Clever questions atheists can't answer!

This was posted elsewhere as proof that atheists are not as smart as christians. Other christians agreed but not one of them could say why.

People like this are out there voting and reproducing. It goes a long way toward explaining how drumpf actually got into the White House as anything but a janitor.
more intellectual and smarter that Christians?
I'm not surprised you'd think that was an intelligent post. lol

How many times do we need to smack you upside the head before you learn?
2. If dinosaurs turned into birds, why are we not afraid of them?
Because birds are not thirty foot tall and bite your heads off

3. If homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a child?

Because children are not a requirement of two people loving each other

4. What purpose do we have if evolution is real?

We are born, we breathe, we eat, we shit, we fuck and we eventually die.......
That is our purpose

5. You say Jesus never existed, but have you heard of the Shroud of Turin?
Jesus was not a white man
6. Why do we not see humans being born in the zoos from monkeys if we came from monkeys?
We did not come from monkeys, we had common ancestors
7. Why do we go to church if God is not real?
Because there is a sucker born every minute

8. How did the Grand Canyon form?

9. Do you know that Jesus loves you?

No, Jesus was killed 2000 years ago
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2. If dinosaurs turned into birds, why are we not afraid of them?
Because birds are not thirty foot tall and bite your heads off

3. If homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a child?

Because children are not a requirement of two people loving each other

4. What purpose do we have if evolution is real?

We are born, we breathe, we eat, we shit, we fuck and we eventually die.......
That is our purpose

5. You say Jesus never existed, but have you heard of the Shroud of Turin?
Jesus was not a white man
6. Why do we not see humans being born in the zoos from monkeys if we came from monkeys?
We did not come from monkeys, we had common ancestors
7. Why do we go to church if God is not real?
Because there is a sucker born every minute

8. How did the Grand Canyon form?

9. Do you know that Jesus loves you?

3. If homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a child?

Because children are not a requirement of two people loving each other

Neither is sodomy or marriage.
2. If dinosaurs turned into birds, why are we not afraid of them?
Because birds are not thirty foot tall and bite your heads off

3. If homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a child?

Because children are not a requirement of two people loving each other

4. What purpose do we have if evolution is real?

We are born, we breathe, we eat, we shit, we fuck and we eventually die.......
That is our purpose

5. You say Jesus never existed, but have you heard of the Shroud of Turin?
Jesus was not a white man
6. Why do we not see humans being born in the zoos from monkeys if we came from monkeys?
We did not come from monkeys, we had common ancestors
7. Why do we go to church if God is not real?
Because there is a sucker born every minute

8. How did the Grand Canyon form?

9. Do you know that Jesus loves you?

3. If homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a child?

Because children are not a requirement of two people loving each other

Neither is sodomy or marriage.
Married couples commit sodomy
2. If dinosaurs turned into birds, why are we not afraid of them?
Because birds are not thirty foot tall and bite your heads off

3. If homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a child?

Because children are not a requirement of two people loving each other

4. What purpose do we have if evolution is real?

We are born, we breathe, we eat, we shit, we fuck and we eventually die.......
That is our purpose

5. You say Jesus never existed, but have you heard of the Shroud of Turin?
Jesus was not a white man
6. Why do we not see humans being born in the zoos from monkeys if we came from monkeys?
We did not come from monkeys, we had common ancestors
7. Why do we go to church if God is not real?
Because there is a sucker born every minute

8. How did the Grand Canyon form?

9. Do you know that Jesus loves you?

3. If homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a child?

Because children are not a requirement of two people loving each other

Neither is sodomy or marriage.
Married couples commit sodomy

Sodomy isn't what the Bible says, never the less it isn't require for two people to love each other. Nothing is really required.
Wow! Another "Christians are fucked up" thread.........

Soon to be followed by an "atheists are fucked up" thread.......

Color me surprised........... Not........ Pathetic......., but funny........ :lmao:
Atheism is a belief that we are a bunch of animals sitting on a rock in the middle of space

We are born, we breathe, we eat, we shit, we fuck and eventually die

That is all there is

Well, I'll take a stab at the first one:

"1. If creationists can’t do science, then why do Kent Hovind and Duane T. Gish, who are creation scientists, have professional degrees in science?"

That would be because all of their degrees come from unaccredited institutions. Which means, they're not worth the paper their diplomas are written on. I could receive my PhD in cardio-thoracic surgery at "Mo's Heart College, and Drive-in Truck Stop". Would you trust me to open your chest just because I can show you that I got my diploma?
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That would be because all of their degrees come from unaccredited institutions. Which means, they're not worth the paper their diplomas are written on. I could receive my PhD in cardio-thoracic surgery at "Mo's Heart College, and Drive-in Truck Stop". Would you trust me to open your chest just because I can show you that I got my diploma?
how much would it cost?
That would be because all of their degrees come from unaccredited institutions. Which means, they're not worth the paper their diplomas are written on. I could receive my PhD in cardio-thoracic surgery at "Mo's Heart College, and Drive-in Truck Stop". Would you trust me to open your chest just because I can show you that I got my diploma?
how much would it cost?
The worthless diploma, or having me hack open your chest with my worthless diploma?

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