Class Warfare And Race-Baiting: The Democratic Party Platform For 2012...

The land of the dream is el flusho down the toilet o. Its about the wealthy vs the the have nots. Thats what this country has been built on.
And yes you CON$ are despicable.

Then so are our Founding Fathers since they too favored freedom from big liberal government.

Please tell us which of the Founders are most despicable to you and why.

Man EdB, where do you come up with this stuff?

The Founding Fathers let corporations only exist for 20 to 30 years and allowed the corporations to deal in only one commodity and not own shares in other businesses. I say we return to the vision of our Founding Fathers!
When the economy is collapsing CLASS issues always come to the fore.


Well that's easy to figure out.

When this sort of economy is happening, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

I know it scares the rich that the poor are waking up.

As well it should, I note.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Race-baiting? It seems the GOP is more concerned about race than the Dems,,they talk about it constantly.

And, explain these graphs and why this trend is good for our country's capitalistic economy that is driven 70% by consumer spending. It's no wonder the economic turn-around is dragging, the consumer class doesn't have the expendable income it once had.
By the way, on the graph it shows the top 20% gaining in income, knock out the top 1% and how does that effect that demographics graph lineage? As the graph clearly displays, most Americans are losing while a small group are reaping just about all the rewards of the economy, so we have winners and losers, something like a war.
sounds like you are waging class warfare to me !!!:eek:

It seems to me that you are missing the obvious and you're doing it intentionally. Facts are facts. Look how the income gap grew since the mid-90'. Also consider that both the recession of 2001 and 2007 were only six years apart and that both recoveries took longer than previous recessions. Find me one economist that isn't a partisan tool who thinks that such a big income gap is good for America and America's economy. Also explain to me how a consumer driven economy can be strong when the working class (which makes up a majority of the consumer class) is losing it''s expendable income and makes it more prohibitive to contribute to the US economy. That's good? How?
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012.

How is this different from any other year?

I hear ya. But it looks like it's gonna be even worse this time around. 'Divide and Conquer.' That's what it's all about for the Democrats. We'll see if the American People buy into it in November. I sure hope not.
What else do the Democrats have?

3 years, no budget, $5,000,000,000,000 in new debt, record deficits, inflation, $4 gas and counting, new wars, Solyndra, 45,000,000 still unemployed, worthless $, no foreign policy, stock market below 2004 levels, bailouts, Obamacare....

Best stick with race baiting and class warfare.
What else do the Democrats have?

3 years, no budget, $5,000,000,000,000 in new debt, record deficits, inflation, $4 gas and counting, new wars, Solyndra, 45,000,000 still unemployed, worthless $, no foreign policy, stock market below 2004 levels, bailouts, Obamacare....

Best stick with race baiting and class warfare.

The income gap shouldn't be a partisan issue but it has become one only because the GOP is so active at defending the wealthy and absolutely not defending the broader demographic working class.
I'm get news letters from several economic think tanks and publications. Today I received on from the Center for Economic and Policy Research which addresses low wages and compares the US to other rich nations:

"The experience of the United States stands primarily as a model for how not to succeed in reducing low-wage work. The United States has the lowest unionization rate among rich countries, a weak minimum wage, a stingy benefits system, and the highest rate of low-wage work among rich economies. About one-fourth of U.S. workers are in low-wage jobs, according to the standard international definition of low-wage work of earning less than two-thirds of the national median wage. (The median wage is the wage received by the worker exactly in the middle of the wage distribution.)"
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012.

How is this different from any other year?

I hear ya. But it looks like it's gonna be even worse this time around. 'Divide and Conquer.' That's what it's all about for the Democrats. We'll see if the American People buy into it in November. I sure hope not.

All anyone had to do was listen to his SOTU speech and they got a clue how his campaign is gonna go. Fair Share galore.

Hell. He can't run on his record or his "historic" HC clusterfuck so divide and conquer is the only row for him to hoe.

Oh and you silly people should know by now that if you disagree with his polices your a racist.
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Will this Democrat Platform be enough in 2012? I guess we'll see.
The Republicans excel at class-warfare and race-baiting. They invented it.

Case in point below.

U.S. News - Conn. mayor's 'tacos' comment in Latino profiling case draws outrage

Conn. mayor's 'tacos' comment in Latino profiling case draws outrage

The mayor of East Haven, Conn., came under a torrent of criticism Wednesday for telling a TV reporter “I might have tacos” when asked about how he would support the Latino community in the aftermath of the arrest of four town police officers accused of racially profiling and bullying Latino residents.

Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy called Mayor Joseph Maturo's comments "repugnant" and "unacceptable." An attorney for some Latinos suing the town police department called the comments “appalling.” Some residents said the mayor should step down.

Maturo sought to backtrack Wednesday, issuing a statement of public apology.

yeah the guys a real idiot
How unfortunate you're on the verge of nominating for the GOP Candidate a guy already indulging in Class Warfare....Newt Gingrich.

If he wins the nomination it's going to be because he successfully attacked Romney for being successful. That's going to make crying "CLASS WARFARE" awfully hard to do for Newt when you can play the clips of him complaining about how rich Romney is.
That's all they got since they cant run on their record.

Can anybody currently running? Seriously. It's looking like Newt is going to be the nominee and if you want to run on his record, you need help. Romney isn't that much better as his record will win over Democrats and probably run off the Conservatives.

If you want someone that can run on their record, your best bet at this point is Ron Paul.

BTW: @Lovebear: Point 2 on your Avatar has been accomplished. All of the the Borders are closed. It's too bad too because I really enjoyed that store ;)
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When the economy is collapsing CLASS issues always come to the fore.


Well that's easy to figure out.

When this sort of economy is happening, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

I know it scares the rich that the poor are waking up.

As well it should, I note.
It's true that they (the poor working class who have been duped badly in America now) are waking up somewhat to the situation that they have been held in for the last 20 years looking back now, and hey good for us that we are all waking up finally, but what many must becareful of now, is to ignore the fact that one or maybe even a special interest group leader could rise up out of the situation, to then just simply step up and CLAIM, that he or she is the saviour of the poor beat down working class in America, and that he or she will fight for the oppressed and suppressed in the situation, yet we soon find out that we have been duped by an opportunist, for whom just smelled weakness in the over all situation, and did pounce all over such weakness when it was finally found.

THis person or such a group leader will then use the situation to their advantage or to the groups advantage, to shift wealth to their group and/or cause through this new found weakness, in which doesn't work for all Americans either in such a case, yet could very easily be again shaping up to be unleashed for the next 4 years and beyond, if not careful as an electorate whom should get educated on these things pronto.

It almost seems as if there are no alternatives or viable options in this race for the American people on whole, but there are plenty of alternatives for special interest groups and their leaders to be found in these events/elections taking place in America anymore. I guess what we will see again and again, is the battle between the haves, and the have not's who wish someday to have, while the real Americans who are the working class family types who are caught in the middle, go unrepresented yet again & again in this class warfare game being waged vigoriously in America (sadly) for group opportunist reasons.

Both sides are guilty of this game being played now, while millions of true Americans await their arrival hopefully sooner than later to finally show up in their favor.:eusa_pray:

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