Climate change or Pollution?

Ready to further pollute the human values of beauty and purity.

No one is in favor of polluted water and air. why not find non-polluting ways to use fossil fuels until alternates are economically viable?

Its foolish to demand that we all change before there is anything to change to.

BTW, do you flush your waste products into a sewage system? or do you recycle them?
Hey slapdicks it takes million of years for oil to "cook" before it's usable.
What will civilization use for fuel till the new batch is ready.

Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?
Hey slapdicks it takes million of years for oil to "cook" before it's usable.
What will civilization use for fuel till the new batch is ready.

Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

"The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are regulations in the United States, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975,[1] in the wake of the Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks (trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles) produced for sale in the United States."

Hope that helps.
Hey slapdicks it takes million of years for oil to "cook" before it's usable.
What will civilization use for fuel till the new batch is ready.

Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?

He also apparently thinks the Arab oil embargo is a conspiracy theory..
Of course the point is to go after pollution, especially from fossil fuels.

Get real, its densely populated liberal inner cities spewing the pollution. Pouring raw sewage into waterways. Exporting mountains of garbage and waste. Fouling the air. Paving over nature and overloading the ecosystem. Liberal run inner cities are pollution factories.

Yes, pollution = bad

Pollution does not cause climate change-----------that's the point.
Human activities have a huge effects on climate
Get real, its densely populated liberal inner cities spewing the pollution. Pouring raw sewage into waterways. Exporting mountains of garbage and waste. Fouling the air. Paving over nature and overloading the ecosystem. Liberal run inner cities are pollution factories.
no more than the suburbs or country folk that have their own private junk yards and burn their garbage .
that is if that worry about garbage at all, septic systems are far worse than sewage.

Septic systems are not worse then sewege systems shit for brains...

With sewege systems you have to rely on the government to handle them correctly and not fuck up anything like they did with the flints water supple

With septic systems the individual takes care of it and they are fine.

False! One day you might learn something about toxins seeping in to ground water from septic systems.

Propaganda...its shit ya know, helps make the grass grow.

Like I see toxic warning signs everyday in the south.
Since you are a southerner it's questionable that you can read.

Read what? Your dumb ass Yankee opinion?

Btw way I am a Midwesterner , moved down 12 years ago.

Hey slapdicks it takes million of years for oil to "cook" before it's usable.
What will civilization use for fuel till the new batch is ready.

Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?
it's not a theory.
The only clowns here are you folks.
Only the ignorant fight the facts.
Hey slapdicks it takes million of years for oil to "cook" before it's usable.
What will civilization use for fuel till the new batch is ready.

Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

"The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are regulations in the United States, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975,[1] in the wake of the Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks (trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles) produced for sale in the United States."

Hope that helps.
Not relevant.
Hey slapdicks it takes million of years for oil to "cook" before it's usable.
What will civilization use for fuel till the new batch is ready.

Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?

Are you picking on the mush brain liberal sheep again? If so I approve.
Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?
it's not a theory.
The only clowns here are you folks.
Only the ignorant fight the facts.

AGW is based on the Greenhouse Theory... not the Greenhouse Fact.
Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?

He also apparently thinks the Arab oil embargo is a conspiracy theory..
Apparently you are talking out your ass.
The embargo was a price war and had jackshit to do with the overall oil supply.
Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

"The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are regulations in the United States, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975,[1] in the wake of the Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks (trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles) produced for sale in the United States."

Hope that helps.
Not relevant.

What? You asked me "Why the change to more efficient Mpg?" I told you it was due to t he oil embargo to which you commented was a "conspiracy theory".

So, my answer is very relevant, unless you of course don't understand your own question?
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?
it's not a theory.
The only clowns here are you folks.
Only the ignorant fight the facts.

AGW is based on the Greenhouse Theory... not the Greenhouse Fact.
Gravity is a theory too.
Epic fail!
Oil, gas and uranium/plutonium was put on earth for us to use for energy, drill baby drill...

Solar, wind and what ever other so called "green" renewable energy are decades away from being practical...

In 1900, the airplane was a long time away from being practical as either in war or peace. That was hardly a good reason to put it on the shelf.

In the late 1800s electric cars were more popular then gasoline ones, So what's your point?



You didn't know that? I thought you were a Yankee that went to skool?

