Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms

A person I know with 'several' advanced degrees believes that global warming is 'real', fwiw.
A person you know...Well, that settles it. I'm convinced. :lol:

lol--there's more to the story.

There have been some toxic debates on the topic of global warming I finally started asking 'privately' and he said that is what he believes. Not the sort to believe 'anything'.
What the AGW cultists believe isn't science. It's a con. No one "needs" it do be false, just as no one needs the earth centric view of the solar system to be false.

And at some point you may realise that there are now only 7 people on earth who believe this.

The world has moved on BriPat. You don't need to move on with it, but you do need to realise that you are stuck arguing the benefits of the steam engine.

The fact is no one cares about the global warming con any more. In survey after survey, concern about global warming is at the bottom of the list. The game is over. You're pissing in the wind.

Yea, nobody cares anymore because they know that we will never do anything about it. We're just going to have to live with the consequences.
Another unproven claim by the left being taught as fact in our public schools. First evolution, now global warming.

Yea, evolution is a hoax. The earth is only 6000 years old.

You know.................I think Darwin did get it right when he said we evolved from something, I just don't think it's the apes, I think it may have been another animal.

Like.................did you know the ONLY OTHER MAMMAL IN THE WORLD that participates in sex for recreation are dolphins?
What the AGW cultists believe isn't science. It's a con. No one "needs" it do be false, just as no one needs the earth centric view of the solar system to be false.

And at some point you may realise that there are now only 7 people on earth who believe this.

The world has moved on BriPat. You don't need to move on with it, but you do need to realise that you are stuck arguing the benefits of the steam engine.

He might want his children to fall behind the rest of the world, but I do not want that to be my children's fate.
What the AGW cultists believe isn't science. It's a con. No one "needs" it do be false, just as no one needs the earth centric view of the solar system to be false.

And at some point you may realise that there are now only 7 people on earth who believe this.

The world has moved on BriPat. You don't need to move on with it, but you do need to realise that you are stuck arguing the benefits of the steam engine.

He might want his children to fall behind the rest of the world, but I do not want that to be my children's fate.

Have you seen the movie Idiocracy? Unfortunately, these are the type of people who are breeding the most.
Well our kids are taught more than enough stuff that's either untrue, useless or both so one more things can't hurt

So little of what schools teach now is actually factual.

that's because the republicans have been writing the text books ... let a liberal do and you'll get it right ...

oh please...

I could be very wrong--but the publishing industry is notoriously liberal--which is not to say the subset of textbook publishing is exactly the same.

In previous discussions I heard many complaints from more conservative posters that school textbooks were 'poisoned' with liberal ideas. I suppose it is true--reading books changed with the times--including diversity, etc.
The fact is no one cares about the global warming con any more. In survey after survey, concern about global warming is at the bottom of the list. The game is over. You're pissing in the wind.

Right. And yet you couldn't find a single international study which backs your claim...

Climate change is a political issue only in the US. Elsewhere, science won. Which is why almost every major conservative party in the world has a climate change policy based on science.

I started a thread on this a couple of weeks ago, but on average around 2/3 of people around the world accept climate science, with that figure rising to 90% in countries where the impacts of climate change are very evident.

A recent survey in Europe (30 countries) asked people to list 3 major challenges facing humanity. Around 70% mentioned climate change in the Top 3, the 2nd most common answer after unemplyoment & recession.

So yes - the game is over.
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Another unproven claim by the left being taught as fact in our public schools. First evolution, now global warming.

I hope a lot of people take note of SJ's post because this is what science is up against in the US. It's up against political faith, and it's up against religious faith.

It shouldn't have to be, but it is.

This just doesn't happen in other countries, which is why the US is falling behind in science and science-related businesses.
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Looks like 40 states are ready to incorporate the new material into their schools.

Texas won't.

Que surprise.
Well our kids are taught more than enough stuff that's either untrue, useless or both so one more things can't hurt

So little of what schools teach now is actually factual.

97% of climate scientists agree the earth is getting warmer and humans are the cause.

This isn't science that is in dispute.

Climate Change Consensus? | Weather Underground

This study compiled a list of 1,372 climate scientists, and then looked at those who are "actively publishing" in the science of climate. They categorized the scientists as either "convinced" or "unconvinced" by the evidence. The results were that 97% of actively publishing climate scientists are convinced by the evidence of anthropogenic climate change. They also found that those scientists that were unconvinced had significantly fewer publications (in any science) than those that were convinced. This suggests that the (vocal) "unconvinced" group actually has done a lot less research.

Out of curiosity, is there any evidence that would convince you that global warming is happening?
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Another unproven claim by the left being taught as fact in our public schools. First evolution, now global warming.

Just because you are incapable of understanding the science doesn't mean the science is wrong.

Now I can kind of understand why you religious nutters oppose evolution, as it debunks your magic sky pixie...

I'm not getting the crazy denial of global warming, though.

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