Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to '2014 warmest year ever' nonsense

About time a scientist says what I have saying all along people recording the temperature 100 years ago were inacuarate compared to 20 years ago
As I have frequently pointed out!
We've pointed out you me and others that the simple mercury thermometer used to record temperatures long before computers and digital were hard to read.
Considering that THE below was the only way of reading a temperature for decades.
Hard to distinguish between 71.4 ° and 71.6° wouldn't you say? Then remember these discrete temperature readings had to be physically written down, then transcribed again and again..remember all before computers...and again how often have we had problems reading people's typing on this forum?
View attachment 36050

Hey I bought that same thermometer at WalMart for 1.98 just the other day. Glad to see it is good enough to base economic decisions.
If you have the experiments, post the experiments. If you don't have any experiments, say you have consensus and call anyone who questions you a DENIER!!!

sure its not science but it pays well and we have a real chance at destroying the American economy
The man made global warming cult in here don't even want to address my post? I have been in injection molding for 30 years , most plastics are heat sensitive, and the 60s analog crap is worlds apart from what we have today
A CREATIONIST? For real? Man walked with dinosaurs and all that shit?
Are you sure? Our level headed right wing global warming skeptics would not hang their hats on a guy who believes the world is only a few thousand years old.

Would they?
it's NOT the world you fucking dumbass.., it's human existence, study the words in the Bible you may learn something.., being a fucking liberfool i kinda doubt it, you may need to learn to read first !! :up: ..... :lmao:
The man made global warming cult in here don't even want to address my post? I have been in injection molding for 30 years , most plastics are heat sensitive, and the 60s analog crap is worlds apart from what we have today

That is true. The digital displays are obviously more accurate then what people had to do for decades before digital.
Just for a moment consider you are a volunteer temperature recording person standing in the heat or in the cold. Reading something like the below tell me
if the temperature is 69° or 71°?
Then the volunteer has to transcribe then transmit.
Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 7.53.38 AM.png
it's NOT the world you fucking dumbass.., it's human existence, study the words in the Bible you may learn something.., being a fucking liberfool i kinda doubt it, you may need to learn to read first !!

Hey dumb fuck, did man walk with dinosaurs or not? Easy question.
About time a scientist says what I have saying all along people recording the temperature 100 years ago were inacuarate compared to 20 years ago
As I have frequently pointed out!
We've pointed out you me and others that the simple mercury thermometer used to record temperatures long before computers and digital were hard to read.
Considering that THE below was the only way of reading a temperature for decades.
Hard to distinguish between 71.4 ° and 71.6° wouldn't you say? Then remember these discrete temperature readings had to be physically written down, then transcribed again and again..remember all before computers...and again how often have we had problems reading people's typing on this forum?
View attachment 36050

Hey I bought that same thermometer at WalMart for 1.98 just the other day. Glad to see it is good enough to base economic decisions.
Notice how they want to kill the messenger and not the message? Millions of americans like me have been using thermocouples and temp monitors at work for decades and know the progress

These are the same people who have not gone out side in 40 years

These are the same people who think we slept through 2 nd grade when the ice ages were taught about

About time a scientist says what I have saying all along people recording the temperature 100 years ago were inacuarate compared to 20 years ago
As I have frequently pointed out!
We've pointed out you me and others that the simple mercury thermometer used to record temperatures long before computers and digital were hard to read.
Considering that THE below was the only way of reading a temperature for decades.
Hard to distinguish between 71.4 ° and 71.6° wouldn't you say? Then remember these discrete temperature readings had to be physically written down, then transcribed again and again..remember all before computers...and again how often have we had problems reading people's typing on this forum?
View attachment 36050

Hey I bought that same thermometer at WalMart for 1.98 just the other day. Glad to see it is good enough to base economic decisions.
Notice how they want to kill the messenger and not the message? Millions of americans like me have been using thermocouples and temp monitors at work for decades and know the progress

These are the same people who have not gone out side in 40 years

These are the same people who think we slept through 2 nd grade when the ice ages were taught about


They're a Cult and they needed to be booted from every college and University in America
Roy Spencer, just got love this guy... The darling of the deniers.

Now lets look at Dr. Spencer:
He is on board of advisors of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.
So lets look at these fellows:
There mission statement first:
"The Cornwall Declaration further sets forth an articulate and Biblically-grounded set of beliefs and aspirations in which God can be glorified through a world in which "human beings care wisely and humbly for all creatures" and "widespread economic freedom…makes sound ecological stewardship available to ever greater numbers."

Some more statements:
We believe Earth and its ecosystems – created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth’s climate system is no exception. Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history.

If Roy Spencer has indeed signed this declaration then he has essentially made up his mind about global warming. His research is not to consider if global warming is natural, it’s to show that global warming is natural. This completely changes how one should assess his research and anything he writes about global warming and climate change. Many accuse climate scientists of being biased but this seems like a classic example of explicit bias. Essentially it seems that Roy Spencer’s research is aimed at confirming his view that global warming and climate change are simply a consequence of some natural process and are not anthropogenic. I think everyone should bear this in mind when considering Roy Spencer’s views on global warming and climate change.

