Climate scientists laugh at AGW cult

Ah, dumb fuck rightards. What would we do without them.
OK, scientist #1, Bob Carter;

Climate misinformer: Bob Carter

"Greenland is gaining ice" Greenland on the whole is losing ice, as confirmed by satellite measurement. 1

"Arctic icemelt is a natural cycle"
Thick Arctic sea ice is undergoing a rapid retreat.

"Animals and plants can adapt" Global warming will cause mass extinctions of species that cannot adapt on short time scales. 1

"Oceans are cooling" The most recent ocean measurements show consistent warming. 1

"It's not us" Multiple sets of independent observations find a human fingerprint on climate change. 1

"Global warming stopped in 1998, 1995, 2002, 2007, 2010, ????"
Global temperature is still rising and 2010 was the hottest recorded.

Carter is a liar, as a marine geologist, he has to know that the oceans have been steadily warming.

Scientist #2 Peter Ridd. Censored by his own university.

The photographs were taken near Stone Island off Bowen. A photograph taken in the late 19th century shows healthy coral. An accompanying picture supposedly of the same reef in 1994 is devoid of coral. When the before-and-after shots were used by GBRMPA in its 2014 report, the authority said: “Historical photographs of inshore coral reefs have been especially powerful in illustrating changes over time, and that the change illustrated is typical of many inshore reefs.”

Professor Ridd said it was only possible to guess within a kilometre or two where the original photograph was taken and it would not be unusual to find great coral in one spot and nothing a kilometre away, as his researchers had done. Nor was it possible to say what had killed the coral in the 1994 picture.

“In fact, there are literally hundreds of square kilometres of dead reef-flat on the Great Barrier Reef which was killed due to the slow sea-level fall of about a meter that has occurred over the last 5000 years,” he said. “My point is not that they have probably got this completely wrong but rather what are the quality assurance measures they take to try to ensure they are not telling a misleading story?”


The old merchant of doubt line. Same as used by the tobacco companies to postpone the news that smoking was harmful.

Scientists #3. Garth Piltridge
Garth Paltridge - Wikipedia

Views on climate change[edit]
In August 2009 he published a book on the global warming debate, The Climate Caper. Paltridge believes that anthropogenic global warming is real, but disagrees with mainstream scientific opinion in that he thinks that the warming will probably be too small to be a threat.[10]

On the "pause" in global warming (ca. 1996 - 2014+):

[W]e have at least to consider the possibility that the scientific establishment behind the global warming issue has been drawn into the trap of seriously overstating the climate problem—or, what is much the same thing, of seriously understating the uncertainties associated with the climate problem—in its effort to promote the cause. [11]

So, he thinks that we are warming the planet, but not very much. Wonder how much his position has changed between 2009, and present?

None of these are internationally known scientists, and their whole output in science would hardly equal that of Dr. Hansen. They can laugh all they want, doesn't change the fact that they are wrong.


Australian Climate Change Science Programme
The Australian Climate Change Science Programme (ACCSP) is the Australian Government’s flagship climate change science programme. The programme has been running continuously since 1989 and is a key driver of Australia’s climate change research effort.

The world-class science undertaken by the ACCSP provides a comprehensive understanding of global and regional climate. It improves our understanding of the causes, nature, timing and consequences of climate change.

Climate change science provides the information needed to understand and plan for climate change impacts, thereby increasing community resilience and reducing the cost to society.

The ACCSP plays a significant role in informing the development of Australia's climate change policies.

The ACCSP supports science that:

  • improves ocean, land, atmosphere and cryosphere observations that are used to monitor our climate and underpin climate change projections
  • increases our understanding of the key drivers of climate in the Australian region and how these are changing with global warming
  • increases our understanding of past and future climate change, climate variability and extreme events
  • reduces uncertainties around climate change projections.
The ACCSP provides information to researchers, government, business, industry, decision-makers and the public.

The ACCSP is a partnership between the Department of the Environment, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). The Department provides $7.8 million per year, and co-investment by CSIRO and BoM results in total investment of around $15 million per year for research to meet the shared goals and priorities of the three agencies.

The ACCSP also supports activities under the [URL='']Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre(link is external)
, the Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science(link is external) and the Australian Academy of Science(link is external).

Looks to me as if the Australian scientists take climate change pretty seriously.

People flocked to the beach for respite one evening during Melbourne’s record breaking four-day heatwave in January 2014, under a sky made hazy by smoke from a scrub fire. by Neil O’Connor
Earth’s climate has changed over the past century. The atmosphere and oceans have warmed, sea levels have risen, and glaciers and ice sheets have decreased in size. The best available evidence indicates that greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are the main cause. Continuing increases in greenhouse gases will produce further warming and other changes in Earth’s physical environment and ecosystems.

The science behind these statements is supported by extensive studies based on four main lines of evidence:

  • Physical principles established more than a century ago tell us that certain trace gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour, restrict the radiant flow of heat from Earth to space. This mechanism, known as the ‘greenhouse effect’, keeps Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere considerably warmer than they would otherwise be. The gases involved are called ‘greenhouse gases’. An increase in greenhouse gas concentrations raises the temperature of the surface.
  • The record of the distant past(millions of years) tells us that climate has varied greatly through Earth’s history. It has, for example, gone through ten major ice age cycles over approximately the past million years. Over the last few thousand years of this period, during which civilisations developed, climate was unusually stable. Evidence from the past confirms that climate can be sensitive to small persistent changes, such as variations in Earth’s orbit.
  • Measurements from the recent past (the last 150 years) tell us that Earth’s surface has warmed as atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases increased through human activities, and that this warming has led to other environmental changes. Although climate varies from decade to decade, the overall upward trend of average global surface temperature over the last century is clear.
  • Climate models allow us to understand the causes of past climate changes, and to project climate change into the future. Together with physical principles and knowledge of past variations, models provide compelling evidence that recent changes are due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. They tell us that, unless greenhouse gas emissions are reduced greatly and greenhouse gas concentrations are stabilised, greenhouse warming will continue to increase.
This document aims to summarise and clarify the current scientific understanding of climate change by answering nine key questions.

