Climate capitalism and the rise of synthetic foods


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
“Your typical morning cup of coffee is a social and environmental disaster—but you’ll soon have the option to start sipping something less harmful: synthetic coffee…

The intense demand for coffee has driven mass deforestation, poverty wages for farmers who see little of the rising prices for their commodity, and substantial carbon emissions due to both production and long supply chains. Research suggests that around half of the land best suited to growing coffee will become unsuitable for that purpose by 2050, thanks to climate change. In Brazil, that figure reaches 88%.….

If these companies reach enough people, it will be a classic case of what economists and climate capitalists call the substitution effect: As traditional coffee becomes scarce, and more expensive, consumers will switch to these cheaper and plentiful alterna-brews.

And coffee is just be the beginning. Already, Voyage Foods sells a nut-free, cocoa-free Nutella alternative nationwide at Walmart. The company says its spread is comparable in price to “real” Nutella, and is also the lowest-cost allergen-free spread available at the big-box chain…

Since we’re messing with the life-support system on planet Earth by filling the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, it makes sense that someday we might produce more of our food the way NASA has proposed growing food for space stations and moon bases.

Bioreactors—basically, big steel vessels—have been used for decades to manufacture pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food additives. Any plant cell can be run through a process that makes it possible for it to grow in a bioreactor, subsisting on nothing but sugars,…”


So says the WSJ. It really doesn’t matter whether you deny the science of climate change because the real world effects are occurring whether you like it or not. Companies are preparing for the day when arable land becomes less productive. If we (by we I mean the world not just the US) had started years ago to earnestly battle the effects of climate change we would not be in this situation. This is the inevitable outcome of climate change and environmental degradation. Though I guess synthetic food is better than none at all.
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I'm not a fan of any of this synthetic stuff. What they need to do is farm the coffee responsibly.
I'm not a fan of any of this synthetic stuff. What they need to do is farm the coffee responsibly.
Who the heck wants synthetic food, but when the climate becomes inhospitable to coffee or other crops, what other alternatives are there.
This article is nothing but propaganda for a globalist new world order.
I am sure some leftist will immediately shout: CONSPIRACY THEORY.... but it's amazing how often yesterday's conspiracy theory becomes tomorrow's FACTS.

Note to leftists everywhere: Leave your control freak hands off of my beer and off of my coffee, and we'll get along better.

This article is nothing but propaganda for a globalist new world order.
I am sure some leftist will immediately shout: CONSPIRACY THEORY.... but it's amazing how often yesterday's conspiracy theory becomes tomorrow's FACTS.

Note to leftists everywhere: Leave your control freak hands off of my beer and off of my coffee, and we'll get along better.

Just been done.

Just been done.

Sorry didn't see it, but now it's on here twice.
This article is nothing but propaganda for a globalist new world order.
I am sure some leftist will immediately shout: CONSPIRACY THEORY.... but it's amazing how often yesterday's conspiracy theory becomes tomorrow's FACTS.

Note to leftists everywhere: Leave your control freak hands off of my beer and off of my coffee, and we'll get along better.

Why do you hate capitalism?
This article is nothing but propaganda for a globalist new world order.
I am sure some leftist will immediately shout: CONSPIRACY THEORY.... but it's amazing how often yesterday's conspiracy theory becomes tomorrow's FACTS.

Note to leftists everywhere: Leave your control freak hands off of my beer and off of my coffee, and we'll get along better.

Much of this is pushed by Americas enemies. They don't want the U.S economy to thrive, their social fabric to be united and patriotic, their policies to benefit their nation and citizens.

Foreign intelligence agencies have been winning more than they should. Time for Good Men to step up and stop allowing the promoting so many who despise America.
Much of this is pushed by Americas enemies. They don't want the U.S economy to thrive, their social fabric to be united and patriotic, their policies to benefit their nation and citizens.

Foreign intelligence agencies have been winning more than they should. Time for Good Men to step up and stop allowing the promoting so many who despise America.
Entrepreneurs taking advantage of capitalism is pushed by Americas enemies?
This boring assed doom-and-gloom bullshit has been predicted since at least Malthus.

