Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous:

bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

Fuck off, dopey -- the biggest hurricane in history is touching land.

You lose.

Game is over.

i think you mean the game is settled.
LOL We have people here who claim to be smarter than all the PH.D's on the planet, and we have people here who think one example is authoritative. Even the judge in Miracle On 34th Street wouldn't take three examples as authoritative.

Who said they were smarter than all the PhDs on the planet? Oh, that's right, nobody said that.

If you are so smart, can you explain why all the reasoning that goes into AGW theory violates the most basic scientific principles and rules of logic?
You know full well he/she can't.

Logic and sound scientific principles are NOT what its about. Its about big unlimited government.
Ignore the denier cult. Reality is too scary for them so they'll believe anything that makes it all better.

The science has been settled for 15 years. As with almost everything the human race is going to get motivated at the last minute and try to fix it.

It is already too late, CO2 lasts in the atmosphere for hundreds or thousands of years so even if ALL release of CO2 were stopped tomorrow the current trend would continue for hundreds of years.

The debate ended long ago and scientists have been screaming for more than a decade for the nations of the world to stop releasing CO2 into the atmosphere as quickly as possible. But the people on the Titanic are still playing catch with the ice.
bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

Fuck off, dopey -- the biggest hurricane in history is touching land.

You lose.

Game is over.
The Marshall Institute co-sponsored with the OISM a deceptive campaign -- known as the Petition Project -- to undermine and discredit the scientific authority of the IPCC and to oppose the Kyoto Protocol. Early in the spring of 1998, thousands of scientists around the country received a mass mailing urging them to sign a petition calling on the government to reject the Kyoto Protocol. The petition was accompanied by other pieces including an article formatted to mimic the journal of the National Academy of Sciences. Subsequent research revealed that the article had not been peer-reviewed, nor published, nor even accepted for publication in that journal and the Academy released a strong statement disclaiming any connection to this effort and reaffirming the reality of climate change. The Petition resurfaced in 2001.

They openly lied about endorsement from National Academy of Sciences, were caught, the Academy issues a statement disclaiming any connection, they re-release it again anyways, and you're foolish and gullible enough to buy it and defend it.

Would you like me to post a sample of the signers? That would be embarrassing for you.

Liberals are losers.
CO2 is necessary for life on earth. It's called plant food. It is a part of the photosynethic process which results in the production of oxygen.
The largest contributor to phony "green-house" gasses is H2O, that's water vapour for those in Rio Linda. The classic hockey stick graph is a fraud of epic proportions. The climate stations were eliminated in the north and moved from fields to roofs and blacktop. The science was fixed, it's all about the money. Man-made global warming is the result of ONLY computer climate models and is biggest est hoax perpetrated on mankind in order to milk us of our money in order to re-distribute wealth to those who don't deserve it. . Anyone who believes in the fraud has not done their due diligence and really looked at the actual science behind it. Anyone who actually has done so has seen the corruption and fraud. There is no factual data to support the fraud, yet greeinies and lefties slurp it up like the sheep and lemmings and useful idiots that they are.

Holy toledo franco
If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming.

Just so, solutions from the crowd that cannot build a functioning web site for a billion dollars, they might as well just go ahead and pass a law that it's illegal for the sun to shine so brightly since:

a.) it would be about as effective in solving "the problem" as what has been proposed thus far.
b.) it has nowhere near all the negative economic and individual liberty consequences.

Expecting government to control the climate is like expecting a kindergartener to perform brain surgery, in both cases the results are likely to be far worse than the original problem.

My deal has always been.......................

If they can't fix a pot hole...........................



with Traveller He's my science guy aka my husband/QUOTE]

"They" are again failing duh. With great GOP help duh. Gov't did cut pollution duh and now need to regulate BUSINESS more, and get China and India to help. As usual the GOP is not interested, only care about cutting taxes on the richest and their giant corps. For dupes only.

Manitoba is RW, now OUT thank god.

Holy toledo franco get up to speed here. Manitoba has been NDP like forever. Always left. But Gary Doer was the awesomenist of the awesomenist. Ruh roh. I think I pulled a Palin and made a verb.

I'm fighting the Bipole project. I've been a true eco warrior for a long time now. Probably going to get arrested chaining myself to my favorite elm tree. I've got my kids in Ontario on it. They are fighting from there. It's a big deal. Kennedy I hope and pray he comes up for this one like he did when I spear headed anti intensive hog farms on our aquifers.

If they try to take it over this one portion of the terrain watch for me. I'll wave for you. :lol:
& link

mkaythanks. :thup:
The Marshall Institute co-sponsored with the OISM a deceptive campaign -- known as the Petition Project -- to undermine and discredit the scientific authority of the IPCC and to oppose the Kyoto Protocol. Early in the spring of 1998, thousands of scientists around the country received a mass mailing urging them to sign a petition calling on the government to reject the Kyoto Protocol. The petition was accompanied by other pieces including an article formatted to mimic the journal of the National Academy of Sciences. Subsequent research revealed that the article had not been peer-reviewed, nor published, nor even accepted for publication in that journal and the Academy released a strong statement disclaiming any connection to this effort and reaffirming the reality of climate change. The Petition resurfaced in 2001.

