Climate change, but is it what you think?

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Platinum Member
Oct 5, 2022
Before you give your opinion, read the article first.

Revealed: The Australian companies manipulating our weather

For over six decades in Australia, the study of clouds, rain and the atmosphere has been largely hidden from the public, as a secretive network of government agencies and private business interests continue to manipulate the weather around us to their personal benefit.
And don't forget Greenland --- St Donald knows exactly what happens there.
Remember he floated the idea of buying it .

They tell you HAARP has closed but that is clearly untrue . They made it a no fly zone in every direction and used it for something last year
The Christian right's response is to say 'baloney'! Only their god can control the weather. And of course believers in climate change will join them for a more real reason and that makes it 90% baloney!
Before you give your opinion, read the article first.

Revealed: The Australian companies manipulating our weather

For over six decades in Australia, the study of clouds, rain and the atmosphere has been largely hidden from the public, as a secretive network of government agencies and private business interests continue to manipulate the weather around us to their personal benefit.
Any rational person knows that there is absolutely no scientific basis for manmade climate change
But you didn't watch the doco in post #5 did you?

Didn't need to, because if the science is faulty in the first half, it won't get better in the second. Climate Change science as it is currently presented by the MSM is faulty, and not at all what they make it out to be, but your science is just as wacked as theirs.
Didn't need to, because if the science is faulty in the first half, it won't get better in the second. Climate Change science as it is currently presented by the MSM is faulty, and not at all what they make it out to be, but your science is just as wacked as theirs.
It's not "my" science, I was not the creator of the media. So you're locked into the globalist's narrative that climate change is caused by pollution and co2?
You not watching the doco will have you remain ignorant.
But you didn't watch the doco in post #5 did you?
My guess is that if the docu in post #5 had anything to it, you would have said so. What I can say for sure is that about 50 years ago the Panama Canal spent $millions on cloud seeding (rain meant big bucks to canal operations) and none of it made any measurable difference.

My understanding is that people have been wanting to make it rain for thousands of years, and it's never been worth the trouble.
My guess is that if the docu in post #5 had anything to it, you would have said so.
why spoil the surprise, the context of the OP should have given you a clue, but some people do need to be steered as it seems in this case.
I would fly down and investigate but the CIA would surely make sure I was booked on one of those chemtrail flights that give you wiener cancer.
It's not "my" science, I was not the creator of the media. So you're locked into the globalist's narrative that climate change is caused by pollution and co2?
You not watching the doco will have you remain ignorant.

Climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon that ebbs and flows throughout thousands of years. One thousand years will be cold (ice age) and another thousand will be hot. It has come and gone before. No one causes it. No one is controlling it.
Climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon that ebbs and flows throughout thousands of years. One thousand years will be cold (ice age) and another thousand will be hot. It has come and gone before. No one causes it. No one is controlling it.
Yeah, only the warming and cooling of the planet due to the sun's expansions and contractions cycles.
If you have watched the doco, the history of HAARP, weather manipulation was an experiment gone mad. It's funny how El Ninò and El Ninà were discovered weather patterns approx 3 years after the commissioning of HAARP circa 1950-51. No such thing as coincidences, just synchronicities.
Before you give your opinion, read the article first.

Revealed: The Australian companies manipulating our weather

For over six decades in Australia, the study of clouds, rain and the atmosphere has been largely hidden from the public, as a secretive network of government agencies and private business interests continue to manipulate the weather around us to their personal benefit.
Man shouldn't try to play God. Leave the weather as is, nothing wrong with it.

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