Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous:

Here's HuffPo disavowing Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein's Own Form of Climate Change Denial: Blame Capitalism

She mercilessly savages moderate environmental NGOs for accepting funding from major polluters and working with industry to pursue incremental approaches and technological fixes to an existential threat that requires, above all, one radical solution: leaving most of the world's known carbon reserves in the ground, forever.

And then Naomi Klein blows it.

For the next three hundred plus pages, she drags the reader along on a syrupy tour of the entire new age kitsch pantheon, from the "brave" climate warriors who chain themselves to bulldozers over "a lone Mi'kmaq mother kneeling in the middle of the highway before a line of riot police, holding up a single eagle feather" to the goat herding yogi who "can feel the earth breathe," before finishing up by literally dolloping out wisdom from her womb.


Having thus alienated mainstream readers - exactly the people the climate change movement most urgently needs to reach out to and bring on board - Klein then blocks meaningful debate among the already converted:

"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real."

Get real, Ms. Klein.

It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.

Yea I know, I don't disagree that the climate is changing but how much is man contributing?

The ultra left always thinks pollution =climate change.

Plus I always bitch about lack of records/data and I have been hearing the fear mongering ever since I had my first subscription to popular science and popular mechanix since the early 70's...We all know who took over green peace/the environment movement~the liberal radicals of the 60`s

We know the CO2 in the atmosphere that is causing Global Warming is from fossil fuels burned by man because the isotope in those is different than the isotope of naturally occurring CO2.

Then why hasn't there been any global warming. Look the IPCC admitted this.

This and the rest of the science was settled 15+ years ago. There is no debate.

Global Warming is real and accelerating and the entire human race is about to get a horrific up-close education on reality soon.
Have any of you guys checked out Merkel's man? OMG. He's unreal. And now he is assigned to the Pope.

Here's HuffPo disavowing Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein's Own Form of Climate Change Denial: Blame Capitalism

She mercilessly savages moderate environmental NGOs for accepting funding from major polluters and working with industry to pursue incremental approaches and technological fixes to an existential threat that requires, above all, one radical solution: leaving most of the world's known carbon reserves in the ground, forever.

And then Naomi Klein blows it.

For the next three hundred plus pages, she drags the reader along on a syrupy tour of the entire new age kitsch pantheon, from the "brave" climate warriors who chain themselves to bulldozers over "a lone Mi'kmaq mother kneeling in the middle of the highway before a line of riot police, holding up a single eagle feather" to the goat herding yogi who "can feel the earth breathe," before finishing up by literally dolloping out wisdom from her womb.


Having thus alienated mainstream readers - exactly the people the climate change movement most urgently needs to reach out to and bring on board - Klein then blocks meaningful debate among the already converted:

"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real."

Get real, Ms. Klein.

It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.

Yea I know, I don't disagree that the climate is changing but how much is man contributing?

The ultra left always thinks pollution =climate change.

Plus I always bitch about lack of records/data and I have been hearing the fear mongering ever since I had my first subscription to popular science and popular mechanix since the early 70's...We all know who took over green peace/the environment movement~the liberal radicals of the 60`s

We know the CO2 in the atmosphere that is causing Global Warming is from fossil fuels burned by man because the isotope in those is different than the isotope of naturally occurring CO2.

This and the rest of the science was settled 15+ years ago. There is no debate.

Global Warming is real and accelerating and the entire human race is about to get a horrific up-close education on reality soon.
the sky is falling, hey... walter brennan, the barn's on fire, the barn's on fire...http:// !!

Here's HuffPo disavowing Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein's Own Form of Climate Change Denial: Blame Capitalism

She mercilessly savages moderate environmental NGOs for accepting funding from major polluters and working with industry to pursue incremental approaches and technological fixes to an existential threat that requires, above all, one radical solution: leaving most of the world's known carbon reserves in the ground, forever.

And then Naomi Klein blows it.

For the next three hundred plus pages, she drags the reader along on a syrupy tour of the entire new age kitsch pantheon, from the "brave" climate warriors who chain themselves to bulldozers over "a lone Mi'kmaq mother kneeling in the middle of the highway before a line of riot police, holding up a single eagle feather" to the goat herding yogi who "can feel the earth breathe," before finishing up by literally dolloping out wisdom from her womb.


