Climate Change Deniers among our Elected Representatives

Sorry changed my post before you posted. I don't give a shit about pollution. Clean up your own backyards. Stop screwing with the rest of us because YOU can't keep your own populace from polluting themselves. Also, yes areas adjacent to these shit-holes will suffer as well.
America was clean before Europe invaded.

America is cleaner than ever. It will be even cleaner when we start to rid the country of radical, left, Neo-Marxist slime. It's an on-going battle, don't be too lax because we've just seen them co-opting our DOJ and putting an imbecile (Obama) in office.
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Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
No one can predict a climate crisis in 12 year or 20 years or 30 years because there are many other factors other than greenhouse gases that effect climate change and there is no agreed on definition of what that crisis really entails.

What scientists can tell us is greenhouse gases have increased rapidly over the last 50 or 60 years and the temperature of the earth is increasing faster than in years past. If something doesn't change there are going to be drastic changes in the environment because there are just too species of animals and plants that can not survive with 2 or 3 degrees increase in temperature every decade. Eventually the coral reefs are going to die and with them a lot of other sea life and the melting we are seeing in the glaciers are going to continue as the temperature rises resulting increased sea levels.

The problem is not what will happen but when it will happen and what it will take to stop it. This is information governments and businesses need. However, until people actual see some of the devastating effects of climate change, I don't see much happening. Even then many people are going say it's natural and we can't do anything about it. Other will rationalize the situation.

Regardless of what people say, very few people are really willing to make changes needed unless they are convinced it will make things better for them in their life time. Very few people really give a shit what happens in a 100 years.

The light at end of tunnel is there. Greenhouse gases do dissipate in the atmosphere. CO2 begins to dissipate in 10 years and Methane in 30 years. So as the population of planet shrinks, greenhouse gases will return to a level before man was making major contributions. Temperatures should go down and we will have a lot smaller human population which just might be good thing. Maybe they will have learned, "You don't fuck with mother nature."
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No one can predict a climate crisis in 12 year or 20 years or 30 years because there are many other factors other than greenhouse gases that effect climate change and there is no agreed on definition of what that crisis really entails.

And yet, you have people doing just that...climate scientists, politicians, activists, nut jobs on this board...etc...And in all that, I haven't seen any effort on the part of climate science to put these people making predictions in their place...I haven't seen climate science explaining uncertainty to the media, I haven't seen climate science doing anything except sitting back and watching these people stir up angst and apprehension.

It is well known in legal circles, that silence implies consent...climate science is silent on the alarmism...

Sorry changed my post before you posted. I don't give a shit about pollution. Clean up your own backyards. Stop screwing with the rest of us because YOU can't keep your own populace from polluting themselves. Also, yes areas adjacent to these shit-holes will suffer as well.
America was clean before Europe invaded.

America is cleaner than ever. It will be even cleaner when we start to rid the country of radical, left, Neo-Marxist slime. It's an on-going battle, don't be too lax because we've just seen them co-opting our DOJ and putting an imbecile (Obama) in office.

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia


No doctors, no hospitals, no antibiotics But you go ahead & breathe polluted air & drink polluted watet. Dumbass

Idk.....seems to me alot of people are not getting hysterical over pollution these days. In fact, the last time there was any consensus in the public on pollution concerns was 50 years ago.
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution and climate change are not the same grasshopper, learn the difference if you want to debate the subject at hand intelligently.


cause & effect.
Sorry changed my post before you posted. I don't give a shit about pollution. Clean up your own backyards. Stop screwing with the rest of us because YOU can't keep your own populace from polluting themselves. Also, yes areas adjacent to these shit-holes will suffer as well.
America was clean before Europe invaded.

America is cleaner than ever. It will be even cleaner when we start to rid the country of radical, left, Neo-Marxist slime. It's an on-going battle, don't be too lax because we've just seen them co-opting our DOJ and putting an imbecile (Obama) in office.

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia


Deniers are too stupid top get it. They rather remain ignorant fucks all their lives & condemn their own offspring to a more difficult life.
The ones that scream the loudest are the biggest polluters. Clean yourself up.
You're delusional Huckleberry. Lay off the shrooms.

Yeah pretend to blame others for what you are and do. Put down that Saul Alinsky "Rules For Radicals" tome and wake up. The Neo-Marxist jig is up!
Wow bringing up[ Alinksky like a good little Trumpette. If pnly you could wake up from your lack of a education.
No one can predict a climate crisis in 12 year or 20 years or 30 years because there are many other factors other than greenhouse gases that effect climate change and there is no agreed on definition of what that crisis really entails.

And yet, you have people doing just that...climate scientists, politicians, activists, nut jobs on this board...etc...And in all that, I haven't seen any effort on the part of climate science to put these people making predictions in their place...I haven't seen climate science explaining uncertainty to the media, I haven't seen climate science doing anything except sitting back and watching these people stir up angst and apprehension.

It is well known in legal circles, that silence implies consent...climate science is silent on the alarmism...


Higher levels of CO2 leads to warmer temperatures. This is a known fact.

Greenhouse gas emissdons are the leading cause of these heightened CO2 levels.

It takes the Earth decades to remove excess CO2. Known fact.

So what kind of fucking idiot doesn't get why we need to act within the next 109-22 years,.

