Classical liberalism

Classical Liberalism is a construct of the right to use as a wedge issue. Period. The Enlightenment produced a number of political economists and theorists who wrote about a new idea - power to the people in contemporary language.

Today we have two factions fighting for power. One is the party of the people; and the other party, the party of the power elite. Of course both claim to want freedom to ring throughout the land but one wants to restrict some freedoms, such as, birth control, abortion, the right to marry who they love; and the other wants to take away the money of the very rich to aid the poor and the many.

One believes God is on their side and they act in His stead - they pass laws to prevent what they decide are immoral and sinful behavior and proudly speak of their love for God; the other party is pragmatic and recognize that some behaviors are unhealthy and lead to chronic illnesses, they provide medical care and counseling and most of all education before such behaviors turn into habits. Some ask God for guidance.
Today we have two factions fighting for power. One is the party of the people; and the other party, the party of the power elite.

I see your brainwashing is complete. :lmao:
Our founding fathers did not seek to implement limited government. They constructed the best government they could which was limited by revenue, geography and technology. They were also limited by 18th century ideology which was evolving at a rapid pace
Our founding fathers did not seek to implement limited government. They constructed the best government they could which was limited by revenue, geography and technology. They were also limited by 18th century ideology which was evolving at a rapid pace


It's laugh at moron Friday! Have a ball, ya'll!
Our Constitution does not contain the words "limited government" what it does contain is broad guidance on how our government should be constructed and what the roles of each branch are

Today's liberals, like the so called classical liberals want one thing out of what needs to be done

Simple concept that has worked for 200 years

Regardless of your interpretation of history, or the founders 'true' intent, so-called classical liberals decidedly don't want government to 'do what needs to be done'. They want people to decide for themselves what needs to be done and do it voluntarily. Government is, primarily, a means of coercing conformity.

To be clear, I'm not interested in tedious fights over the definition of terms, but there are two very real, and very different, perspectives at play here. Pretending they are the same isn't helping.
People that preach against "limited" government must mean they advocate big government. I'm thinking these are people that have no skin in the game as far as having to pay for the increased size of government. Either that or they think the government is free.
People that preach against "limited" government must mean they advocate big government. I'm thinking these are people that have no skin in the game as far as having to pay for the increased size of government. Either that or they think the government is free.

Or they are simply brain dead from years as a government employee. Thinking that everyone can be a government employee too!

It's just stupidity is all. We have lots of it to go around here at USMB
People that preach against "limited" government must mean they advocate big government. I'm thinking these are people that have no skin in the game as far as having to pay for the increased size of government. Either that or they think the government is free.

There are any number of sizes between very small and very large.

Everyone supports limited government, since no one supports unlimited government. Everything else is just a matter of degree.
People that preach against "limited" government must mean they advocate big government. I'm thinking these are people that have no skin in the game as far as having to pay for the increased size of government. Either that or they think the government is free.

There are any number of sizes between very small and very large.

Everyone supports limited government, since no one supports unlimited government. Everything else is just a matter of degree.

Sure. That makes sense. The question is, how should it be limited, constitutionally, or democratically?
Today we have two factions fighting for power. One is the party of the people; and the other party, the party of the power elite.

I see your brainwashing is complete. :lmao:

It took four undergraduate years, two years of grad school and a 32 year career in public service. You required only a light rinse, applied a few hours a day by talking heads and Disc Jockeys.

But thanks so much for proving once again that you know very little and have less to report.
Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.[1]

Classical liberalism

The Left today is NOT "classically" liberal.

The left today are also not all white that still doesn't mean they are not full of hate.... Just fucking admit you libertarians are not really conservative and get the fuck over yourselves.
Our founding fathers did not seek to implement limited government. They constructed the best government they could which was limited by revenue, geography and technology. They were also limited by 18th century ideology which was evolving at a rapid pace


It's laugh at moron Friday! Have a ball, ya'll!

