Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous:

The IPCC flat out admitted that climate change was nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme
well said cf. i say it more than half political, the entire notion of mixing "save our environment/for our childrens' children", with getting rich. it's the march toward mao, it's under a false flag or banner. i don't mind the sentiment, i love the earth too, i do mind being hornswoggled by hypocrites like al gore, their billionaire leader. he makes the people around me upset and erroneously argumentative. just another feather in the socialist war bonnet. it's inherently quixotic.
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The weather's different. Pay me.
funny, al gore should get million dollars every time a hurricane veers right and tracks across the atlantic, maybe darpa.
we could have a sign up sheet and adopt hurricanes and forest fires.

also funny is how few warmalists are posting, their argument is diluted, some are just learning that the science is cooked. in an inconvenient truth, gore saved the animated frog from boiling, but he let the poor animated polar bear swim off to an untimely animated death. i may never get over that. :cool:

luckily we still have pictures of the polar bear, to remember him by.

The Greening Of Gore's Bank Account
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The weather's different. Pay me.
funny, al gore should get million dollars every time a hurricane veers right and tracks across the atlantic, maybe darpa.
we could have a sign up sheet and adopt hurricanes and forest fires.

also funny is how few warmalists are posting, their argument is diluted, some are just learning that the science is cooked. in an inconvenient truth, gore saved the animated frog from boiling, but he let the poor animated polar bear swim off to an untimely animated death. i may never get over that. :cool:

luckily we still have pictures of the polar bear, to remember him by.
In the Dumbocrat Debate, most of the Libs there, were saying that Global Warming was going to be the greatest threat to our children and grandchildren, and something must be done to save them(of course if they pass the abortion doctors scissors). Just want to point out how hypocritical these dipshits are and how THEY are really going to ruin the children's and grandchildren's lives. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time 18.4 trillion dollars today. 20.1 trillion by 2018. Debt per tax payer $156,000 plus. Real nice of the liberal elites to leave a tab that will have to be picked up by the future generation.
How many of these doe we have to go through....

Give us a peer reviewed paper by a climatologist who has not released bad papers in the past of cherry picked data....
How many of these doe we have to go through....

Give us a peer reviewed paper by a climatologist who has not released bad papers in the past of cherry picked data....

Right after you give us a peer reviewed paper by a climatologist who has not released bad papers in the past of cherry picked data after it has been adjusted to fit the conclusions they want you to believe.
How many of these doe we have to go through....

Give us a peer reviewed paper by a climatologist who has not released bad papers in the past of cherry picked data....

Name one pro AGW "scientist" who doesn't use cherry picked data.
Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29%
And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year
  • 533,000 more square miles of ocean covered with ice than in 2012
  • BBC reported in 2007 global warming would leave Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013
  • Publication of UN climate change report suggesting global warming caused by humans pushed back to later this month
Global Warming Scientists Still Trapped In Record-Level Antarctic Ice
The scientific ship currently trapped in Antarctic ice is carrying a team of climate change scientists who keep harping the dangers of “global warming” even after multiple rescue ships failed in their attempts to save them.
Did you know that December 30th is the middle of summer for Antarctica? Liberal don't know that, because they are stupid.
Deep Freeze on Great Lakes Halts Cargo Shipments
Global warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true. Of course TRUTH, doesn't always happen the way liberals want it to. Yes it is all about the money, Al Gore has made 100s of millions of dollars on carbon credit exchange, where companies have to pay TAXES on a clean GAS, that produces GREEN grasses and trees, are you telling me that LIBERALS hate green grasses and trees, which is why they are banning CO2? The real enemies of the world are those that vote liberal.

That 29% doesn't mean what you think it means.

National Snow and Ice Data Center

Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps
the earth is going to run out of steam in a few billion years, nobody mentions that.
How many of these doe we have to go through....

Give us a peer reviewed paper by a climatologist who has not released bad papers in the past of cherry picked data....

Right after you give us a peer reviewed paper by a climatologist who has not released bad papers in the past of cherry picked data after it has been adjusted to fit the conclusions they want you to believe.
the hockey stick pie graph.. i don't know why we can't stick a big straw in to the earth's center and kill two birds with one stone. we could be like iceland, another small socialist country with no military.
A crisis continues in Iceland
Iceland; Socialism works!
Anti-government sentiment dominates elections in Iceland - World Socialist Web Site
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It's hilarious to watch a bunch of uneducated rednecks pretend like they know anything about our climate. Please tell us more!
It's hilarious to watch a bunch of uneducated rednecks pretend like they know anything about our climate. Please tell us more!

Of course, if you knew anything about the climate, you might talk about it. Instead, you have to resort to name calling so that you can hide your own ignorance.
Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago

At a meeting in Exxon Corporation's headquarters, a senior company scientist named James F. Black addressed an audience of powerful oilmen. Speaking without a text as he flipped through detailed slides, Black delivered a sobering message: carbon dioxide from the world's use of fossil fuels would warm the planet and could eventually endanger humanity.

