Class Warfare And Race-Baiting: The Democratic Party Platform For 2012...

It seems these days Paulitician, when called on his foolish and unsupported comments, has taken to frothing at the mouth and spitting. Used to be he would just say nothing. I liked that better.

Yeah, real brilliant in-depth analysis there Einstein. Is that it? Good. Now piss off wanker. :)

See what I mean? Frothing at the mouth and spitting. You could have avoided all of that, not just at me but at everyone, and the thread would be improved dramatically.
It seems these days Paulitician, when called on his foolish and unsupported comments, has taken to frothing at the mouth and spitting. Used to be he would just say nothing. I liked that better.

Yeah, real brilliant in-depth analysis there Einstein. Is that it? Good. Now piss off wanker. :)

See what I mean? Frothing at the mouth and spitting. You could have avoided all of that, not just at me but at everyone, and the thread would be improved dramatically.

Well, some here just want to attack & insult. So i just give it back to em. There are a lot of bullies here who love to dish it out but can't take it. They love attacking, but then go run and tell Mommy when they're attacked. That's very common here. But i love kicking bully ass. And i never run and tell Mommy. But i am sorry i offended you. I'll try not to let that happen again. I mean it.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received.

It's not like you haven't been....

Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

........well thats been the DNC Platform for the last 5 or 6 Decades.....its their only platform.
That's what Porky Limbaugh says, huh??

Yeah, real brilliant in-depth analysis there Einstein. Is that it? Good. Now piss off wanker. :)

See what I mean? Frothing at the mouth and spitting. You could have avoided all of that, not just at me but at everyone, and the thread would be improved dramatically.

Well, some here just want to attack & insult. So i just give it back to em. There are a lot of bullies here who love to dish it out but can't take it. They love attacking, but then go run and tell Mommy when they're attacked. That's very common here. But i love kicking bully ass. And i never run and tell Mommy. But i am sorry i offended you. I'll try not to let that happen again. I mean it.

Your existence here is one, long crying fit. Your OP is an attacking insult. Either you are really dumb and think that was an interesting, thoughtful post.....or you are a lame prick and barfed it here so you could get into a lame argument with people.
See what I mean? Frothing at the mouth and spitting. You could have avoided all of that, not just at me but at everyone, and the thread would be improved dramatically.

Well, some here just want to attack & insult. So i just give it back to em. There are a lot of bullies here who love to dish it out but can't take it. They love attacking, but then go run and tell Mommy when they're attacked. That's very common here. But i love kicking bully ass. And i never run and tell Mommy. But i am sorry i offended you. I'll try not to let that happen again. I mean it.

Your existence here is one, long crying fit. Your OP is an attacking insult. Either you are really dumb and think that was an interesting, thoughtful post.....or you are a lame prick and barfed it here so you could get into a lame argument with people.

Well you're back aren't ya? Why? It's a big site, no one forced ya back here. So just head out and enjoy the rest of the site. See Ya. :)
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Looks like a winning combination. I never intended to unite with you racist white conservatives.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Looks like a winning combination. I never intended to unite with you racist white conservatives.

Yes, we knew that. You're a hateful little Dummy. Not surprising you're a Democrat.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?
and riots from the left will also break out if they lose in 2012!!
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Because Newt dying to be invited to speak at the NAACP so he can "teach" black people how they are supposed to live has nothing to do with race. Right?
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Race-baiting? It seems the GOP is more concerned about race than the Dems,,they talk about it constantly.

And, explain these graphs and why this trend is good for our country's capitalistic economy that is driven 70% by consumer spending. It's no wonder the economic turn-around is dragging, the consumer class doesn't have the expendable income it once had.
By the way, on the graph it shows the top 20% gaining in income, knock out the top 1% and how does that effect that demographics graph lineage? As the graph clearly displays, most Americans are losing while a small group are reaping just about all the rewards of the economy, so we have winners and losers, something like a war.
sounds like you are waging class warfare to me !!!:eek:
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Because Newt dying to be invited to speak at the NAACP so he can "teach" black people how they are supposed to live has nothing to do with race. Right?

:lame2: More silly Race-Baiting. So boring.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

........well thats been the DNC Platform for the last 5 or 6 Decades.....its their only platform.

Nothing new.....just more of the HusSame......

Oh i agree 100%. Looks like it's gonna get especially heinous this time around though. It's sad.

Led by you.

I've noticed that most of your posts are full of hate and venom. You're like Gramps - You make really ridiculous accusations that you cannot back up and then sit back while the usual suspects line up to say "ditto".

There hasn't been any "class warfare and race-baiting" from the Dems and we all know it.

Or do you have proof?
I don't care what narrative any party or media puts on our situation, the bottom line the USG socialized the rich & bankers. Many of the largest companies & their unions got secretly bailed out with a $16.1 TRILLION secret bailout. This was robbed from the citizens over many years as they made bad loans driving down the value of our wages. Those trillions should have been handed out back to the citizens who are the victims of this scheme & not the bankers who caused this mess. The citizens would have deposited this money in the banks or spent it stimulating the economy. At least the money would be in our named accounts instead of the bankers who screwed us in the first place.

Bailed-out Zombie Banks have screwed the people of Japan for 20 years. Now they are screwing US with the same exact scheme. I will not vote for any asshole who continues this policy. This money must be taken back from these companies or give the rest of us the same amount. And don't tell me they paid it all back. That is a load of crap. The Fed's balance sheet is stacked full of bad paper from these corrupt crony capitalist. Paying back $700 billion of $16.1 trillion is not a payback, it just covers the interest they owe us.

Just in case you were wondering: $16.1 trillion divided by the US population is $52,000 each or $160,000 per household. That would have saved most from foreclosure.

Any Fucking Questions????????????????
Source: GAO analysis of Federal Reserve System data. GAO-11-696 Federal Reserve System.
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Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Because Newt dying to be invited to speak at the NAACP so he can "teach" black people how they are supposed to live has nothing to do with race. Right?
thanks for proving the OPs point !!!
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?
And here you are parroting your GOP Talking-Point Marching Orders. :eusa_shhh:
And yes you CON$ are despicable.
And yes you CON$ are despicable.

Then so are our Founding Fathers since they too favored freedom from big liberal government.

Please tell us which of the Founders are most despicable to you and why.
The Liberal Founding Fathers despised Big Government CON$ervatism deciding what's right and what's wrong for everyone else.

January 04, 2012
RUSH: In certain things, conservatives actually do like a big government. For example, conservatives do want an activist government defending what's right and attacking what's wrong.
Can ANYONE tell me how anybody who makes as much money as Romney relates to those who work to barely make ends meet? Answer? You cant. I could NEVER vote for somebody who wants to bet $10,000 in a gentleman's bet because anyone who makes less than $50,000 to him is scum of the earth who deserves no right to be alive. This is inarguable and yes class warfare is alive and well. Thank god.

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