Are you really this fucking stupid?
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
Wow, you assfucks still think people are saying that the crisis will hit in 12 years. How the fuck did you people get this fucking stupid.
"What would you think if your government didn't believe in gravity? If your senator alleged that, because they couldn't see it, perhaps it didn't exist. To many, this might seem absurd—the science is enough to know that it's real."

The Climate Change Deniers in Congress

"Almost 30 years ago, a NASA scientist named James Hansen pleaded with Congress, under the Reagan Administration, to accept the evidence and do something about it. "It is already happening now," Hansen said before a Congressional committee in 1988."

"Fast-forward three decades, and the United States is facing one of its most anti-science Congresses in history. Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives have gone on-record to denounce climate change as a hoax. Others have proven through their votes that regulating greenhouse gas emissions is not a priority. And still, some state representatives claim to believe in human-made climate change, but consistently support policies that would erode initiatives to combat it."

The colors used here are no mistake. The alignment between a representatives position on AGW and his political party is almost perfect. And you can see many instances of the same reasoning you'll find here on this forum, in the halls of our Congress. The most common answer seen from our representatives is that the Earth's climate has always been dynamic and that the changes over the last century and a half are simply Mother Nature at work. Unsurprisingly, that reasoning is as easily refuted as all the rest. Of course the Earth's climate is dynamic, but through its very long history, that dynamicism has resulted in changes orders of magnitude slower than the changes we are witnessing now. And the various variable factors that naturally control our climate: ex solar irradiance and orbital mechanics, indicate that we should be cooling now. But, of course, we are not.

So, once again, would you vote for a representative that didn't believe in gravity? What if he thought we were all actually held down by magnetism or by wee demons trying to drag us to Hell? Would you vote for a senate candidate that believed the Earth was flat, that humans had never traveled to space, much less the moon? Would you vote for a presidential candidate who believed that modern medicine was an evil to be eliminated from modern society? The belief that the rate of warming we are currently experiencing is a natural climatic change (or a lie constructed by thousands of corrupt scientists) and that human GHG emissions have no involvement, is just as false and just as dangerous.

Gravity ==> Real
Gravity ==> Proven

AGW ==> Fairy Tale
Sun Devil 92 ==> dumbass
When it comes to humans vs. Earth's size and power, we are insignificant. Better to be concerned about our own survival than pompously thinking we can control anything on the planet.

The problem with global warming is not its effect on the planet or the atmosphere or the oceans. It is its effect the warming of those things will have on us and the infrastructure of human culture. We are perfectly capable of fucking ourselves over royally.

Warming has always been beneficial to life on Earth.

For humans? For all wildlife???
You are full of shit
No doctors, no hospitals, no antibiotics But you go ahead & breathe polluted air & drink polluted watet. Dumbass

Idk.....seems to me alot of people are not getting hysterical over pollution these days. In fact, the last time there was any consensus in the public on pollution concerns was 50 years ago.
That is the dumbest statement I have read here for quite some time and there has been a lot of dumb stuff posted.
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
Wow, you assfucks still think people are saying that the crisis will hit in 12 years. How the fuck did you people get this fucking stupid.

Easy does it Dave. I may not be the best person to say this, but we've been asked by management to hold down the personal attacks. Let's stay on topic. We'll all be more effective.
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
Wow, you assfucks still think people are saying that the crisis will hit in 12 years. How the fuck did you people get this fucking stupid.

Easy does it Dave. I may not be the best person to say this, but we've been asked by management to hold down the personal attacks. Let's stay on topic. We'll all be more effective.
I know I should, but this type of ignorance is aggravating.
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
Wow, you assfucks still think people are saying that the crisis will hit in 12 years. How the fuck did you people get this fucking stupid.

Easy does it Dave. I may not be the best person to say this, but we've been asked by management to hold down the personal attacks. Let's stay on topic. We'll all be more effective.
I know I should, but this type of ignorance is aggravating.

He says we...but he means he...he spent some time trolling about doing nothing but calling names in bold red all caps..typical troll stuff and he got called on it...
Gravity ==> Real
Gravity ==> Proven
AGW ==> Fairy Tale

Can you explain why your opinion is at such variance with the scientists of the world?

The number of scientists towing the AGW line is growing smaller all the time...more than 500 papers questioning the consensus line last year alone..surely more this year and more the picked pseudoscience over science and sooner or later, you will find that you, and the rest of your cult buddies will have to leave the board because of the peals of laughter over how easily you were duped...
Gravity ==> Real
Gravity ==> Proven
AGW ==> Fairy Tale

Can you explain why your opinion is at such variance with the scientists of the world?

The number of scientists towing the AGW line is growing smaller all the time...more than 500 papers questioning the consensus line last year alone..surely more this year and more the picked pseudoscience over science and sooner or later, you will find that you, and the rest of your cult buddies will have to leave the board because of the peals of laughter over how easily you were duped...
Scientific Consensus | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

No more needs said.

AGW is real. You can stomp your feet, lie, pout, scream, quote your bullshit denier crap all you want. I'm going with NASA.

Ypu know the US agency that studies this stuff????

More CO2 emissions => heightened CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere => Heightened greenhouse effect => warmer average global temperatures. S C I E N C E .

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