Climate change is a hoax, says Townhall columnist.. 97% of Americans are not concerned about it

If “ climate change” is to be taken seriously IF it is a serious problem EVERYONE has to do it. PLEASE tell us what China and the rest of the World is doing about it?
How many BILLIONS were just passed in the name of “ climate change?” Who do you think is going to pay for it 🤔🤔👏👏

You bring up a good point, if totally by accident.

The cause of the changing climate is totally irrelevant because even if it were 100% proven tomorrow that mankind is the problem, we still would not change our ways. People in America are not going to give up our way of life to help until it is such a problem that it impacts our lives on a daily basis.

People in Europe are the same way, even though they have a different lifestyle.

Those people in 3rd world countries trying to get to where we are are not going to give that up and choose to suffer for the rest of us.

So, we need to move past the shit flinging about the cause or the pipe dream that we could stop it if we wanted. Instead we need to focus on how to mitigate the damage, how to take advantage of the positives (i.e. extended growing season in more northern parts of our country).

But sadly it is all political so we cannot even do this simple thing
"Real scientist" being defined as one who defends the climate change hocus-pocus.
You haven't named one yet...

Not one...

So until you actually start you are basically saying the more you know about the subject the more you are going to say Climate Change is real and man made...

You defence is ignorance and you are surprised not everyone followed you.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Close to two thirds of U.S. adults are concerned about global warming, with 43% worrying about it "a great deal" and 22% "a fair amount." Gallup also finds 43% of Americans believing that global warming will pose a serious threat to themselves or their way of life in their lifetime, underscoring that roughly four in 10 harbor strong concern.

Climate change denial inside the POT is a clear and present danger to the world.

Close to two thirds of U.S. adults are concerned about global warming,

They're so concerned, they're willing to spend no additional money to "fix" it.

As the Earth heats up, high-temperature records are being broken more often​

Temperatures on Earth will shoot past a key danger point unless greenhouse gas emissions fall faster than countries have committed, the world's top body of climate scientists said Monday, warning of the consequences of inaction but also noting hopeful signs of progress.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said the report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change revealed "a litany of broken climate promises" by governments and corporations, accusing them of stoking global warming by clinging to harmful fossil fuels.

"It is a file of shame, cataloguing the empty pledges that put us firmly on track toward an unlivable world," he said.

Brought to you by the same douchebags who brought you climategate.

Global Temperatures Have Been Falling Since 1999 |
Says who, some of the conspirators?

BTW, fact check sites are fake news.
Well to you fact checking is your enemy... It would mean you can't have your alternative facts...

But the difference between you and fact check sites, they publish the reference material and evidence...

You generally post right wing opinion sites...
The difference between natural changes in the climate over past centuries and what is happening now is the billions of tons of greenhouse gases being emitted in to the atmosphere by man burning fossil fuels.

How many new nuclear power plants should we build?
Well to you fact checking is your enemy... It would mean you can't have your alternative facts...

But the difference between you and fact check sites, they publish the reference material and evidence...

You generally post right wing opinion sites...
The so-called "fact checkers" are the same people who publish fake news.

The "reference material" they cite is propaganda. Only suckers swallow what they say.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Close to two thirds of U.S. adults are concerned about global warming, with 43% worrying about it "a great deal" and 22% "a fair amount." Gallup also finds 43% of Americans believing that global warming will pose a serious threat to themselves or their way of life in their lifetime, underscoring that roughly four in 10 harbor strong concern.

Are Americans Concerned About Global Warming?

As the federal government contemplates funding projects intended to mitigate the effects of extreme weather, how concerned are Americans about a warming Earth?

Hear that? It's the sound of the OP's premise doing a face plant.


As long as it costs $1 a month, most Americans are willing to fix it.
Brought to you by the same douchebags who brought you climategate.

Global Temperatures Have Been Falling Since 1999 |
That article you post is right but also highly misleading...

Here is a graph

Now look carefully just t the left of year 2000... You can see a spike. That is 1999... You can see a low year over a decade later just dips below it...
That is how you tell the world that that temperatures are not going up with a graph like this...
It is not a lie but highly misleading..

