Zone1 Classify yourself according to the Biblical Race Theory


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
Hamite - Semite - Japhetic

I think Im "Hamitic" because A) The dominant Roma Gypsy Haplo is H1 and that is I think Hamitic/Dravidian
And even if we go by myself as invidual or mixed individual my own Haplo is E-V13 and that is Hamitic too

So im by all criteria Hamitic

Your turn...
I think you're a shape shifter that hasn't learned to control it's powers yet. Sort of like Nasty Pelosi.

Classify yourself according to the Biblical Race Theory

- a few things they got right, race theory is not in the c-bible ... that's judaism - hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven.

for that reason, what they claim to be waitring for will never happen.

Classify yourself according to the Biblical Race Theory

- a few things they got right, race theory is not in the c-bible ... that's judaism - hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven.

for that reason, what they claim to be waitring for will never happen.
What is apartheid heaven? We will be placed in one of three glorified bodies as long as long as we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior from our Sins, the Sacrificial Lamb of God. Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial (First Corinthians chapter 15). Then, we go to the kingdoms (mansions, glories of heaven) based on our testimony of Jesus Christ and how valiant we were (are). Nothing to do with race.
you are delusional ... all in the heavens are equal - that is the basis, nothing more. who themselves became sinless.
Nope. We are rewarded for keeping the commandments. If we weren’t, no one would keep commandments. Same principle with why criminals are smash and grabbing stores. No consequences.

Classify yourself according to the Biblical Race Theory

- a few things they got right, race theory is not in the c-bible ... that's judaism - hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven.

for that reason, what they claim to be waiting for will never happen.
For the descendants of Joseph, it has already happened. :biggrin:
Hamite - Semite - Japhetic

I think Im "Hamitic" because A) The dominant Roma Gypsy Haplo is H1 and that is I think Hamitic/Dravidian
And even if we go by myself as invidual or mixed individual my own Haplo is E-V13 and that is Hamitic too

So im by all criteria Hamitic

Your turn...
There is no heaven and there is no hell.

When you die, your soul will be Reincarnated, Based on how you lived your life..

If you live the good life you will be reborn as a human, Or some other sentient being.

If you live the bad life you will Be reincarnated Is as a lesser being.
There is no heaven and there is no hell.

When you die, your soul will be Reincarnated, Based on how you lived your life..

If you live the good life you will be reborn as a human, Or some other sentient being.

If you live the bad life you will Be reincarnated Is as a lesser being.
Some eastern religions believe this, but not Christianity.
Nope. We are rewarded for keeping the commandments. If we weren’t, no one would keep commandments. Same principle with why criminals are smash and grabbing stores. No consequences.

there are no heavenly commandments, those are all madeup that are used by the desert institutions to persecute and victimize the innocent nor are the desert bibles and documents religions but self serving instruments of the nefarious minorities that wrote them. moses the liar.

- who keep the commandments are the criminals. being sinless is the only requirement for admission to the everlasting. the true religion.
there are no heavenly commandments, those are all madeup that are used by the desert institutions to persecute and victimize the innocent nor are the desert bibles and documents religions but self serving instruments of the nefarious minorities that wrote them. moses the liar.

- who keep the commandments are the criminals. being sinless is the only requirement for admission to the everlasting. the true religion.
That’s for you to think. You don’t get to dictate what others believe. The fact is, without a final law, there is no base for a civilization. When this happens, civilizations have and will continue to collapse. That’s why passions are leading us to civil war. And not with words.
That’s for you to think. You don’t get to dictate what others believe. The fact is, without a final law, there is no base for a civilization. When this happens, civilizations have and will continue to collapse. That’s why passions are leading us to civil war. And not with words.

the liar moses by claiming those commandments he claimed were etched in the heavens is what you claim to be what others should believe - you are the criminal.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination the same as what were the instructions to a&e at their request to be equals in paradise than a role of servitude and denial taught by all three desert religions that have in them the lies of moses and others, abraham - from the beginning.
Hamite - Semite - Japhetic

I think Im "Hamitic" because A) The dominant Roma Gypsy Haplo is H1 and that is I think Hamitic/Dravidian
And even if we go by myself as invidual or mixed individual my own Haplo is E-V13 and that is Hamitic too

So im by all criteria Hamitic

Your turn...
I think your skin color has nothing to do with the creation called "man".........".......the life of the flesh is found in the blood" -- Lev. 17:11. A man's life is not measured or quantified by skin color, but by blood line. All men/women.....have the same blood circulating through their systems as per the fact that blood can be transfused by type, regardless of skin color, race, history, gender, culture...etc. Attempt to transfuse......the blood of a chimp into the human body and see what happens (the closest DNA signature to mankind). Even the most minute-miroscopic detail is perfectly aligned by the creator.....

