sure those companies that are getting the people's tax dollars are creating jobs (and high paying ones, not those chincy $35,000 jokes)...if not, stick it to em.
Oh now we're dictating to companies what salaries should be even though the jobs may not call for "high "wages.
Suppose a manufacturing plant opens up as a result of these tax incentives....
Should every worker be paid $50k? $75K?....Just to make YOU happy?
Look genius, businesses do not operate to hire people. They operate to turn a profit for their owners and investors. Businesses hire people for positions that when filled, the workers PRODUCE revenue for the company....
Would you open a business and hire people for $20 per hour when their job produces $15 per hour in revenue?.....Be honest...Answer as though it were you taking all of the risks and paying all of the bills....Would you hire people that COST rather than EARN you money?
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Classes are alive and well. Those that want cuts to SS or medicare are not my brethren. Enemy would be a closer description.

Classes only exist as long as you let them exist in your mind. Once you start truly seeing people as your brethren instead of enemies, your whole world will open up.

Ponzi schemes are going to fail eventually. far better to nip them in the bud now than wait till they collapse from their own weight.
I say we need to form a watchdog to make sure those companies that are getting the people's tax dollars are creating jobs (and high paying ones, not those chincy $35,000 jokes)...if not, stick it to em.

"the people's tax dollars?" When the government cuts your taxes, the extra money you keep is not a gift from "the people." It's your money.

Libs can't open their mouths without making it emphatically clear they believe your net income is a gift from the government. That outlook is an inherent part of being a tic on the ass of society.
If those companies that are getting the tax breaks dont create good paying jobs with really good benefits then everything should be done to shut them down asap until they comply. No $40,000 a year garbage. Of course its florida, a second rate state.

They will pay benfits that they can afford...or doesn't Free Enterprise mean anything to you? They run a business to make a profit, and hopefully spread that profit amongst their workers...

Companies don't exist to just be there to give JOBS and COWTOW to Job-seekers...Don't like what they offer?

*KEEP LOOKING*...MAN UP...and cease asking Big Gubmint to intervene because you don't LIKE IT.
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I say we need to form a watchdog to make sure those companies that are getting the people's tax dollars are creating jobs (and high paying ones, not those chincy $35,000 jokes)...if not, stick it to em.
Oh now we're dictating to companies what salaries should be even though the jobs may not call for "high "wages.
Suppose a manufacturing plant opens up as a result of these tax incentives....
Should every worker be paid $50k? $75K?....Just to make YOU happy?
Look genius, businesses do not operate to hire people. They operate to turn a profit for their owners and investors. Businesses hire people for positions that when filled, the workers PRODUCE revenue for the company....
Would you open a business and hire people for $20 per hour when their job produces $15 per hour in revenue?.....Be honest...Answer as though it were you taking all of the risks and paying all of the bills....Would you hire people that COST rather than EARN you money?

You think they care about that? They don't care about reality. They care about what they percieve to be injustice. They care about controling others. They care about everything except the people they want to benefit so much.
If you cant afford to pay good wages and benefits then MAN Up and do the labor yourself.
I say we need to form a watchdog to make sure those companies that are getting the people's tax dollars are creating jobs (and high paying ones, not those chincy $35,000 jokes)...if not, stick it to em.

"the people's tax dollars?" When the government cuts your taxes, the extra money you keep is not a gift from "the people." It's your money.

Libs can't open their mouths without making it emphatically clear they believe your net income is a gift from the government. That outlook is an inherent part of being a tic on the ass of society.


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