Deloitte's analysis shows that insufficient action on climate change could cost the U.S. economy $14.5 trillion in the next 50 years. A loss of this scale is equivalent to nearly 4% of GDP or $1.5 trillion in 2070 alone. And over the next 50 years, nearly 900,000 jobs could disappear each year due to climate damage.25 Jan 2022

So they want the bill at the end...
That article you post is right but also highly misleading...

Here is a graph
View attachment 684558

Now look carefully just t the left of year 2000... You can see a spike. That is 1999... You can see a low year over a decade later just dips below it...
That is how you tell the world that that temperatures are not going up with a graph like this...
It is not a lie but highly misleading..
doctored Climategate data.

Deloitte's analysis shows that insufficient action on climate change could cost the U.S. economy $14.5 trillion in the next 50 years. A loss of this scale is equivalent to nearly 4% of GDP or $1.5 trillion in 2070 alone. And over the next 50 years, nearly 900,000 jobs could disappear each year due to climate damage.25 Jan 2022

So they want the bill at the end...
How? More CO2 means bigger crop yields. Where does the cost come in?
Climategate was way over sold...

The facts didn't change..


The first thing anyone does when the facts are on their side is prevent skeptics from publishing.
And "adjust" temperature data back to the 1930s.

Mike's Nature Trick was totally legit.

So how many new nuclear power plants should we build?

Deloitte's analysis shows that insufficient action on climate change could cost the U.S. economy $14.5 trillion in the next 50 years. A loss of this scale is equivalent to nearly 4% of GDP or $1.5 trillion in 2070 alone. And over the next 50 years, nearly 900,000 jobs could disappear each year due to climate damage.25 Jan 2022

So they want the bill at the end...

Sounds like a plan.
You can't argue with the overwhelming scientific data proving manmade climate change is here, can you?

Yeah...we can, and scientists have argued the data..............again.....glaciers used to exist.....and melted...long before we existed.......
Hilarious. You disparaged the source of the global scientific consensus on climate change with a site named! Have you lost your capacity for embarrassment?

It wasn't a consensus of has been shown over and over again...they asked anyone who went to college what they thought, and even the ones with expertise in Climate science said the "consensus," didn't reflect what they actually believed.....

Let’s Talk About The ‘97% Consensus’ On Global Warming

But how many proponents of “climate action” have actually bothered to read the research that underlays such a popular talking point? How many realize the “consensus” the research claims to find is more of a statistical contortion than actual agreement?
Probably not many, so let’s talk about the 2013 study led by Australian researcher John Cook claiming there’s a 97 percent consensus on global warming.
What Does The ‘Consensus’ Really Mean?
Cook and his colleagues set out to show just how much scientists agreed that humans contribute to global warming.
To do this, Cook analyzed the abstracts of 11,944 peer-reviewed papers on global warming published between 1991 and 2011 to see what position they took on human influence on the climate.

Of those papers, just over 66 percent, or 7,930, took no position on man-made global warming.

Only 32.6 percent, or 3,896, of peer-reviewed papers, endorsed the “consensus” that humans contribute to global warming, while just 1 percent of papers either rejected that position or were uncertain about it.

Cook goes on to claim that of those papers taking a position on global warming (either explicitly or implicitly), 97.1 percent agreed that humans to some degree contribute to global warming.

In terms of peer-reviewed papers, the “97 percent consensus” is really the “32.6 percent consensus” if all the studies reviewed are taken into account.

But Cook also invited the authors of these papers to rate their endorsement of the “consensus.” Cook emailed 8,574 authors to self-rate their papers, of which only 1,189 authors ended up reviewing their work.
Again, 35.5 percent, or 761, of those self-rated papers took no position on the cause of global warming. Some 62.7 percent, or 1,342, of those papers endorsed the global warming “consensus,” while 1.8 percent, or 39, self-rated papers rejected it.
Twisting the numbers a bit, Cook concludes that 97.2 percent of the self-rated papers with a position on global warming endorsed the idea humans were contributing to it.
Other studies written before and after Cook’s attempted to find a consensus, but to varying degrees, finding a range of a 7 to 100 percent (yes, no disagreement) among climate experts, depending on what subgroup was surveyed.

Cook’s paper is probably the most widely cited, having been downloaded more than 600,000 times and cited in popular media outlets.

Read more: Let’s Talk About The ‘97% Consensus’ On Global Warming

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