ClimateGate Totally Ignored By TV News Outlets Except Fox

Thanks Annie for the links. I loved this one from the Washington Post.

Mr. Trenberth, a lead author on the 2001 and 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessments, said he had found 102 of his e-mails posted online. "I personally feel violated," he said. "I'm appalled at the very selective use of the e-mails, and the fact they've been taken out of context."

In one of the stolen e-mails, Mr. Trenberth is quoted as saying, "We can't account for the lack of warming at the moment, and it is a travesty that we can't."

He said the comment is presented by skeptics as evidence scientists can't explain some trends that appear to contradict their stance on climate change. Mr. Trenberth explained his phrase was actually contained in a paper he wrote about the need for better monitoring of global warming to explain the anomalies - in particular improved recording of rising sea-surface temperatures.

In another e-mail posted online, and unrelated to Mr. Trenberth, the British research center's director, Phil Jones, wrote that he had used a "trick" to "hide the decline" in a chart detailing recent global temperatures. Mr. Jones has denied manipulating evidence and insisted his comment had been misunderstood. He said in a statement Saturday that he'd used the word trick "as in a clever thing to do."

Mr. Trenberth acknowledged that language used by some colleagues in the hacked e-mails "looks awkward at best," particularly messages which criticize climate-change skeptics.

The libs are going to be fighting this tooth and nail, they are already in " attack mode," they have bought into this fraud for years now and it has blown up in their faces. Let's put Al Gore on trial, if we can find him while he is traveling around the world on his PRIVATE JET making millions of dollars perpetrating a fraud on the world.

Annie didn't post the links. I did.
Why don't you indulge all of we backward-assed provincial "CON$" and give us the real context of this one, edthelemming?

" [We] will keep them (the skeptics) out somehow -- even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"
~Phil Jones, the director of the East Anglia climate center.
Again we have an "OUT OF CONTEXT" quote peppered with added words. Why wont you post the ENTIRE email that quote was manufactured from???
What do YOU have to hide??? Could it be they were discussing two particularly unscientific hack job papers rather than "the skeptics" in general, as your ADDED words imply???

POST THE WHOLE EMAIL and prove your added words don't change the context.
I predict you won't!!!!!!
Tell ya what, genius....How 'bout you read through the e-mails and give us all the "true" meaning, instead of falling back in the oft-parroted "out of context" chestnut without providing that context?

We all have time...This story isn't going anywhere.
What is the tax on a 50 cent light bulb as opposed to a $10.00 light bulb filled with carcinogens???

Who has $10.00 lightbulbs in their home? Floodlights, maybe. Are you talking about the spiral energy savers with a trace amount of mercury that will only escape if you smash it to the floor? What are the odds of that anyway?

At least four years ago, possibly longer, I replaced every lightbulb in my home (a quick mental count, that's about ten) with the spiral ones and have yet to have one burn out. The only problem I've encountered is that some lamps don't accommodate the size. And oh yes, I paid $.99 each for them at Ace Hardware, which still runs that special once a month.
lol i love how all the libs on this thread only say things about how whacky us conservatives are and can't say anything about the topic at hand and how fucked up this situation is.

What's fucked up about it? So scientists disagree on global warming. Scientists still disagree on what happened to cause the dinasaurs to die off too. No big deal. But you hacks are intent on making it a political football.

Since we (and they) DON'T have 100% proof of all the scientific factors involved in the Earth's temperature fluctuations, my only argument has consistently been why not reduce MAN'S contribution as much as we can? Would that be so difficult? Recycle. Buy the damned energy saving lightbulbs. Take your old computer to a place where they'll use the parts instead of tossing it into your dumpster and having it wind up in a landfill. Too much effort?
Yeah...this thread does say FOX NEWS doesn't it? OK...(FAUX NEWS) for you steaming piles of Liberalism/Statism)...

Did you guys catch Ed Begley Jr. Yesterday on FOX (FAUX for you LIBZ)?

LOL...Caught like a RAT in a trap...


One of the biggest scandals of the a deer in the proverbial headlights...LOL!

*I* Think he's PISSED he fell for it too...and doesn't want to ADMIT IT...

*NOTICE* He says "PEER REVIEWED STUDIES*...but what IF ED baby? That some of the PEERS were LOCKED OUT on purpose as the E-Mails suggest??


