Climate Control Nonsense

The Climate Alarmists have been predicting catastrophe for decades. By this date, 2022, there was supposed to be no ice in the arctic (its still there).

More recently the climate cult predicted high numbers of hurricanes, the number has actually decreased this year. Although a couple of years ago, we had a record number. Apparently hurricanes aren't related to "Climate change" caused by humans either?

All of the crazy ass predictions over the decades has erased all credibility from the Environmentalist whackos, except with the hardcore cultists and liberals who love the "solutions" even though everyone knows they will be ineffective.

Another fine propaganda thread from the oh-so-ignorant denier cult. But then, what else can they do? It's not like they can talk about the science, given how all the science says they're lying.

Why this latest crying jag right now? Because they recently lost so big when Biden signed the bill.

You have to feel a bit sorry for them. They've spent decades babbling idiot propaganda, following orders like such good little cultists, only to lose over and over. No wonder they're always so grumpy.
But but but, you don't understand. The US can make up for the transgressions of other countries by simply doing more by eliminating fossil fuels, getting rid of heat and air conditioning at our homes and places of work, giving up travel that pollutes, and getting rid of all dirty energy and manufacturing that pollutes. That will make up for other countries. We can go back to wearing animal skins and eating berries and let China take over the world.
Another thing that these Moon Bats don't know.

The US spends as much money each year on pollution abatement and restoration as the rest of the world COMBINED.
By this date, 2022, there was supposed to be no ice in the arctic (its still there).

Sure there was(n't), according to which scientific study? Most studies put the date of an Ice free Arctic Summer in the later half of this century.

More recently the climate cult predicted high numbers of hurricanes, the number has actually decreased this year.

In reality, the studies predict as the Atlantic Basin heats up there will be less hurricanes in the later half of this century. Furthermore there is no proof that the small amount of warming man has introduced has caused an increase in frequency or intensity of tropical storms across the globe.
Another fine propaganda thread from the oh-so-ignorant denier cult. But then, what else can they do? It's not like they can talk about the science, given how all the science says they're lying.

Why this latest crying jag right now? Because they recently lost so big when Biden signed the bill.

You have to feel a bit sorry for them. They've spent decades babbling idiot propaganda, following orders like such good little cultists, only to lose over and over. No wonder they're always so grumpy.
To many people like yourself have not truly suffered. The American economy is not bulletproof. But it is more insulated with protection than many nations that have gone by the wayside. A spoiled people we are. Look at the violence of people who do not get their way we have. The decline is real.
You're barking up the wrong tree asking penloper about science.
You'd get more accurate info talking to my dogs.
Believe me talking to dogs would probably be an improvement to how far I get talking to AGW advocates. It's been 6 hours now & Penny's failed to respond so I'll take that to mean there's no interest in science here..

The thing is that there are some very good people I know who want everyone to fight about the world's climate, and so far all I've been able to see is a repudiation of the scientific method as a whole ---iow a REJECTION of science --and antiscience-- parading as science itself.
Believe me talking to dogs would probably be an improvement to how far I get talking to AGW advocates. It's been 6 hours now & Penny's failed to respond so I'll take that to mean there's no interest in science here..

The thing is that there are some very good people I know who want everyone to fight about the world's climate, and so far all I've been able to see is a repudiation of the scientific method as a whole ---iow a REJECTION of science --and antiscience-- parading as science itself.

If you ever want to screw with their heads, just ask then these questions: What would it take to shut you people up for good; what metric do you use and how much would it cost us? And if we spent that money, would you promise never to bring up climate change again?

I never get an answer from those people. That's because even they know there is no finish line. Just keep dumping trillions and trillions of dollars into it and never be satisfied.

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