Climate Change Deniers among our Elected Representatives

No one can predict a climate crisis in 12 year or 20 years or 30 years because there are many other factors other than greenhouse gases that effect climate change and there is no agreed on definition of what that crisis really entails.

And yet, you have people doing just that...climate scientists, politicians, activists, nut jobs on this board...etc...And in all that, I haven't seen any effort on the part of climate science to put these people making predictions in their place...I haven't seen climate science explaining uncertainty to the media, I haven't seen climate science doing anything except sitting back and watching these people stir up angst and apprehension.

It is well known in legal circles, that silence implies consent...climate science is silent on the alarmism...

Almost all Climatologists and most all scientists agree the planet is warming, man is a major cause, and actions should be taken. As you should expect there are different opinions as what needs to be done and when. If we are to wait until there is complete agreement, then we are going to have to wait until we see dramatic results of climate change.

Even then many people are going to claim it's the will of God or that it's a natural phenomena and nothing can be done. Still others will rationalize the change questioning, do we really need the polar bears, having warm summer weather in the northeast would be welcome, we have always had starvation in the world, etc..

Since never in history have all nations of the planet agreed on any action that would require sacrifices, it seems that will be the case with climate change. However, if the United States becomes a leader in the effort and builds into all international agreements cooperation in reduction of greenhouse gases, it would have a major impact. America is still seen as a world leader.

IMHO, the world is going to suffer the results of climate change before any global action occurs.
Gravity ==> Real
Gravity ==> Proven
AGW ==> Fairy Tale

Can you explain why your opinion is at such variance with the scientists of the world?

The number of scientists towing the AGW line is growing smaller all the time...more than 500 papers questioning the consensus line last year alone..surely more this year and more the picked pseudoscience over science and sooner or later, you will find that you, and the rest of your cult buddies will have to leave the board because of the peals of laughter over how easily you were duped...
You are saying 95% of all national academies of science, most every national science foundation, 97% of all climate scientists, the vast majority scientists from all disciplines, and ever major scientific organization in the world that studies climate are a cult.

Gravity ==> Real
Gravity ==> Proven
AGW ==> Fairy Tale

Can you explain why your opinion is at such variance with the scientists of the world?

The number of scientists towing the AGW line is growing smaller all the time...more than 500 papers questioning the consensus line last year alone..surely more this year and more the picked pseudoscience over science and sooner or later, you will find that you, and the rest of your cult buddies will have to leave the board because of the peals of laughter over how easily you were duped...
You are saying 95% of all national academies of science, most every national science foundation, 97% of all climate scientists, the vast majority scientists from all disciplines, and ever major scientific organization in the world that studies climate are a cult.

97% of all climate scientists,

75/77. Who can argue with that?
Gravity ==> Real
Gravity ==> Proven
AGW ==> Fairy Tale

Can you explain why your opinion is at such variance with the scientists of the world?

The number of scientists towing the AGW line is growing smaller all the time...more than 500 papers questioning the consensus line last year alone..surely more this year and more the picked pseudoscience over science and sooner or later, you will find that you, and the rest of your cult buddies will have to leave the board because of the peals of laughter over how easily you were duped...
You are saying 95% of all national academies of science, most every national science foundation, 97% of all climate scientists, the vast majority scientists from all disciplines, and ever major scientific organization in the world that studies climate are a cult.



What YOU are showing is strong evidence of a POLITICAL behavior, since consensus and authority doesn't advance science research at all, it is REPRODUCIBLE research that matters.

Meanwhile you and another warmists are ignoring the utter failures of the IPPC prediction/projection that have been made since day one in 1990.

SSDD is correct there have been HUNDREDS of new science papers THIS YEAR, that doesn't support the AGW conjecture. Many hundreds last year and the year before that means that over 2,000 papers have been published against the AGW conjecture, in the last few years.

Consensus doesn't publish papers, that is why your argument is dead on arrival.
When it comes to humans vs. Earth's size and power, we are insignificant. Better to be concerned about our own survival than pompously thinking we can control anything on the planet.

The problem with global warming is not its effect on the planet or the atmosphere or the oceans. It is its effect the warming of those things will have on us and the infrastructure of human culture. We are perfectly capable of fucking ourselves over royally.

Warming has always been beneficial to life on Earth.

For humans? For all wildlife???
You are full of shit

Yes for humans and wildlife.
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
Wow, you assfucks still think people are saying that the crisis will hit in 12 years. How the fuck did you people get this fucking stupid.

Not me your far left Representatives and their Green New Dealers. Glad you agree that the GND is insanity.
The ones that scream the loudest are the biggest polluters. Clean yourself up.
You're delusional Huckleberry. Lay off the shrooms.

Yeah pretend to blame others for what you are and do. Put down that Saul Alinsky "Rules For Radicals" tome and wake up. The Neo-Marxist jig is up!
Wow bringing up[ Alinksky like a good little Trumpette. If pnly you could wake up from your lack of a education.

Oh come on Dave. Sorry I dissed your hero Saul. :itsok:
The ones that scream the loudest are the biggest polluters. Clean yourself up.
You're delusional Huckleberry. Lay off the shrooms.

Yeah pretend to blame others for what you are and do. Put down that Saul Alinsky "Rules For Radicals" tome and wake up. The Neo-Marxist jig is up!
Wow bringing up[ Alinksky like a good little Trumpette. If pnly you could wake up from your lack of a education.

