Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous:

It's hilarious to watch a bunch of uneducated rednecks pretend like they know anything about our climate. Please tell us more!

Of course, if you knew anything about the climate, you might talk about it. Instead, you have to resort to name calling so that you can hide your own ignorance.

I'm not an expert on climate change. Just like no one in this thread is. But the people who devote their lives to understanding the science say that climate change is very much real and influenced by human action.

In other words, you don't know anything about the climate, but you're self righteous enough to insist that your opinions are more valid than those of other people.

I know to trust the people who are experts. What is your opinion based upon? Are you a climatologist?

Then you're a fool. Experts are wrong all the time.
It's hilarious to watch a bunch of uneducated rednecks pretend like they know anything about our climate. Please tell us more!
I'll bet that's almost as hilarious as watching the drones who got suckered by Obama claiming they understand science.
The science has been settled for the last 15 years. There is no debate among scientists around the world any more. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The energy industry has spent billions and continues to do so because of greed. This is how simple this is. These are a handful of people who have decided the fate of the entire human race is less important than their profit.

This rises to the level of crimes against humanity.

There is no debate.
The science has been settled for the last 15 years. There is no debate among scientists around the world any more. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The energy industry has spent billions and continues to do so because of greed. This is how simple this is. These are a handful of people who have decided the fate of the entire human race is less important than their profit.

This rises to the level of crimes against humanity.

There is no debate.

They spent billions on alternative energy?

Yea I agree

Alternative Energy And Big Oil: Poor Returns Versus `Lies'
The science has been settled for the last 15 years. There is no debate among scientists around the world any more. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The energy industry has spent billions and continues to do so because of greed. This is how simple this is. These are a handful of people who have decided the fate of the entire human race is less important than their profit.

This rises to the level of crimes against humanity.

There is no debate.

You guys crack me when you say their is no debate

Top physicist bolts from global warming consensus... | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The science has been settled for the last 15 years. There is no debate among scientists around the world any more. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The energy industry has spent billions and continues to do so because of greed. This is how simple this is. These are a handful of people who have decided the fate of the entire human race is less important than their profit.

This rises to the level of crimes against humanity.

There is no debate.

They spent billions on alternative energy?

Yea I agree

Alternative Energy And Big Oil: Poor Returns Versus `Lies'

I've often wondered how people like you, who don't have a backbone and carry the water for others that you think are your superiors, how you look in the mirror every day. You are a cowardly little lapdog that sits and waits with ears up for your master to need defending. Then you yip yip yip and your handler gives you a treat.

How you must long to join the world of men.
Ignore the dimwits who don't know science and think themselves smarter than 10,000 PH.D's around the world. Posting to a message board allows all sorts of delusions to leak out.

The science has been settled for the last 15 years by the PH.D's who have studied this for the last 100+ years.
The science has been settled for the last 15 years. There is no debate among scientists around the world any more. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The energy industry has spent billions and continues to do so because of greed. This is how simple this is. These are a handful of people who have decided the fate of the entire human race is less important than their profit.

This rises to the level of crimes against humanity.

There is no debate.

They spent billions on alternative energy?

Yea I agree

Alternative Energy And Big Oil: Poor Returns Versus `Lies'

I've often wondered how people like you, who don't have a backbone and carry the water for others that you think are your superiors, how you look in the mirror every day. You are a cowardly little lapdog that sits and waits with ears up for your master to need defending. Then you yip yip yip and your handler gives you a treat.

How you must long to join the world of men.

You can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink
Ignore the dimwits who don't know science and think themselves smarter than 10,000 PH.D's around the world.

Statistically speaking, chances are that I am smarter than 10,000 Ph.Ds around the world. My IQ is in the 99.8 percentile. So, you do the math.
Ignore the dimwits who don't know science and think themselves smarter than 10,000 PH.D's around the world. Posting to a message board allows all sorts of delusions to leak out.

The science has been settled for the last 15 years by the PH.D's who have studied this for the last 100+ years.

So in your world Mr Dyson is a nobody?

Freeman Dyson is a 91-year-old theoretical physicist who was a contemporary of Einstein at Princeton, has received multiple international awards for his scientific efforts, and has published numerous books and papers on a wide range of topics.
Dyson is criticizing scientists who advance what he describes as an ‘agenda-driven’ perspective on global warming.

