Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

Was it Karmic justice that the Nats got spanked in all three home games by the Astros? :cool-45:

I don't think the team was doing the chanting. I was people supporting both teams who did that.
No, they’re all Nats supporters. It was a home game. They got what they deserved. Unfortunately I live here, too, and I waited 34 years for a team only to see it get hijacked by democrat hypocrites. They removed the ages-old W from the uniforms while W Bush was in office because they have to invoke their fascist democrat will.

So you think the stadium was filled with only Nats fans, and not a single Astros fan? Of course there would be nothing unusual about a fan from Houston opposing Trump. After all, Houston has had all Democratic mayors since 1982
Yes, there are lots of people disgusted with trump, and you can find them everywhere.
Other than chapped ass leftist I know of no one that hates Trump

More than 50% of the country wants him impeached and removed from office. You don't know many people, do you?
I know of no one that wants that and I know of no one that has been polled.
Just like with guns most gun owners have never been ask of their opinion of guns.

Not my fault if you only associate with like minded idiots.
Wasn't talking about people I associate with people I come in contact with

Right. You don't even come in contact with anyone but right wing nut jobs. You must have a very small existence..
More than 50% of the country wants him impeached and removed from office. You don't know many people, do you?

Yep, that's what it looks like to me!


Reliability of polls about President Donald Trump!

11/07/2016 06:51 pm ET Updated Nov 08, 2016
HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes

Democrats stand a strong chance of taking control of the Senate as well.
HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost


Hillary Clinton has enough electoral votes to win the White House in final Fix map
Chris Cillizza and
Aaron Blake
November 7, 2016 at 11:11 a.m. EST
Hillary Clinton: She has 275 electoral votes solidly or leaning her way — five more than she needs to win the White House on Tuesday night. In fact, even if Trump holds all of the states either solidly or leaning his way and wins all three states currently rated as “toss-ups,” he is still seven electoral votes short of 270.
HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost

It's indeed sad to see where we are. And we have a President who has exacerbated the situation by launching personal insults and name-calling at anyone and everyone who dared to challenge him, as if this were a kindergarten playground.

Then he and his sycophants claim victimhood when it comes back on him. And the sycophants try this right after they celebrate him for being so "plain spoken". He and they are an insult to this country.

Hopefully the Trump years will be the bottom of the barrel for us. Maybe he'll be a wake-up call for us to raise our standards and expect more.

Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.

Then there is the Rump Bus where it's filled with the Rump merry band of Criminals waiting to be thrown under it on exit. It's got a catapult on the front of it to get a nice arc.

Really? How many of Obama's cronies are sweating bricks waiting for the indictments that will follow shortly?

Doesn't seem to be slowing them down any. No panic shown. The "Look over there" routine doesn't seem to be working.
More than 50% of the country wants him impeached and removed from office. You don't know many people, do you?

Yep, that's what it looks like to me!


Reliability of polls about President Donald Trump!

11/07/2016 06:51 pm ET Updated Nov 08, 2016
HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes

Democrats stand a strong chance of taking control of the Senate as well.
HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost


Hillary Clinton has enough electoral votes to win the White House in final Fix map
Chris Cillizza and
Aaron Blake
November 7, 2016 at 11:11 a.m. EST
Hillary Clinton: She has 275 electoral votes solidly or leaning her way — five more than she needs to win the White House on Tuesday night. In fact, even if Trump holds all of the states either solidly or leaning his way and wins all three states currently rated as “toss-ups,” he is still seven electoral votes short of 270.
HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost


I'm impressed that they can stuff so many Nut jobs into one building at the same time.
It's indeed sad to see where we are. And we have a President who has exacerbated the situation by launching personal insults and name-calling at anyone and everyone who dared to challenge him, as if this were a kindergarten playground.

Then he and his sycophants claim victimhood when it comes back on him. And the sycophants try this right after they celebrate him for being so "plain spoken". He and they are an insult to this country.

Hopefully the Trump years will be the bottom of the barrel for us. Maybe he'll be a wake-up call for us to raise our standards and expect more.

Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.

Then there is the Rump Bus where it's filled with the Rump merry band of Criminals waiting to be thrown under it on exit. It's got a catapult on the front of it to get a nice arc.

Really? How many of Obama's cronies are sweating bricks waiting for the indictments that will follow shortly?