Jeezus, did you wet yourself over your glee?
NBC ran the Climate Conference story tonight. Not word one about Climategate. Full speed ahead on reductions in emissions to save the planet.

"Climategate" was coined by FOX. How many "gates" does it have in its repertoire now? Must be right up there with calling anyone in the Obama administration a "czar."

You know, it could be that the other networks are behaving more grown up about this pending issue since, well, the climate change summit is pending and we'll probably know more F.A.C.T.S at that time. Sounds reasonable to me, but then that's just me. I'll wait to see how this whole issue resolves.
NBC ran the Climate Conference story tonight. Not word one about Climategate. Full speed ahead on reductions in emissions to save the planet.

"Climategate" was coined by FOX. How many "gates" does it have in its repertoire now? Must be right up there with calling anyone in the Obama administration a "czar."

You know, it could be that the other networks are behaving more grown up about this pending issue since, well, the climate change summit is pending and we'll probably know more F.A.C.T.S at that time. Sounds reasonable to me, but then that's just me. I'll wait to see how this whole issue resolves.

No it wasn't, was a BBC blogger.
NBC ran the Climate Conference story tonight. Not word one about Climategate. Full speed ahead on reductions in emissions to save the planet.

"Climategate" was coined by FOX. How many "gates" does it have in its repertoire now? Must be right up there with calling anyone in the Obama administration a "czar."

You know, it could be that the other networks are behaving more grown up about this pending issue since, well, the climate change summit is pending and we'll probably know more F.A.C.T.S at that time. Sounds reasonable to me, but then that's just me. I'll wait to see how this whole issue resolves.

climategate was coined by the bbc blogger who was the first to report on the theft of the emails.
personally i prefer manbearpiggate, as i stated several times
I am not the one who posted the un-sourced quote with ADDED words. It is the burden of the poster or his supporters to supply the full email. You CON$ pull this crap on me when I post LimpBoy's quotes, and I don't add words to LimpBoy's quotes, and I post links to his transcripts when asked. You CON$ never accept "look them up yourself" from me, so why should I accept it from you.

Obviously you know the quote was not about "SKEPTICS" in general as the ADDED words imply, so you won't post the whole email.
Thank you.
OK..It wasn't to keep the skeptics out, per se, but to keep out contravening evidence....I stand corrected.

You want context, here's your context, lemming boy:

In one email, under the subject line "HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL," LINK
Phil Jones of East Anglia writes to Mann: "I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow--even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"

In another LINK, Mann--discussing a journal that has published a paper by skeptical scientists, puts forward a plan for such a redefinition:

'You've Taken the Words Out of My Mouth' -

All the unzipped e-mails are indexed on a searchable database HERE

You no longer have any excuse for being a blind follower.
Some quick observations. I'm betting a good number of people who cheer this have not called for the arrest and imprisonment of those responsible for breaking the laws of hacking and releasing private info. I'm also guessing a good portion were upset when Wilson helped expose the yellow cake fraud and said he was full of shit. Then came along Drumheller who really blew the WMD shit to pieces. How many who are happy about this thanked those guys for exposing the fraud of invading iraq? Al gore is a fucking shit bag one peanut rung above dubya.....we all know that. But let's compare the whining of tv coverage on this compared to the virtual silence of the terrorist attack on a church in Tenn in July 08'. How many of the same people bitched about fox cnn cbs etc. on how little coverage was given?

GW has been blown way way out of proportion. No different than iraq being a wmd threat. But many children who discuss politics today are so fucking selfish they get caught up in the silly left v right playground that they can't see 5 feet in front of them from the dust kicked up by the stomping of whiners.

The persons responsible for the leaked emails should be found and charged. There should be a Commission set up to analyze the contents of the leaked info and any scientist found to be lobbing the political ball around should have any and all grants immediately revoked and if any of their submitted papers have had influence on legislation or policies they should be criminally charged for fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud. The only other observation is.....holy shit.......this should not be the Golden Chalice of being against GW pressures. Just like Iraq, if you know what you are talking about then "leaked" anything is just an extra side dish. This just helps show consistency by a certain group. They are equally ill informed whether it is an issue they support, like Iraq, or an issue they are against, like GW.
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Sadly, what NPR is doing is the exception - hopefully that will change.
No it isn't. You obviously never listen to NPR or you wouldn't make such a false statement.
You were correct. They did a thoughtful, non-hysterical piece on it tonight. Sadly, they sounded so objective that I've no doubt they will be considered as part of the world wide conspiracy by the rightwingnuts.

