Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
So, "lock him up," is classless but, "lock her up," isn't?

Perhaps you didn't notice. "Lock him up" was at a World Series baseball game. "Lock her up" was at RALLIES.

Got it?
"Lock him up!" was a spontaneous chant. "Lock her up!" is a chant lead by Trump and his toadies like Flynn at the RNC. One was at a baseball game where you can shout at anything from the ump to the beer guy to Trump. The other is at political rallies where "Lock her up!" is just a few degrees removed from 'Seig Heil!'.
"The other is at political rallies where "Lock her up!" is just a few degrees removed from 'Seig Heil!'."

Ridiculous hyperbole is a specialty of the partisan propagandist.
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
So, "lock him up," is classless but, "lock her up," isn't?

Perhaps you didn't notice. "Lock him up" was at a World Series baseball game. "Lock her up" was at RALLIES.

Got it?
Yeah, the difference is a broader base of people support locking him up than a narrow base of trump supporters support locking her up. :mm:
--------------------------- in your opinion Faun .
Well, yeah, given a broad range of people go to baseball games while the vast majority of Trump rally goers are Trump supporters.
The broad range of people at a Washington Nationals home game? I recall Donald Trump getting ~4 percent of the vote in DC.
The broad range of people at a Washington Nationals home game? I recall Donald Trump getting ~4 percent of the vote in DC
Once again leftists are loosing their minds over the razzing Trump got in the heart of the Deep State.
They keep calling themselves calling themselves the party of bright people because it's not so apparent at all based on their behavior.
World Series tickets in DC were $1000+. And here I thought Democrats were middle class. LOL
So, "lock him up," is classless but, "lock her up," isn't?

Perhaps you didn't notice. "Lock him up" was at a World Series baseball game. "Lock her up" was at RALLIES.

Got it?
Yeah, the difference is a broader base of people support locking him up than a narrow base of trump supporters support locking her up. :mm:
--------------------------- in your opinion Faun .
Well, yeah, given a broad range of people go to baseball games while the vast majority of Trump rally goers are Trump supporters.
The broad range of people at a Washington Nationals home game? I recall Donald Trump getting ~4 percent of the vote in DC.
And you think everyone at that game is from D.C.?
World Series tickets in DC were $1000+. And here I thought Democrats were middle class. LOL
My ex in laws were mid level federal administrator functionaries living in Falls Church, Virginia.
And they lived like dukes and duchesses in their little English manor homes.
yeah , they wouldn't be watching ball catchers and ball dribblers if they had any brains or thinking ability Faun .

"Lock him up!" was a spontaneous chant. "Lock her up!" is a chant lead by Trump and his toadies like Flynn at the RNC. One was at a baseball game where you can shout at anything from the ump to the beer guy to Trump. The other is at political rallies where "Lock her up!" is just a few degrees removed from 'Seig Heil!'.

You're one sick puppy! I'm sure you're proud of yourself.
I guess he'll just have to go to another Wrestlemania or tractor pull or cow chip throwing contest to feel the love.
Any red state city ballpark would do. DC is all SWAMP Dems.

The ballparks are in the cities where Trump support is the weakest. I suppose that's because the cities are where the people are.

No, that's where libtards live.

There are two major cities in my state, both run by Democrats. They are shitholes. The rest of the state is mostly represented by Republicans from county officials all the way to the state house, governor, and Congress. There is one Democrat in Congress. Guess where he lives?
Every so often some Trumpian posts a map of the nation showing all the counties in all 50 states. Most of the map is red with pockets of blue clustered along the east and west coasts, along the Great Lakes and dots along the rivers. Those blue bits align with the population centers.

More Americans live in Brooklyn, for example, than in Wyoming. But while Wyoming shows up as a huge swath of red, Brooklyn can barely be picked out.

The cities are where the ballparks are. Where the theaters, museums, concert halls and universities are too. And it's where most Americans are too.

If Trump expects to be adored as he is in his rallies he should either confine his public appearances to rallies with hand picked crowds or do a better job as president.

Guess what? You actually stumbled on to the truth, partially.

People who boo the President of the United States are liberals classless morons, but I repeat myself.

I would not have crossed the street to spit in Obama's face or Clinton's either one, but I never would have booed them either.
Where in the constitution is what Trump did illegal?...first of all congress can make getting on Air Force One an impeachable offense if they want...but that doesn't make it illegal...remember impeachment is a political event not a legal one.....but if the house goes to the senate with this phone call to the Ukraine they will be laughed out of DC by even dem senators....and keep this in mind...when a president says to Turkey for example to agree to a cease fire or we will ruin your economy what do you call that?...its bribery dummy...and its not illegal...its called diplomacy....
When bargaining involves the national interest it's called diplomacy. When bargaining involves the political interest of the president it's called abuse of power.

Why haven't we heard Republican senators disputing the substance only the process?

That is your stupid, uneducated opinion that has no basis in fact.

They can't dispute the substance because there simply isn't any, dumbass!
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
So, "lock him up," is classless but, "lock her up," isn't?