Any day now?
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.
The guy that overwhelming majority of Vets, Vietnam Vets, and those serving in the military voted for in 2016 and will do the same in 2020? That guy?
You have the facts to back that up? Almost everyone vet I know (and I know quite a few) either didn't vote for him in 2016 or certainly is NOT going to vote for him in 2020 after watching his pathetic performance so far.
I don't think we can use your sampling for the poll you took, Bodie. just sayin'.
I can use my useless sampling of the vets I know, and they ALL stand behind our Commander In Chief

I will just as soon as we find one. We seem to have a CIC that is awol and has been that way for the last 3 (probably a lot more) years. But when we find one, I would gladly support him or Her.
Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

EVEN liar, Elizabeth Warren no longer makes that claim and was humiliated when President Donald Trump goaded her into taking the DNA test.

Other than chapped ass leftist I know of no one that hates Trump

More than 50% of the country wants him impeached and removed from office. You don't know many people, do you?
I know of no one that wants that and I know of no one that has been polled.
Just like with guns most gun owners have never been ask of their opinion of guns.

Not my fault if you only associate with like minded idiots.
Wasn't talking about people I associate with people I come in contact with

Right. You don't even come in contact with anyone but right wing nut jobs. You must have a very small existence..
funny snowflake I work I come in contact with many people of different views than I do. Maybe if you would get out more you would realize how badly mainstream media is playing you.
It's indeed sad to see where we are. And we have a President who has exacerbated the situation by launching personal insults and name-calling at anyone and everyone who dared to challenge him, as if this were a kindergarten playground.

Then he and his sycophants claim victimhood when it comes back on him. And the sycophants try this right after they celebrate him for being so "plain spoken". He and they are an insult to this country.

Hopefully the Trump years will be the bottom of the barrel for us. Maybe he'll be a wake-up call for us to raise our standards and expect more.

Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.

Then there is the Rump Bus where it's filled with the Rump merry band of Criminals waiting to be thrown under it on exit. It's got a catapult on the front of it to get a nice arc.

Really? How many of Obama's cronies are sweating bricks waiting for the indictments that will follow shortly?

0, how many of Trump's cronies have been indicted or are already sitting in the clink.
It's indeed sad to see where we are. And we have a President who has exacerbated the situation by launching personal insults and name-calling at anyone and everyone who dared to challenge him, as if this were a kindergarten playground.

Then he and his sycophants claim victimhood when it comes back on him. And the sycophants try this right after they celebrate him for being so "plain spoken". He and they are an insult to this country.

Hopefully the Trump years will be the bottom of the barrel for us. Maybe he'll be a wake-up call for us to raise our standards and expect more.

Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.
Not all voters are as ignorant, lying & bigoted as you. Really. You should step outside of Trump world once in a while.

Elizabeth Warren never lied about her heritage.

As for Biden, no woman has accused his of sexual assault like your fat sassed orange buddy


Warren Apologizes for Identifying as ‘American Indian’ on Texas Bar Application

Warren Apologizes for Identifying as ‘American Indian’ on Texas Bar Application

Did Donald Trump apologize for those 11,000 lies and counting he tells on a daily basis? Matter of fact - In his 3 years - motor mouth has never said sorry or I was wrong about nothing. This is definitely a qualifier for the Oval office. Just lie, lie, lie...
I wonder if he pooped his pants a little there.....View attachment 286758

I wonder if you are so easily duped by photoshopped pics of the President.

Then again, we don’t have to wonder, you clearly gobble up fake pics and regurgitate them as though they were real.

Debate arises about whether Trump staged Situation Room photo

A former official chief White House photographer raised questions about whether President Donald Trump staged a stern-faced Situation Room photo said to be taken during the raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Pete Souza tweeted that the time stamp was 90 minutes after the reported time of the raid.

This is like Hillary saying she was under sniper fire.

Snopes will get to the bottom of this

Was a Photo of Trump in the White House Situation Room Staged?

And Russia, if you are listening. If you have satellite pictures of Trump golfing during the raid, I'm sure our press would reward you mightily. Or bigly.

Yea! Let’s have a congressional investigation into the photo. :auiqs.jpg:

No but lets mock him the same way you mocked Hillary for saying she was under sniper fire. Or the same way you mock Warren for her native American heritage.

Those stupid little lies made us shake our head and wonder why they said them. Well you should wonder too. And this isn't for your benefit. This is for people on the fence or undecided. They need to know he's the king of all liars.

And don't forget Trump lied too and said his daddy was born in Germany.’s the same as lying about taking sniper fire....uh-huh. :itsok:
What’s the difference? Both lies, harmless but made to make them look good.
So let's put this in perspective.

