Classic ignorant Trump hater...

Trump needs to get a much better handle on the issues. He was clearly unprepared and unable to answer Chris Wallace's question about how his tax plan would balance the budget. All he had to say was that an across-the-board cut of 15% imposed over three years (5% per year) would balance the budget in three years.

Also, in too many cases he does not do a good job of responding to attacks.

He needs to invest some time with a good debate coach. But first he must brush up on the issues.
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

You are correct here. Too many people make up their minds based on the sound bites they hear from so-called experts and from celebrities they drool over. Rather than study the candidates thoroughly and make up their minds based upon what they hear and see of the candidates, they go with the opinions of biased news media talking heads. They are too lazy or too stupid or BOTH to make up their own minds.

Look at history. Learn from it. Learn to discern when politicians LIE about who did what in the past. For example, too many people think that the Democrats brought about civil rights for minorities and are true champions of the impoverished black communities. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The KKK came out of the Democratic South. Democrats opposed the civil rights that Republicans championed for decades before they finally saw it as a chance to win the votes that they previously fought against offering. It wasn't until 1964 that the Democrats saw it as a way to create the welfare plantation, allowing blacks to quit picking cotton and start picking up welfare checks in exchange for their votes. LBJ actually did say, when he signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act that he would "have these ******* voting Democrat for the next hunderd years". Blacks still vote predominantly Democrat because they do not see the damage the Democrats have done to their culture. They see only the freebies that the Democrats continue to offer....and they forget (or are completely ignorant of the fact) that the Democrats RELUCTANTLY granted them the rights that Republicans had long fought for. They seem to forget also that it was Lincoln, A REPUBLICAN that freed the slaves.
Trump needs to get a much better handle on the issues. He was clearly unprepared and unable to answer Chris Wallace's question about how his tax plan would balance the budget. All he had to say was that an across-the-board cut of 15% imposed over three years (5% per year) would balance the budget in three years.

Also, in too many cases he does not do a good job of responding to attacks.

He needs to invest some time with a good debate coach. But first he must brush up on the issues.

Wannabe King Drumph is not interested in "good debate" or being knowledgeable about issues. He's using the "reality tv" playbook wherein the obnoxious jerk with the biggest, loudest foul mouth gets the most air time. He uses one syllable words, with few exceptions. All hype, no substance. He says, "I'll build a wall and it will be huuuuuuuge just like my dick!" And then the poorly educated people cheer.
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

Well, your problem is --Trump isn't going to get within 1000 miles of the White House.

All the Trump bla, bla, bla in the world isn't going to make up for offending 23 million Hispanics right into Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee since Reagan, needs at least 40% of this block. This year they need 46%. Trump is polling at a Negative 80% with this block. Univision, the largest Hispanic cable T.V. in this country cut off Trump several months ago. Republican Latino's have already stated they will not support a Trump nominee.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

What is absolutely fascinating to me about a Trump supporter. Donald Trump knows how important the Latino vote is, but his supporters don't. In 2012 he blasted Republicans for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right. The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush who won 44% of this block, and Romney lost by only capturing 27% of this block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Maybe one of you Trump supporters can answer this. So what candidate goes into a race that actually wants to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that wants to win, or possibly a candidate that wants to drive the election into someone else's lap.

Don't worry you'll have the next 4 to 8 years of Hillary Clinton in the oval office to ponder that question.



Last edited:
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

Well, your problem is --Trump isn't going to get within 1000 miles of the White House.

All the Trump bla, bla, bla in the world isn't going to make up for offending 23 million Hispanics right into Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee since Reagan, needs at least 40% of this block. This year they need 46%. Trump is polling at a Negative 80% with this block. Univision, the largest Hispanic cable T.V. in this country cut off Trump several months ago. Republican Latino's have already stated they will not support a Trump nominee.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

What is absolutely fascinating to me about a Trump supporter. Donald Trump knows how important the Latino vote is, but his supporters don't. In 2012 he blasted Republicans for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right. The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush who won 44% of this block, and Romney lost by only capturing 27% of this block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Maybe one of you Trump supporters can answer this. So what candidate goes into a race that actually wants to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that wants to win, or possibly a candidate that wants to drive the election into someone else's lap.

Don't worry you'll have the next 4 to 8 years of Hillary Clinton in the oval office to ponder that question.


Here is how I see it.

I was never a Republican, and I am a lapsed Democrat. (With age comes wisdom.) I do not even live in the USA anymore, I live down under, (truth in advertising)
but as an American who served in the US military I understand the support for Trump.

