Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

I was watching and just knew Cult45 would try to turn a sea of boos into a victory. :auiqs.jpg: This is the treatment the Orange Virus will get at public events from now on. Bet it was a wake up call.

I pray to God that he gets that sort of “treatment” in all disgusting blue shitholes...I encourage all filthy fucks to hate Trump.

I wish he threw out the pitch. Who would boo this?
View attachment 286755

Lookit tiny hands go!
I wonder if he pooped his pants a little there.....View attachment 286758

I wonder if you are so easily duped by photoshopped pics of the President.

Then again, we don’t have to wonder, you clearly gobble up fake pics and regurgitate them as though they were real.

Debate arises about whether Trump staged Situation Room photo

A former official chief White House photographer raised questions about whether President Donald Trump staged a stern-faced Situation Room photo said to be taken during the raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Pete Souza tweeted that the time stamp was 90 minutes after the reported time of the raid.

This is like Hillary saying she was under sniper fire.

Snopes will get to the bottom of this

Was a Photo of Trump in the White House Situation Room Staged?

And Russia, if you are listening. If you have satellite pictures of Trump golfing during the raid, I'm sure our press would reward you mightily. Or bigly.

Yea! Let’s have a congressional investigation into the photo. :auiqs.jpg:
Liberals love to hate Donald Trump because he isn't Politically Correct and he is pro America. Liberals want a Globalist Patsy who will open the borders, roll over for China and pay for everyone's health care. BOO! BOO! BOO THE BAD ORANGE MAN!!! :cuckoo:
Denials of the CRC orange cultist.

You're obviously a POS that didn't watch the game.

Well, I WAS flipping back and forth between that game and the football game. But please, do continue your denial of what happened. It's funny. :71:

Just saying what I saw, maybe it happened while I was taking a piss or during a commercial. I do know it wasn't mentioned on air by the folks doing the play by play while I was watching.

Because they have to tread a fine line, avoiding any didn't know that?

I guess some of the folks at ESPN didn't get that memo.

Have you ever watched any sports programming....ever? They always avoid any political controversy. Didn't you know that?
Liberals love to hate Donald Trump because he isn't Politically Correct and he is pro America. Liberals want a Globalist Patsy who will open the borders, roll over for China and pay for everyone's health care. BOO! BOO! BOO THE BAD ORANGE MAN!!! :cuckoo:
Bullying and denigrating minorities, women, and the physically handicapped is "isn't Politically Correct" and is to be, worshipped....on the altar of the orange god now.
they spend money on team logo t-shirts and they pay lots of money for hotdogs , popcorn , soda and beer and tickets to the game just so they can yell 'YEA team '

Is this for real? Lol

It's called entertainment ya fuckwit.
--------------------------------- yeah its serious as sports fans and other seekers of ENTERTAINMENT watch silly ball games and 'dancing with stars' rather than pay attention to which way their country is going Gramps .
Denials of the CRC orange cultist.

You're obviously a POS that didn't watch the game.

Well, I WAS flipping back and forth between that game and the football game. But please, do continue your denial of what happened. It's funny. :71:
There were more chairs and boos.. are you denying that?
"Chairs and boos"...:777:
So more cheers I agree thanks
"chairs and boos"......:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You're obviously a POS that didn't watch the game.

Well, I WAS flipping back and forth between that game and the football game. But please, do continue your denial of what happened. It's funny. :71:

Just saying what I saw, maybe it happened while I was taking a piss or during a commercial. I do know it wasn't mentioned on air by the folks doing the play by play while I was watching.

Because they have to tread a fine line, avoiding any didn't know that?

I guess some of the folks at ESPN didn't get that memo.

Have you ever watched any sports programming....ever? They always avoid any political controversy. Didn't you know that?

The fact is you seem to know a lot that isn't true. Here's just two examples.

ESPN's Max Kellerman Bashes Tiger Woods For Saying People Should 'Respect the Office' Of President

Being witness to the Trump presidency has been like watching a seriously badly scripted "Reality Show" on TV for over two years, because your cable subscription expired and this is all you can pick up with your antenna.
Blacks working really scares you huh? Lol

Damn straight it does. They're not stupid. They know that a black who is working is a black paying taxes. A black paying taxes is a black that has power and can't be control by the liberals anymore. If you're a poor black living in section 8 housing on food stamps, they've got you by the dick and can lead you anywhere they want and there is nothing you can do about it.

But with a job all that changes.
So you assfucks think that over 85% of blacks don't work?
Huh ? Who said that
the dumbass Airplanemechanic who said this: "They know that a black who is working is a black paying taxes. A black paying taxes is a black that has power and can't be controlled by the liberals anymore. If you're a poor black living in section 8 housing on food stamps, they've got you by the dick and can lead you anywhere they want and there is nothing you can do about it." Blacks will vote for the Democrat Presidential candidate at least 85% of the time.

Get a brain. Save your embarrassment.
candycorn, you are one of the TDS folks who insists President Trump is obese. How tall are you and much do you weigh? Just curious since you bring up a fake issue and fake issues are invariably a PROJECTION by the folks bringing up the fake issues. Are you a big girl? :p

At 6'2 and 236 pounds Trump is definitely carrying some extra. I'm 6 foot and active. I float around 180 and I am not a skinny dude. Trump is probably 30-40 pounds overweight.
I'm 5' 8" and 220, you wouldn't know it by looking at me. funny we all carry weight differently. your point is useless.
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.

