Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous:

As I recall, there was a time when the consensus of leading scientists on Earth said that the sun orbited the Earth . . . except for a couple of guys named Copernicus and Galileo.

Guess it's a good thing no one believed science was decided by vote back then, because regardless of what the "consensus" thought, there has been no time at which the sun orbited the Earth.

Although, science was decided by vote back then. And the vote put people in jail for being correct. And now, that's what the liberals want to do.

Nope. That's what the propaganda line has always been, but that's not what happened. Galileo got in trouble for trying to teach his theories as fact without having the proof to substantiate, and for trying to speak on theological issues.

The actual science, on the other hand, was welcomed and the questions discussed, even after his house arrest, which is why we did, in fact, learn the truth about our solar system.
Conservatism = Borrow and Spend.

Cons don't pay their own bills so they don't understand why the government needs to pay its bills.
Conservatism = Borrow and Spend.

Cons don't pay their own bills so they don't understand why the government needs to pay its bills.

Leftists pay their bills with other people's money, so they don't understand why the government needs to cut back on the bills it runs up.
any else ever wonder why the hell did they stop 95%? why not make IT 100% is agreeing? think about it. they think everyone is as stupid as Gruber tells them, that's why. Its time people stood up to these NASTY people in the Warming Scam they are pulling on you.

Conservatism = Borrow and Spend.

Cons don't pay their own bills so they don't understand why the government needs to pay its bills.

Leftists pay their bills with other people's money, so they don't understand why the government needs to cut back on the bills it runs up.

You obviously don't understand what 'borrow' means, which is the conservative solution to a budget. Borrow other people's money. That is what borrow means.

Try again.
Conservatism = Borrow and Spend.

Cons don't pay their own bills so they don't understand why the government needs to pay its bills.

Leftists pay their bills with other people's money, so they don't understand why the government needs to cut back on the bills it runs up.

You obviously don't understand what 'borrow' means, which is the conservative solution to a budget. Borrow other people's money. That is what borrow means.

Try again.


At the least they say they will pay it back....even though they won't.
Conservatism = Borrow and Spend.

Cons don't pay their own bills so they don't understand why the government needs to pay its bills.

Leftists pay their bills with other people's money, so they don't understand why the government needs to cut back on the bills it runs up.

You obviously don't understand what 'borrow' means, which is the conservative solution to a budget. Borrow other people's money. That is what borrow means.

Try again.
if you want to know the value of money, go out and try to borrow some. benj franklin

global warming has crept into our culture as "cause and effect", about everything.

i hear it on the corporation for public broadcasting and the other liberal
effectively we are using tax money to scare people, which is very "atlas shrugged".
Conservatism = Borrow and Spend.

Cons don't pay their own bills so they don't understand why the government needs to pay its bills.

Leftists pay their bills with other people's money, so they don't understand why the government needs to cut back on the bills it runs up.

You obviously don't understand what 'borrow' means, which is the conservative solution to a budget. Borrow other people's money. That is what borrow means.

Try again.

I understand the meanings of words. I also understand the reality behind the rhetoric.
Here's HuffPo disavowing Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein's Own Form of Climate Change Denial: Blame Capitalism


Having thus alienated mainstream readers - exactly the people the climate change movement most urgently needs to reach out to and bring on board - Klein then blocks meaningful debate among the already converted:

"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real."

Get real, Ms. Klein.

It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.

All the denial is moot.

CO2 allow sunlight to pass to the Earth, but it captures much of that energy when it is radiated back to space at night as infrared energy.
This is why its called the Greenhouse Effect. Energy enters but cannot escape.

As the CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere more energy is captured before it escapes, raising the temperatures of the entire globe. 280 ppm has been the MAXIMUM CO2 levels for the last 20 million years and all of the biological systems have acclimated and formed equilibriums based on that. It is now 403 ppm and rising. We've likely passed the point of no return regarding Runaway Global Warming, where the Methane Clathrates melt and enter the atmosphere.

Denying physical reality is the domain of the criminally insane or the intentionally insane.
What ever Algore says... Believe the opposite
It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.

All the denial is moot.

CO2 allow sunlight to pass to the Earth, but it captures much of that energy when it is radiated back to space at night as infrared energy.
This is why its called the Greenhouse Effect. Energy enters but cannot escape.

As the CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere more energy is captured before it escapes, raising the temperatures of the entire globe. 280 ppm has been the MAXIMUM CO2 levels for the last 20 million years and all of the biological systems have acclimated and formed equilibriums based on that. It is now 403 ppm and rising. We've likely passed the point of no return regarding Runaway Global Warming, where the Methane Clathrates melt and enter the atmosphere.

Denying physical reality is the domain of the criminally insane or the intentionally insane.
What ever Algore says... Believe the opposite

Because for you facts are irrelevant. Your emotions are what drives your beliefs.

That is how children view the world.
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.

All the denial is moot.

CO2 allow sunlight to pass to the Earth, but it captures much of that energy when it is radiated back to space at night as infrared energy.
This is why its called the Greenhouse Effect. Energy enters but cannot escape.

As the CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere more energy is captured before it escapes, raising the temperatures of the entire globe. 280 ppm has been the MAXIMUM CO2 levels for the last 20 million years and all of the biological systems have acclimated and formed equilibriums based on that. It is now 403 ppm and rising. We've likely passed the point of no return regarding Runaway Global Warming, where the Methane Clathrates melt and enter the atmosphere.

Denying physical reality is the domain of the criminally insane or the intentionally insane.
What ever Algore says... Believe the opposite

Because for you facts are irrelevant. Your emotions are what drives your beliefs.

That is how children view the world.
All so called "global warming" is, it's based on computer models. Those computer models are at the mercy of the bias of the people setting up the computer models.
It's a control thing.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.