I am not saying I agree with many of the statements he makes (I often wonder if he believes half of what he is saying?) but I get it.

Washington has failed the USA.

Both Dems and Republicans have failed.

They do not seem to get what happened during the GFC, they keep engaging in wars with no thought about how to win them, what victory really requires and means and they seem to have no clue how the American dream is down, not out, but down and being counted out by the referee of time, fate and history..

Both parties have failed the great American working and middle class, in different ways, but both are failing.

And so the Trump vote is a vote for anything other than the same old same old tired, elite, failing shit.

And I get that.

It is saying let's try anything else but the same old same old.

Because it just can't get any worse than what established politics, both left and right, have on offer.

I reckon in office, the guy might astonish.

He is not the tired political hack, and I reckon as Putin did for Russia, he might restore American confidence in itself. (Hopefully sans the Putin authoritarianism. But then Americans are far more immune to a "strong man" than most cultures in history, they will follow great leadership but they will not bend, bow or obey.)

I would not have said this even two months ago, but I think Trump would beat Hilary Clinton in a general election. And I think he is the only Republican (even if he is a Trumplican) who can.

He would turn it into a race of new ideas against a tired political hack who is owned and on the leash of established power.

And he would win.
The picture or the sat
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

Well, your problem is --Trump isn't going to get within 1000 miles of the White House.

All the Trump bla, bla, bla in the world isn't going to make up for offending 23 million Hispanics right into Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee since Reagan, needs at least 40% of this block. This year they need 46%. Trump is polling at a Negative 80% with this block. Univision, the largest Hispanic cable T.V. in this country cut off Trump several months ago. Republican Latino's have already stated they will not support a Trump nominee.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

What is absolutely fascinating to me about a Trump supporter. Donald Trump knows how important the Latino vote is, but his supporters don't. In 2012 he blasted Republicans for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right. The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush who won 44% of this block, and Romney lost by only capturing 27% of this block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Maybe one of you Trump supporters can answer this. So what candidate goes into a race that actually wants to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that wants to win, or possibly a candidate that wants to drive the election into someone else's lap.

Don't worry you'll have the next 4 to 8 years of Hillary Clinton in the oval office to ponder that question.



The picture or that statement is not going to work for you Trump supporters. If they going to lock her up, they need to make room for Condi Rice and Colin Powell also.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

You're also avoiding my question: Maybe one of you Trump supporters can answer this. So what candidate goes into a race that actually wants to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that wants to win, or possibly a candidate that wants to drive the election into someone else's lap.
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

You are correct here. Too many people make up their minds based on the sound bites they hear from so-called experts and from celebrities they drool over. Rather than study the candidates thoroughly and make up their minds based upon what they hear and see of the candidates, they go with the opinions of biased news media talking heads. They are too lazy or too stupid or BOTH to make up their own minds.

Look at history. Learn from it. Learn to discern when politicians LIE about who did what in the past. For example, too many people think that the Democrats brought about civil rights for minorities and are true champions of the impoverished black communities. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The KKK came out of the Democratic South. Democrats opposed the civil rights that Republicans championed for decades before they finally saw it as a chance to win the votes that they previously fought against offering. It wasn't until 1964 that the Democrats saw it as a way to create the welfare plantation, allowing blacks to quit picking cotton and start picking up welfare checks in exchange for their votes. LBJ actually did say, when he signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act that he would "have these ******* voting Democrat for the next hunderd years". Blacks still vote predominantly Democrat because they do not see the damage the Democrats have done to their culture. They see only the freebies that the Democrats continue to offer....and they forget (or are completely ignorant of the fact) that the Democrats RELUCTANTLY granted them the rights that Republicans had long fought for. They seem to forget also that it was Lincoln, A REPUBLICAN that freed the slaves.

Your racist rant is duly noted. People who know our actual history also know that you're misrepresenting it. The Democrats did in fact bring about civil rights with the help of progressive Republicans. However, the Southern Democrats objected and broke away from the Democratic party and formed their own party (the Dixiecrats). Progressive Republicans shifted over to the Democratic party, and the DixieCrats and anti-progress Republicans combined to form the present day Republican party. The Republican party that exists today is not Abraham Lincoln's party. You belong in the same category as Cliven Bundy who tells us about "the Negro" who never learned to pick cotton. Your references to the "welfare plantation", etc., are offensive.
The picture or the sat
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

Well, your problem is --Trump isn't going to get within 1000 miles of the White House.

