Climate Change Affecting Polar Regions Worse.

Let me rephrase, CO2 is being cleaned from the atmosphere by natural sinks. I will agree there is SOME residual man made that is building as the sinks are not growing fast enough to counter the supply. With the cooling oceans it will soon change as uptake is faster than the supply can generate. It's a balancing act where the vegetation responds to the level of CO2 and that takes time.
You don't have a clue... the half life of CO2 is less than 3 years..
And that proves what exactly? We continue to pump ever increasing amounts of it into the atmosphere, year after year. The oceans are not 'cooling', they are warming, you moron. And there is certainly not an increase in carbon sinks across the planet, deforestation is insuring that.

The amount of disinformation you pump out is staggering.
He said you are a cuck who doesn't know anything.

I said people not up to speed on atmospheric science aught not be calling others ignorant ... McRib doesn't know we're discuss the greenhouse effect ... or how that related to his OP ... my guess he isn't aware of the basic physics at hand ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...
You aren't doing a very good job of it.

When you try to make others look stupid, you'll only end up making yourself look stupid ... and when you try to make others look smart, well, it still makes you look stupid ... I avoid all this by claiming to be stupid, I didn't even finish high school ... my gender identity is an uneducated construction laborer ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... how stoopid is that? ...
Climate change is happening much faster at the polar regions. But why?

Credit here to Richard Crim: (no link, copy and paste)

Because of the axial tilt of the planet, both poles get less energy than the equatorial zone. In fact, both poles actually radiate more energy during their winter phase than they take in during the summer phase.

The poles are the planetary "radiators" of the heat engine that is the Earth.

So, 88% of the energy from the Sun the earth absorbs starts in the equatorial zone. This creates a big temperature difference between the equatorial zone and the polar zones.

Heat flows from hot spots to cold spots. The heat moves from the equatorial zones to the polar zones. It keeps doing this until it reaches an equilibrium. A balance between inflow and outflow of heat.

This is the "bottom line" spot for measuring the Earth’s temperature. It's the point where you can literally see how the planet's heat budget totals up.

If the ice is thicker on a year to year basis - the planet is cooling.

If the ice is thinner on a year to year basis - the planet is warning.

It's the sum of all things in the Earth’s climate system.

Now, think about this.

Why does your car's radiator get hot when you run the engine?

If the heat was going out of the radiator just as fast as it was coming in, it wouldn't get hotter. It's gets hotter because the heat comes in faster than it can go out of the system.

It gets hotter because the heat builds up. That's what's happening in the polar regions of the planet. Heat is coming in faster than the earth can shed it and so it's building up fast.

It will keep building up until a new equilibrium is reached between the equatorial zone and the polar zones.

The paleoclimate evidence suggests that the last time CO2 levels were at 400ppm the equatorial zone was 4C hotter. The polar zones were about 15C hotter.

Birch and Aspen forests were growing in Antarctica and sea level was 76 feet higher.

That's what's going to happen in the far north. After all the trees burn.


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WE have already started the deep cooling dive... the third one this long cycle...

For the 27-year period 1993 to 2019, they found 53 percent of the global ocean exhibited statistically significant warming trends versus 3 percent of the ocean showing significant cooling trends. For the 52-year period from 1968 to 2019, the imbalance grew markedly: 72 to 79 percent of the ocean area showed warming, while only 1 to 3 percent exhibited cooling.

For the 27-year period 1993 to 2019, they found 53 percent of the global ocean exhibited statistically significant warming trends versus 3 percent of the ocean showing significant cooling trends. For the 52-year period from 1968 to 2019, the imbalance grew markedly: 72 to 79 percent of the ocean area showed warming, while only 1 to 3 percent exhibited cooling.

I posted Empirical evidence... You post up a failed model.... LOL.... do you know how stupid you are?
For the 27-year period 1993 to 2019, they found 53 percent of the global ocean exhibited statistically significant warming trends versus 3 percent of the ocean showing significant cooling trends. For the 52-year period from 1968 to 2019, the imbalance grew markedly: 72 to 79 percent of the ocean area showed warming, while only 1 to 3 percent exhibited cooling.

