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The fact remains that the only state in the US whose environmental standards come close to those we have in Europe is led by a Republican.

Rather than pretend you are suffering oppression from ridiculous laws, accept the fact that US environmental laws are relatively lax. Whether that is good or bad, I couldn't say, but that's the way it is.

The fact remains that the only state in the US whose environmental standards come close to those we have in Europe is led by a Republican.

Rather than pretend you are suffering oppression from ridiculous laws, accept the fact that US environmental laws are relatively lax. Whether that is good or bad, I couldn't say, but that's the way it is.
You're way off, Bud. Arnold isn't the Governor, and California isn't the only state with strict environmental laws. You're trying to demagogue this issue, you know damn good and well that the United States is the least polluting industrialized country on the planet. Don't insult our intelligence. Federal laws are not determined on a state level.
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Please try and maintain some basic level of intelligence when posting. Really. Your posting here passed silly three weeks ago, and is fast approaching tinfoil hat territory.

List of western countries ranked by CO2 emissions per capita.

1. Australia
2. USA
3. Canada

9. Finland
10. Norway

16. UK
17. Denmark

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your numbers don't match your link. And why are you excluding eastern countries? Are you seriously claiming that the U.S. produces more pollution than China?
90% of all warming over the past 5 years has happen north of 60. Fact.

No, that is NOT a fact.

New Zealand is currently crippled by drought, Australia just recorded its hottest national temperature ever (40.5C) and southern hemisphere glaciers are in freefall in both South America (Chile, Argentina) and New Zealand (Fox, Franz Joseph).

When talking about a time span as short as 5 years it is possible a couple of local teat waves might skew the figuresa bit. Warming is uneven, of course, but the warming trend is most definitely global.
The tip-off to the global warming hoax is their proposed solutions, which are to make the U.S. pay. Pass laws that only apply to us, that just happen to reflect liberal ideology. I've heard some of the Hollywood climate wackos claim cow farts contributed to global warming and we could stop it by becoming vegetarians. Democratic politicians espouse those views to get those Hollywood big bucks. The earth may be getting slightly warmer, but if they really believed it was man's behavior causing it, they would be going after the other industrialized countries instead of the U.S. (which has the toughest environmental laws of all the industrialized countries), but they don't. They leave the worst offenders alone. That's where they lose their credibility, and that's where they give themselves away, IMO.

Actually, the US is the biggest emmitter of greenhouse gases. We are the worst offender. With 5% of the world's population, we are responsible for 24% of the Greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union and Japan are responsible for another 19%.


Community Sustainability Network

The fact remains that the only state in the US whose environmental standards come close to those we have in Europe is led by a Republican.

Rather than pretend you are suffering oppression from ridiculous laws, accept the fact that US environmental laws are relatively lax. Whether that is good or bad, I couldn't say, but that's the way it is.

I have no idea which state you are referring to because the state with the most stringent environmental standards is California, by a long shot. I fail to see what difference the party affiliation of the governor makes since he has no power to repeal any environmental laws on his say-so in any state.

I also doubt that European environmental laws are any stricter than ours. However, they do spend a lot more on boondoggles like "green energy."
The tip-off to the global warming hoax is their proposed solutions, which are to make the U.S. pay. Pass laws that only apply to us, that just happen to reflect liberal ideology. I've heard some of the Hollywood climate wackos claim cow farts contributed to global warming and we could stop it by becoming vegetarians. Democratic politicians espouse those views to get those Hollywood big bucks. The earth may be getting slightly warmer, but if they really believed it was man's behavior causing it, they would be going after the other industrialized countries instead of the U.S. (which has the toughest environmental laws of all the industrialized countries), but they don't. They leave the worst offenders alone. That's where they lose their credibility, and that's where they give themselves away, IMO.

Actually, the US is the biggest emmitter of greenhouse gases. We are the worst offender. With 5% of the world's population, we are responsible for 24% of the Greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union and Japan are responsible for another 19%.

CO2 isn't a pollutant, numbnuts.
The tip-off to the global warming hoax is their proposed solutions, which are to make the U.S. pay. Pass laws that only apply to us, that just happen to reflect liberal ideology. I've heard some of the Hollywood climate wackos claim cow farts contributed to global warming and we could stop it by becoming vegetarians. Democratic politicians espouse those views to get those Hollywood big bucks. The earth may be getting slightly warmer, but if they really believed it was man's behavior causing it, they would be going after the other industrialized countries instead of the U.S. (which has the toughest environmental laws of all the industrialized countries), but they don't. They leave the worst offenders alone. That's where they lose their credibility, and that's where they give themselves away, IMO.

Actually, the US is the biggest emmitter of greenhouse gases. We are the worst offender. With 5% of the world's population, we are responsible for 24% of the Greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union and Japan are responsible for another 19%.

CO2 isn't a pollutant, numbnuts.

Didn't say it was.

It is a greenhouse gas, however. Which is the term I used.
Actually, the US is the biggest emmitter of greenhouse gases. We are the worst offender. With 5% of the world's population, we are responsible for 24% of the Greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union and Japan are responsible for another 19%.

CO2 isn't a pollutant, numbnuts.

Didn't say it was.

It is a greenhouse gas, however. Which is the term I used.

Yes you did. You called the U.S. the biggest polluter based solely on it's output of greenhouse gases.

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