Is that POW your talking about McCain. If it is he was a piece of shit liar. Even his old military boys said it. You ignorant brainwashed libtards have know. Pay attention to what is happening to the piece of shit Obama and his cronies the Clintons and Biden’s. They’re going down and President Trump will be here till 2024. Get use to it or you can leave. No one will miss you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually, Veteran hating assfuck, Trump trashed McCain's military service & said Trump said that he did not like POWs. So he trashed all POWs. Fuck you you America hating piece of shit.

Fuck McCain. He was a bad pilot, a bad soldier then came back to America and was a bad politician.
Fuck you asshole. Just because McCain called out Trump you assfucks trash his military service.

I don't care how good a pilot he was. He had a God Damn GUTS & LOVE for country to put it all at risk to fly through flack to carry out his mission.

He was held captive for years in pain from his injuries. He turned down a chance to come home because other prosoners would be left behind.

THAT, asshole, is far far far far more courage than you or your fat assed orange buddy have.

Get a clue dumbfuck
Real Americans didn't like McCain long before Trump entered Politicians.
Thety may not like his politics. Theyh may not like how he lived his life.

But REAL Americans do not trash his military service. Only Republicans tend to do that,.
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.
The guy that overwhelming majority of Vets, Vietnam Vets, and those serving in the military voted for in 2016 and will do the same in 2020? That guy?
You have the facts to back that up? Almost everyone vet I know (and I know quite a few) either didn't vote for him in 2016 or certainly is NOT going to vote for him in 2020 after watching his pathetic performance so far.

I'm a veteran of the Air National Guard.

I didn't vote for trump and won't vote for him next year.

You can add me to your list of vets.
It's indeed sad to see where we are. And we have a President who has exacerbated the situation by launching personal insults and name-calling at anyone and everyone who dared to challenge him, as if this were a kindergarten playground.

Then he and his sycophants claim victimhood when it comes back on him. And the sycophants try this right after they celebrate him for being so "plain spoken". He and they are an insult to this country.

Hopefully the Trump years will be the bottom of the barrel for us. Maybe he'll be a wake-up call for us to raise our standards and expect more.

Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.
Not all voters are as ignorant, lying & bigoted as you. Really. You should step outside of Trump world once in a while.

Elizabeth Warren never lied about her heritage.

As for Biden, no woman has accused his of sexual assault like your fat sassed orange buddy
Being witness to the Trump presidency has been like watching a seriously badly scripted "Reality Show" on TV for over two years, because your cable subscription expired and this is all you can pick up with your antenna.
Blacks working really scares you huh? Lol

Damn straight it does. They're not stupid. They know that a black who is working is a black paying taxes. A black paying taxes is a black that has power and can't be control by the liberals anymore. If you're a poor black living in section 8 housing on food stamps, they've got you by the dick and can lead you anywhere they want and there is nothing you can do about it.

But with a job all that changes.
So you assfucks think that over 85% of blacks don't work?
Huh ? Who said that
the dumbass Airplanemechanic who said this: "They know that a black who is working is a black paying taxes. A black paying taxes is a black that has power and can't be controlled by the liberals anymore. If you're a poor black living in section 8 housing on food stamps, they've got you by the dick and can lead you anywhere they want and there is nothing you can do about it." Blacks will vote for the Democrat Presidential candidate at least 85% of the time.

Get a brain. Save your embarrassment.
Remind me how many blacks I have control of now...
they spend money on team logo t-shirts and they pay lots of money for hotdogs , popcorn , soda and beer and tickets to the game just so they can yell 'YEA team '

Is this for real? Lol

It's called entertainment ya fuckwit.
--------------------------------- yeah its serious as sports fans and other seekers of ENTERTAINMENT watch silly ball games and 'dancing with stars' rather than pay attention to which way their country is going Gramps .

Lol. What an idiotic opinion.
they spend money on team logo t-shirts and they pay lots of money for hotdogs , popcorn , soda and beer and tickets to the game just so they can yell 'YEA team '

Is this for real? Lol

It's called entertainment ya fuckwit.
--------------------------------- yeah its serious as sports fans and other seekers of ENTERTAINMENT watch silly ball games and 'dancing with stars' rather than pay attention to which way their country is going Gramps .
Without entertainment what's life for? And don't give me any fucking lip because you post on here EVERYDAY and this is nothing more than entertainment.

Following politics 24/7 is a fucking mental deficiency
Has there ever been a president that deserved booing more than St Trumpy?

Yea that half-bred Oreo who held back our country for 8 years and put more people on food stamps than ever before.

Of course you can't boo the hand that feeds you, right?

Or the cheater who lied under oath and was kept in office by a liberal senate who refused to remove a president who committed a real crime and lost his law license because of it.

I understand that your brain is somewhat dysfunctional, but the effects of the worst recession in 80 years that he inherited would be responsible for that climb in food stamps.

The "cheater"? Really. A Trump supporter who is concerned about cheating? Really?
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.

Getting a deferment is not dodging the draft! if that were true, the list of Dems who fall into that category would be endless!

The Gold Star mother's husband insulted Trump because his immigration policy was killing his business. It had nothing to do with their son.

The only POW he denigrated was McCain and I would say in hindsight that McCain deserved that and much more because of political treason.
So you support Capt. Bone Spurs having his orange face put on the Jumbotron in the middle of a "Salute to Veterans"......
Captain Bone Spurs must have been one of your past COs. Trump is the Commander in Chief who has done far more for our military than you ever will.

Trump called the military generals dumbasses.

He hire a couple & fired them saying bad things about them.

He took money from the military to build his wall.

He has trashed veterans and ther families.

I wonder what happened to the soldier that replaced him in Vietnam?

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