CLIMATEGATE Untangling Myth and Reality Ten Years Later


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Myth #1, is a common reaction by warmist/alarmists who are so ready to lie to themselves, they also LIE about the e-mails they don't read, because they have a mindless herd mentality to maintain. It is why they are so ignorant and stupid!


CLIMATEGATE Untangling Myth and Reality Ten Years Later

By Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick
December 5, 2019



It is now 10 years since the Climategate emails were released. The issues they raised continue to reverberate; even figuring in a decision last week of the United States Supreme Court to allow Michael Mann’s (US) defamation suits to proceed (see the dissent by Justice Alito), and in an August 2019 decision of the BC Superior court dismissing a similar suit (on which see more below). The immediate reaction at the time to the emails was visceral, even among “green” reporters, including George Monbiot as follows:

"Pretending that this isn't a real crisis isn't going to make it go away. Nor is an attempt to justify the emails with technicalities. We'll be able to get past this only by grasping reality, apologising where appropriate and demonstrating that it cannot happen again "

UK reporter Fred Pearce, who covered the story for the Guardian and who, unlike Oxburgh or Muir Russell, had actually read the emails, wrote in The Climate Files:

"The evidence of scientists cutting corners, playing down uncertainties in their calculations and then covering their tracks by being secretive with data and suppressing dissent suggests a systemic problem of scientific sloppiness, collusion and endemic conflicts of interest, but not of outright fraud. (p. 241) "

Given the importance of climate science in today’s society, all of us expect more of climate scientists than merely that they not commit “outright fraud.” Exoneration at such a low threshold would be small exoneration indeed.

However, rather than confronting the corruption and misconduct apparent throughout the Climategate emails, the climate academic community shut their eyes to the affair, eventually even persuading itself that the offending scientists were victims, rather than offenders.

This re-framing was made possible by numerous myths propagated about the affair, of which the following were especially important:

Myth #1: The Climategate scandal arose because “cherrypicked” emails were taken “out of context”.

If you are going to make a profound argument about man made global warming you need to qualify your witnesses. The best I can find is that McIntyre isn't a scientist, he is an economist for hire and McKitrick might be his freaking roommate for all we know. "Untangling myth and reality" by quoting a philosopher (Popper) who died in 1994 and an economist (Keynes) who died in 1946 is typical bullshit U.K attempt to actually tangle reality and myth.
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If you are going to make a profound argument about man made global warming you need to qualify your witnesses. The best I can find is that McIntyre isn't a scientist, he is an economist for hire and McKitrick might be his freaking roommate for all we know. "Untangling myth and reality" by quoting a philosopher (Popper) who died in 1994 and an economist (Keynes) who died in 1946 is typical bullshit U.K attempt to actually tangle reality and myth.

Your ignorance of the two men makes you look foolish.

McIntire and McKitrick posted peer reviewed science paper in Geophysical Research Letters, that effectively debunked the horrid "Hockey Stick" paper.

They also posted this 23 page PDF, which you never read:


Steven McIntire:

Steven McIntyre (born c. 1947) is a Canadian mining exploration company director, a former minerals prospector and semi-retired mining consultant whose work has included statistical analysis. He is best known as the founder and editor of Climate Audit, a blog devoted to the analysis and discussion of climate data.

His presentation in 2008:

How do we “know” that 1998 was the warmest year of the millennium?

Stephen McIntyre

Presentation at Ohio State University May 16, 2008


Ross McKitrick:

Ross McKitrick (born 1965) is a Canadian economist specializing in environmental economics and policy analysis. He is a professor of economics at the University of Guelph, and a senior fellow of the Fraser Institute.


Now that your silly attacks on them are addressed, what about the posted article you have avoided?
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A minerals prospector from Canada? Surely you jest. ? Policy analysis isn't science. The guy is a paper shuffler bureaucrat hired to make outrageous theories look plausible. We are freezing our butts off in the lower 48 in the middle of May and these two clowns talk about a hockey stick theory they allegedly debunked? Don't make me laugh. Man made global warming is a freaking religion. True believers have to disregard their own senses to adhere to the doctrine. .
A minerals prospector from Canada? Surely you jest. ? Policy analysis isn't science. The guy is a paper shuffler bureaucrat hired to make outrageous theories look plausible. We are freezing our butts off in the lower 48 in the middle of May and these two clowns talk about a hockey stick theory they allegedly debunked? Don't make me laugh. Man made global warming is a freaking religion. True believers have to disregard their own senses to adhere to the doctrine. .