All the Trump bla, bla, bla in the world isn't going to make up for offending 23 million Hispanics right into Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee since Reagan, needs at least 40% of this block. This year they need 46%. Trump is polling at a Negative 80% with this block. Univision, the largest Hispanic cable T.V. in this country cut off Trump several months ago. Republican Latino's have already stated they will not support a Trump nominee.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

What is absolutely fascinating to me about a Trump supporter. Donald Trump knows how important the Latino vote is, but his supporters don't. In 2012 he blasted Republicans for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right. The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush who won 44% of this block, and Romney lost by only capturing 27% of this block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Maybe one of you Trump supporters can answer this. So what candidate goes into a race that actually wants to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that wants to win, or possibly a candidate that wants to drive the election into someone else's lap.

Don't worry you'll have the next 4 to 8 years of Hillary Clinton in the oval office to ponder that question.



The picture or that statement is not going to work for you Trump supporters. If they going to lock her up, they need to make room for Condi Rice and Colin Powell also.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

You're also avoiding my question: Maybe one of you Trump supporters can answer this. So what candidate goes into a race that actually wants to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that wants to win, or possibly a candidate that wants to drive the election into someone else's lap.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm appalled by the people who are slurping up his tripe. But if I was going to embrace a conspiracy theory, it would be this one: The Drumph and Hillary orchestrating a real life scenario of "Wag the Dog" hoping the sane people in this country will disregard Hillary's skeletons and overwhelmingly vote for her rather than risk the presidency falling into Drumph's hands who plays the hell out of his short-fingered vulgarian persona. There isn't much reality in reality television.
The picture or the sat
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

Well, your problem is --Trump isn't going to get within 1000 miles of the White House.

All the Trump bla, bla, bla in the world isn't going to make up for offending 23 million Hispanics right into Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee since Reagan, needs at least 40% of this block. This year they need 46%. Trump is polling at a Negative 80% with this block. Univision, the largest Hispanic cable T.V. in this country cut off Trump several months ago. Republican Latino's have already stated they will not support a Trump nominee.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

What is absolutely fascinating to me about a Trump supporter. Donald Trump knows how important the Latino vote is, but his supporters don't. In 2012 he blasted Republicans for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right. The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush who won 44% of this block, and Romney lost by only capturing 27% of this block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Maybe one of you Trump supporters can answer this. So what candidate goes into a race that actually wants to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that wants to win, or possibly a candidate that wants to drive the election into someone else's lap.

Don't worry you'll have the next 4 to 8 years of Hillary Clinton in the oval office to ponder that question.



The picture or that statement is not going to work for you Trump supporters. If they going to lock her up, they need to make room for Condi Rice and Colin Powell also.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

You're also avoiding my question: Maybe one of you Trump supporters can answer this. So what candidate goes into a race that actually wants to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that wants to win, or possibly a candidate that wants to drive the election into someone else's lap.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm appalled by the people who are slurping up his tripe. But if I was going to embrace a conspiracy theory, it would be this one: The Drumph and Hillary orchestrating a real life scenario of "Wag the Dog" hoping the sane people in this country will disregard Hillary's skeletons and overwhelmingly vote for her rather than risk the presidency falling into Drumph's hands who plays the hell out of his short-fingered vulgarian persona. There isn't much reality in reality television.

I don't think that is what happened, but if it was, the person that came up with the idea and made it work deserves a big raise.
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

So the Old Lady instinctively came up with the right answer while you "spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems" and are barricaded behind the wall of right-wing propaganda. You wasted lots of time becoming stupid and tried to infect the poor Lady with your negativity. Thank goodness she had the smarts to tell you to fuck off.
I was never a Republican, and I am a lapsed Democrat. (With age comes wisdom.) I do not even live in the USA anymore, I live down under, (truth in advertising)
but as an American who served in the US military I understand the support for Trump.

I am not saying I agree with many of the statements he makes (I often wonder if he believes half of what he is saying?) but I get it.

Washington has failed the USA.

Both Dems and Republicans have failed.

They do not seem to get what happened during the GFC, they keep engaging in wars with no thought about how to win them, what victory really requires and means and they seem to have no clue how the American dream is down, not out, but down and being counted out by the referee of time, fate and history..

Both parties have failed the great American working and middle class, in different ways, but both are failing.

And so the Trump vote is a vote for anything other than the same old same old tired, elite, failing shit.

And I get that.

It is saying let's try anything else but the same old same old.

Because it just can't get any worse than what established politics, both left and right, have on offer.

