Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

Of course he will hear boos in Washington DC...that stadium was filled with swamp creatures and swamp staff....give it up libs...if the game was in Houston he would have received a standing ovation....

Trump and his "alternative foreign policy" types, epitomize the "swamp". More Trump staffers and cabinet members have been fired or indicted because of lying and corruption, that any President at this point in his administration.
Come on DL....Trump may not be the best guy in the world and even I may not want to hang out with him...he may not be "presidential" as we have come to know it...but he hasn't done anything impeachable....3 years of searching has produced nothing...think about it...

His taxes have been under audit for 20 years plus in NY....he must be the cleanest man in DC the way he has been investigated to no avail.....beat him at the polls if you hate him so much...if he gets re elected beat his successor in 2024...that's what we did with Obama...we didn't investigate him to death we voted against him and his policies...some we won and some he won but we didn't try and impeach him on false grounds....

And we finally won by beating Hillary...if we had impeached Obama behind closed doors you can bet Hillary would have been elected the first female president and the GOP would be ruined for a the dems are on that cliffs edge....what do you want them to do?...jump or think twice?....
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.
The Gold Star mother who didn't speak, because her Muslim husband (phony immigration lawyer, DNC paid hack) Khzir Khan, wouldn't let her. Charlatans, both of them.

And dodging Vietnam was a GOOD thing, you ignorant ass.
That's what your orange god are well groomed to parrot what he said.
Do you seriously think DC blacks could afford nearly a thousand dollars a ticket for SRO? You really are a delusional fool.

Okay then it was regular white people booing him. That too makes sense lol

Not may working class folks could afford it either.

And? Do you even have a point?

Yep, DC if full of highly paid federal bureaucrats, all members of public sector unions, none are representative of the country as a whole. Too bad you commies don't know that or care.

. cultists believe that only locals go to a World Series game. :71:

Only locals go to a World Series game because if they are not locals, they are likely not fans.

You could give me free tickets to a World Series game and I would not go, simply because I can watch paint dry in my house and have more fun!
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5

There are plenty of voters who are sick of Trump and who are not Dems.. About the only people who think he's the second coming of God are the easily manipulated goose-stepping Little Trumpsters.
trump behavior.jpg

Fractured Nation: Widening Partisan Polarization and Key Issues in 2020 Presidential Elections | PRRI
Stuff it...Fascist
Triggered by loyal Americans engaging in free speech.

Trump thinks he can enrage a community with his insults and then be entitled to Presidential respect of office
------------------------------------- I don't think that the TRUMP cares about your unAmerican respect RWinger .
------------------------------------ here described is how it goes . Trump is President at the moment and expected to be President for the next year and a half at least , ------------- Then maybe re election for the TRUMP for another 4 years is Possible and Probable in many Americans hopes dreams and opinions RWinger .
It's indeed sad to see where we are. And we have a President who has exacerbated the situation by launching personal insults and name-calling at anyone and everyone who dared to challenge him, as if this were a kindergarten playground.

Then he and his sycophants claim victimhood when it comes back on him. And the sycophants try this right after they celebrate him for being so "plain spoken". He and they are an insult to this country.

Hopefully the Trump years will be the bottom of the barrel for us. Maybe he'll be a wake-up call for us to raise our standards and expect more.

Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.

Then there is the Rump Bus where it's filled with the Rump merry band of Criminals waiting to be thrown under it on exit. It's got a catapult on the front of it to get a nice arc.

Really? How many of Obama's cronies are sweating bricks waiting for the indictments that will follow shortly?

Doesn't seem to be slowing them down any. No panic shown. The "Look over there" routine doesn't seem to be working.

I am going to be laughing my ass off at your idiocy when your heroes are all being perp-walked from their homes.
There seems to be a foot race on this one. Your bunch of criminals are being walked faster than they can gett the other side lined up. Of course, this is the only way that your merry band of criminals can keep out of prison. If they don't succeed, the prison sentences just get longer. You people aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack.
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5

There are plenty of voters who are sick of Trump and who are not Dems.. About the only people who think he's the second coming of God are the easily manipulated goose-stepping Little Trumpsters.
View attachment 286858
Fractured Nation: Widening Partisan Polarization and Key Issues in 2020 Presidential Elections | PRRI
The stands at the Nats game were filled with Metro area Democrats who have grown fat and wealthy suckling at the teat of government. People like you use his "personal behavior" as an excuse to attack him. Just what I would expect from a Minneapolis Democrat.
Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.

