Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

Where in the constitution is what Trump did illegal?...first of all congress can make getting on Air Force One an impeachable offense if they want...but that doesn't make it illegal...remember impeachment is a political event not a legal one.....but if the house goes to the senate with this phone call to the Ukraine they will be laughed out of DC by even dem senators....and keep this in mind...when a president says to Turkey for example to agree to a cease fire or we will ruin your economy what do you call that?...its bribery dummy...and its not illegal...its called diplomacy....
When bargaining involves the national interest it's called diplomacy. When bargaining involves the political interest of the president it's called abuse of power.

Why haven't we heard Republican senators disputing the substance only the process?
If Trump expects to be adored as he is in his rallies he should either confine his public appearances to rallies with hand picked crowds or do a better job as president.


Was there a chorus of BOO'S when failed former President Barack Hussein Obama threw out the first pitch at the All-Star game in 2009. Nope, Republicans have far more class than the desperate Democrats.

In his mom jeans!


Every President that I can remember has thrown out a pitch at a ball game, except Trump. I guess he can't throw a baseball and doesn't want to embarass himself.
---------------------------------- ---
------------------------------------- I don't think that the TRUMP cares about your unAmerican respect RWinger .
------------------------------------ here described is how it goes . Trump is President at the moment and expected to be President for the next year and a half at least , ------------- Then maybe re election for the TRUMP for another 4 years is Possible and Probable in many Americans hopes dreams and opinions RWinger .
Trump gives little respect and gets little in return
------------------------------------ big deal and so what RWinger ??
What goes around comes around

ok with me you 'hip hop' philosopher RWinger . Most likely to affect the millennials , dopers and nylon sports and leisure suit wearing millennials , dopers and nylon sports leisure suit wearing types when the 'chinese' respecters of Rights make their move on he USA sometime in the future RWinger . [enrage a community [chuckle] ].
If Trump expects to be adored as he is in his rallies he should either confine his public appearances to rallies with hand picked crowds or do a better job as president.


Was there a chorus of BOO'S when failed former President Barack Hussein Obama threw out the first pitch at the All-Star game in 2009. Nope, Republicans have far more class than the desperate Democrats.

In his mom jeans!


Every President that I can remember has thrown out a pitch at a ball game, except Trump. I guess he can't throw a baseball and doesn't want to embarass himself.
Trump throws like a girl
Hilarious thread. So many triggered Trump cultists. It's not pretty when cults die.

I'm advising them to quietly slip away into the jungle well before the kool-aid vat comes out, but instead they're choosing to just stand there helplessly and wait for the end.
Sad part of lunatic Trump supporters like you?
You don’t even know or understand what is right or wrong any more.
Domestic and Foreign policies sucks.

Just because Trump told you this and that doesn’t mean it’s right or true.
Well then you tell me whats right and whats wrong.....I've been trying to get that out of you libs for two years....WHAT DID TRUMP DO THAT'S IMPEACHABLE? one will answer that question...not even Schiff or maybe its you that is brainwashed....ever think of that?...
I’ll answer

The Constitution specifically mentions bribery as an impeachable offense

Trump demanded a personal “favor” in return for releasing military aid
Not all voters are as ignorant, lying & bigoted as you. Really. You should step outside of Trump world once in a while.

Elizabeth Warren never lied about her heritage.

As for Biden, no woman has accused his of sexual assault like your fat sassed orange buddy


Warren Apologizes for Identifying as ‘American Indian’ on Texas Bar Application

Warren Apologizes for Identifying as ‘American Indian’ on Texas Bar Application

She apologized because she failed to distinguish have NA ancestry with tribal membership.

She apologized because she lied and go caught, it's as simple as that. Just like she lied at the college, and I probably have more NA blood than her.

Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.
If Trump expects to be adored as he is in his rallies he should either confine his public appearances to rallies with hand picked crowds or do a better job as president.


