It doesn't? Then who was thanking Hunter for setting up the meeting between him and Joe?
Did you read the article? It's about someone that Hunter Biden was working with on a deal in China.
The OP confirms the authenticity of the laptop and email chains it contains, which further proves you were a lying sack of shit when you claimed you had "overwhelming evidence" this story was false.
They were doing business when he did have authority. Burisma hired drug head to have access to his father. That's why this money laundering scheme is being investigated.
This article and person in it has nothing to do with Burisma.
its about the bidens not burisma,,,

but you knew that and are trying to pull an alinsky,,,
Closing the thread to do some cleaning, seems this thread has been derailed and will get it back on topic with some Clorox.
Hopefully is will reopen soon

Opening up the thread, there were 35 off topic posts that were purged. Just to let you know
this isn't a Trump/Russia thread. Stay on topic going forward. No warnings were issued, no thread bans
were issued. Going forward in this thread there will be warnings and thread bans for those who don't
adhere to this post.
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I hope he also focuses on all of Biden's current failed / horrific policies, his intent to kill fracking, pack the court, jack up taxes, reinstate the Democrat 'economic policies of slavery', and return to Obama's open borders.

I hope he reminds America that Biden was against life saving travel bans and was more interested in defending China during the pandemic - even though it was proved China created it and unleashed it on the world - than he was interested in saving American lives....and now we know why!
I hope he also focuses on all of Biden's current failed / horrific policies, his intent to kill fracking, pack the court, jack up taxes, reinstate the Democrat 'economic policies of slavery', and return to Obama's open borders.

I hope he reminds America that Biden was against life saving travel bans and was more interested in defending China during the pandemic - even though it was proved China created it and unleashed it on the world - than he was interested in saving American lives....and now we know why!

I agree. Trump should have a list of what Biden will do if elected. I've seen that list on this board and its a tax payer night mare. Anyone voting for Biden is dumber than a box of rocks.
His 10% cut of 1.5 Billion taxed at his Biden 60% tax rate means He owes the IRS $90,000,000 in unpaid taxes and has to explain in court why he never reported the money to the IRS and in releasing his docs to the public.-oops
Wasn't that email dated after Joe Biden left office? Was no longer VP?

Was Joe Biden cc'd on it?

Did the alleged deal ever happen? What does Joe's taxes show?
"Bobulisnki added that the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees requested that he turn over "all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden family as well as various foreign entities and individuals," and that he intends to fully cooperate.

"I have extensive relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to both Committees in the immediate future," he said."
And the FBI will somehow end up destroying all of the evidence.
"Bobulisnki added that the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees requested that he turn over "all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden family as well as various foreign entities and individuals," and that he intends to fully cooperate.

"I have extensive relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to both Committees in the immediate future," he said."
And the FBI will somehow end up destroying all of the evidence.

Multiple copies of the hard drive are floating around. The FBI is shitting bricks. They can't destroy the evidence on this one.
Wasn't that email dated after Joe Biden left office? Was no longer VP?

Was Joe Biden cc'd on it?

Did the alleged deal ever happen? What does Joe's taxes show?
Are you saying the Biden isn't running for president now, dumbass?
BTW, what schedule does one use to put all of their bribe money, illegal kick-backs, and graft coming in from China, Russia, Romania, and the Ukraine?
Is is on a schedule C, or is it entered on a 1099 misc?
And all of a sudden the right thinks they have a right to see details of everyone's private business in order to become president.

Strange times.
Hunter was the designated bag guy for Biden crime syndicate. However, he hated the Big Guy getting his cut.

He didn't like being Fredo in the family


He was whining in one of his emails that he didn't get any respect from the rest of the family but he was the one bringing in the bucks and he was pissed that "The Big Guy" was skimming off the top.

Just think of all the stupid Moon Bats that will still vote for Biden after him selling out his country was exposed.

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