Then there is the Rump Bus where it's filled with the Rump merry band of Criminals waiting to be thrown under it on exit. It's got a catapult on the front of it to get a nice arc.

Really? How many of Obama's cronies are sweating bricks waiting for the indictments that will follow shortly?

Doesn't seem to be slowing them down any. No panic shown. The "Look over there" routine doesn't seem to be working.

I am going to be laughing my ass off at your idiocy when your heroes are all being perp-walked from their homes.
There seems to be a foot race on this one. Your bunch of criminals are being walked faster than they can gett the other side lined up. Of course, this is the only way that your merry band of criminals can keep out of prison. If they don't succeed, the prison sentences just get longer. You people aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack.

So, who is it you think has been convicted and going to prison?

Most of those in the Mueller probe were convicted of process crimes and got minor slaps on the wrist. Flynn is going to walk, and they have nothing on anyone else.

Comey, Clapper, Brenan, and Steele are in the crosshairs right now. What excuse do you have for their crimes?
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
..and Trump won!!! the Nats got POUNDED --hahahhahaha....the hypocritical rude jackasses saw their team get POUNDED......Loving It !!
And you know that all those booing were Nats fans? And that the orange god is so powerful that he can make a team lose? :71:
Then there is the Rump Bus where it's filled with the Rump merry band of Criminals waiting to be thrown under it on exit. It's got a catapult on the front of it to get a nice arc.

Really? How many of Obama's cronies are sweating bricks waiting for the indictments that will follow shortly?

Doesn't seem to be slowing them down any. No panic shown. The "Look over there" routine doesn't seem to be working.

I am going to be laughing my ass off at your idiocy when your heroes are all being perp-walked from their homes.
There seems to be a foot race on this one. Your bunch of criminals are being walked faster than they can gett the other side lined up. Of course, this is the only way that your merry band of criminals can keep out of prison. If they don't succeed, the prison sentences just get longer. You people aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack.

So, who is it you think has been convicted and going to prison?

Most of those in the Mueller probe were convicted of process crimes and got minor slaps on the wrist. Flynn is going to walk, and they have nothing on anyone else.

Comey, Clapper, Brenan, and Steele are in the crosshairs right now. What excuse do you have for their crimes?

Actually Seabee, I don't think Trump will go to jail. If convicted, he'll get a reprimand.
The same goes for Comey, Clapper and Brenan, Steele will get nothing.
Really? How many of Obama's cronies are sweating bricks waiting for the indictments that will follow shortly?

Doesn't seem to be slowing them down any. No panic shown. The "Look over there" routine doesn't seem to be working.

I am going to be laughing my ass off at your idiocy when your heroes are all being perp-walked from their homes.
There seems to be a foot race on this one. Your bunch of criminals are being walked faster than they can gett the other side lined up. Of course, this is the only way that your merry band of criminals can keep out of prison. If they don't succeed, the prison sentences just get longer. You people aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack.

So, who is it you think has been convicted and going to prison?

Most of those in the Mueller probe were convicted of process crimes and got minor slaps on the wrist. Flynn is going to walk, and they have nothing on anyone else.

Comey, Clapper, Brenan, and Steele are in the crosshairs right now. What excuse do you have for their crimes?

Actually Seabee, I don't think Trump will go to jail. If convicted, he'll get a reprimand.
The same goes for Comey, Clapper and Brenan, Steele will get nothing.

Anything more than that would not be good for the Nation. Rump and his merry band of Criminals don't care about the outcome but the rest of us need to. And the Reprimand will be enough. Now, if only the Dems weren't playing, "It's Your Turn" for the election.
I guess he'll just have to go to another Wrestlemania or tractor pull or cow chip throwing contest to feel the love.
Any red state city ballpark would do. DC is all SWAMP Dems.

The ballparks are in the cities where Trump support is the weakest. I suppose that's because the cities are where the people are.

No, that's where libtards live.

