CDZ Climate Change "almost entirely man's fault"!

UN climate panel delivers stark climate change warning CTV News

Read the link, and let's discuss the matter rationally.

When the greens start pushing something useful, maybe thorium reactors, and stop pushing useless, expensive crap like wind, I'll take them seriously.

Until then, their CO2 emissions are killing Mother Earth.

The Greens in the Bay Area are pushing for more dedicated bike lanes. Are you okay with that, or will more riders of bikes create too much CO2 for you?
Hey, what if they carry a potted plant in a basket on their bike?

Were the bike lanes paved with non-GMO 100% recycled, post consumer materials?
The denier big lies and urban legends are flying thick. "Those scientists predicted an ice age! The models are wrong!". So much BS, but they don't care. They're like Islamicists publicly screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!". The purpose of it isn't to convince anyone. The purpose is to whip up the faithful, and to loudly demonstrate to the other cult members what a loyal member of the cult they are.

Deniers, even you have to see the dire situation your cult is in. The SS Denier is slipping beneath the waves, and the head rats have already commandeered the lifeboats and left. The whole planet is laughing at you, and it's only going to get worse. The window for your escape is closing. If you don't sneak off into the jungle, you'll soon be invited to savor some tasty grape koolaid.
I have the heat on this morning- running all three fireplaces with natural gas. It's not very cold (about 55-58) , but I like to keep the house nice and comfortable. My pool is turned up to 90 degrees today, in case I feel the need to take a swim later today. I probably won't swim, but just in case.

I am also going flying in my 182 today. I am going from Van Nuys to Palm Springs for a $100 hamburger .....:lol: I have no real need to go anywhere either, it's strictly for pleasure.
Can someone post the lab experiment that shows the temperature increases per every 10PPM increment in CO2?

The denier big lies and urban legends are flying thick. "Those scientists predicted an ice age! The models are wrong!". So much BS, but they don't care. They're like Islamicists publicly screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!". The purpose of it isn't to convince anyone. The purpose is to whip up the faithful, and to loudly demonstrate to the other cult members what a loyal member of the cult they are.

Deniers, even you have to see the dire situation your cult is in. The SS Denier is slipping beneath the waves, and the head rats have already commandeered the lifeboats and left. The whole planet is laughing at you, and it's only going to get worse. The window for your escape is closing. If you don't sneak off into the jungle, you'll soon be invited to savor some tasty grape koolaid.

The models aren't wrong? LOL!
I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
Zander, why do you keep bragging about doing stupid things?

It doesn't get anyone angry. "Pity" would be the emotional response it elicits. It's like watching an episode of "Jackass."
Warning signs you're looking at pseudoscience devotee:

1. Declarations of how all the mainstream data is fraudulent
2. Paranoid theories concerning a vast secret conspiracy
3. Refusal to do actual science by making a falsifiable prediction.
4. Frantic cherrypicking of data
5. Membership in an extremist fringe political cult.

Global warming deniers display all of those warning signs.

3. Refusal to do actual science by making a falsifiable prediction.
4. Frantic cherrypicking of data
Just like the corrupt assholes at the IPCC do.
Warning signs you're looking at pseudoscience devotee:

1. Declarations of how all the mainstream data is fraudulent
2. Paranoid theories concerning a vast secret conspiracy
3. Refusal to do actual science by making a falsifiable prediction.
4. Frantic cherrypicking of data
5. Membership in an extremist fringe political cult.

Global warming deniers display all of those warning signs.

Mostly global warming deniers deny that the earth has warmed for the last 20 years!! And, they do this because that is what the temperature record shows.
Give it up, fewer and fewer people are falling for the scam.


Because the latest surveys I have seen suggest that around 90% of most people in western countries understand climate change. (For instance, 67% of people think climate change is very serious, and 20% think that it is quite serious.)

I'd also add in that 59 of the world's 60 leading international scientific bodies back climate change (one is neutral) and that even the oil and automotive industries confirm climate change.

So I have no idea what you mean by 'less and less' people.

if anyone really believed it we would have taken action 20 years ago. Instead we ignored it mostly, and temperature has gone down for 20 years not up even though in those years we have added 35% to all the carbon ever put into the atmosphere. What does that tell you? What does reduced hurricane activity teach you about the "scientific" understanding of how warming works.
Depressed Climate Scientists advised to use F-word ^

What do you get when you believe a failed theory? Climate Depression! Instead of being a bad thing, climate depression is a normal healthy response when the data doesn’t match the theory. Either the theory has to change or the scientist has to stop pretending to be a scientist. Too bad there is a whole industry of depressed “journalists” propping up depressed scientists. They award them with pretend Nobel Prizes they don’t really have, and extend their pain and confusion by making out that researchers on good salaries who produce models that don’t work are the victims.Naturally, those who don’t understand...
Seems the comment above applies to both sides of he debate:

The most unscientific statement in the history of science is: "the science is settled".

The issue in my mind is this: What if they're wrong? If the vast majority of scientists are wrong there is still much to be gained in terms of green energy development and renewable energy sources; if they are right and we do nothing, what might we lose (or what might our posterity lose)?

What if you invest in that diamond mine offered by the lawyer for the jailed finance minister?
Without exception, every global warming denier here is a member of the kook right fringe political cult. That's because denialism is a political cult.

In contrast, global warming science crosses all political boundaries all over the world. That's because it's science.
Without exception, every global warming denier here is a member of the kook right fringe political cult. That's because denialism is a political cult.

In contrast, global warming science crosses all political boundaries all over the world. That's because it's science.

Is that why Bush Sr. signed the Brady Bill?... You commie bitch's keep getting shit wrong, but keep spewing your shit! What did man do to cause the ice age?
Without exception, every global warming denier here is a member of the kook right fringe political cult. That's because denialism is a political cult.

In contrast, global warming science crosses all political boundaries all over the world. That's because it's science.

Where's the lab work?
If a 120PPM increase in CO2 causes a 2 decade pause, how much cooler would it be if we reduced CO2 by 10PPM?
Without exception, every global warming denier here is a member of the kook right fringe political cult. That's because denialism is a political cult.

In contrast, global warming science crosses all political boundaries all over the world. That's because it's science.

every global warming denier here is a member of the kook right fringe political cult.

You have to be a kook to refuse to waste trillions and give the government more power,
to reduce temps in 2080 by 0.1 degrees.

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