All the denial is moot.

CO2 allow sunlight to pass to the Earth, but it captures much of that energy when it is radiated back to space at night as infrared energy.
This is why its called the Greenhouse Effect. Energy enters but cannot escape.

As the CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere more energy is captured before it escapes, raising the temperatures of the entire globe. 280 ppm has been the MAXIMUM CO2 levels for the last 20 million years and all of the biological systems have acclimated and formed equilibriums based on that. It is now 403 ppm and rising. We've likely passed the point of no return regarding Runaway Global Warming, where the Methane Clathrates melt and enter the atmosphere.

Denying physical reality is the domain of the criminally insane or the intentionally insane.
What ever Algore says... Believe the opposite

Because for you facts are irrelevant. Your emotions are what drives your beliefs.

That is how children view the world.
All so called "global warming" is, it's based on computer models. Those computer models are at the mercy of the bias of the people setting up the computer models.
It's a control thing.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."

You really think lying is going to work?

You're a liar. You don't speak the truth. You want to fool people. Its understandable when a greedy scumbag CEO in the energy industry does it, even if it is reprehensible, because they have something to gain.

You carry their water for no reason, like a sheep. You bray at the things you've been told to bray at. You don't know the science you merely accept what other corrupt people tell you. This is what the denier cult is, it is a collection of easily led sheep who are scared of reality to begin with so they eagerly follow anyone who tells them 'its all going to be ok'.

You're a liar, that's all.
Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.

All the denial is moot.

CO2 allow sunlight to pass to the Earth, but it captures much of that energy when it is radiated back to space at night as infrared energy.
This is why its called the Greenhouse Effect. Energy enters but cannot escape.

As the CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere more energy is captured before it escapes, raising the temperatures of the entire globe. 280 ppm has been the MAXIMUM CO2 levels for the last 20 million years and all of the biological systems have acclimated and formed equilibriums based on that. It is now 403 ppm and rising. We've likely passed the point of no return regarding Runaway Global Warming, where the Methane Clathrates melt and enter the atmosphere.

Denying physical reality is the domain of the criminally insane or the intentionally insane.
What ever Algore says... Believe the opposite

Because for you facts are irrelevant. Your emotions are what drives your beliefs.

That is how children view the world.
All so called "global warming" is, it's based on computer models. Those computer models are at the mercy of the bias of the people setting up the computer models.
It's a control thing.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."

You really think lying is going to work?

You're a liar. You don't speak the truth. You want to fool people. Its understandable when a greedy scumbag CEO in the energy industry does it, even if it is reprehensible, because they have something to gain.

You carry their water for no reason, like a sheep. You bray at the things you've been told to bray at. You don't know the science you merely accept what other corrupt people tell you. This is what the denier cult is, it is a collection of easily led sheep who are scared of reality to begin with so they eagerly follow anyone who tells them 'its all going to be ok'.

You're a liar, that's all.
Is that so??
No, I just don't believe what these pseudoscientists are selling. Unlike the sheep that are the politically correct I like to think for myself.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.

All the denial is moot.

CO2 allow sunlight to pass to the Earth, but it captures much of that energy when it is radiated back to space at night as infrared energy.
This is why its called the Greenhouse Effect. Energy enters but cannot escape.

As the CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere more energy is captured before it escapes, raising the temperatures of the entire globe. 280 ppm has been the MAXIMUM CO2 levels for the last 20 million years and all of the biological systems have acclimated and formed equilibriums based on that. It is now 403 ppm and rising. We've likely passed the point of no return regarding Runaway Global Warming, where the Methane Clathrates melt and enter the atmosphere.

Denying physical reality is the domain of the criminally insane or the intentionally insane.
What ever Algore says... Believe the opposite

Because for you facts are irrelevant. Your emotions are what drives your beliefs.

That is how children view the world.
All so called "global warming" is, it's based on computer models. Those computer models are at the mercy of the bias of the people setting up the computer models.
It's a control thing.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."

You really think lying is going to work?

You're a liar. You don't speak the truth. You want to fool people. Its understandable when a greedy scumbag CEO in the energy industry does it, even if it is reprehensible, because they have something to gain.

You carry their water for no reason, like a sheep. You bray at the things you've been told to bray at. You don't know the science you merely accept what other corrupt people tell you. This is what the denier cult is, it is a collection of easily led sheep who are scared of reality to begin with so they eagerly follow anyone who tells them 'its all going to be ok'.

You're a liar, that's all.

Are you ever going to post links or facts?

Or are you going to continue to post 6th grade opinions what the teacher said?

Its getting old boy
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.

All the denial is moot.

CO2 allow sunlight to pass to the Earth, but it captures much of that energy when it is radiated back to space at night as infrared energy.
This is why its called the Greenhouse Effect. Energy enters but cannot escape.

As the CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere more energy is captured before it escapes, raising the temperatures of the entire globe. 280 ppm has been the MAXIMUM CO2 levels for the last 20 million years and all of the biological systems have acclimated and formed equilibriums based on that. It is now 403 ppm and rising. We've likely passed the point of no return regarding Runaway Global Warming, where the Methane Clathrates melt and enter the atmosphere.

Denying physical reality is the domain of the criminally insane or the intentionally insane.
What ever Algore says... Believe the opposite

Because for you facts are irrelevant. Your emotions are what drives your beliefs.

That is how children view the world.

the "facts" are cooked, the hockey stick is contrived.
it's a political tool, fly by night salesmanship to squeeze money from the system. come up with a plan for over population and poverty, unrest, racism and murders in chicago, that would be helpful. let God take care of the weather. if it was that big of a deal, people like al gore wouldn't have to trick other people into believing it.

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