Cleaning up dog poop among "effed up" tasks former aides say GOP congressman expected of them

Actually those are little thought turds Trump has dropped all around the capital and everyone's been stepping in it.
Trump is the president. Looks like they would be used to shit by now.

you're just jealous of Donald, one the best looking 70 year olds, one of the wealthiest Americans, and the most powerful man in the history of the world!
Someone’s got to do it...or it could just be left there.

or you can not take your dog to DC
You got something against dogs bro?

Guess you kind of answered the question, they poop!

again, why do they poop it, and never scoop it?
They have aids to scoop it!

oh. that's gotta suck for the aides...
Working with poop is great training for a future politician.
"Rep. Tom Garrett (R-Va.) said Monday that he has a drinking problem and announced he will not seek reelection — a decision that came amid mounting scrutiny into his handling of his congressional office."

From the OP link....

"Four former staffers told Politico" Yeah, that there is 'real' evidence.....Do you people even realize how full of crap you are?
From the OP link....

"Four former staffers told Politico" Yeah, that there is 'real' evidence.....Do you people even realize how full of crap you are?

the Congressman admitted it himself and resigned like 30 minutes ago. deal with it.

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