“Your typical morning cup of coffee is a social and environmental disaster—but you’ll soon have the option to start sipping something less harmful: synthetic coffee…

The intense demand for coffee has driven mass deforestation, poverty wages for farmers who see little of the rising prices for their commodity, and substantial carbon emissions due to both production and long supply chains. Research suggests that around half of the land best suited to growing coffee will become unsuitable for that purpose by 2050, thanks to climate change. In Brazil, that figure reaches 88%.….

If these companies reach enough people, it will be a classic case of what economists and climate capitalists call the substitution effect: As traditional coffee becomes scarce, and more expensive, consumers will switch to these cheaper and plentiful alterna-brews.

And coffee is just be the beginning. Already, Voyage Foods sells a nut-free, cocoa-free Nutella alternative nationwide at Walmart. The company says its spread is comparable in price to “real” Nutella, and is also the lowest-cost allergen-free spread available at the big-box chain…

Since we’re messing with the life-support system on planet Earth by filling the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, it makes sense that someday we might produce more of our food the way NASA has proposed growing food for space stations and moon bases.

Bioreactors—basically, big steel vessels—have been used for decades to manufacture pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food additives. Any plant cell can be run through a process that makes it possible for it to grow in a bioreactor, subsisting on nothing but sugars,…”


So says the WSJ. It really doesn’t matter whether you deny the science of climate change because the real world effects are occurring whether you like it or not. Companies are preparing for the day when arable land becomes less productive. If we (by we I mean the world not just the US) had started years ago to earnestly battle the effects of climate change we would not be in this situation. This is the inevitable outcome of climate change and environmental degradation. Though I guess synthetic food is better than none at all.
Entitled moon bat that thinks we can control natural earth evolution 🤣
Entitled moon bat that thinks we can control natural earth evolution 🤣
As I said in my OP it doesn't matter what denialist think about the science of climate change, it is still occurring and companies are dealing with it.
What in the article indicated anything other than capitalism's profit motive as cause for the possible coffee's demise?

both production and long supply chains. Research suggests that around half of the land best suited to growing coffee will become unsuitable for that purpose by 2050

For all of these reasons, at least a half-dozen companies are using biotechnology and food science to replace the coffee in your cup with something that lacks all that baggage
As I said in my OP it doesn't matter what denialist think about the science of climate change, it is still occurring and companies are dealing with it.
Yes, climate change happens. It happens every day, and has been for billions of years. Lucky us, huh?
Is anything safe from the radical global warming extortionists? Now we can't even drink a freaking cup of coffee without threats from socialist hypocrites
I will not drink synthetic coffee.

I either won't drink coffee at all or I'll pay more and have it shipped from another country.

So much stuff in America is already contaminated with chemicals, artificial additives, or just subject to too much production as it is. I draw the line at eating or drinking fake shit.

Despite what we think at the end of the day we're just animals. Our bodies 100% derive from natural products in nature. Not a single cell in our body isn't built from anything that doesn't come from nature itself. We're meant to eat and drink things that come from the earth.

It's this kind of stupid shit that puts in a sickness cycle. We eat foods that aren't good for us so we get sick, so we create more medications to not be sick. So we eat stuff we shouldn't eat then when it causes problems we take medicines that we shouldn't be taking. And most people don't even think about it because they want what's easy and won't accept the reality that humans are just animals.

We all care what we feed our cats and dogs, and what the cows are injected with that we eat and so on. Meanwhile we eat processed and fake food and swallow pills of God knows what. Hell we even love to buy air fresheners which is just us breathing in chemicals.

Yes I love snacks that are processed and not good for me sometimes. But 90% of the time I want real coffee, real beef, real vegetables and real bread.
Is anything safe from the radical global warming extortionists? Now we can't even drink a freaking cup of coffee without threats from socialist hypocrites
LOL..Even the conservative Wall Street Journal is not disputing that anthropogenic climate change is real. You and your children are going to pay for climate change one way or another. The longer we wait to deal with it, the steeper will be the price tag. Enjoy your synthetic coffee and chocolate. It is coming to a store near you.

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