Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

She apologized because she lied and go caught, it's as simple as that. Just like she lied at the college, and I probably have more NA blood than her.

Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.

Really, my wife can trace her ancestry to the trail of tears, her family refused to sign up for the rolls. She has blonde hair and blue eyes because of her German blood. I was born and raised in OK, as far as I know I'm all Irish. Warrens test showed she has about 1/1024ths indian blood, which is less they say, than the average American.

Liar. Warren's test showed a range where on the low end, she was about 1/1024th Indian. On the high end, it was 1/64th, or 6 generations off. And according to what she said in the past was her family lore was 5 generations earlier. In line with the high end of the test. That confirmed her claims. What she failed to confirm was her claim that her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee.

Wow, you just won't face the fact that she used her "ancestry" to gain an advantage, will ya. Makes you wonder how this came about, doesn't it?

Article Cites Elizabeth Warren As First Woman of Color Hired by Harvard Law School

Article Cites Elizabeth Warren As First Woman of Color Hired by Harvard Law School

As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5

Do not worry. It was only the classless, brainless shills of DC booing as their masters told them to. Their opinions count for nothing.
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam.
Except that never happened. BTW, what was Clinton's and Obama's service in the military?
The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother.
Except that never happened. But Obama did illegally reveal the existence of sealed indictments in the Benghazi investigation, killed four Americans overseas in counter-terrorism operations without any judicial due process owed them, illegally sold thousands of guns to criminals some of which came back to kill American border agents, attempted to force returning veterans to pay huge increases for their health coverage…as a way to generate more funding for his Obamacare provisions, and sent insulting form letters to the families of dead SEALs.
The guy who denigrated POWs.
Except that too never actually happened. Just one more fabricated lie sold you brainwashed minions.
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
I guess he'll just have to go to another Wrestlemania or tractor pull or cow chip throwing contest to feel the love.
At least it would be real love, felt by real people, unlike anything Hillary or Barry ever felt, and that just bugs the livin' crap out of you, doesn't it?
Trump deludes himself into thinking America loves him but so many obviously do not.

This is EXACTLY how many people love Trump (see red columns):

2016 Electorals 2.jpg

And in 26 out of 30 state comparisons, Trump had more, usually far more people who liked him than Hillary, and in two others, they tied. Really, the only ONE state where Hillary had a commanding lead was California. And Hillary carried far more name recognition and support that Joey, Liz and Bernie COMBINED. Suck on that. Hillary had big support in THREE states (only because of 4 cities); Trump had support in THIRTY.

Three states or four cities will NEVER win you an election.
Love it. The Trump Turd gets his...


Nice to see someone brought a special telephoto lens to a baseball game with advance notice just to shoot that picture. Had that been someone with an IMPEACH OBAMA sign or Obama clown mask, they would have been thrown out, arrested or lost their job.
Three states or four cities will NEVER win you an election.
Unless you eliminate the electoral college.

We both know the Founders put that in place EXACTLY so that a mob of you fascist goons in one small localized section of the country could not mob rule and usurp representation over the other 99% of the country.

We also know that if the EC worked in your favor or against your opposition, you would love it and would defend it to the death, so go suck a wet fart.
Three states or four cities will NEVER win you an election.
Unless you eliminate the electoral college.

We both know the Founders put that in place EXACTLY so that a mob of you fascist goons in one small localized section of the country could not mob rule and usurp representation over the other 99% of the country.

We also know that if the EC worked in your favor or against your opposition, you would love it and would defend it to the death, so go suck a wet fart.
Not me. I was just pointing to exactly what you said. Mob rule would make left wingers inevitable winners of every election which is why democrats favor eliminating the electoral college. They’re morons who have no real clue as to what they’re wishing for.
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
Obama has been voted the best President of modern time more than once. Trump is already the worst. Get your facts together, son.

Best president? Can you provide a list of accomplishments that would even rate him in the lower half?
You must have been asleep for 4 years. One thing was when he took over the country was headed for a depression. He left Trump a good economy that Trump is taking credit for.

The country was heading for a depression in 2008 because we had a Democrat-led Congress.
What difference did that make? And a lot of the world was headed in that direction. You obviously admit that he didm a good job. Thanks.
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
So, "lock him up," is classless but, "lock her up," isn't?

Perhaps you didn't notice. "Lock him up" was at a World Series baseball game. "Lock her up" was at RALLIES.

Got it?
"Lock him up!" was a spontaneous chant. "Lock her up!" is a chant lead by Trump and his toadies like Flynn at the RNC. One was at a baseball game where you can shout at anything from the ump to the beer guy to Trump. The other is at political rallies where "Lock her up!" is just a few degrees removed from 'Seig Heil!'.
------------------------------------- Free Country , Free Speech and YOUR Opinion . And it ain't worth a pinch of zhit Nosmo ,
Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.

Really, my wife can trace her ancestry to the trail of tears, her family refused to sign up for the rolls. She has blonde hair and blue eyes because of her German blood. I was born and raised in OK, as far as I know I'm all Irish. Warrens test showed she has about 1/1024ths indian blood, which is less they say, than the average American.

Liar. Warren's test showed a range where on the low end, she was about 1/1024th Indian. On the high end, it was 1/64th, or 6 generations off. And according to what she said in the past was her family lore was 5 generations earlier. In line with the high end of the test. That confirmed her claims. What she failed to confirm was her claim that her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee.

