Climate change or Pollution?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

"The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are regulations in the United States, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975,[1] in the wake of the Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks (trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles) produced for sale in the United States."

Hope that helps.
Not relevant.

What? You asked me "Why the change to more efficient Mpg?" I told you it was due to t he oil embargo to which you commented was a "conspiracy theory".

So, my answer is very relevant, unless you of course don't understand your own question?
The embargo was not the case.
It was effect.
oh please. You've been misinformed.
The Arabs got pissed off at the US over our support of Israel. So they cut off oil shipments to the US. The result was the development of fuel efficient vehicles.
The Arabs saw their global income from the sale of oil tumble. They even decided to allow the price of oil to float on an open global marketplace because they could not longer afford to fix the price of oil as they saw fit.
Private enterprise did not stop the Nazis. It didn't put a man on the Moon and, thus, accelerate the advancement of metallurgy, computers and much else. Where appropriate, there is nothing wrong with collective effort and an involvement of government. Being ideologically allergic or addicted are mistakes. Excesses occur, it's true, such as all the government funding for ridiculous weapons and boondoggle projects.
The present consumption of petroleum products is absurd. The entire technology around it is only excusable as a step toward sustainable forms. These are available and only need refinement. Remaining reliant on a filthy, stinking energy source doesn't make sense, but it does make thousand dollar per second net profit years for Exxon.

Nice little rant but it has a bunch of inaccuracies and it exposes how ignorant you are about how the system works. The "gubermint" whose ass you kiss, worship and trust with almost childlike faith is actually a for profit corporation that has changed names a few times due to bankruptcy but the owners have remained the same...oh, it might be put into receivership where either the IMF or the Federal Reserve bank owns it but the players at the top remain the same. You are human chattel...a resource and nothing more. Free energy technology has been around since the days of Tesla, patents that would increase the MPG on vehicles have been suppressed. Over 6,000 patents have been kept under lock and key under the guise of "National Security" but you can bet that these thieving bastards have put them to use in their underground military bunkers built with our sweat equity.

You bellyache about Exxon as if it is some huge monster bent on destroying the planet for profit that has bought off enough politicians so it can continue it's evil ways....and you would be dead wrong. USA.INC whose corporate headquarters are in Washington D.C whose CEO is Barry Obama is the majority shareholder in Exxon stock. The poisoning of this planet isn't due to the fact you have to drive to work using their product so you can eek out a living on this shitty planet...nope, not at all. It is the purposeful poisoning of the planet by your masters that do it for at least two reasons.
1: To create a problem of their creation in order to scare the shit out of stupid people (mostly leftards and liberals as they are by far the dumbest) then propose a solution to the very problem that they caused. Their solution, charge you a tax by the mile along with other carbon taxes while offering no alternative than their product. I believe the term is "double dipping"?

2: It improves their bottom line. Since USA.INC owns the corporations that pollute, they set the fines low so it doesn't affect their bottom line.

We have been played for idiots and chumps and the only way we can EVER get out of this debt slavery system is for people to turn off the Kardashians and read a book, listen to a lecture, watch a documentary about the REAL history of this country instead of the whitewashed version we grew up with written by the victors.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

"The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are regulations in the United States, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975,[1] in the wake of the Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks (trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles) produced for sale in the United States."

Hope that helps.
Not relevant.

What? You asked me "Why the change to more efficient Mpg?" I told you it was due to t he oil embargo to which you commented was a "conspiracy theory".

So, my answer is very relevant, unless you of course don't understand your own question?
The embargo was not the case.
It was effect.
oh please. You've been misinformed.
The Arabs got pissed off at the US over our support of Israel. So they cut off oil shipments to the US. The result was the development of fuel efficient vehicles.
The Arabs saw their global income from the sale of oil tumble. They even decided to allow the price of oil to float on an open global marketplace because they could not longer afford to fix the price of oil as they saw fit.

Yup. Thanks!

This is why my very first car was a frigg'n Chevy Vega... what a piece of crap. But it looked cool!

Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

"The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are regulations in the United States, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975,[1] in the wake of the Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks (trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles) produced for sale in the United States."

Hope that helps.
Not relevant.

What? You asked me "Why the change to more efficient Mpg?" I told you it was due to t he oil embargo to which you commented was a "conspiracy theory".

So, my answer is very relevant, unless you of course don't understand your own question?
The embargo was not the case.
It was effect.
oh please. You've been misinformed.
The Arabs got pissed off at the US over our support of Israel. So they cut off oil shipments to the US. The result was the development of fuel efficient vehicles.
The Arabs saw their global income from the sale of oil tumble. They even decided to allow the price of oil to float on an open global marketplace because they could not longer afford to fix the price of oil as they saw fit.