About half of voting Americans voted for Barack Obama. He was NEVER subjected to this sort of abuse. About half of voting Americans voted for Donald Trump. You see what he gets.

The differences are stark. People who voted for The Other against Donald Trump have never accepted their loss. They are generally stupid, gullible, and have accepted the constant Media slanders against this President who, according to all objective criteria, has kept his campaign promises and been a very, very successful President.

Leftists are scum. They must NEVER come into power.
I love the gaslighting attempt, acting like Former President Obama was never subjected to abuse...:71:
Trump was one of the leaders of the abuse with his repeated Birther claims

“I have my best people looking into it, they can’t believe what they are finding “
I expected it. He should have been ready for it honestly. It happened to Bush and Obama to. If I were president and I went to a pro sporting event I woul go in disguise. Any president will get booed at. I would be scared of a president didn't get booed at an event like that.

GHWB and his wife used to be fixtures behind home plate at Astros games. I don't recall anyone ever booing him. Didn't boo him at Rice Stadium either.

The Astros and Rice stadium in Texas would be packed with good, real Americans...ofcourse they wouldn’t boo a president committed to working for America’s best...They’d boo a piece of shit like the Kenyan.

Maybe ol"Trumpybear will show up a Minute Maid park tomorrow or Wednesday and we'll see. Houston's a pretty diverse place. But I doubt they'e be as nasty as the Nats fans. Look what they did to Bergman, o'course he made them pay the other night too......hahaha

Even in Houston I would bet a president would get booed.
That one in particular.
Yeah, its all about popularity-not results
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
Obama has been voted the best President of modern time more than once. Trump is already the worst. Get your facts together, son.

Best president? Can you provide a list of accomplishments that would even rate him in the lower half?
You must have been asleep for 4 years. One thing was when he took over the country was headed for a depression. He left Trump a good economy that Trump is taking credit for.

The country was heading for a depression in 2008 because we had a Democrat-led Congress.
I guess he'll just have to go to another Wrestlemania or tractor pull or cow chip throwing contest to feel the love.
Any red state city ballpark would do. DC is all SWAMP Dems.

The ballparks are in the cities where Trump support is the weakest. I suppose that's because the cities are where the people are.

No, that's where libtards live.

There are two major cities in my state, both run by Democrats. They are shitholes. The rest of the state is mostly represented by Republicans from county officials all the way to the state house, governor, and Congress. There is one Democrat in Congress. Guess where he lives?
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.
The guy that overwhelming majority of Vets, Vietnam Vets, and those serving in the military voted for in 2016 and will do the same in 2020? That guy?
You have the facts to back that up? Almost everyone vet I know (and I know quite a few) either didn't vote for him in 2016 or certainly is NOT going to vote for him in 2020 after watching his pathetic performance so far.

I'm a veteran of the Air National Guard.

I didn't vote for trump and won't vote for him next year.

You can add me to your list of vets.

So they wouldn't let you join the military? That's your excuse?
Is that POW your talking about McCain. If it is he was a piece of shit liar. Even his old military boys said it. You ignorant brainwashed libtards have know. Pay attention to what is happening to the piece of shit Obama and his cronies the Clintons and Biden’s. They’re going down and President Trump will be here till 2024. Get use to it or you can leave. No one will miss you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually, Veteran hating assfuck, Trump trashed McCain's military service & said Trump said that he did not like POWs. So he trashed all POWs. Fuck you you America hating piece of shit.

Fuck McCain. He was a bad pilot, a bad soldier then came back to America and was a bad politician.
Fuck you asshole. Just because McCain called out Trump you assfucks trash his military service.

I don't care how good a pilot he was. He had a God Damn GUTS & LOVE for country to put it all at risk to fly through flack to carry out his mission.

He was held captive for years in pain from his injuries. He turned down a chance to come home because other prosoners would be left behind.

THAT, asshole, is far far far far more courage than you or your fat assed orange buddy have.

Get a clue dumbfuck
Real Americans didn't like McCain long before Trump entered Politicians.
Thety may not like his politics. Theyh may not like how he lived his life.

But REAL Americans do not trash his military service. Only Republicans tend to do that,.
One of the most obvious ways to see how much of a cult it the 180 on attitudes on McCain from 2008 to 2016. He was good enough to be the Republican nominee for President....then, when the orange god declared him a heretic, all the cultists jumped in line to denigrate McCain for his service and pretty much everything.

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