I reckon in office, the guy might astonish.

He is not the tired political hack, and I reckon as Putin did for Russia, he might restore American confidence in itself. (Hopefully sans the Putin authoritarianism. But then Americans are far more immune to a "strong man" than most cultures in history, they will follow great leadership but they will not bend, bow or obey.)

I would not have said this even two months ago, but I think Trump would beat Hilary Clinton in a general election. And I think he is the only Republican (even if he is a Trumplican) who can.

He would turn it into a race of new ideas against a tired political hack who is owned and on the leash of established power.

And he would win.[/QUOTE]
Wow, maybe one has to leave the US to gain a sense of perspective. On this forum I've often noted that those that are supporting trump don't necessarily agree with his loudmouth bravado. He's just not the same old canned idiots.

It should be an interesting election, I've continually noted that people that I know who would never consider voting for trump will look you in the eye and say "unless he runs against Hillary". I have to admit I personally would never vote for Hillary, I'd vote for Stalin first. 6 months ago I'd have told you that between Hillary and Trump I would throw my vote away and vote third party or write in my own name. Now I don't know I still will never vote for Hillary but I might vote for Trump just to throw a wrench into the insanity that this country has become.
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

You are correct here. Too many people make up their minds based on the sound bites they hear from so-called experts and from celebrities they drool over. Rather than study the candidates thoroughly and make up their minds based upon what they hear and see of the candidates, they go with the opinions of biased news media talking heads. They are too lazy or too stupid or BOTH to make up their own minds.

Look at history. Learn from it. Learn to discern when politicians LIE about who did what in the past. For example, too many people think that the Democrats brought about civil rights for minorities and are true champions of the impoverished black communities. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The KKK came out of the Democratic South. Democrats opposed the civil rights that Republicans championed for decades before they finally saw it as a chance to win the votes that they previously fought against offering. It wasn't until 1964 that the Democrats saw it as a way to create the welfare plantation, allowing blacks to quit picking cotton and start picking up welfare checks in exchange for their votes. LBJ actually did say, when he signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act that he would "have these ******* voting Democrat for the next hunderd years". Blacks still vote predominantly Democrat because they do not see the damage the Democrats have done to their culture. They see only the freebies that the Democrats continue to offer....and they forget (or are completely ignorant of the fact) that the Democrats RELUCTANTLY granted them the rights that Republicans had long fought for. They seem to forget also that it was Lincoln, A REPUBLICAN that freed the slaves.
Here is how I see it.

I was never a Republican, and I am a lapsed Democrat. (With age comes wisdom.) I do not even live in the USA anymore, I live down under, (truth in advertising)
but as an American who served in the US military I understand the support for Trump.

I am not saying I agree with many of the statements he makes (I often wonder if he believes half of what he is saying?) but I get it.

Washington has failed the USA.

Both Dems and Republicans have failed.

They do not seem to get what happened during the GFC, they keep engaging in wars with no thought about how to win them, what victory really requires and means and they seem to have no clue how the American dream is down, not out, but down and being counted out by the referee of time, fate and history..

Both parties have failed the great American working and middle class, in different ways, but both are failing.

And so the Trump vote is a vote for anything other than the same old same old tired, elite, failing shit.

And I get that.

It is saying let's try anything else but the same old same old.

Because it just can't get any worse than what established politics, both left and right, have on offer.

I reckon in office, the guy might astonish.

He is not the tired political hack, and I reckon as Putin did for Russia, he might restore American confidence in itself. (Hopefully sans the Putin authoritarianism. But then Americans are far more immune to a "strong man" than most cultures in history, they will follow great leadership but they will not bend, bow or obey.)

I would not have said this even two months ago, but I think Trump would beat Hilary Clinton in a general election. And I think he is the only Republican (even if he is a Trumplican) who can.

He would turn it into a race of new ideas against a tired political hack who is owned and on the leash of established power.

And he would win.
Wow, maybe one has to leave the US to gain a sense of perspective. On this forum I've often noted that those that are supporting trump don't necessarily agree with his loudmouth bravado. He's just not the same old canned idiots.

It should be an interesting election, I've continually noted that people that I know who would never consider voting for trump will look you in the eye and say "unless he runs against Hillary". I have to admit I personally would never vote for Hillary, I'd vote for Stalin first. 6 months ago I'd have told you that between Hillary and Trump I would throw my vote away and vote third party or write in my own name. Now I don't know I still will never vote for Hillary but I might vote for Trump just to throw a wrench into the insanity that this country has become.
I was never a Republican, and I am a lapsed Democrat. (With age comes wisdom.) I do not even live in the USA anymore, I live down under, (truth in advertising)
but as an American who served in the US military I understand the support for Trump.

