'Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat'


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Wingnut warning: Round earth deniers, evolution deniers, germs and microbe deniers, geology deniers, please realize this topic is another one you are in denial about and it may be best if just skipped the piece altogether and continued on your way.

'Aligning Security with Reality' by Pam Johnson

"In his recent article "Climate Denial: can science and the truth withstand the merchants of poison?", former vice president Al Gore blasted Obama for failing to speak out vehemently against ongoing and impending climate catastrophes, referring to the dumping of 90 million tonnes of heat-trapping emissions into the earth's atmosphere every 24 hours as potentially destructive to "human civilization" as we know it.

Citing statistics from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Gore wrote that "2010 was tied with 2005 as the hottest year measured since ... the 1880s." As a result of such over-heating, the Arctic ice cap lost a full 40 percent of its area over the last three decades, he added.""

Read here: Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat | Common Dreams
U.S.: Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat - IPS ipsnews.net
Quoting Gore on climate change?

Did you know in "Earth in the Balance" Gore blamed the warming on water vapor?
Common Sense denial leads to loss of all your money.

Banker Ponzi Scheme = Bad

Global Warming Scam = Good

It's fun to be conned! Thataboutrite?
Wingnut warning: Round earth deniers, evolution deniers, germs and microbe deniers, geology deniers, please realize this topic is another one you are in denial about and it may be best if just skipped the piece altogether and continued on your way.

'Aligning Security with Reality' by Pam Johnson

"In his recent article "Climate Denial: can science and the truth withstand the merchants of poison?", former vice president Al Gore blasted Obama for failing to speak out vehemently against ongoing and impending climate catastrophes, referring to the dumping of 90 million tonnes of heat-trapping emissions into the earth's atmosphere every 24 hours as potentially destructive to "human civilization" as we know it.

Citing statistics from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Gore wrote that "2010 was tied with 2005 as the hottest year measured since ... the 1880s." As a result of such over-heating, the Arctic ice cap lost a full 40 percent of its area over the last three decades, he added.""

Read here: Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat | Common Dreams
U.S.: Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat - IPS ipsnews.net
Yet the science doesn't support man-made change.

Why do you deny science?
'Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat'

It might.

Depends on if its real.

If it is, then pretty much everything we argue about is going to look like small potatoes by comparison.

Well, well, folks once again, Al Gore passes another bolus of intellectual flatus, and all the lemmings come out of the woodwork. Reason doesn't matter, real science doesn't matter, all the evidence of academic and scientific fraud for the sake of an agenda that is more political than scientific doesn't matter; AGW is an article of faith, and anything that disproves it is HERESY!

Let me spell it out for you lemmings: "climate change" is REAL, just as it has been for millions of years. The only thing "constant" about this planet's climate is that it keeps changing, largely driven by mechanisms we do not yet completely understand. AGW, by contrast, is a religion, a primarily political cult, populated almost exclusively by liberals, because it happens to dovetail with their "First World BAD, Third World GOOD" ideology, quite in vogue with the pseudo-intellectual Left of today. It's a fashion statement, once trendy but now more than a little dated.

I know it's fun to march, chant the popular slogans, and carry signs; I know it's fun to relive the "glory days" of your hippie progenitors (or your own dysfunctional youth), and pretend you are actually doing something relevant, but really, your little "movement" is passe', and it is time to put away the signs, the tie-dyed shirts, the love beads and the Birkenstocks, and get back to that boring thing we call "the real world". Take a Prozac, and try to deal with it, until the next fad comes along, as I am certain it will, shortly. Now, be good little lemmings, and go hug a tree, save the whales, or do something else equally harmless to convince yourselves you actually matter, instead of trying to destroy Western Civilization. Either that, or just go play in traffic. The rest of us have gotten wise to the AGW scam, and no longer care what you think.
Wingnut warning: Round earth deniers, evolution deniers, germs and microbe deniers, geology deniers, please realize this topic is another one you are in denial about and it may be best if just skipped the piece altogether and continued on your way.

'Aligning Security with Reality' by Pam Johnson

"In his recent article "Climate Denial: can science and the truth withstand the merchants of poison?", former vice president Al Gore blasted Obama for failing to speak out vehemently against ongoing and impending climate catastrophes, referring to the dumping of 90 million tonnes of heat-trapping emissions into the earth's atmosphere every 24 hours as potentially destructive to "human civilization" as we know it.

Citing statistics from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Gore wrote that "2010 was tied with 2005 as the hottest year measured since ... the 1880s." As a result of such over-heating, the Arctic ice cap lost a full 40 percent of its area over the last three decades, he added.""

Read here: Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat | Common Dreams
U.S.: Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat - IPS ipsnews.net

Just to keep it real...........wanted to point out that "CommonDreams.com" is one of the top 3 far left websites on the internet along with Alternet and I forget the other.......oh.......The Onion. ANyway......Commondreams is the left equivilent of Michael Savage on the right:up:............like Alternet, CommonDreams is read by the real hyper-alarmists.......the people building home made emergency arks in their backyards!!!!