Perhaps you didn't notice. "Lock him up" was at a World Series baseball game. "Lock her up" was at RALLIES.

Got it?
"Lock him up!" was a spontaneous chant. "Lock her up!" is a chant lead by Trump and his toadies like Flynn at the RNC. One was at a baseball game where you can shout at anything from the ump to the beer guy to Trump. The other is at political rallies where "Lock her up!" is just a few degrees removed from 'Seig Heil!'.

Nosmo, do you have any fucking idea who "Flynn" is? Apparently you do not. There must have been a typo in your talking points email, dumbass!
Perhaps you didn't notice. "Lock him up" was at a World Series baseball game. "Lock her up" was at RALLIES.

Got it?
Yeah, the difference is a broader base of people support locking him up than a narrow base of trump supporters support locking her up. :mm:
--------------------------- in your opinion Faun .
Well, yeah, given a broad range of people go to baseball games while the vast majority of Trump rally goers are Trump supporters.
The broad range of people at a Washington Nationals home game? I recall Donald Trump getting ~4 percent of the vote in DC.
And you think everyone at that game is from D.C.?
Definitely not. But it is a safe bet that a large majority were from DC or the Metro area making it a distinctly Democrat Trump hater crowd. Just as in Houston, the crowd would be distinctly pro Trump.

Warren Apologizes for Identifying as ‘American Indian’ on Texas Bar Application

Warren Apologizes for Identifying as ‘American Indian’ on Texas Bar Application

She apologized because she failed to distinguish have NA ancestry with tribal membership.

She apologized because she lied and go caught, it's as simple as that. Just like she lied at the college, and I probably have more NA blood than her.

Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.

Really, my wife can trace her ancestry to the trail of tears, her family refused to sign up for the rolls. She has blonde hair and blue eyes because of her German blood. I was born and raised in OK, as far as I know I'm all Irish. Warrens test showed she has about 1/1024ths indian blood, which is less they say, than the average American.

She apologized because she failed to distinguish have NA ancestry with tribal membership.

She apologized because she lied and go caught, it's as simple as that. Just like she lied at the college, and I probably have more NA blood than her.

Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.

Really, my wife can trace her ancestry to the trail of tears, her family refused to sign up for the rolls. She has blonde hair and blue eyes because of her German blood. I was born and raised in OK, as far as I know I'm all Irish. Warrens test showed she has about 1/1024ths indian blood, which is less they say, than the average American.


I find Warren's claim of her ancestry to be a fraud she perpetrated to gain favor. I am at a minimum one-fourth Native American as my grandmother on my mother's side was Cherokee. The other three quarters are all English. That status has never gotten me anything I did not earn. She cannot say that.
She apologized because she lied and go caught, it's as simple as that. Just like she lied at the college, and I probably have more NA blood than her.

Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.

Really, my wife can trace her ancestry to the trail of tears, her family refused to sign up for the rolls. She has blonde hair and blue eyes because of her German blood. I was born and raised in OK, as far as I know I'm all Irish. Warrens test showed she has about 1/1024ths indian blood, which is less they say, than the average American.


I find Warren's claim of her ancestry to be a fraud she perpetrated to gain favor. I am at a minimum one-fourth Native American as my grandmother on my mother's side was Cherokee. The other three quarters are all English. That status has never gotten me anything I did not earn. She cannot say that.

Yep, the bitch is just a liar for personal gain.

That play at first was a screw job on Washington. Little discussed is it appears Turner was already on the bag when the glove was hit . So he’s safe already and can’t interfere.
Yeah, the difference is a broader base of people support locking him up than a narrow base of trump supporters support locking her up. :mm:
--------------------------- in your opinion Faun .
Well, yeah, given a broad range of people go to baseball games while the vast majority of Trump rally goers are Trump supporters.
The broad range of people at a Washington Nationals home game? I recall Donald Trump getting ~4 percent of the vote in DC.
And you think everyone at that game is from D.C.?
Definitely not. But it is a safe bet that a large majority were from DC or the Metro area making it a distinctly Democrat Trump hater crowd. Just as in Houston, the crowd would be distinctly pro Trump.
A short drive away is Delaware and Virginia, two states, Trump narrowly lost. Maryland, where he got 35% of the vote. And Pennsylvania and West Virginia, two states he narrowly won. It's reasonable to assume there were more than 4% of Trump supporters at that game.
She apologized because she failed to distinguish have NA ancestry with tribal membership.

She apologized because she lied and go caught, it's as simple as that. Just like she lied at the college, and I probably have more NA blood than her.

Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.

Really, my wife can trace her ancestry to the trail of tears, her family refused to sign up for the rolls. She has blonde hair and blue eyes because of her German blood. I was born and raised in OK, as far as I know I'm all Irish. Warrens test showed she has about 1/1024ths indian blood, which is less they say, than the average American.

Liar. Warren's test showed a range where on the low end, she was about 1/1024th Indian. On the high end, it was 1/64th, or 6 generations off. And according to what she said in the past was her family lore was 5 generations earlier. In line with the high end of the test. That confirmed her claims. What she failed to confirm was her claim that her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee.

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