Reality: All species of life on earth share a common DNA signature to some extinct .... Why? Because all of life is carbon based. Its the blood that makes man unique among all life forms on earth. Ever wonder why there are so many primate species still in existence on earth? What, were they just too stupid to evolve those last little blood traits that separates man from beast?

What does the God of creation declare about the human condition? "(God).....And has made from one blood all nations of men, for to dwell upon the face of the earth....." Acts 17:26

Its man that places so much value on one's supposed bloodline and heritage. Not God.....who states there is only one race of peoples on earth........THE HUMAN RACE.

Especially the progressive minded that declares that one should not become assimilated into a common classification called mankind, there is no God.......:no_text11:........the progressive states that you should hold on to your lineage based upon skin color, gender, race.....etc., you are need special days, events, etc. Why? Because it causes division and people are much easier to control if they are separated by some false ideology about their personal heritage.....based upon skin color, geographical location, gender, sexual preferences, education, politics, wealth, social classification...etc.,

The progressive's worst nightmare? When the people come together and share in a common goal.....such as patriotic projections when the US is attacked etc., You can't control people who share in their common values.
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the liar moses by claiming those commandments he claimed were etched in the heavens is what you claim to be what others should believe - you are the criminal.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination the same as what were the instructions to a&e at their request to be equals in paradise than a role of servitude and denial taught by all three desert religions that have in them the lies of moses and others, abraham - from the beginning.
The last part is false which makes all of it false. Jesus never said that the Law of Moses was false. In fact, he said to keep the Law of Moses and that He would fulfill it, not get rid of it. Just to help you understand a lot more, the Lord called Adam as His mouthpiece when he was sent out into the world to receive the Law that they should live by. We know that murder was against the Law through Adam and probably the rest of the ten commandments too. We just don't have any more information. There were books lost and possibly that information as well. Then, we know after that dispensation, another prophet was called to open up the next dispensation of time when the Lord would speak through prophets when the Lord called Abraham. Now, what Adam gave Abraham would not do everything that was needed in the times of Abraham. So, he called Abraham. Then, after 400 years of apostasy, a new dispensation opened up when the Lord called Moses to do just that. The law and commandments necessary for Abraham were not enough for the times of Moses on down to Jesus Christ. So, a new prophet was called, Moses. Apostasy was going on ramped as the religious leaders were holding to the letter of the law and forgetting about the spirit of the law. The law was good and Jesus basically taught the spirit of the law. He was more than a prophet but nevertheless received guidance from Heavenly Father just like a prophet would. This opened a new dispensation in the meridian of time of the earth. Jesus gave a new and everlasting law to fulfill the law of Moses, not get rid of all of it. Then, after about 67 years of apostles, the world fell into a great apostasy where no prophets nor apostles were there. Then, in 1820, the Lord ended the dark ages of apostasy and called a new prophet for the last dispensation, the fulness of times. A boy of 14 years of age, Joseph Smith, was unblemished by the doctrines of men mingled with scripture. The new and everlasting covenant was restored and increased with everlasting covenants of marriage as well. The old dispensation writings are helpful but not complete enough for what we need in these crazy last days. Thus, a marvelous works of wonder came forth in other testaments of Jesus Christ; The Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine and Covenants. And, a continuance of prophets and apostles that will continue up to the Second Coming of Christ.
As Amos said in 3:7, Surely the Lord God does nothing except only through His servants, the PROPHETS. So, today, we have more laws and covenants to make with the Godhead through the true and proper authority of the Priesthood given to Joseph Smith and passed on down to worthy males of the Church and then shared with the worthy women of the Church to lead the members into the Celestial Kingdom.
Jesus never said that the Law of Moses was false. In fact, he said to keep the Law of Moses and that He would fulfill it, not get rid of it.

jesus, the 1st century events beginning with the munificent mary were from the beginning - to the end ... a repudiation of judaism.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - no where found in the christian bible written as those the same as moses corrupt by false commandments used to persecute and victimize the innocent - cougarbear.

The new and everlasting covenant was restored and increased with everlasting covenants of marriage as well.

heavenly joseph and mary, jesus and mary magdalene were never married, did not fear judaism had no desire for the crime of paterfamilias and lived ever happily everafter for as long as they lived.

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