Climate Change threatens life, as we know it

It is....between the denying repub party and the Taliban type USSC, the people of the United States will suffer with drought, deadly weather extremes, massively intense hurricanes and tornados, and food shortages that will kill millions. And that is just the beginning.

The repub party, for purely political reasons, have called some of the greatest scientific minds in the words fakes and charlatans. At the same time they worship and bow to the most talented grifter who ever walked on the face of the earth.

I am really curious how the climate deniers will defend themselves when the predictions of scientists concerning climate change come true. Will they blame someone else, like their king names trump does all the time...or will they say it was an inevitable end? There was nothing that could have been done to stop the coming disaster.

Melting runways in Europe is just the beginning.....

You sound like you're this close to calling for the crucifixion of heretics.
It is....between the denying repub party and the Taliban type USSC, the people of the United States will suffer with drought, deadly weather extremes, massively intense hurricanes and tornados, and food shortages that will kill millions. And that is just the beginning.

The repub party, for purely political reasons, have called some of the greatest scientific minds in the words fakes and charlatans. At the same time they worship and bow to the most talented grifter who ever walked on the face of the earth.

I am really curious how the climate deniers will defend themselves when the predictions of scientists concerning climate change come true. Will they blame someone else, like their king names trump does all the time...or will they say it was an inevitable end? There was nothing that could have been done to stop the coming disaster.

Melting runways in Europe is just the beginning.....

You burned coal to tell us this ... why? ...
You burned coal to tell us this ... why? ...
You want to see climate change, JimH52 ?

I'll show you what climate change looks like.


The repub party, for as long as I can remember, have doubted, denied, and laughed at the warnings of scientist. Well, now we are seeing triple digit temperatures, melting run ways, people dying my the thousands due to heat, and dramatic storms and droughts. These were all predicted by scientists. And it is going to get worse!

There was a reason "global warming" was replaced by the term "climate change." The extremes are going to grow. The winters will be more dramatic. The ice storms will be more frequent. The heat will become unbearable, and the droughts will becomes deadly. But the repubs will still deny, laugh, and doubt.

Do the doubters realize that they are dooming their children and grandchildren to an environmental disaster?

Problem is, under the 100,000 year cycle, we get this spike in temperatures.

It happened 120,000 years ago. Was that because of industrialization?
Don't worry, if they just tax us all, the government can control the weather. . . So says Joe! :113:

". . It’s not like it’s beyond our control. The weather may be beyond our control for now, but it’s not beyond our control, and I promise you, we’re staying – the federal government, along with the state and county and the city. We’re staying until everybody’s back to where they were, not a joke, and one other thing I’ve raised to the gov. "

Don't worry, if they just tax us all, the government can control the weather. . . So says Joe! :113:

". . It’s not like it’s beyond our control. The weather may be beyond our control for now, but it’s not beyond our control, and I promise you, we’re staying – the federal government, along with the state and county and the city. We’re staying until everybody’s back to where they were, not a joke, and one other thing I’ve raised to the gov. "


It is only a matter of time. When the weather extremes start killing thousands....when water becomes gold.....when coastal cities are flooded out....then the repub party will say "we always believed in climate change."
It is only a matter of time. When the weather extremes start killing thousands....when water becomes gold.....when coastal cities are flooded out....then the repub party will say "we always believed in climate change."
If that were the truth?

Explain why the global elites are exempting themselves?

You mean the repub 1%ers?
There are no green taxes in the US.

In Europe, no, folks that run foundations, and contribute to the elite politicians, tend to be, overwhelmingly, contribute to the DNC and establishment RINO's.

The those green taxes are referring to what is already established in Europe.

If you want an analogy here? It has to do with all those new IRS agents they hired to make sure the middle class are reporting their income from garage sales. They don't give a shit about billionaires who get taxed, the one that contribute to teh DNC for political campaigns.


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