"In the first place, there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels," Black told Exxon's Management Committee, according to a written version he recorded later.

It was July 1977 when Exxon's leaders received this blunt assessment, well before most of the world had heard of the looming climate crisis.

It's hilarious to watch a bunch of uneducated rednecks pretend like they know anything about our climate. Please tell us more!

Of course, if you knew anything about the climate, you might talk about it. Instead, you have to resort to name calling so that you can hide your own ignorance.

I'm not an expert on climate change. Just like no one in this thread is. But the people who devote their lives to understanding the science say that climate change is very much real and influenced by human action.
It's hilarious to watch a bunch of uneducated rednecks pretend like they know anything about our climate. Please tell us more!

Of course, if you knew anything about the climate, you might talk about it. Instead, you have to resort to name calling so that you can hide your own ignorance.

I'm not an expert on climate change. Just like no one in this thread is. But the people who devote their lives to understanding the science say that climate change is very much real and influenced by human action.

In other words, you don't know anything about the climate, but you're self righteous enough to insist that your opinions are more valid than those of other people.
how much co2 do 7 billion people give off ? not to mention methane. i just don't know what these people think they are going to do. carbon credits are more like cash for clunkers. i do believe technology will be part of the solution, but we can't force china or india to comply to anything. if the big straw idea doesn't work we always have the sun, which is what causes global warming. is that irony or paradox ??
It's hilarious to watch a bunch of uneducated rednecks pretend like they know anything about our climate. Please tell us more!

Of course, if you knew anything about the climate, you might talk about it. Instead, you have to resort to name calling so that you can hide your own ignorance.

I'm not an expert on climate change. Just like no one in this thread is. But the people who devote their lives to understanding the science say that climate change is very much real and influenced by human action.

In other words, you don't know anything about the climate, but you're self righteous enough to insist that your opinions are more valid than those of other people.

I know to trust the people who are experts. What is your opinion based upon? Are you a climatologist?
It's hilarious to watch a bunch of uneducated rednecks pretend like they know anything about our climate. Please tell us more!

Of course, if you knew anything about the climate, you might talk about it. Instead, you have to resort to name calling so that you can hide your own ignorance.

I'm not an expert on climate change. Just like no one in this thread is. But the people who devote their lives to understanding the science say that climate change is very much real and influenced by human action.

Name them
I'm not an expert on climate change.

In other words, you don't know anything about it. You merely accept something at face value.

Just like no one in this thread is. But the people who devote their lives to understanding the science say that climate change is very much real and influenced by human action.

You don't know what other people's level of knowledge is.

Once upon a time, the people who devote their lives to understanding the science said that the world was about to plunge into a new glacial period. Now they're saying the exact opposite.

Instead of accepting things at face value, learn some something about the matter. If you did that, you just might recognize that there are important flaws in the scientific reasoning behind the claims of AGW. One of the biggest flaws, which is constantly overlooked, is the fact that we don't have anywhere near enough data on which to base conclusions about long term trends and patterns, much less whether human activity can rightly be attributed to them. Our raw data consists of approximately 150 years worth of readings. That is a blink of an eye when it comes to geological time scales. What's been happening over the past 150 years can just as easily be nothing more than an anomalous outlier.

Upon that 150 years of raw data grand hypotheses have been constructed, attributing apparent trends to various factors, such as CO2 composition of the atmosphere, for example. Yes, we can be certain that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. But that fact alone does not justify rushing to the assumption that CO2 levels are a valid correlation for climactic patterns. Nevertheless, those assumptions have been adopted wholesale. Based upon the premise that such a correlation is sound, and that the past 150 years is a sufficient sampling, researchers have created longer scale timelines of alleged climactic patterns and activity.

That the long term models are predicated upon the two assumptions above largely binds the results to agree necessarily with the premises in the first place. To use the long term extrapolations as evidence to confirm the premises would be circular reasoning of the highest order, and would be the kind of reasoning that would be laughably rejected in nearly any other scientific pursuit. Yet somehow, the circular reasoning is accepted in the field of climate research!

And how does such mental sloth maintain? It's very simple: The study of climate science does not involve teaching science, what is taught is conclusions. If you go to college to study physics, you will be taught to test fundamental concepts, such as Einstein's theories of relativity. In testing these theories that are already well confirmed, you learn how to evaluate hypotheses and learn how the underlying science works, and are able to come to the conclusion on your own. On the other hand, instruction in the field of climate science teaches you the conclusions and gives you a flunking grade if you attempt to dig deeper to actually test the science. And after you graduate and join the scientific community, you either must promote the standard propaganda, or you get summarily ostracized.

There are alot of people on this board who doubt AGW, and do so mainly because they are completely ignorant and don't know what they are talking about. You would chastise them for their ignorance. Yet amazingly, you see nothing wrong with being equally ignorant yourself and simply accepting whatever you choose to believe.

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