Having thus alienated mainstream readers - exactly the people the climate change movement most urgently needs to reach out to and bring on board - Klein then blocks meaningful debate among the already converted:

"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real."

Get real, Ms. Klein.

It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.
Here's HuffPo disavowing Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein's Own Form of Climate Change Denial: Blame Capitalism

She mercilessly savages moderate environmental NGOs for accepting funding from major polluters and working with industry to pursue incremental approaches and technological fixes to an existential threat that requires, above all, one radical solution: leaving most of the world's known carbon reserves in the ground, forever.

And then Naomi Klein blows it.

For the next three hundred plus pages, she drags the reader along on a syrupy tour of the entire new age kitsch pantheon, from the "brave" climate warriors who chain themselves to bulldozers over "a lone Mi'kmaq mother kneeling in the middle of the highway before a line of riot police, holding up a single eagle feather" to the goat herding yogi who "can feel the earth breathe," before finishing up by literally dolloping out wisdom from her womb.


Having thus alienated mainstream readers - exactly the people the climate change movement most urgently needs to reach out to and bring on board - Klein then blocks meaningful debate among the already converted:

"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real."

Get real, Ms. Klein.

It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.
What kind of house or way of travel Gore has means nothing. Yup, 97% of climate scientists agree, and only bought off scientists don't. The GOP is the only party in the world that disagrees, and coincidentally is totally FOS, for chumps only.
Here's HuffPo disavowing Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein's Own Form of Climate Change Denial: Blame Capitalism

She mercilessly savages moderate environmental NGOs for accepting funding from major polluters and working with industry to pursue incremental approaches and technological fixes to an existential threat that requires, above all, one radical solution: leaving most of the world's known carbon reserves in the ground, forever.

And then Naomi Klein blows it.

For the next three hundred plus pages, she drags the reader along on a syrupy tour of the entire new age kitsch pantheon, from the "brave" climate warriors who chain themselves to bulldozers over "a lone Mi'kmaq mother kneeling in the middle of the highway before a line of riot police, holding up a single eagle feather" to the goat herding yogi who "can feel the earth breathe," before finishing up by literally dolloping out wisdom from her womb.


Having thus alienated mainstream readers - exactly the people the climate change movement most urgently needs to reach out to and bring on board - Klein then blocks meaningful debate among the already converted:

"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real."

Get real, Ms. Klein.

It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Well the media spins this. Herein lies the pity.

I think we have some problems on our hands. But because I am rational and trying to take a walk down the mid path trying desperately to find a solution hey I'M A WHACKO!

I've done Ducks Unlimited for decades. Water is a big thing to me. Restoring marshlands has been like my eat a waffle and work on a wetland.

I'm battling this Manitoba government who wants to fire up Bi Pole running thru all our wetlands. Our wetlands are a major migratory path. These are the so called progressives.

All I can say is they lie.

Later. My hearts breaking.
Here's HuffPo disavowing Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein's Own Form of Climate Change Denial: Blame Capitalism


Having thus alienated mainstream readers - exactly the people the climate change movement most urgently needs to reach out to and bring on board - Klein then blocks meaningful debate among the already converted:

"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real."

Get real, Ms. Klein.

It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

They skewed it you idiot.

We know the lie now. Geeze louise franco stop embarrassing yourself.

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.
What kind of house or way of travel Gore has means nothing. Yup, 97% of climate scientists agree, and only bought off scientists don't. The GOP is the only party in the world that disagrees, and coincidentally is totally FOS, for chumps only.
Here's HuffPo disavowing Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein's Own Form of Climate Change Denial: Blame Capitalism

She mercilessly savages moderate environmental NGOs for accepting funding from major polluters and working with industry to pursue incremental approaches and technological fixes to an existential threat that requires, above all, one radical solution: leaving most of the world's known carbon reserves in the ground, forever.

And then Naomi Klein blows it.

For the next three hundred plus pages, she drags the reader along on a syrupy tour of the entire new age kitsch pantheon, from the "brave" climate warriors who chain themselves to bulldozers over "a lone Mi'kmaq mother kneeling in the middle of the highway before a line of riot police, holding up a single eagle feather" to the goat herding yogi who "can feel the earth breathe," before finishing up by literally dolloping out wisdom from her womb.