Summary | Australian Academy of Science

Now that is what the Australian Academy of Science says, not three non-entities. Far from being laughed at, most Australian scientists state the global warming is real.
There, Bear, a solid refutation of your denialist nonsense.

Well, if not a solid refutation...a fine steaming pile of cherry picked, unsupported by the first piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports AGW over natural variability...good job...your masters will be proud.
There, Bear, a solid refutation of your denialist nonsense.

Well, if not a solid refutation...a fine steaming pile of cherry picked, unsupported by the first piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports AGW over natural variability...good job...your masters will be proud.

He is still mad that Australia was the first country to repeal carbon pricing

There, Bear, a solid refutation of your denialist nonsense.

That's why Bear is running now, tossing insults to cover his retreat. Even for a denier, his cowardice stands out.

Bear, your shilling for TheParty is counterproductive. You're making all conservatives look like liars and eunuchs. When TheParty told you to shill, they meant to shill intelligently. Don't just post, cry and run.

Oh, let's not forget the host, Andrew Bolt. He's kind of the Australian Rush Limbaugh. Just goes to show that denialism is 100% political, as opposed to real science, which is not political. Needless to say, he's bankrolled by fossil fuel money, like all denier leaders.
There, Bear, a solid refutation of your denialist nonsense.

That's why Bear is running now, tossing insults to cover his retreat. Even for a denier, his cowardice stands out.

Bear, your shilling for TheParty is counterproductive. You're making all conservatives look like liars and eunuchs. When TheParty told you to shill, they meant to shill intelligently. Don't just post, cry and run.

Oh, let's not forget the host, Andrew Bolt. He's kind of the Australian Rush Limbaugh. Just goes to show that denialism is 100% political, as opposed to real science, which is not political. Needless to say, he's bankrolled by fossil fuel money, like all denier leaders.

Says the hairball who invented the run away while tossing insults over your shoulder technique of escaping a discussion....

Tell me hairball...which unbiased source do you think all of the hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars that are spent by the climate change community come from? You are quick to question where the other side gets their money...have you ever questioned where the money that finances the pseudoscience you so dearly love comes from? Of course you haven't...because you are a double standard hypocrite....
Tell me hairball...which unbiased source do you think all of the hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars that are spent by the climate change community come from?

Your imagination. Duh.

Go on. Show us these "hundreds of billions of dollars" spent. You're pushing a fraud again. It's what you do. It's all you do. If we removed the fraud, there would be nothing left of your posts.
Tell me hairball...which unbiased source do you think all of the hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars that are spent by the climate change community come from?

Your imagination. Duh.

Go on. Show us these "hundreds of billions of dollars" spent. You're pushing a fraud again. It's what you do. It's all you do. If we removed the fraud, there would be nothing left of your posts.

No answer? Or are you just to embarrassed to say where you think climate science gets its money from?

The climate change industry is in excess of 1.5 trillion dollars per year...and that is precisely what the pseudoscience of climate science has is not about legitimate scientific research (if it ever was) is about creating anxiety in an effort to keep the money rolling in....and useful idiots like march on que and do exactly what is expected of you.

Here is an article from 2013 and the amount had reached over 300 billion...


Interesting that you apparently had no idea....guess your masters don't want you to think about all the money going down the which could have been used to address actual environmental issues.
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There, Bear, a solid refutation of your denialist nonsense.

That's why Bear is running now, tossing insults to cover his retreat. Even for a denier, his cowardice stands out.

Bear, your shilling for TheParty is counterproductive. You're making all conservatives look like liars and eunuchs. When TheParty told you to shill, they meant to shill intelligently. Don't just post, cry and run.

Oh, let's not forget the host, Andrew Bolt. He's kind of the Australian Rush Limbaugh. Just goes to show that denialism is 100% political, as opposed to real science, which is not political. Needless to say, he's bankrolled by fossil fuel money, like all denier leaders.

Who is running away?. I smacked your ass so good in the Judith thread that I got bored again.
I see. Three unknown scientists refute what the Australian National Academy of Science states? As for the carbon pricing, that was a political decision with no basis in science.

Australia is investing big time in renewables.

Home - Australian Renewable Energy Agency

Political reason my ass it was based on science, so what was the lefts claim again only Republicans in the US think AGW is a scam?

No answer? Or are you just to embarrassed to say where you think climate science gets its money from?

I asked you, little pissaholic. After all, it was your crazy claim. As usual, instead of backing it up, you deflected by lying.

The climate change industry is in excess of 1.5 trillion dollars per year...

So, you're actually now claiming that money spent to built a wind turbine goes into the pocket of scientist. Even for you, the sheer magnitude of the dishonesty there is rather shocking.

If all the facts didn't say you were an open fraud, you wouldn't have to lie about everything. But they do, so you do.
No answer? Or are you just to embarrassed to say where you think climate science gets its money from?

I asked you, little pissaholic. After all, it was your crazy claim. As usual, instead of backing it up, you deflected by lying.

The climate change industry is in excess of 1.5 trillion dollars per year...

So, you're actually now claiming that money spent to built a wind turbine goes into the pocket of scientist. Even for you, the sheer magnitude of the dishonesty there is rather shocking.

If all the facts didn't say you were an open fraud, you wouldn't have to lie about everything. But they do, so you do.

4.7 billion dollars in grant money in the U.S. alone.....


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