Nope, the oil embargo was manufactured by Nixon and OPEC. In exchange for military protection, OPEC agreed to only accept dollars for oil thus the "petro-dollar". Nixon agreed to hiking the price for their profit (which would further increase the value of the dollar since it was no longer on the gold standard) with the agreement that they would invest some of their profits in America. Countries had to get dollars by trading for our worthless currency to buy oil or trade with a country that had dollars...either way was a "win, win" for this massive corporate entity known as USA.INC.
In 1900, the airplane was a long time away from being practical as either in war or peace. That was hardly a good reason to put it on the shelf.

In the late 1800s electric cars were more popular then gasoline ones, So what's your point?



You didn't know that? I thought you were a Yankee that went to skool?

Common knowledge.

Common knowledge like common sense is a myth.
People who use those terms have neither knowledge or sense.

WTF asshole, I know history and I know cars among a host of other things, you act like you are 12 years old and now don't even know what the 70s oil crisis was about?

It’s hard to pinpoint the invention of the electric car to one inventor or country. Instead it was a series of breakthroughs -- from the battery to the electric motor -- in the 1800s that led to the first electric vehicle on the road.

In the early part of the century, innovators in Hungary, the Netherlands and the United States -- including a blacksmith from Vermont -- began toying with the concept of a battery-powered vehicle and created some of the first small-scale electric cars. And while Robert Anderson, a British inventor, developed the first crude electric carriage around this same time, it wasn’t until the second half of the 19th century that French and English inventors built some of the first practical electric cars.

Here in the U.S., the first successful electric car made its debut around 1890 thanks to William Morrison, a chemist who lived in Des Moines, Iowa. His six-passenger vehicle capable of a top speed of 14 miles per hour was little more than an electrified wagon, but it helped spark interest in electric vehicles.

Over the next few years, electric vehicles from different automakers began popping up across the U.S. New York City even had a fleet of more than 60 electric taxis. By 1900, electric cars were at their heyday, accounting for around a third of all vehicles on the road. During the next 10 years, they continued to show strong sales.

Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?
it's not a theory.
The only clowns here are you folks.
Only the ignorant fight the facts.

PROVE it twinkle toes....

Why? you guys prove it for me with each post
"The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are regulations in the United States, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975,[1] in the wake of the Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks (trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles) produced for sale in the United States."

Hope that helps.
Not relevant.

What? You asked me "Why the change to more efficient Mpg?" I told you it was due to t he oil embargo to which you commented was a "conspiracy theory".

So, my answer is very relevant, unless you of course don't understand your own question?
The embargo was not the case.
It was effect.
oh please. You've been misinformed.
The Arabs got pissed off at the US over our support of Israel. So they cut off oil shipments to the US. The result was the development of fuel efficient vehicles.
The Arabs saw their global income from the sale of oil tumble. They even decided to allow the price of oil to float on an open global marketplace because they could not longer afford to fix the price of oil as they saw fit.

Yup. Thanks!

This is why my very first car was a frigg'n Chevy Vega... what a piece of crap. But it looked cool!

View attachment 71606
No it looked like crap too.
Not relevant.

What? You asked me "Why the change to more efficient Mpg?" I told you it was due to t he oil embargo to which you commented was a "conspiracy theory".

So, my answer is very relevant, unless you of course don't understand your own question?
The embargo was not the case.
It was effect.
oh please. You've been misinformed.
The Arabs got pissed off at the US over our support of Israel. So they cut off oil shipments to the US. The result was the development of fuel efficient vehicles.
The Arabs saw their global income from the sale of oil tumble. They even decided to allow the price of oil to float on an open global marketplace because they could not longer afford to fix the price of oil as they saw fit.

Yup. Thanks!

This is why my very first car was a frigg'n Chevy Vega... what a piece of crap. But it looked cool!

View attachment 71606
No it looked like crap too.

Gee, you sure are one bundle of joy.
What? You asked me "Why the change to more efficient Mpg?" I told you it was due to t he oil embargo to which you commented was a "conspiracy theory".

So, my answer is very relevant, unless you of course don't understand your own question?
The embargo was not the case.
It was effect.
oh please. You've been misinformed.
The Arabs got pissed off at the US over our support of Israel. So they cut off oil shipments to the US. The result was the development of fuel efficient vehicles.
The Arabs saw their global income from the sale of oil tumble. They even decided to allow the price of oil to float on an open global marketplace because they could not longer afford to fix the price of oil as they saw fit.

Yup. Thanks!

This is why my very first car was a frigg'n Chevy Vega... what a piece of crap. But it looked cool!

View attachment 71606
No it looked like crap too.

Gee, you sure are one bundle of joy.