Stolen E-Mails Raise Questions On Climate Research : NPR

And this reported on CNN last night:

MALVEAUX: President Obama will go to Copenhagen next month for a major climate change summit. That word today coming from the White House and it comes as Congress is still divided over new climate change legislation. Meanwhile, the global warming controversy, that is heating up as well, after hackers have made public some of the sensitive e-mails. Our CNN's Brooke Baldwin has the story.

Brooke, tell us what this is about, the center of this controversy over the e-mails.

BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Suzanne, how about the timing of all of this. Yes, we are talking about hundreds of e-mails and documents spanning just about a decade here among prominent climate scientists and they have been hacked fanning really debate over whether some scientists my have exaggerated their case for manmade climate change.


BALDWIN: The consensus that the climate is changing, that the burning of fossil fuels is a significant factor goes way beyond the pop culture sensation of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" and his appearance on last week's episode of "30 Rock" on NBC.
BALDWIN: So when a reputable climate research institute has its computer server hacked and hundreds of its private e-mails made public, the news gets around fast, especially from groups that don't believe the global warming consensus. One e-mail attributed to the research center's director had this cryptic excerpt referring to the, quote, trick of adding in the real temps to each series to hide the decline in temperature. Because there's very little context in that e-mail and the others, it's hard to know what they will all add up to. A climate research unit in question posted a message calling this e- mail hack job mischievous and saying it is helping the police to confirm. Senator James Inhofe for many years has portrayed this data showing the warming trend as a hoax and sees the e-mails as evidence.

SEN. JAMES INHOFE (R), OKLAHOMA: I'm pleased by the vast and growing number of scientists, politicians, reporters, all over the world who are publicly rejecting climate alarmism, alarmism. This is those who want to scare people into some kind of action, you know. The water is going to rise up. The world is coming to an end.

BALDWIN: But the White House energy czar points to the 2,500 climate scientists all around the world who agree the climate is warming and that these e-mails aren't changing that. As for the American public, according to a "Washington Post"/ABC News poll out this week, the number of Americans who believe global warming is happening is down from 80% to 72% from last year, down but still a large majority.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We really do have a global warming. The polar bears are getting in trouble and the glaciers are melting.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do think that we tend to blow things a little out of proportion, but I do think we need to be concerned.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it is over hyped. I think some of it is attributed to man but not all of it.

BALDWIN: That same "Washington Post"/ABC News poll shows since 2006 the increase in climate skepticism is driven largely by a shift within the Republican Party and independents. There was also a dip among Democrats but small. Still, a majority of respondents support a national cap on greenhouse gas emissions.


BALDWIN: Now back to those hacked e-mails and the documents. We also want to point out that it suggests some scientists pressured journals not to publishing work of those who questioned whether the earth is in fact warming but, again, here, all of this coming out weeks as you mentioned Suzanne ahead of Copenhagen's climate summit where President Obama will in fact be attending, and today the White House announced that the president has prepared, speaking of those caps, to put on the table a U.S. emissions reduction target in the range of 17% below 2005 levels. That deadline for 2020, and by 83% by 2050, and you know this will ultimately be in line with targets laid out in a bill passed by the House earlier this year -- Suzanne?

MALVEAUX: Yes. OK, thank you.
Yeah...this thread does say FOX NEWS doesn't it? OK...(FAUX NEWS) for you steaming piles of Liberalism/Statism)...

Did you guys catch Ed Begley Jr. Yesterday on FOX (FAUX for you LIBZ)?

LOL...Caught like a RAT in a trap...


One of the biggest scandals of the a deer in the proverbial headlights...LOL!

*I* Think he's PISSED he fell for it too...and doesn't want to ADMIT IT...

*NOTICE* He says "PEER REVIEWED STUDIES*...but what IF ED baby? That some of the PEERS were LOCKED OUT on purpose as the E-Mails suggest??


Ed Begely is a sarcastic, neurotic, awkward, thoughtless and insensitive human being. Oh wait, that was Victor Erlich, the character he played on St. Elsewhere. I see he drew on personal traits for his act-ing.

