Climate change is a hoax, says Townhall columnist.. 97% of Americans are not concerned about it

So you think it it is a conspiracy of thousands and thousands of scientists around the world?
No one breaking ranks... Massive falsifying of data, I mean this would be huge... Thermometers would have to be rigged...

Global Satellites would have to be hacked...
Glaciers would have to be melted...

Can you tell us how do the create all the extreme weather events... Have they a machine to do that...

So what is the end goal? These people are already brilliant with technology we have never even heard about...
Climategate showed there was a conspiracy, moron, but it was mostly just government employees feathering their own nest.
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But the things he mentioned are a result of the changing climate. Just like the changing rain patterns around most of the country.
While we could say there is more of these types of events, attributing a single event to it is a bit much...

It is an odds game, Climate change increases the odds of it happening but it could happen or not happen any way.

Climate Change is very real and apart from other downsides it will be economically crippling... Europe is taking it seriously and especially coming out of COVID have upped the game. Some countries are wanting to be the leaders in various fields:
Denmark - Wind turbines
Germany - Solar
Spain - Water

Ireland is negotiating with farmers on culling the herd, Ireland exports 90% of its Dairy and Beef.
While we could say there is more of these types of events, attributing a single event to it is a bit much...

It is an odds game, Climate change increases the odds of it happening but it could happen or not happen any way.

Climate Change is very real and apart from other downsides it will be economically crippling... Europe is taking it seriously and especially coming out of COVID have upped the game. Some countries are wanting to be the leaders in various fields:
Denmark - Wind turbines
Germany - Solar
Spain - Water

Ireland is negotiating with farmers on culling the herd, Ireland exports 90% of its Dairy and Beef.

I am not attributing a single event to it. I am speaking of entire rain patterns changed for a whole region of the country. Entire eco-systems that have shifted a few hundred miles north over the last couple of decades.

These are the things I am talking about as these are the things that impact us right now.
Another person who wants tell us than Climate Change isn't happening but only ends up showing us he doesn't know the difference between Climate and Weather.
All the climate kooks said these events were the result of climate change. They are the ones who don't know the difference between Climate and Weather.
i think a lot of scientists have been saying it for a long time but the loudmouth fake ones get the attention

hey, just like anything else on Planet Earth!

Because they support the left wing need to control other people and to accumulate power for themselves......if they can't convince uninformed people the climate is in crisis, they can't stampede uninformed people into giving them more power and control......

The climate changes......I am sitting where there used to be mile high glaciers....all on their own....

Keep in mind.......

We have had total access to the human body, with modern science around to examine the human body in great detail.....we have had total access to foods around the world....and yet, with all that access.....they still can't tell us with any precision what exactly is the absolute best diet for humans.......

And yet global warming cultists want us to believe they can predict the planets climate 100 years from now.......when they can't reliable tell us the weather for the next 3 days.......

This is why you don't trust global warming cultists.....they have too little information and demand too much obedience......and it always leads back to them getting more and more power and control over everyone else....

More taxes and Marxism will not fix it. Neither will major wealth redistribution via a "cap and trade" robbery scheme.

howbout the top 20 myths
"Climate's changed before"Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change at the time; humans are now the dominant forcing.
"It's the sun"In the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been going in opposite directions
"It's not bad"Negative impacts of global warming on agriculture, health & environment far outweigh any positives.
"There is no consensus"97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming.
"It's cooling"The last decade 2000-2009 was the hottest on record.
"Models are unreliable"Models successfully reproduce temperatures since 1900 globally, by land, in the air and the ocean.
"Temp record is unreliable"The warming trend is the same in rural and urban areas, measured by thermometers and satellites.
"Animals and plants can adapt"Global warming will cause mass extinctions of species that cannot adapt on short time scales.
"It hasn't warmed since 1998"Every part of the Earth's climate system has continued warming since 1998, with 2015 shattering temperature records.
"Antarctica is gaining ice"Satellites measure Antarctica losing land ice at an accelerating rate.
"Ice age predicted in the 70s"The vast majority of climate papers in the 1970s predicted warming.
"CO2 lags temperature"CO2 didn't initiate warming from past ice ages but it did amplify the warming.
"Climate sensitivity is low"Net positive feedback is confirmed by many different lines of evidence.
"We're heading into an ice age"Worry about global warming impacts in the next 100 years, not an ice age in over 10,000 years.
"Ocean acidification isn't serious"Ocean acidification threatens entire marine food chains.
"Hockey stick is broken"Recent studies agree that recent global temperatures are unprecedented in the last 1000 years.
"Climategate CRU emails suggest conspiracy"A number of investigations have cleared scientists of any wrongdoing in the media-hyped email incident.
"Hurricanes aren't linked to global warming"There is increasing evidence that hurricanes are getting stronger due to global warming.
"Al Gore got it wrong"Al Gore's book is quite accurate, and far more accurate than contrarian books.
"Glaciers are growing"Most glaciers are retreating, posing a serious problem for millions who rely on glaciers for water.
You linked to an article written by a moron on a propaganda site that has been thoroughly debunked. They begin right off the bat with a reversal of causation fallacy. You would have noticed that right away if you weren't an easily brainwashed moron.