Was there a chorus of BOO'S when failed former President Barack Hussein Obama threw out the first pitch at the All-Star game in 2009. Nope, Republicans have far more class than the desperate Democrats.

In his mom jeans!


Every President that I can remember has thrown out a pitch at a ball game, except Trump. I guess he can't throw a baseball and doesn't want to embarass himself.

His bone spur goes all the way up his yellow stripe into his arm.
The Nationals fans weren't booing. They were offering Trump 'alternative cheers'.
The Trump hating DC Liberals showed the world what they are about. Irrational hatred of the President. Karma slapped them good, stomped in 3 straight games. :113:
The Nationals fans weren't booing. They were offering Trump 'alternative cheers'.
The Trump hating DC Liberals showed the world what they are about. Irrational hatred of the President. Karma slapped them good, stomped in 3 straight games. :113:
Their hatred is not irrational.

Consider this: they booed and jeered and chanted 'Lock him up!' spontaneously. When Trump supporters chant 'Lock her up!' they are lead by Trump or the convicted Michael Flynn or some other toady.
Sad part of lunatic Trump supporters like you?
You don’t even know or understand what is right or wrong any more.
Domestic and Foreign policies sucks.

Just because Trump told you this and that doesn’t mean it’s right or true.
Well then you tell me whats right and whats wrong.....I've been trying to get that out of you libs for two years....WHAT DID TRUMP DO THAT'S IMPEACHABLE? one will answer that question...not even Schiff or maybe its you that is brainwashed....ever think of that?...

Just like what I just said.

You don’t even know what is right or wrong.
Asking a foreign leader to investigate a highly potential presidential nominee Biden. Is a good example of a corrupted POTUS.
Impeachable? It’s beyond that. He should resign immediately. He proved himself mentally unfit.
Of course he will hear boos in Washington DC...that stadium was filled with swamp creatures and swamp staff....give it up libs...if the game was in Houston he would have received a standing ovation....

Trump and his "alternative foreign policy" types, epitomize the "swamp". More Trump staffers and cabinet members have been fired or indicted because of lying and corruption, that any President at this point in his administration.
Come on DL....Trump may not be the best guy in the world and even I may not want to hang out with him...he may not be "presidential" as we have come to know it...but he hasn't done anything impeachable....3 years of searching has produced nothing...think about it...

His taxes have been under audit for 20 years plus in NY....he must be the cleanest man in DC the way he has been investigated to no avail.....beat him at the polls if you hate him so much...if he gets re elected beat his successor in 2024...that's what we did with Obama...we didn't investigate him to death we voted against him and his policies...some we won and some he won but we didn't try and impeach him on false grounds....

And we finally won by beating Hillary...if we had impeached Obama behind closed doors you can bet Hillary would have been elected the first female president and the GOP would be ruined for a the dems are on that cliffs edge....what do you want them to do?...jump or think twice?....

Sad part of lunatic Trump supporters like you?
You don’t even know or understand what is right or wrong any more.
Domestic and Foreign policies sucks.

Just because Trump told you this and that doesn’t mean it’s right or true.
------------------------------------- Take it from me but most DEPLORABLES couldn't care less about your types respecting or booing / disrespecting the President Trump Charwin . In fact , I and many DEPLORABLES welcome the DISRESPECT no matter where it comes from Charwin .

That is you. Do I care?
Disrespect? Since when Trump showed respect to others who doesn’t belong to his group.
The Nationals fans weren't booing. They were offering Trump 'alternative cheers'.
The Trump hating DC Liberals showed the world what they are about. Irrational hatred of the President. Karma slapped them good, stomped in 3 straight games. :113:

You are confusing Baseball with Politics. Now, that's not real bright of you. But what else is new. Did Rump and his band of criminals tell you to say that or did you stoop that low on your own.
Sad part of lunatic Trump supporters like you?
You don’t even know or understand what is right or wrong any more.
Domestic and Foreign policies sucks.

Just because Trump told you this and that doesn’t mean it’s right or true.