Oh come on Dave. Sorry I dissed your hero Saul. :itsok:
Not my hero. The only people that bring him up are you Trumpettes. Actually if you bothered to read them, how many does Trump use?
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
Wow, you assfucks still think people are saying that the crisis will hit in 12 years. How the fuck did you people get this fucking stupid.

Not me your far left Representatives and their Green New Dealers. Glad you agree that the GND is insanity.

I never said the NGD is insanity. You just used one of your buddy's Alinski rules.

I understand. You hate science. You hate your own offspring. They will look back & wonder why Grandad was so ignorant.
When it comes to humans vs. Earth's size and power, we are insignificant. Better to be concerned about our own survival than pompously thinking we can control anything on the planet.

The problem with global warming is not its effect on the planet or the atmosphere or the oceans. It is its effect the warming of those things will have on us and the infrastructure of human culture. We are perfectly capable of fucking ourselves over royally.

Warming has always been beneficial to life on Earth.

For humans? For all wildlife???
You are full of shit

Yes for humans and wildlife.

This is not true.

How will it benefit the Midwest farmers when corn & wheat no longer produces. When the apple orchard owners have to bulldoze their trees & move north. When people on the coasts have to deal with rising oceans. When people struggle because their area has dred out and the struggle to meet their water needs.

The animals that will die & go extinct.

Do just think everyday will be a little warmer. You have no concept of climate.

No doctors, no hospitals, no antibiotics But you go ahead & breathe polluted air & drink polluted watet. Dumbass

Idk.....seems to me alot of people are not getting hysterical over pollution these days. In fact, the last time there was any consensus in the public on pollution concerns was 50 years ago.
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.


Google "Mustang".....about 4 billion hits!:up:
Gravity ==> Real
Gravity ==> Proven
AGW ==> Fairy Tale

Can you explain why your opinion is at such variance with the scientists of the world?

The number of scientists towing the AGW line is growing smaller all the time...more than 500 papers questioning the consensus line last year alone..surely more this year and more the picked pseudoscience over science and sooner or later, you will find that you, and the rest of your cult buddies will have to leave the board because of the peals of laughter over how easily you were duped...
You are saying 95% of all national academies of science, most every national science foundation, 97% of all climate scientists, the vast majority scientists from all disciplines, and ever major scientific organization in the world that studies climate are a cult.

97% of all climate scientists,

75/77. Who can argue with that?

So when 97% cardiologist tell you you need medical care, you go to the dentist for a second opinion.
When it comes to humans vs. Earth's size and power, we are insignificant. Better to be concerned about our own survival than pompously thinking we can control anything on the planet.

The problem with global warming is not its effect on the planet or the atmosphere or the oceans. It is its effect the warming of those things will have on us and the infrastructure of human culture. We are perfectly capable of fucking ourselves over royally.

Warming has always been beneficial to life on Earth.

For humans? For all wildlife???
You are full of shit

Yes for humans and wildlife.

This is not true.

How will it benefit the Midwest farmers when corn & wheat no longer produces. When the apple orchard owners have to bulldoze their trees & move north. When people on the coasts have to deal with rising oceans. When people struggle because their area has dred out and the struggle to meet their water needs.

The animals that will die & go extinct.

Do just think everyday will be a little warmer. You have no concept of climate.

That is all conjecture.
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
Wow, you assfucks still think people are saying that the crisis will hit in 12 years. How the fuck did you people get this fucking stupid.

Not me your far left Representatives and their Green New Dealers. Glad you agree that the GND is insanity.

I never said the NGD is insanity. You just used one of your buddy's Alinski rules.

I understand. You hate science. You hate your own offspring. They will look back & wonder why Grandad was so ignorant.

You basically said that it is stupid to think there would be a climate crisis in 12years. The GND left said as much.
Google Pollution. You will get about 434 million hits.

Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
Wow, you assfucks still think people are saying that the crisis will hit in 12 years. How the fuck did you people get this fucking stupid.

Not me your far left Representatives and their Green New Dealers. Glad you agree that the GND is insanity.

I never said the NGD is insanity. You just used one of your buddy's Alinski rules.

I understand. You hate science. You hate your own offspring. They will look back & wonder why Grandad was so ignorant.

You basically said that it is stupid to think there would be a climate crisis in 12years. The GND left said as much.
No it did not say that. It said we need to act within 12 years to prevent a future crisis.

So, read the real NGD & not the summary offered by your right wing sources.
Pollution does not affect the Globe it affects the liberal-leftist bastions of over-populated cities where they defile and crap in their own backyards and blame the rest of US for affecting the 'climate.'

BTW no one denies that the climate changes however, intelligent folks do not accept YOUR hypothesis that humans can affect global climate to the extent that in 12 years there will be a climate crisis. That is insane so stop calling it 'Climate Change' which is intentionally misleading and vague.
Wow, you assfucks still think people are saying that the crisis will hit in 12 years. How the fuck did you people get this fucking stupid.

Not me your far left Representatives and their Green New Dealers. Glad you agree that the GND is insanity.

I never said the NGD is insanity. You just used one of your buddy's Alinski rules.

I understand. You hate science. You hate your own offspring. They will look back & wonder why Grandad was so ignorant.

You basically said that it is stupid to think there would be a climate crisis in 12years. The GND left said as much.
No it did not say that. It said we need to act within 12 years to prevent a future crisis.

So, read the real NGD & not the summary offered by your right wing sources.

Yeah and that prediction is not based in science.

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