Loved that model of car and I have seem them at car shows often. I love old cars the best. They were easy as hell to work on and they had style and flair.
The US and Canada are two of the cleanest industrialized nations on the planet.
On the other hand China, India and Japan, to this day still foul the air to the point where people have to don surgical masks on certain days just to go outside.
In China, the Yangtzee River is so fouled, the people who depend on the aquatic creatures for food are starving because they cannot safely eat the fish.

Oh look, here's a RWnut who admits that pollution is a serious problem and needs to be dealt with by governments.
Stop lying about what I believe:

you are welcome to believe all the lies you want to, none of us truth telling honest conservatives will try to stop your belief of pure :bsflag:

What I said was the global warming is irrelevant and that the environment needs to be protected whether the earth is getting warmer colder or staying the same.

Where's the BS?
I said no such thing.

Why don't you tell us why pollution will decrease if the EPA is abolished.

first: what did you mean by this

"Everyone won't hop on the pollution bandwagon. Polluters fight the government every step of the way, if there's more money in polluting than not."

second: I never said that the EPA should be abolished or that doing so would decrease pollution. I think the EPA should enforce reasonable pollution limitations.

So why are you going to vote for a presidential candidate who wants to abolish the EPA?

Are you also admitting that the EPA is constitutional, contrary to the rants by your RW pals?

I am going to vote against Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders----------that is my voting priority for 2016.

Whether the EPA is constitutional is not the question. The question is whether it is effectively limiting pollution without destroying our economy. Destroying the coal industry is neither effective or good for the economy.

I asked you how abolishing the EPA would decrease pollution. You added that to you many question dodges.

since I never said that abolishing the EPA would decrease pollution, your question is moot.

So you acknowledge that all your RWnut pals who insist that things will be better once the EPA is abolished are full of shit.

Good for you.
Ready to further pollute the human values of beauty and purity.

No one is in favor of polluted water and air. why not find non-polluting ways to use fossil fuels until alternates are economically viable?

Its foolish to demand that we all change before there is anything to change to.

BTW, do you flush your waste products into a sewage system? or do you recycle them?

That is not true. Industries will pollute as much as they can get away with if there's money in it.
The US and Canada are two of the cleanest industrialized nations on the planet.
On the other hand China, India and Japan, to this day still foul the air to the point where people have to don surgical masks on certain days just to go outside.
In China, the Yangtzee River is so fouled, the people who depend on the aquatic creatures for food are starving because they cannot safely eat the fish.

Oh look, here's a RWnut who admits that pollution is a serious problem and needs to be dealt with by governments.

Oh yes! "gubermint" is the answer to each and every problem! You betcha.......lovin' life as one of the sheeple, are ya???
first: what did you mean by this

"Everyone won't hop on the pollution bandwagon. Polluters fight the government every step of the way, if there's more money in polluting than not."

second: I never said that the EPA should be abolished or that doing so would decrease pollution. I think the EPA should enforce reasonable pollution limitations.

So why are you going to vote for a presidential candidate who wants to abolish the EPA?

Are you also admitting that the EPA is constitutional, contrary to the rants by your RW pals?

I am going to vote against Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders----------that is my voting priority for 2016.

Whether the EPA is constitutional is not the question. The question is whether it is effectively limiting pollution without destroying our economy. Destroying the coal industry is neither effective or good for the economy.

I asked you how abolishing the EPA would decrease pollution. You added that to you many question dodges.

since I never said that abolishing the EPA would decrease pollution, your question is moot.

So you acknowledge that all your RWnut pals who insist that things will be better once the EPA is abolished are full of shit.

Good for you.

Did you know that the EPA is a for profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet? It is indeed.....
Search | Dun & Bradstreet

Face it, you don't know shit about are as dumb as a rock which is typical for a leftard......
Of course the point is to go after pollution, especially from fossil fuels.

Get real, its densely populated liberal inner cities spewing the pollution. Pouring raw sewage into waterways. Exporting mountains of garbage and waste. Fouling the air. Paving over nature and overloading the ecosystem. Liberal run inner cities are pollution factories.

Yes, pollution = bad

Pollution does not cause climate change-----------that's the point.
Fossil fuel pollution certainly does.

ACTUALLY, the old rust belt Dem cities have lost so much manufacturing they have very clean air.
Of course the point is to go after pollution, especially from fossil fuels.

Get real, its densely populated liberal inner cities spewing the pollution. Pouring raw sewage into waterways. Exporting mountains of garbage and waste. Fouling the air. Paving over nature and overloading the ecosystem. Liberal run inner cities are pollution factories.

Yes, pollution = bad

Pollution does not cause climate change-----------that's the point.
Fossil fuel pollution certainly does.

ACTUALLY, the old rust belt Dem cities have lost so much manufacturing they have very clean air.

They have clean air but yet they still drive cars? can that be?
Wind energy has a debilitating deminishing return...
Solar has shown promise but the mined resources to make it reliable are truly toxic...

Everything else is pie in the sky

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