Class warfare?

No libertarian success stories exist, right?
what has facilitated the growth of all modern economies (Communism? Fascism? Anarchism?) ? If not for people "working hard to get ahead", then what would generate wealth (friends from space?) ?
Widdekind, stay on track, please.

Give us a success story of libertarianism. Mainstream economic endeavor within the social compact is not libertarianism.
Class warfare is a republican talking point, and has been for years. Always to indicate that the middle and lower classes are trying to wage ware against the rich, to get more of the economic pie.

liberals want to divide and conquer with class war just as Marx described. Its not surprising that our liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. Marx taught that the rich, in effect, steal from the lower classes while conservative intellectuals know that the pie expands for all in the absence if liberal programs that attack the middle and lower classes such as:

1) Great Society near -genocide against, primarily, blacks
2) allowing 20 million illegal workers
3) union and tax policy that ships millions of jobs off-shore
4) socialist health care that is 5 times more costly than capitalism would be
Ed, you never provide proof of anything. Healthcare, for instance, is more expensive in the us than anywhere else. And has been for many years. And, by the way, it is indeed capitalist in nature, except that states have a right to say what they require. If you are a republican, then why would you have a problem with states rights, correct ed me boy.
So, apparently you are predicting that the Affordable Healthcare Act will be more expensive still, which does not jive with the CBO estimates. But, you are consistent. Don't mess with our health insurance companies, let them do their thing as they always have.(ignore the fact that policies have been increasing by 20% per year). Just put out that tea party dogma.

We could cover your other points, which are equally nonsense. But why waste the time. We all know your a right wing tool.
No libertarian success stories exist, right?

you should probably start by finding a libertarian success story. Got one?
please provide an example of a Libertarian failure ?
Here is the problem with libertarian success. As a country attempts to follow the libertarian ideas, the country moves toward fascism. Fascism based on the definition that the countries government is taken over by the wealthy. Then, typically, there is rebellion of the masses.
So we don't ever see libertarian failures directly. We simply see the aftermath. Libertarian ism of a country does not work, because the option to take over the countries economy by those wealthy and powerful enough always sidelines libertarian ism. Has as much chance of success as communism, for similar reasons.
You wanted no government involvement in your life

You got it in Somalia

Kind of like a Libertarian "It's a Wonderful Life"
Libertarian government upholds the rule of law, protecting private property, the basis of economics. Without first protecting existing property, growth cannot even be begun.

you can seriously claim that Somalia is "Libertarian", and nobody (but me) will call you on it?

No libertarian success stories exist, right?

please provide an example of a Libertarian failure ?
Here is the problem with libertarian success. As a country attempts to follow the libertarian ideas, the country moves toward fascism.
Fascism is no more Libertarian, than Communism. Manipulation of government, to oppress citizens, by any party against any other party, is "playing politics" -- not "doing business" by "working hard to get ahead" like a Libertarian.

i fear there seems to be no means of "correcting once and for all" major misconceptions. If Libertarianism can be called something it is not; and then if nobody ever calls or gets called on that fact; then there is no debate, everybody's mind has already been made up (to whatever purpose), in error, about which errors they (somehow) care not

I don't know about the link, but I do know that the wealthy class in America long ago declared war on the rest of society

cite one statistic that shows US wages are "at all-time lows". In reality, every statistic i have seen shows that they are at all time highs. The most depressed statistic (household income) has plateaued over the past decade; every other index is still surging. But not even the "worst" statistic shows any decline. In real terms, US wages are at all time highs. Why does the bogusness not end now?
Some day I would truly love to see real CAPITALISM in action.

Never happen, of course.

The RICH would never allow that to happen.

Not as long as they OWN government, at least.

I don't know about the link, but I do know that the wealthy class in America long ago declared war on the rest of society

cite one statistic that shows US wages are "at all-time lows". In reality, every statistic i have seen shows that they are at all time highs. The most depressed statistic (household income) has plateaued over the past decade; every other index is still surging. But not even the "worst" statistic shows any decline. In real terms, US wages are at all time highs. Why does the bogusness not end now?

All time "highs"? But tell us what that means in relation to purchasing power relative to 1980,1990, 2000, and 2010.
Try to live on $25,000 a year with a family of our, Widdekind, and come back and tell us what is wrong with that.

If you're only making 25K then then don't have kids you can't afford.

What's wrong with that?

And when did the standard of fair pay become enough to support a family of four?
According to the OP, Apple's "poorly paid store employees here in the US" earn $12 / hour, or about $25K / year. Those are some of the highest wages on planet earth. What's wrong with $12 / hour ?

Well, $12 sucks. I estimate it would be almost double without liberal interference in the ecoonomy. Capitalist health care would kick it up to $16 alone.

Don't you understand that Microsoft would have us working 60 hours a week for $4.50 an hour without regulation?

Prove it.
Treat your workers as cash cows, as buyers of your products and goods and services, by paying them, good wages and salaries,

our high wages are costing us jobs by the millions as it is. It stands to reason that a liberal would figure even higher wages is even better!!

Why not look at China. In 1985 they bought 5000 cars, today they buy 18 million/year. It is greatest Republican capitalist miracle in human history and done on what a brain dead liberal sees as low low low wages!!

Our "high wages" do not allow workers to buy homes, send their kids to college or buy healthcare

Meanwhile, CEOs make hundred times more than the average worker. How much do your Republican Chinese CEOs make?

You have yet to prove that cutting some peoples' pay will increase other peoples' pay.
our high wages are costing us jobs by the millions as it is. It stands to reason that a liberal would figure even higher wages is even better!!

Why not look at China. In 1985 they bought 5000 cars, today they buy 18 million/year. It is greatest Republican capitalist miracle in human history and done on what a brain dead liberal sees as low low low wages!!

Our "high wages" do not allow workers to buy homes, send their kids to college or buy healthcare

Meanwhile, CEOs make hundred times more than the average worker. How much do your Republican Chinese CEOs make?

You have yet to prove that cutting some peoples' pay will increase other peoples' pay.

That is not the point.

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