They openly lied about endorsement from National Academy of Sciences, were caught, the Academy issues a statement disclaiming any connection, they re-release it again anyways, and you're foolish and gullible enough to buy it and defend it.

Would you like me to post a sample of the signers? That would be embarrassing for you.

Liberals are losers.
did you write that? :doubt:

Looks like they're not the only ones mimicking a report.
bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

All the scientists, if you discount people like Freeman Dyson. But what the hell does HE know?
bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

If a billion people say a false thing, it is still a false thing.

As I recall, there was a time when the consensus of leading scientists on Earth said that the sun orbited the Earth . . . except for a couple of guys named Copernicus and Galileo.

Guess it's a good thing no one believed science was decided by vote back then, because regardless of what the "consensus" thought, there has been no time at which the sun orbited the Earth.
More than 97% used to insist the world was flat. More than 97% used to insist the Sun orbited the Earth. More than 97% STILL think there's a god of some sort. Consensus isn't everything. :)
The Steady State Universe model was consensus too, even with Einstein. Took a Roman Catholic priest to blow that away. The ridiculed him mercilessly too, calling it the big bang.

Well, once upon a time, scientists believed everything was open to being questioned.
Tell me again, How do the hoaxers make money off of the Climate change scam?

Are you kidding? Environmental groups take in millions of dollars off of scaring the pants off people, and then funnel those millions to all kinds of "scientists", political candidates, and "green energy" companies. Not to mention that climate change supporters in government funnel billions of tax dollars that way.
Beware of Mob-Rule. The Globalists at the UN are now actually discussing arresting and imprisoning Global Warming 'Deniers.' Maybe it's time to disband the UN?
Ignorance is bliss for people that deny reality. Its easy to understand why wealthy losers want to lie to everyone and confuse the easily confused, because their huge incomes will go away.

But the motivation of people who have to work for a living to carry the outright lies of the energy industry is just a mental problem.

To believe there is a 'hoax' you have to believe that 10,000 PH,D's are in on it. If you believe this you are still 8 years old and your mind has arrested development. You don't see the adult world clearly and you are utterly subject to manipulation.

Putting it a way even Forrest Gump would understand, no one wants this to be true. No one. But it is. And wishing it away, and telling yourself the nervous jokes you tell yourselves, and coming to a message board so you don't feel so alone in your need to believe everything is going to be ok doesn't change the reality.

A mass extinction event has already begun. We know the CO2 responsible for Global Warming is from fossil fuels burned by humans because of the isotope content compared to natural CO2.

There isn't any ambiguity, there isn't any 'well maybe this', and debate ended on this among the most intelligent people on Earth 15 years ago. It is fact.

I feel sorry for those of you that are too scared to open your eyes and face life head-on, I really am.
Whine for me, I love to hear people whine.

There is no debate, Global Warming is real, the science was settled 15 years ago.

You Goobers trying to argue with almost the entire global group of PH.D's on the subject is so sad. Do you really think YOUR opinion outweighs the hard science of 10,000 PH.D's? What psychotic dreamworld do you live in because reality is so scary to you. Its like watching Barney Fife trying to argue with Einstein.
almost, my own dad signed the the oregon petition, he was no rube. he thought the politics part of it was bullshit (way back then).
your argument is rooted in making money, which is also the reason why you should avoid people that use the expressions like "the average temperature of the earth" and "carbon credits".
nothing to do with "saving the planet". :cool:
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Wasn't there a scandal about climate change a few years ago??

A scandal where scientists destroyed a hundred years of true weather history and decided to put this climate change crap on the front burner??

As I remember Gore made a killing on non existent climate change.

Wonder how many others did the same??
Ted Cruz Schools Sierra Club President On Climate Change
Video at link
Basically Cruz asked the guy what he thought of almost 19 years of no warming. The guy basically said he doesn't always pay attention to facts; sometimes you have to listen to people :lol:

ted cruz couldn't school anyone on anything...

well, he probably could... if he didn't spend all his time lying so he can fundraise from "the base".
Ted Cruz Schools Sierra Club President On Climate Change
Video at link
Basically Cruz asked the guy what he thought of almost 19 years of no warming. The guy basically said he doesn't always pay attention to facts; sometimes you have to listen to people :lol:

ted cruz couldn't school anyone on anything...

well, he probably could... if he didn't spend all his time lying so he can fundraise from "the base".
He sure schooled that damn fool though :)
"ummm ummm sometimes you have to ignore facts" LOL
As I recall, there was a time when the consensus of leading scientists on Earth said that the sun orbited the Earth . . . except for a couple of guys named Copernicus and Galileo.

Guess it's a good thing no one believed science was decided by vote back then, because regardless of what the "consensus" thought, there has been no time at which the sun orbited the Earth.

Although, science was decided by vote back then. And the vote put people in jail for being correct. And now, that's what the liberals want to do.

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