In an interview with The Register, Dyson responded to questions about the forward he just wrote for a scientific paper that confronts the “overrated” concerns about CO2 in the atmosphere

“It’s very sad that in this country, political opinion parted [people’s views on climate change]. I’m 100 per cent Democrat myself, and I like Obama. But he took the wrong side on this issue, and the Republicans took the right side
Ignore the dimwits who don't know science and think themselves smarter than 10,000 PH.D's around the world. Posting to a message board allows all sorts of delusions to leak out.

The science has been settled for the last 15 years by the PH.D's who have studied this for the last 100+ years.

Yea you bolted, its amusing to me how you come on here and never produce facts...your mind is like a grapefruit.

You just repeatly say "the science is settled"

Dude you are a disgrace to your aviator ...
The science has been settled for the last 15 years. There is no debate among scientists around the world any more. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The energy industry has spent billions and continues to do so because of greed. This is how simple this is. These are a handful of people who have decided the fate of the entire human race is less important than their profit.

This rises to the level of crimes against humanity.

There is no debate.

Total complete 100% utter bullshit.
LOL We have people here who claim to be smarter than all the PH.D's on the planet, and we have people here who think one example is authoritative. Even the judge in Miracle On 34th Street wouldn't take three examples as authoritative. The delusional mind of conservatives knows no bounds.

There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth Society who can give eloquent well thought out and presented graphs and charts on why the world is flat. It doesn't matter what they know or what they do, they are wrong.

Cons you really need to stop living in your tiny little bubble where the very small amount of information you pass around to each other SEEMS to be a mountain, but is in reality a pebble.

The science has been settled for the last 15 years, Global Warming is real and accelerating.
LOL We have people here who claim to be smarter than all the PH.D's on the planet, and we have people here who think one example is authoritative. Even the judge in Miracle On 34th Street wouldn't take three examples as authoritative. The delusional mind of conservatives knows no bounds.

There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth Society who can give eloquent well thought out and presented graphs and charts on why the world is flat. It doesn't matter what they know or what they do, they are wrong.

Cons you really need to stop living in your tiny little bubble where the very small amount of information you pass around to each other SEEMS to be a mountain, but is in reality a pebble.

The science has been settled for the last 15 years, Global Warming is real and accelerating.

Still no facts, just insults and Kool aid drinking opinions?

Surprise surprise...

You do know who this flat earth pope advisor is don't you? None other then Naomi Klein ..I bet you have a poster of her over your racing car bed.

Naomi Klein~the man made climate change cult finnaly being honest | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Naomi Klein~
"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real"
Naomi Klein~
"Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, the economic costs to our elites will be real"

Good Lord... just read that... it reads like it was penned by a fucking mental patient.
Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous
... and at one point the consensus that the Sun revolved around the Earth was "virtually unanimous" too fortunately a gentleman named Nicolaus Copernicus understood that science isn't a democracy and now 470 years later some people still haven't learned that.
So I guess this means the moon landings were a hoax since it is a consensus they weren't.

By golly, I can use your TardLogic™ to disregard all scientific theories!

"I shall now leap from this building and fly!"
LOL We have people here who claim to be smarter than all the PH.D's on the planet, and we have people here who think one example is authoritative. Even the judge in Miracle On 34th Street wouldn't take three examples as authoritative. The delusional mind of conservatives knows no bounds.

There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth Society who can give eloquent well thought out and presented graphs and charts on why the world is flat. It doesn't matter what they know or what they do, they are wrong.

Cons you really need to stop living in your tiny little bubble where the very small amount of information you pass around to each other SEEMS to be a mountain, but is in reality a pebble.

The science has been settled for the last 15 years, Global Warming is real and accelerating.

Only in the what's left of a functioning brain stem in liberal moonbats everywhere.
Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous
... and at one point the consensus that the Sun revolved around the Earth was "virtually unanimous" too fortunately a gentleman named Nicolaus Copernicus understood that science isn't a democracy and now 470 years later some people still haven't learned that.
So I guess this means the moon landings were a hoax since it is a consensus they weren't.

By golly, I can use your TardLogic™ to disregard all scientific theories!

"I shall now leap from this building and fly!"

Good Lord..... there is actual evidence of the moon landings.... you know, moon rocks and video and whatnot. AGW is based on flawed models and answers to a poll.


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