I am not saying I agree with many of the statements he makes (I often wonder if he believes half of what he is saying?) but I get it.

Washington has failed the USA.

Both Dems and Republicans have failed.

They do not seem to get what happened during the GFC, they keep engaging in wars with no thought about how to win them, what victory really requires and means and they seem to have no clue how the American dream is down, not out, but down and being counted out by the referee of time, fate and history..

Both parties have failed the great American working and middle class, in different ways, but both are failing.

And so the Trump vote is a vote for anything other than the same old same old tired, elite, failing shit.

And I get that.

It is saying let's try anything else but the same old same old.

Because it just can't get any worse than what established politics, both left and right, have on offer.

I reckon in office, the guy might astonish.

He is not the tired political hack, and I reckon as Putin did for Russia, he might restore American confidence in itself. (Hopefully sans the Putin authoritarianism. But then Americans are far more immune to a "strong man" than most cultures in history, they will follow great leadership but they will not bend, bow or obey.)

I would not have said this even two months ago, but I think Trump would beat Hilary Clinton in a general election. And I think he is the only Republican (even if he is a Trumplican) who can.

He would turn it into a race of new ideas against a tired political hack who is owned and on the leash of established power.

And he would win.
Wow, maybe one has to leave the US to gain a sense of perspective. On this forum I've often noted that those that are supporting trump don't necessarily agree with his loudmouth bravado. He's just not the same old canned idiots.

It should be an interesting election, I've continually noted that people that I know who would never consider voting for trump will look you in the eye and say "unless he runs against Hillary". I have to admit I personally would never vote for Hillary, I'd vote for Stalin first. 6 months ago I'd have told you that between Hillary and Trump I would throw my vote away and vote third party or write in my own name. Now I don't know I still will never vote for Hillary but I might vote for Trump just to throw a wrench into the insanity that this country has become.[/QUOTE]

A vote for Trump is a vote to increase the insanity.A vote for the party whose hateful and fear filled rhetoric , along with right wing radio,created Trump, is the same.
I was never a Republican, and I am a lapsed Democrat. (With age comes wisdom.) I do not even live in the USA anymore, I live down under, (truth in advertising)
but as an American who served in the US military I understand the support for Trump.

I am not saying I agree with many of the statements he makes (I often wonder if he believes half of what he is saying?) but I get it.

Washington has failed the USA.

Both Dems and Republicans have failed.

They do not seem to get what happened during the GFC, they keep engaging in wars with no thought about how to win them, what victory really requires and means and they seem to have no clue how the American dream is down, not out, but down and being counted out by the referee of time, fate and history..

Both parties have failed the great American working and middle class, in different ways, but both are failing.

And so the Trump vote is a vote for anything other than the same old same old tired, elite, failing shit.

And I get that.

It is saying let's try anything else but the same old same old.

Because it just can't get any worse than what established politics, both left and right, have on offer.

I reckon in office, the guy might astonish.

He is not the tired political hack, and I reckon as Putin did for Russia, he might restore American confidence in itself. (Hopefully sans the Putin authoritarianism. But then Americans are far more immune to a "strong man" than most cultures in history, they will follow great leadership but they will not bend, bow or obey.)

I would not have said this even two months ago, but I think Trump would beat Hilary Clinton in a general election. And I think he is the only Republican (even if he is a Trumplican) who can.

He would turn it into a race of new ideas against a tired political hack who is owned and on the leash of established power.

And he would win.
Wow, maybe one has to leave the US to gain a sense of perspective. On this forum I've often noted that those that are supporting trump don't necessarily agree with his loudmouth bravado. He's just not the same old canned idiots.

It should be an interesting election, I've continually noted that people that I know who would never consider voting for trump will look you in the eye and say "unless he runs against Hillary". I have to admit I personally would never vote for Hillary, I'd vote for Stalin first. 6 months ago I'd have told you that between Hillary and Trump I would throw my vote away and vote third party or write in my own name. Now I don't know I still will never vote for Hillary but I might vote for Trump just to throw a wrench into the insanity that this country has become.

For me a vote for Hillary is to just plain give up and succumb to the insanity. When trapped on a desert island knowing you're going to die, why not swim off into the ocean and take the one in a ten billion chance you will be spotted by a passing ship?
Beats certain failure.

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