If you weren't stupid you would now it's Science Friday. But you don't do you? If you're real nice I might tell you in another post. But you'll need to be curious, and stupid people are usually not curious. Hence ask me and say please and I'll share.
Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.[1]

Classical liberalism

The Left today is NOT "classically" liberal.

The left today are also not all white that still doesn't mean they are not full of hate.... Just fucking admit you libertarians are not really conservative and get the fuck over yourselves.

I've always said that. When will you admit you're a fascist?
Today we have two factions fighting for power. One is the party of the people; and the other party, the party of the power elite.

I see your brainwashing is complete. :lmao:

It took four undergraduate years, two years of grad school and a 32 year career in public service. You required only a light rinse, applied a few hours a day by talking heads and Disc Jockeys.

But thanks so much for proving once again that you know very little and have less to report.

A career in public service? I knew you were a tick on the ass of society. BTW, everyone who works serves the public. This bullshit about "public service" is purely a pretension. The fact is that ticks don't serve the public. They mostly just annoy the public and suck off the public.
Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.[1]

Classical liberalism

The Left today is NOT "classically" liberal.

The left today are also not all white that still doesn't mean they are not full of hate.... Just fucking admit you libertarians are not really conservative and get the fuck over yourselves.

I've always said that. When will you admit you're a fascist?
No because I am not a socialist.
Our founding fathers did not seek to implement limited government. They constructed the best government they could which was limited by revenue, geography and technology. They were also limited by 18th century ideology which was evolving at a rapid pace


It's laugh at moron Friday! Have a ball, ya'll!

If you weren't stupid you would now it's Science Friday. But you don't do you? If you're real nice I might tell you in another post. But you'll need to be curious, and stupid people are usually not curious. Hence ask me and say please and I'll share.

Is "science Friday" one of those bogus holidays politicians invented to curry favor with some special interest? Why do you think anyone who wasn't a useless lout would know about "Science Friday?"
People that preach against "limited" government must mean they advocate big government. I'm thinking these are people that have no skin in the game as far as having to pay for the increased size of government. Either that or they think the government is free.

There are any number of sizes between very small and very large.

Everyone supports limited government, since no one supports unlimited government. Everything else is just a matter of degree.

Uh, know they don't. The only limit libturds recognize on the size of government is the size of your paycheck. When you hand over 100% of it to the government, then that's as big as the libturds think government should get.
Our Constitution does not contain the words "limited government"

No, it doesn't. Better, it SPECIFICALLY enumerates the ONLY powers the federal government has.

what it does contain is broad guidance on how our government should be constructed and what the roles of each branch are

Broad guidance my ass. What exactly do you think the enumerated powers, driven home by the 10th amendment, are meant to limit?

Today's liberals, like the so called classical liberals want one thing out of what needs to be done

Once again, you've made clear that you have NO FUCKING CLUE what a classical liberal is. Classical Liberals do NOT want government to "do what needs to be done". We want government to stick with the enumerated powers granted them AND NOTHING MORE.

Simple concept that has worked for 200 years

Bullshit. The Progressive era has fucked things up for the last 100 years. You don't get to obfuscate the libertarian ideals that made this country great.

Fucking pathetic attempt there pal...
Our Constitution does not contain the words "limited government" what it does contain is broad guidance on how our government should be constructed and what the roles of each branch are

Today's liberals, like the so called classical liberals want one thing out of what needs to be done

Simple concept that has worked for 200 years

Regardless of your interpretation of history, or the founders 'true' intent, so-called classical liberals decidedly don't want government to 'do what needs to be done'. They want people to decide for themselves what needs to be done and do it voluntarily. Government is, primarily, a means of coercing conformity.

To be clear, I'm not interested in tedious fights over the definition of terms, but there are two very real, and very different, perspectives at play here. Pretending they are the same isn't helping.

Of course they want the people to decide and that is what they elect their government for.......if We the people are not happy with what is being done in our name, we vote them out

At the time of our founding fathers, there were no "big" governments that cared about the needs of the people

What happened to those limited governments that didn't care about the people?


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