Temperature changes hundreds of years before the change in CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

A rising CO2 level cannot raise the temperature hundreds of years in the past.

The reason that CO2 levels go up after a rise in atmospheric temperature and CO2 levels go down after the temperature falls is due to Henry's law. It's simple physics to those with a triple digit IQ. But still obviously way the fuck over your head.
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Climategate showed there was a conspiracy, moron, but it was mostly just government employees feathering their own nest.
Climategate was way over sold...

The facts didn't change..
You linked to an article written by a moron on a propaganda site that has been thoroughly debunked. They begin right off the bat with a reversal of causation fallacy. You would have noticed that right away if you weren't an easily brainwashed moron.

Temperature changes hundreds of years before the change in CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

A rising CO2 level cannot raise the temperature hundreds of years in the past.

The reason that CO2 levels go up after a rise in atmospheric temperature and CO2 levels go down after the temperature falls is due to Henry's law. It's simple physics to those with a triple digit IQ. But still obviously way the fuck over your head.
Any chance you quote a real scientist who is reaffirming your beliefs... Kind of like my scientists to have degrees and shit..
Climategate was way over sold...

The facts didn't change..
Says who, some of the conspirators?

BTW, fact check sites are fake news.
Any chance you quote a real scientist who is reaffirming your beliefs... Kind of like my scientists to have degrees and shit..
"Real scientist" being defined as one who defends the climate change hocus-pocus.
Climategate showed there was a conspiracy, moron, but it was mostly just government employees feathering their own nest.

As the Earth heats up, high-temperature records are being broken more often​

Temperatures on Earth will shoot past a key danger point unless greenhouse gas emissions fall faster than countries have committed, the world's top body of climate scientists said Monday, warning of the consequences of inaction but also noting hopeful signs of progress.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said the report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change revealed "a litany of broken climate promises" by governments and corporations, accusing them of stoking global warming by clinging to harmful fossil fuels.

"It is a file of shame, cataloguing the empty pledges that put us firmly on track toward an unlivable world," he said.

This shows how little the Ds care about Americans.

I sometimes wonder what they do care about... Certainly it is not nature. They go against nature all the time (pushing transgenderism, abortion...)

So if it is not to preserve nature, what is their agenda, really?

If “ climate change” is to be taken seriously IF it is a serious problem EVERYONE has to do it. PLEASE tell us what China and the rest of the World is doing about it?
How many BILLIONS were just passed in the name of “ climate change?” Who do you think is going to pay for it 🤔🤔👏👏

OK, the 97% figure in title refers not to a Townhall person but to some commentator on Fox News who said that liberal elites care about climate change NOT the American people. So that's what I typed in my Search that led me to this site..

But I always believed it was a hoax. I have read books written by scientists and those who follow scientists (the real ones).

There is no damn emergency climate problem!

NOAA stopped placing this data in the open side of the web site years ago... they do not want you to see the cooling trend now going on 9 years.


This was last year's (2021) data...
Because they support the left wing need to control other people and to accumulate power for themselves......if they can't convince uninformed people the climate is in crisis, they can't stampede uninformed people into giving them more power and control......

The climate changes......I am sitting where there used to be mile high glaciers....all on their own....

Keep in mind.......

We have had total access to the human body, with modern science around to examine the human body in great detail.....we have had total access to foods around the world....and yet, with all that access.....they still can't tell us with any precision what exactly is the absolute best diet for humans.......

And yet global warming cultists want us to believe they can predict the planets climate 100 years from now.......when they can't reliable tell us the weather for the next 3 days.......

This is why you don't trust global warming cultists.....they have too little information and demand too much obedience......and it always leads back to them getting more and more power and control over everyone else....
Fucking childish right wingers.

“You’re not the boss of me!!!”

I am not attributing a single event to it. I am speaking of entire rain patterns changed for a whole region of the country. Entire eco-systems that have shifted a few hundred miles north over the last couple of decades.

These are the things I am talking about as these are the things that impact us right now.
Fair enough...

I just get worried that if we mixed weather and climate the naysayers love confusing the issue.. They want confusion, confusion breads inaction..

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