There are two major cities in my state, both run by Democrats. They are shitholes. The rest of the state is mostly represented by Republicans from county officials all the way to the state house, governor, and Congress. There is one Democrat in Congress. Guess where he lives?
Every so often some Trumpian posts a map of the nation showing all the counties in all 50 states. Most of the map is red with pockets of blue clustered along the east and west coasts, along the Great Lakes and dots along the rivers. Those blue bits align with the population centers.

More Americans live in Brooklyn, for example, than in Wyoming. But while Wyoming shows up as a huge swath of red, Brooklyn can barely be picked out.

The cities are where the ballparks are. Where the theaters, museums, concert halls and universities are too. And it's where most Americans are too.

If Trump expects to be adored as he is in his rallies he should either confine his public appearances to rallies with hand picked crowds or do a better job as president.
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
Another example of the authoritarian right's fear of dissent and desire to compel conformity.
Was it Karmic justice that the Nats got spanked in all three home games by the Astros? :cool-45:

I don't think the team was doing the chanting. I was people supporting both teams who did that.
No, they’re all Nats supporters. It was a home game. They got what they deserved. Unfortunately I live here, too, and I waited 34 years for a team only to see it get hijacked by democrat hypocrites. They removed the ages-old W from the uniforms while W Bush was in office because they have to invoke their fascist democrat will.

So you think the stadium was filled with only Nats fans, and not a single Astros fan? Of course there would be nothing unusual about a fan from Houston opposing Trump. After all, Houston has had all Democratic mayors since 1982
It was a Washington home game. That’s why everyone was in red. Duh.
I expect the team’s dominant color to be changed because red means republicans.
Of course he will hear boos in Washington DC...that stadium was filled with swamp creatures and swamp staff....give it up libs...if the game was in Houston he would have received a standing ovation....

Trump and his "alternative foreign policy" types, epitomize the "swamp". More Trump staffers and cabinet members have been fired or indicted because of lying and corruption, that any President at this point in his administration.
Come on DL....Trump may not be the best guy in the world and even I may not want to hang out with him...he may not be "presidential" as we have come to know it...but he hasn't done anything impeachable....3 years of searching has produced nothing...think about it...

His taxes have been under audit for 20 years plus in NY....he must be the cleanest man in DC the way he has been investigated to no avail.....beat him at the polls if you hate him so much...if he gets re elected beat his successor in 2024...that's what we did with Obama...we didn't investigate him to death we voted against him and his policies...some we won and some he won but we didn't try and impeach him on false grounds....

And we finally won by beating Hillary...if we had impeached Obama behind closed doors you can bet Hillary would have been elected the first female president and the GOP would be ruined for a the dems are on that cliffs edge....what do you want them to do?...jump or think twice?....
Bribery is an impeachable offense in the Constitution

Trump openly demanded a bribe
Stuff it...Fascist
Triggered by loyal Americans engaging in free speech.

Trump thinks he can enrage a community with his insults and then be entitled to Presidential respect of office
------------------------------------- I don't think that the TRUMP cares about your unAmerican respect RWinger .
------------------------------------ here described is how it goes . Trump is President at the moment and expected to be President for the next year and a half at least , ------------- Then maybe re election for the TRUMP for another 4 years is Possible and Probable in many Americans hopes dreams and opinions RWinger .
Trump gives little respect and gets little in return
Stuff it...Fascist
Triggered by loyal Americans engaging in free speech.

Trump thinks he can enrage a community with his insults and then be entitled to Presidential respect of office
------------------------------------- I don't think that the TRUMP cares about your unAmerican respect RWinger .
------------------------------------ here described is how it goes . Trump is President at the moment and expected to be President for the next year and a half at least , ------------- Then maybe re election for the TRUMP for another 4 years is Possible and Probable in many Americans hopes dreams and opinions RWinger .
Trump gives little respect and gets little in return
------------------------------------ big deal and so what RWinger ??
Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.
Not all voters are as ignorant, lying & bigoted as you. Really. You should step outside of Trump world once in a while.

Elizabeth Warren never lied about her heritage.

As for Biden, no woman has accused his of sexual assault like your fat sassed orange buddy


Warren Apologizes for Identifying as ‘American Indian’ on Texas Bar Application

Warren Apologizes for Identifying as ‘American Indian’ on Texas Bar Application

She apologized because she failed to distinguish have NA ancestry with tribal membership.

She apologized because she lied and go caught, it's as simple as that. Just like she lied at the college, and I probably have more NA blood than her.

Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


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