I mean we are talking about a scientist who thinks the world is 6000 years old and God who not let Climate Change happen

So point out how him being a creationist, or how you know this fact, has effected his view on Climate Change

Why don't you ask this guy that question? How the fuck would I know what this guy thinks about how his view of creation ties into his view of global warming. Ask him.

All I know is that I think those that believe in the creation of the world as told in the Bible, that believes that the creation story should be taken literally, well I don't have any confidence in that persons ability to understand complicated science.

Fairy tales are not science. No matter how much you "believe".
it's NOT the world you fucking dumbass.., it's human existence, study the words in the Bible you may learn something.., being a fucking liberfool i kinda doubt it, you may need to learn to read first !!

Hey dumb fuck, did man walk with dinosaurs or not? Easy question.

Roy Spencer, just got love this guy... The darling of the deniers.

Now lets look at Dr. Spencer:
He is on board of advisors of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.
So lets look at these fellows:
There mission statement first:
"The Cornwall Declaration further sets forth an articulate and Biblically-grounded set of beliefs and aspirations in which God can be glorified through a world in which "human beings care wisely and humbly for all creatures" and "widespread economic freedom…makes sound ecological stewardship available to ever greater numbers."

Some more statements:
We believe Earth and its ecosystems – created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth’s climate system is no exception. Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history.

If Roy Spencer has indeed signed this declaration then he has essentially made up his mind about global warming. His research is not to consider if global warming is natural, it’s to show that global warming is natural. This completely changes how one should assess his research and anything he writes about global warming and climate change. Many accuse climate scientists of being biased but this seems like a classic example of explicit bias. Essentially it seems that Roy Spencer’s research is aimed at confirming his view that global warming and climate change are simply a consequence of some natural process and are not anthropogenic. I think everyone should bear this in mind when considering Roy Spencer’s views on global warming and climate change.

I mean we are talking about a scientist who thinks the world is 6000 years old and God who not let Climate Change happen

  1. Roy Spencer
  2. Roy Warren Spencer is a climatologist, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA's Aqua satellite.Wikipedia
Sounds like every Climate Change fearists dream.

Yes indeed, I wish every denier was like this man. You do realize that he is also a creationist, right? Tells you where is 'scientific' head is at, doesn't it?

So? So he is a creationist whatever that broad term might mean to you. Obama is a self professed creationist so what is your point?

So point out how him being a creationist, or how you know this fact, has effected his view on Climate Change. The CC fear mongers wail that there is no real climatologist speaking against the fear, here is one and you see how they are treated.

Obama is not claiming to be a scientist. Spencer is. He is also on the board of directors of the George C. Marshall Institute, a right-wing conservative think tank on scientific issues and public policy. He listed as an expert for the Heartland Institute.

Climate misinformer Roy Spencer
If you have the experiments, post the experiments. If you don't have any experiments, say you have consensus and call anyone who questions you a DENIER!!!

sure its not science but it pays well and we have a real chance at destroying the American economy

Can you find undisputed research from a scientist who hasn't been debunked or paid off (by Oil companies) with a peer reviewed paper that has irrefutable evidence against man made climate change?

We have it on our side..
So interesting that you spell out exactly what the guy thinks without really knowing then attack what YOU post. Really disingenuous.

Hey freewilly. Do you know what this ? symbol means? It means I asked a question. Had that symbol at the end of three sentences I wrote. Yep. Sure did, I asked a question.
You want to try and give an answer or not?
it's NOT the world you fucking dumbass.., it's human existence, study the words in the Bible you may learn something.., being a fucking liberfool i kinda doubt it, you may need to learn to read first !!

Hey dumb fuck, did man walk with dinosaurs or not? Easy question.
first.., stupid fucktard, define dinosaurs.

due to the fact dinosaurs have existed for many millions of years, maybe even a billion or so, who knows for CERTAIN ? you sure as hell do NOT ! :up: ....... :lmao:
Why don't you global warming cult members address my posts and others about the technology advances in the past 100 years I have been dealing with this crap for 30 years


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Can you find undisputed research from a scientist who hasn't been debunked or paid off (by Oil companies) with a peer reviewed paper that has irrefutable evidence against man made climate change?

We have it on our side..

Can you wait 10 or 15 years for them to come up with something? They'll pray for the right answer and the right scientist. It'll just take awhile.

15 years from now the science and the evidence will be so irrefutable that I fully expect the Republicans to embrace the idea that global warming is real, they have always said it was real and it is ALL the Democrats, and especially Obama's fault that nothing was done about it.
Last night at work this mold is 7 feet Tall and around 30,000 lbs


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And what about those 97% of scientists who agree? Well, what they all agree on is that if their government climate funding goes away, their careers will end." "

Since, as your post says,

Spencer gets government funding himself, he refutes his own claim above. In fact he is living proof that the well propaganda that most scientists who agree on global warming are not legitimate because they're dependent on taking that position for the sake of funding.
AGWCult in review:

Caught Altering the Data too many times to count
Hiding the Decline behind one Mann Tree Ring
Models Fail and totally inaccurate
Human artifacts under recently melting ice prove that warming and cooling is a totally natural phenomenon
Openly admitted that there's no science, it's all about redistributing the Benjamins
Never once presented any scientific evidence, or a single experiment linking a wisp of CO2 with temperature increase and pH drop
Ask them a question, they threaten you and call you a DENIER!!!!

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