Yep, this, to a far-left Progressive SUCKS! Got it!

Trump says Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's likely ISIS successor has been "terminated"
OCTOBER 29, 2019 / 10:27 AM / CBS NEWS
"Just confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's number one replacement has been terminated by American troops. Most likely would have taken the top spot - Now he is also Dead!" the president tweeted.
Trump says Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's likely ISIS successor has been "terminated"
Of course he will hear boos in Washington DC...that stadium was filled with swamp creatures and swamp staff....give it up libs...if the game was in Houston he would have received a standing ovation....

Trump and his "alternative foreign policy" types, epitomize the "swamp". More Trump staffers and cabinet members have been fired or indicted because of lying and corruption, that any President at this point in his administration.
Come on DL....Trump may not be the best guy in the world and even I may not want to hang out with him...he may not be "presidential" as we have come to know it...but he hasn't done anything impeachable....3 years of searching has produced nothing...think about it...

His taxes have been under audit for 20 years plus in NY....he must be the cleanest man in DC the way he has been investigated to no avail.....beat him at the polls if you hate him so much...if he gets re elected beat his successor in 2024...that's what we did with Obama...we didn't investigate him to death we voted against him and his policies...some we won and some he won but we didn't try and impeach him on false grounds....

And we finally won by beating Hillary...if we had impeached Obama behind closed doors you can bet Hillary would have been elected the first female president and the GOP would be ruined for a the dems are on that cliffs edge....what do you want them to do?...jump or think twice?....

Sad part of lunatic Trump supporters like you?
You don’t even know or understand what is right or wrong any more.
Domestic and Foreign policies sucks.

Just because Trump told you this and that doesn’t mean it’s right or true.
------------------------------------- Take it from me but most DEPLORABLES couldn't care less about your types respecting or booing / disrespecting the President Trump Charwin . In fact , I and many DEPLORABLES welcome the DISRESPECT no matter where it comes from Charwin .

That is you. Do I care?
Disrespect? Since when Trump showed respect to others who doesn’t belong to his group.

You have got to be kidding! President Donald Trump was SLAMMED as being toxic to our economy before he even took office. It started well before that and has gotten steadily worse the more success he enjoys!

Of course he will hear boos in Washington DC...that stadium was filled with swamp creatures and swamp staff....give it up libs...if the game was in Houston he would have received a standing ovation....

Trump and his "alternative foreign policy" types, epitomize the "swamp". More Trump staffers and cabinet members have been fired or indicted because of lying and corruption, that any President at this point in his administration.
Come on DL....Trump may not be the best guy in the world and even I may not want to hang out with him...he may not be "presidential" as we have come to know it...but he hasn't done anything impeachable....3 years of searching has produced nothing...think about it...

His taxes have been under audit for 20 years plus in NY....he must be the cleanest man in DC the way he has been investigated to no avail.....beat him at the polls if you hate him so much...if he gets re elected beat his successor in 2024...that's what we did with Obama...we didn't investigate him to death we voted against him and his policies...some we won and some he won but we didn't try and impeach him on false grounds....

And we finally won by beating Hillary...if we had impeached Obama behind closed doors you can bet Hillary would have been elected the first female president and the GOP would be ruined for a the dems are on that cliffs edge....what do you want them to do?...jump or think twice?....

Sad part of lunatic Trump supporters like you?
You don’t even know or understand what is right or wrong any more.
Domestic and Foreign policies sucks.

Just because Trump told you this and that doesn’t mean it’s right or true.
------------------------------------- Take it from me but most DEPLORABLES couldn't care less about your types respecting or booing / disrespecting the President Trump Charwin . In fact , I and many DEPLORABLES welcome the DISRESPECT no matter where it comes from Charwin .

That is you. Do I care?
Disrespect? Since when Trump showed respect to others who doesn’t belong to his group.
-------------------------------------------- YOU are simply being silly Charwin . Showing respect or not showing respect is simply a matter of OPINION Charwin .

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