Clinical Rotation


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
While getting my RPT {Registered Physical Therapist} I had to do clinical rotations as my public service time much like a nurse. They gave me 3 choices.
Western State Hospital which is a asylum
Abortion Clinic
Suicide hot line.

I chose the 1st one and did my 6 weeks passing meds to the natives and it was a pretty lax job and at times fun. My second year they said I HAD to choose one of the others and I said NO to the abortion clinic over personal convictions. They demanded I take the 3rd. I refused and they persisted saying ITS THE RULES! So this is about how I got out of it.

My new boss explained to me there would be a lot of crying and begging. Them crying and me begging them not to.. I'm NOT much on begging okay? So here is how it went.

Caller, I want to kill myself!
Fury, How?
Caller, Don't you wanna know where I live?
Fury, Why?
Caller, So you can stop me!
Fury, I'm here for four hours and unless you are blocking traffic on my way home I will never see you.
Caller, I want to talk to your boss!
Fury, Need to put you on hold.
Caller, You need to be fired!
Fury, Please hold.

Fighting for their right to argue became stronger then their will to die. I of course was RE-assigned to Western State for BOTH of my last clinical rotations! I HATE doing what I don't want to do, but then that is me!


I went to work at the save a fag hotline. Got fired after my first call. This guy said he felt he had homo tendencies and I said, "eat a dick". I don't know why they fired me.
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