It is clear you have nothing to offer about the posted ARTICLE, and the published papers that took down the statistical fraud that Hockey Stick was. It is clear you are DELIBERATELY ignorant over the 2003 published science paper. The one that was backed by the Wegman Report and the North Report.

It is clear YOU never read the devastating e-mails that destroyed Dr. Mann and others credibility, when they discuss destroying evidence and more.

Why are you trying hard to present a dead argument anyway, you bored?
Deniers actually want to revisit their biggest humiliation, the incident that proved conclusively to the world that denialism is entirely based on fraud?

Well bless their little fraud-loving hearts.
Deniers actually want to revisit their biggest humiliation, the incident that proved conclusively to the world that denialism is entirely based on fraud?

Well bless their little fraud-loving hearts.

Here you go again with your pointless babbling, surely you still have a trace of rational thinking left in you, but your inability to bring it our must torture you, thank you for showing your empty mind to us.

Since you came here to post insults, while completely avoided post one article, it is clear you have no argument to offer.

Mamooth is a true believer of nothing, I like that.

Regardless of their input or lack of it it seems that the two Mc's only added to the mind numbing statistical controversy. Man made global warming is still a theory and not a scientific fact.
It is clear YOU never read the devastating e-mails that destroyed Dr. Mann and others credibility, when they discuss destroying evidence and more.

We've read them. That's why we know with 100% certainty that you're a fraud who is pushing a fraud.

Remember, you can only gaslight your fellow drooling cult morons You can't gaslight people who have looked at the evidence. You're like a flat-earther trying to convince the world that the round-earthers are all frauds. It just makes you look insane.
It is clear YOU never read the devastating e-mails that destroyed Dr. Mann and others credibility, when they discuss destroying evidence and more.

We've read them. That's why we know with 100% certainty that you're a fraud who is pushing a fraud.

Remember, you can only gaslight your fellow drooling cult morons You can't gaslight people who have looked at the evidence. You're like a flat-earther trying to convince the world that the round-earthers are all frauds. It just makes you look insane.
You didn't read them. The Climate Cult "investigated" themselves, and unsurprisingly declared themselves innocent. They told you to believe it, so you did.

End of story.
Regardless of their input or lack of it it seems that the two Mc's only added to the mind numbing statistical controversy. Man made global warming is still a theory and not a scientific fact.

No it isn't a "theory" at all, it is at best a Hypothesis, but they base most of the "science" on bucket loads of unverifiable climate models, which is why they are so bad at it.

You haven't made a single argument, just present fallacies, it is clear you are being a windbag here.

You haven't once addressed the article at all...…..

It is clear YOU never read the devastating e-mails that destroyed Dr. Mann and others credibility, when they discuss destroying evidence and more.

We've read them. That's why we know with 100% certainty that you're a fraud who is pushing a fraud.

Remember, you can only gaslight your fellow drooling cult morons You can't gaslight people who have looked at the evidence. You're like a flat-earther trying to convince the world that the round-earthers are all frauds. It just makes you look insane.


You haven't once made a case on anything of the topic, all you do is scream and call me bunch of names.

It is abundantly clear you have NO argument to offer. You KNOW you can't address the Myths as discussed in the article. I know you can't address the article, since you continually avoid it!

You sir are full of hot air.....
I see that this article BY ITSELF has beaten a few warmist/alarmists who not once challenged the presentation, they instead chose to post rants and insults, not once actually addressed the article in any detail.

One whined, they have no background to be credible, another says I read them, but I can't address them, as he is too aggrieved that their warmist heroes got exposed as the malicious putz they really are.

Post one remains un challenged.....

I see that this article BY ITSELF has beaten a few warmist/alarmists who not once challenged the presentation,

We pointed out that the denier frauds were totally humiliated, as it proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that they were engaging in massive systemic fraud.

I can see why you really don't want to talk about that, and why you just pouted and retreated to one of your alternate realities.

You should have learned a lesson from it, little fraud. If you act like a fraud, as you did, you'll get busted for it, like you did. But you didn't learn the lesson, which is why you keep getting busted for fraud.

Now, what does WUWT tell you to say about that? What do your other fraud sources say? Be sure to let us know.

By the way, you especially should lay off the fraud, given how inept you are at it. You're skilled at whining, pouting and parroting, so stick with what you're good at.

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