Wow, you just won't face the fact that she used her "ancestry" to gain an advantage, will ya. Makes you wonder how this came about, doesn't it?

Article Cites Elizabeth Warren As First Woman of Color Hired by Harvard Law School

Article Cites Elizabeth Warren As First Woman of Color Hired by Harvard Law School

You are lying. It has been proven that she got no advantage. The schools that hired her has said as much.

Any promotions the schools did was theirs & not Warren's.
Trump deludes himself into thinking America loves him but so many obviously do not.

This is EXACTLY how many people love Trump (see red columns):

View attachment 286998
And in 26 out of 30 state comparisons, Trump had more, usually far more people who liked him than Hillary, and in two others, they tied. Really, the only ONE state where Hillary had a commanding lead was California. And Hillary carried far more name recognition and support that Joey, Liz and Bernie COMBINED. Suck on that. Hillary had big support in THREE states (only because of 4 cities); Trump had support in THIRTY.

Three states or four cities will NEVER win you an election.
Another dumbass who thinks we vote by the acre.

One man , one vote, assfuck.
The broad range of people at a Washington Nationals home game? I recall Donald Trump getting ~4 percent of the vote in DC
Once again leftists are loosing their minds over the razzing Trump got in the heart of the Deep State.
They keep calling themselves calling themselves the party of bright people because it's not so apparent at all based on their behavior.
Deep State haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
She apologized because she lied and go caught, it's as simple as that. Just like she lied at the college, and I probably have more NA blood than her.

Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.

Really, my wife can trace her ancestry to the trail of tears, her family refused to sign up for the rolls. She has blonde hair and blue eyes because of her German blood. I was born and raised in OK, as far as I know I'm all Irish. Warrens test showed she has about 1/1024ths indian blood, which is less they say, than the average American.


I find Warren's claim of her ancestry to be a fraud she perpetrated to gain favor. I am at a minimum one-fourth Native American as my grandmother on my mother's side was Cherokee. The other three quarters are all English. That status has never gotten me anything I did not earn. She cannot say that.
You are lying and the gain far aspect. The schools that hired her confirmed that.
She apologized because she failed to distinguish have NA ancestry with tribal membership.

She apologized because she lied and go caught, it's as simple as that. Just like she lied at the college, and I probably have more NA blood than her.

Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.

Really, my wife can trace her ancestry to the trail of tears, her family refused to sign up for the rolls. She has blonde hair and blue eyes because of her German blood. I was born and raised in OK, as far as I know I'm all Irish. Warrens test showed she has about 1/1024ths indian blood, which is less they say, than the average American.

Actually, dishonest POS, the test showed 1/64 to 1/1024th. Are you too stupid to know what that means?
Elizabeth Warren said in plain language where her knowledge of her heritage originated.

Assfucks like you & trump had a fucking fit & called her a liar.

She took a test//. It confirmed what she had said.

If you claim minority status on an official basis, you need to show that heritage and it needs to be within a set number of generations. Warren never had that and therefore all your lying is just your ignorance.

Do you have more NA heritage? Prove it or STFU.

Yep, she took a test and it proved she has less NA blood than the average American, I'm an average American. LMAO


From OK. The chances of you not having some Indian Blood in you is right up there with being hit by a meteor. She's from OK as well. And one side of my family comes from OK also. Your digs just shows you are reaching hard willing to insult all of us breeds.

Really, my wife can trace her ancestry to the trail of tears, her family refused to sign up for the rolls. She has blonde hair and blue eyes because of her German blood. I was born and raised in OK, as far as I know I'm all Irish. Warrens test showed she has about 1/1024ths indian blood, which is less they say, than the average American.

Liar. Warren's test showed a range where on the low end, she was about 1/1024th Indian. On the high end, it was 1/64th, or 6 generations off. And according to what she said in the past was her family lore was 5 generations earlier. In line with the high end of the test. That confirmed her claims. What she failed to confirm was her claim that her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee.

Wow, you just won't face the fact that she used her "ancestry" to gain an advantage, will ya. Makes you wonder how this came about, doesn't it?

Article Cites Elizabeth Warren As First Woman of Color Hired by Harvard Law School

Article Cites Elizabeth Warren As First Woman of Color Hired by Harvard Law School

That wasn't even being discussed, you dumb fucking cuck. So painting my post as not facing something not being discussed only serves to root out your desperation after you embarrassingly got caught lying about how much Indian blood is in her heritage. As far as her using that to get something, I've acknowledged she did that in the past. Although thanks to President Bone Spurs, lying no longer matters.
Last edited:
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam.
Except that never happened. BTW, what was Clinton's and Obama's service in the military?
The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother.
Except that never happened. But Obama did illegally reveal the existence of sealed indictments in the Benghazi investigation, killed four Americans overseas in counter-terrorism operations without any judicial due process owed them, illegally sold thousands of guns to criminals some of which came back to kill American border agents, attempted to force returning veterans to pay huge increases for their health coverage…as a way to generate more funding for his Obamacare provisions, and sent insulting form letters to the families of dead SEALs.
The guy who denigrated POWs.
Except that too never actually happened. Just one more fabricated lie sold you brainwashed minions.
"Except that too never actually happened. Just one more fabricated lie sold you brainwashed minions."

Poor, deranged birther, no one fabricated him saying he likes people that weren't captured.

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