DO you know why sharks swim near shores?? There are many reasons, but the two major factors are a cooling ocean and the food going nearer the shore to remain warm. We are having record numbers of shark attacks and sightings... Not only loaners but whole packs of sharks.. This is BIOLOGICAL evidence of the cooling happening in our oceans... Both the AMO (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation) and the PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) have both gone cold (dropped by 3 deg C in the last five years). The cooling of the major pools has forced fish and sharks from the cooling regions nearer the shore to get warmth. The great barrier reef is coming back to life in total, indicating the southern hemispheres waters have cooled significantly.

Your model derived fiction is destroyed by both empirically observed data and by biological observed behaviors of the ocean inhabitants.

I posted Empirical evidence... You post up a failed model.... LOL.... do you know how stupid you are?
I do know how stupid you are. You posted a GRAPH. From fuck knows where.

I posted PEER REVIEWED data from the NOAA. That's National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration.

They're professionals. You're a clown.
I do know how stupid you are. You posted a GRAPH. From fuck knows where.

I posted PEER REVIEWED data from the NOAA. That's National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration.

They're professionals. You're a clown.
I can't believe you are still here.
Climate change is happening much faster at the polar regions. But why?

Credit here to Richard Crim: (no link, copy and paste)

Because of the axial tilt of the planet, both poles get less energy than the equatorial zone. In fact, both poles actually radiate more energy during their winter phase than they take in during the summer phase.

The poles are the planetary "radiators" of the heat engine that is the Earth.

So, 88% of the energy from the Sun the earth absorbs starts in the equatorial zone. This creates a big temperature difference between the equatorial zone and the polar zones.

Heat flows from hot spots to cold spots. The heat moves from the equatorial zones to the polar zones. It keeps doing this until it reaches an equilibrium. A balance between inflow and outflow of heat.

This is the "bottom line" spot for measuring the Earth’s temperature. It's the point where you can literally see how the planet's heat budget totals up.

If the ice is thicker on a year to year basis - the planet is cooling.

If the ice is thinner on a year to year basis - the planet is warning.

It's the sum of all things in the Earth’s climate system.

Now, think about this.

Why does your car's radiator get hot when you run the engine?

If the heat was going out of the radiator just as fast as it was coming in, it wouldn't get hotter. It's gets hotter because the heat comes in faster than it can go out of the system.

It gets hotter because the heat builds up. That's what's happening in the polar regions of the planet. Heat is coming in faster than the earth can shed it and so it's building up fast.

It will keep building up until a new equilibrium is reached between the equatorial zone and the polar zones.

The paleoclimate evidence suggests that the last time CO2 levels were at 400ppm the equatorial zone was 4C hotter. The polar zones were about 15C hotter.

Birch and Aspen forests were growing in Antarctica and sea level was 76 feet higher.

That's what's going to happen in the far north. After all the trees burn.
/——-/ Dag gum that pesky climate. Won’t stop changing for the last few billion years.
I do know how stupid you are. You posted a GRAPH. From fuck knows where.

I posted PEER REVIEWED data from the NOAA. That's National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration.

They're professionals. You're a clown.

I can't believe you are still here.

B'Bob's graph comes from the Australian Meteorological Bureau, their equivalent to our NOAA ... and the data comes from actual thermometers in the water ... NINO3.4 is a location in the Tropical Pacific Ocean if I remember correctly ... one of several places all the world's meteorologists, climatologists and atmospheric scientists agreed to, so everyone's data lines up for comparison ...

B'Bob's conclusions are whack-o, but his raw data is sound ... mark it well ... we can flip a coin and get as good a correlation to CO2 concentrations ...
/——/ And if you think scientists have never sold out for grant money, you’re naive and gullible.
Stop with your scientific conspiracies. How much fucking proof do you need? Do you need charts and graphs from the NOAA, or can you see? How about turning on the news every now and then? (Not Fox News, I mean real news.) The entire planet is roasting and fires consume the West every year. Europe is breaking temperature records.
Stop with your scientific conspiracies. How much fucking proof do you need? Do you need charts and graphs from the NOAA, or can you see? How about turning on the news every now and then? (Not Fox News, I mean real news.) The entire planet is roasting and fires consume the West every year. Europe is breaking temperature records.

We're killing the planet!!!

What's your top 5 list of what we need to do to fix it?

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