Having thus alienated mainstream readers - exactly the people the climate change movement most urgently needs to reach out to and bring on board - Klein then blocks meaningful debate among the already converted:

"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real."

Get real, Ms. Klein.

It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.

All the denial is moot.

CO2 allow sunlight to pass to the Earth, but it captures much of that energy when it is radiated back to space at night as infrared energy.
This is why its called the Greenhouse Effect. Energy enters but cannot escape.

As the CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere more energy is captured before it escapes, raising the temperatures of the entire globe. 280 ppm has been the MAXIMUM CO2 levels for the last 20 million years and all of the biological systems have acclimated and formed equilibriums based on that. It is now 403 ppm and rising. We've likely passed the point of no return regarding Runaway Global Warming, where the Methane Clathrates melt and enter the atmosphere.

Denying physical reality is the domain of the criminally insane or the intentionally insane.
Here's HuffPo disavowing Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein's Own Form of Climate Change Denial: Blame Capitalism


Having thus alienated mainstream readers - exactly the people the climate change movement most urgently needs to reach out to and bring on board - Klein then blocks meaningful debate among the already converted:

"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real."

Get real, Ms. Klein.

It wouldn't be to bad except the damn flat earth pope invites the nut bag to the Vatican

Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
I said a few weeks ago the Pope is a socialist. His speech to Congress left little doubt.

As for climate change, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, but there is a big difference between being a skeptic and a denier. The Right is bogged down by deniers.

If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming. I've often said the climate change movement is the 1970s Old Left socialism with a new party dress on, but no amount of bling can hide the wrinkles on that old familiar face.

I don't trust the Left to solve problems, and never have.

It's one thing to think the Left couldn't solve a problem, it's another thing entirely to deny the problem exists.

I am more and more convinced the problem exists.
70% of those polled by Scientific American agree

Rising numbers of Americans believe climate science, poll shows

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Here's my deal. Lets get down to the truth of this. I've been a conservationist all my life (note conservationist not new palsy walsy asswipes that join in on some fucking cause) My deal has always been water. Going back to Grassy Narrows. Google it. I rocked.

I don't see how any of their plans work. IF AND ITS A BIG IF how are carbon taxes going to help the environment.

Look you have Al Gore ready to buy a house with 20 fountains in the front lawn bitching about energy use. This is some game they are running down on us.
What kind of house or way of travel Gore has means nothing. Yup, 97% of climate scientists agree, and only bought off scientists don't. The GOP is the only party in the world that disagrees, and coincidentally is totally FOS, for chumps only.

Your polls are bullshit. It's really that simple.

The science was settled 15 years ago, Global Warming is real and accelerating. People that deny it live in la la land.
I've been a conservationist for forever. When I tell people to check out Walkerton or the fight I led with another woman over our aquifer in Hawtrey all of sudden it's crickets.
And you know what? I'd like to get warm. I'll buy those people bathing suits and floating Mickey Mouse rafts. January really really sucks in Manitoba.
If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming.

Just so, solutions from the crowd that cannot build a functioning web site for a billion dollars, they might as well just go ahead and pass a law that it's illegal for the sun to shine so brightly since:

a.) it would be about as effective in solving "the problem" as what has been proposed thus far.
b.) it has nowhere near all the negative economic and individual liberty consequences.

Expecting government to control the climate is like expecting a kindergartener to perform brain surgery, in both cases the results are likely to be far worse than the original problem.

My deal has always been.......................

If they can't fix a pot hole...........................


If global warming is real, and if it is caused by humans, my problem starts with the Left's "solutions" to global warming.

Just so, solutions from the crowd that cannot build a functioning web site for a billion dollars, they might as well just go ahead and pass a law that it's illegal for the sun to shine so brightly since:

a.) it would be about as effective in solving "the problem" as what has been proposed thus far.
b.) it has nowhere near all the negative economic and individual liberty consequences.

Expecting government to control the climate is like expecting a kindergartener to perform brain surgery, in both cases the results are likely to be far worse than the original problem.

My deal has always been.......................

If they can't fix a pot hole...........................


"They" are again failing duh. With great GOP help duh. Gov't did cut pollution duh and now need to regulate BUSINESS more, and get China and India to help. As usual the GOP is not interested, only care about cutting taxes on the richest and their giant corps. For dupes only.

Manitoba is RW, now OUT thank god.

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