Common knowledge.

Common knowledge like common sense is a myth.
People who use those terms have neither knowledge or sense.

WTF asshole, I know history and I know cars among a host of other things, you act like you are 12 years old and now don't even know what the 70s oil crisis was about?

It’s hard to pinpoint the invention of the electric car to one inventor or country. Instead it was a series of breakthroughs -- from the battery to the electric motor -- in the 1800s that led to the first electric vehicle on the road.

In the early part of the century, innovators in Hungary, the Netherlands and the United States -- including a blacksmith from Vermont -- began toying with the concept of a battery-powered vehicle and created some of the first small-scale electric cars. And while Robert Anderson, a British inventor, developed the first crude electric carriage around this same time, it wasn’t until the second half of the 19th century that French and English inventors built some of the first practical electric cars.

Here in the U.S., the first successful electric car made its debut around 1890 thanks to William Morrison, a chemist who lived in Des Moines, Iowa. His six-passenger vehicle capable of a top speed of 14 miles per hour was little more than an electrified wagon, but it helped spark interest in electric vehicles.

Over the next few years, electric vehicles from different automakers began popping up across the U.S. New York City even had a fleet of more than 60 electric taxis. By 1900, electric cars were at their heyday, accounting for around a third of all vehicles on the road. During the next 10 years, they continued to show strong sales.

Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

"The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are regulations in the United States, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975,[1] in the wake of the Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks (trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles) produced for sale in the United States."

Hope that helps.
Not relevant.

What? You asked me "Why the change to more efficient Mpg?" I told you it was due to t he oil embargo to which you commented was a "conspiracy theory".

So, my answer is very relevant, unless you of course don't understand your own question?
The embargo was not the case.
It was effect.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?

He also apparently thinks the Arab oil embargo is a conspiracy theory..
Apparently you are talking out your ass.
The embargo was a price war and had jackshit to do with the overall oil supply.

Actually, it was initially a response American involvement in the Yom Kippur war. It caused a decrease in supplies which in 1975 was answered by the enactment of CAFE standards. It wasn't a price war.

Do try and keep up.
Of course the point is to go after pollution, especially from fossil fuels.
No it isn't....For example. Cap and Trade policies do not reduce pollution. They simply allow companies to buy pollution credits from other firms that allegedly pollute less.
Of course the bounty goes to Washington. Cap and Trade is a tax scheme. Its another money grab. In the Eurozone, there are these stupid carbon taxes which are costing the EU economy billions of Euros. Has pollution of the air in Europe been reduced because of these taxes? No.
The US and Canada are two of the cleanest industrialized nations on the planet.
On the other hand China, India and Japan, to this day still foul the air to the point where people have to don surgical masks on certain days just to go outside.
In China, the Yangtzee River is so fouled, the people who depend on the aquatic creatures for food are starving because they cannot safely eat the fish.
And all you people on here can think of is screeching about fossil fuels.
Ok, You first. Stop driving. Don't use synthetic fabrics. Don't buy or use anything derived from petro-chemicals.
Then you can talk.
It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

"The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are regulations in the United States, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975,[1] in the wake of the Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks (trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles) produced for sale in the United States."

Hope that helps.
Not relevant.

What? You asked me "Why the change to more efficient Mpg?" I told you it was due to t he oil embargo to which you commented was a "conspiracy theory".

So, my answer is very relevant, unless you of course don't understand your own question?
The embargo was not the case.
It was effect.

You're delusional....
Hey slapdick, it is an ongoing process... it doesn't magically stop and start. The next batch is ready.
Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?
it's not a theory.
The only clowns here are you folks.
Only the ignorant fight the facts.

PROVE it twinkle toes....

Keep dreamin. if it were then why aren't we using oil at the same rate as we did during it's peak production?
Why the change to more efficient Mpg?

It started back in the 70's with the oil embargo... a totally manufactured crisis.
Conspiracy theories don't count.
Got any actual facts?

funny, coming from a clown who buys the theory of AGW.

you do know what AGW stands for don't you, clown?
it's not a theory.
The only clowns here are you folks.
Only the ignorant fight the facts.

PROVE it twinkle toes....


He's a numbskull. He thinks the Arab Oil Embargo was an effect of fuel efficiency.


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