Climate Change

Its the end of the world!!!


Texas was a warning.

'I am 62 years old and had never seen the snow, you know? To see nature's beauty is something indescribable,' said truck driver Iodor Goncalves Marques in Cambara do Sul, a municipality of Rio Grande do Sul state, speaking to TV Globo network 2/5

This is what you want. I know you do.
you love locking down, because you’re used to it. You have no friends and never socialized anyways.

You are a miserable person and the only thing that makes you feel a tiny bit better is having other people as miserable as you
Texas was a warning.
No it wasn't.

Feb 2021 was not even close to the record. 1994 was much colder. 1947 was colder.

This is why we're pissed at you green-energy dumb shits. Our capacity was fuck over by green initiatives that caused the unreliable sources to completely fail.

Your efforts to save the world from a fake boogie man cause the problem.
The earth's climate is naturally cyclic an and sometimes unpredictable. It's always been that way and always will be. There's nothing we can do about it.
Apparently we have reached Earth's perfect climate and no deviations should be allowed regardless of expense because humans stupidly built mega cities in flood prone regions.
Next up, plugging up polluting toxic volcanoes and putting an end to tectonic plate shifting.
Cite the last time Vancouver was 112 degrees.
Probably in the Bronze age?

Cite the last time Vancouver was 112 degrees.
Canada’s old national heat record was 45 degrees Celsius, or 113 Fahrenheit, but on Sunday, Lytton, a town of fewer than 300 about three hours east of Vancouver, reached 46.6 Celsius, or 115.9 Fahrenheit, according to Environment Canada.

And when folks are bitching this winter in a few months you hypocrites will claim weather doesn't determine climate.

Christ, it isn't the end of the world even if the climate alters. Some will benefit, some won't, just like the last several hundred million years.
No it wasn't.

Feb 2021 was not even close to the record. 1994 was much colder. 1947 was colder.

This is why we're pissed at you green-energy dumb shits. Our capacity was fuck over by green initiatives that caused the unreliable sources to completely fail.

Your efforts to save the world from a fake boogie man cause the problem.
LMAO. The problem in Texas was caused by, well TEXAS. I mean you guys make West Virginians seem like rocket scientists. The United States has three power grids. There is the Western grid. There is the Eastern grid. And then there is the Texas grid. Because Texas is "special", a special kind of stupid by refusing to link to the national grid. Why? Because Texas wanted to keep all power generated in Texas IN Texas. Stupid shits never figured they might need some power from outside the state one day. Selfish, short sighted, and Ignorant--God Bless Texas.
Cite the last time Vancouver was 112 degrees.
I live near Seattle and we occasionally reach temp over well 100 degrees in the summer.

A freak spike in the temp for two or three days isn’t proof of man made global warming. It’s a sign that the earth’s climate is cyclical and does what it does.

But to answer your question, there were higher temps there in the mid to late 1930’s
I live near Seattle and we occasionally reach temp over well 100 degrees in the summer.

A freak spike in the temp for two or three days isn’t proof of man made global warming. It’s a sign that the earth’s climate is cyclical and does what it does.

But to answer your question, there were higher temps there in the mid to late 1930’s
They've told people to not eat the shellfish because of bacterial concerns of high water temperatures. When was the last time that happened in Vancouver?
They've told people to not eat the shellfish because of bacterial concerns of high water temperatures. When was the last time that happened in Vancouver?
That happens all the time. That’s not at all unusual. In the summer time hen there’s an abundance of sunlight there are sometimes harmful algae blooms. It happens every summer.
It's getting hotter! Climate change!

It's getting colder! Climate change!

It's the same as last year! Climate change!

Can't we just go back to calling it weather and getting inaccurate predictions about it in the paper?

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