How come no one is in here crying about Eddie's shouting down the host . . . er, doing 'an O'Reilly'? Dang must be that there isn't an 'R' next to his name. He's sucked down every drop of the man-made global warming koolaid . . . and licked the glass to boot.

I'm sorry I missed it. A shout-down by a liberal FOX guest is a rarity. They usually don't get the chance.
Were it not for the music, I would never listen to NPR...bunch of liberal sleaze balls, speaking softly, as if that adds to their credibility.

I guess the constant shrieking of the right wing noise machine is more credible.
Ahhh...We're all standing by the old standby "out of context" dodge, without providing the context.

This whole thing is getting more and more like Watergate every day. :lol:
NBC ran the Climate Conference story tonight. Not word one about Climategate. Full speed ahead on reductions in emissions to save the planet.

"Climategate" was coined by FOX. How many "gates" does it have in its repertoire now? Must be right up there with calling anyone in the Obama administration a "czar."

You know, it could be that the other networks are behaving more grown up about this pending issue since, well, the climate change summit is pending and we'll probably know more F.A.C.T.S at that time. Sounds reasonable to me, but then that's just me. I'll wait to see how this whole issue resolves.

climategate was coined by the bbc blogger who was the first to report on the theft of the emails.
personally i prefer manbearpiggate, as i stated several times

I can't be the only one sick to death of the whole "-gate" cliche. Infinite potential in the human mind....but enter the world of politics and 90% is voluntarily forfeited.
The New York Times refuses to publish any of the actual emails

Try again lol. email climate&st=cse

In the first sentence of the first paragraph, they link to the emails. Nice try, though.

LOL and Internet link is not the same as publishing them in their printed paper.

You better believe if these were military secrets that hurt our interests they would be posting them, but since it does not fit their agenda for everyone to see these emails. They make excuses.

Its hilarious, if these were some secrets about enhanced interrogation or something you guys would be screaming at the Times for not posting them.

Liberal Hippocrates never cease to amaze me.

Trillions and trillions of dollars are being or are going to be spent By nations around the earth. Whole ways of life are being asked to be changed. All based largely on the work of this small group of scientists. Their work, especially in relation to the 2000 Year Temp Record and the So called Hockey stick graph. forms the very back bone of the entire argument. It is only prudent we should learn as much about this as we can.

It appears to me they are and were at the very least doctoring things to look worse than they are, if not covering up that they were dead wrong and despite rising CO2 Levels the earth simply is not warming like they thought. Which only proves there are way more factors involved than Humans, and they clearly do not know what the hell they are talking about when it comes to any long term predictions.

It is not surprising to me, It is these same people who keep harping on how much ice has melted in the Northern Hemisphere and almost always fail to mention nearly as much ice has been gained in the southern hemisphere.

See its that whole the earth has cycles thing biting them in the ass. lol.

I agree that there's something cyclical going on, but I continue to maintain that man is also contributing to the cycle. How can we NOT be? With billions of automobiles, thousands of factories, etc., spewing shit into the atmosphere, AND the sheer number of people all using electronic or mechanical gadgets, combined would logically seem to at least speed up the process.
lol i love how all the libs on this thread only say things about how whacky us conservatives are and can't say anything about the topic at hand and how fucked up this situation is.

What's fucked up about it? So scientists disagree on global warming. Scientists still disagree on what happened to cause the dinasaurs to die off too. No big deal. But you hacks are intent on making it a political football.

Since we (and they) DON'T have 100% proof of all the scientific factors involved in the Earth's temperature fluctuations, my only argument has consistently been why not reduce MAN'S contribution as much as we can? Would that be so difficult? Recycle. Buy the damned energy saving lightbulbs. Take your old computer to a place where they'll use the parts instead of tossing it into your dumpster and having it wind up in a landfill. Too much effort?

I've been saying the same for years and practice such, even though I really hate the lightbulbs.

The disagreement is whether or not expensive 'fixes' are warranted. The whole problems with messing with 'peer reviewed' sites is that they were trying to say the science was 'settled' when that certainly isn't the case, as you mentioned above.
I can't be the only one sick to death of the whole "-gate" cliche. Infinite potential in the human mind....but enter the world of politics and 90% is voluntarily forfeited.
You're not the only one....But in this case, the parallels between this scandal and Watergate are so numerous that the suffix does actually have some validity.

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