Just SKOOKS.........just keeping it real.........:fu:
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I loved the comments section of the article, people talking about "sustainable practices" as regards farming etc. One went so far as to point out how wonderful the primitive system of farming in Zululand was so great and denigrated the West for only now discovering sustainability. The problem is sustanance level farming only maintains life for as long as you can balance it out.

Primitive farming techniques are the reason people died of starvation in past history. The West has been able to develop new methods of farming that grow more food then is currently needed. There is a tremendous amount of waste in the food markets which we can absorb because we are able to grow so much. Go back to that "simple agrarian system" that the lefties and a certain genocidal prick named Pol Pot loved and you can enjoy famine on a scale not seen since the Dark Ages.

Why do you lefties never look at history? We do. We know exactly what happens when your silly little schemes actually get to see the light of day. How is it you so called enlightened ones can't?
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I loved the comments section of the article, people talking about "sustainable practices" as regards farming etc. One went so far as to point out how wonderful the primitive system of farming in Zululand was so great and denigrated the West for only now discovering sustainability. The problem is sustanance level farming only maintains life for as long as you can balance it out.

Primitive farming techniques are the reason people dide of starvation in past history. The West has been able to develop new methods of farming that grow more food then is currently needed. There is a tremendous amount of waste in the food markets which we can absorb because we are able to grow so much. Go back to that "simple agrarian system" that the lefties and a certain genocidal prick named Pol Pot loved and you can enjoy famine on a scale not seen since the Dark Ages.

Why do you lefties never look at history? We do. We know exactly what happens when your silly little schemes actually get to see the light of day. How is it you so called enlightened ones can't?

But, but....Western Civilization is BAD! It's evil and exploits the poor Third World! Very BAD! Why, we ought to live just like them, and be willing to starve them and ourselves, just to show how sorry we are. Western Civilization is bad and greedy-so what if it feeds the whole world? It's still BAD-Al Gore says so! It's not fair! Waaaah! (Of course, Al and the other liberals get to keep THEIR lifestyle, no matter what their "carbon footprint" is; they deserve it, for being so virtuous, and besides, everyone knows that some are more equal than others in a Marxist society anyway!) Waaah! Those mean greedy conservatives are killing the planet.....wait a minute, didn't you hear what Al Gore said? Why aren't you listening? What do you mean you don't care? I mean, so we told a couple of little lies....OK, they were big lies, so what? The other side does it too....hey, why are you walking away? Think of the children! Save the trees! Save the whales! Save the spotted owls! You'll be sorry.....

Have I about covered it, lemmings?
If it is occurring and we're going to get more then 3c of warming it should be a clear trend right now. I will give 3-4 more years and if I can't see some of the trend the 1990's had I'm going to go back over totally to the skeptic side. If it is flat lined still as the trend has been for the past 4-5 years.

You can't have 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 all within a small change=effected by natural changes. That just means it has remained stable. The main reason the 2000's where warmer then the 1990's is that they avg'ed much higher and remained much higher together then the 1990's. NOT that it warmed much more after 1998-2004 period. We will see this within the 2010's if it doesn't start warming soon. Maybe slightly warmer if we have nino years within the 2010's.
Wingnut warning: Round earth deniers, evolution deniers, germs and microbe deniers, geology deniers, please realize this topic is another one you are in denial about and it may be best if just skipped the piece altogether and continued on your way.

'Aligning Security with Reality' by Pam Johnson

"In his recent article "Climate Denial: can science and the truth withstand the merchants of poison?", former vice president Al Gore blasted Obama for failing to speak out vehemently against ongoing and impending climate catastrophes, referring to the dumping of 90 million tonnes of heat-trapping emissions into the earth's atmosphere every 24 hours as potentially destructive to "human civilization" as we know it.

Citing statistics from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Gore wrote that "2010 was tied with 2005 as the hottest year measured since ... the 1880s." As a result of such over-heating, the Arctic ice cap lost a full 40 percent of its area over the last three decades, he added.""

Read here: Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat | Common Dreams
U.S.: Climate Change May Pose Biggest Security Threat - IPS ipsnews.net[/QUO

Left wing- heads- up -Barry's -ass warning, we didn't do it. Whatever threat your wacky weed fevered minds envision it ain't our fault. Look at geological history you fools. We didn't cause the Japanese earthquake or the flooding in North Dakota so you can stop apologizing to every nut case emerging nation for the nice life you used to appreciate here in the greatest Country in the world.
I think the biggest security threat is the Republican Party.

They almost destroyed America from 2000 - 2008.

George Bush inherited a budget surplus, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Four years later, he left us with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

The greatest threat to America is the GOP.
There was no surplus, and, thanks to Clinton's inaction in dealing with international terrorism, the war was brought to our doorstep.

So, no, you don't think.

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