Clint Eastwood Signs Brief Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

Republican values are not conservative values. None of these people really changed their minds, they always supported same sex marriage. Not one claims to have some sort of come to Jesus moment when the light shone down and they heard the word of the Lord.

It is the nation heading toward the dustbin of history. Sad to say. Then it will all have to start again. The lifecycle of nations.

Or people will just accept homosexuality.

I frankly don't see your illogic. Exactly how did homosexuality bring down any civilization?
He was only one of many signers, was a brief to the United States Supreme Court, not the California Supreme Court.


It doesn't matter how many others signed it or whether it was the California Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court. It makes no difference to my point. It is still highly ironic that this man was a speaker at the GOP convention, supposedly representing Conservative values, and he signed a document that condones gay marriage. Does not matter how many others signed it. The point is he does not represent GOP values.
I believe the real point is....GOP values are beginning to be in support of gay marriage. Will you be left behind in the dustbin of history like the Segregationist Democrats were left behind?

"GOP values are beginning to be in support of gay marriage." Do tell. Since when? You'd never know it reading the rw posts on these forums.
He was only one of many signers, was a brief to the United States Supreme Court, not the California Supreme Court.


It doesn't matter how many others signed it or whether it was the California Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court. It makes no difference to my point. It is still highly ironic that this man was a speaker at the GOP convention, supposedly representing Conservative values, and he signed a document that condones gay marriage. Does not matter how many others signed it. The point is he does not represent GOP values.

What you are missing is that no one ever claimed that Eastwood was a conservative. Certainly it didn't come from him. He's always been a libertarian with conservative fiscal values. There are a lot of republicans who are not also conservatives. The two terms have different meanings. There are a lot of conservatives who aren't republicans. Democrats demand lock step with every democrat position. The democrats would not tolerate a democrat in their ranks unless same sex marriage was accepted. Republicans are not so rigid.

Bullshit. Total, unadulterated bullshit.
He's an idiot because if you give libs an inch, they'll take a yard. While I personally support SS marriage, giving liberals any victory will embolden them and they'll think they have a mandate and start banning more things and mandating more things.
EXCLUSIVE: Clint Eastwood Signs Brief Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

Breitbart News has learned exclusively that Clint Eastwood has signed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court, supporting the right of same-sex couples to marry. The brief, which will be released later this evening, has signatures from more than 100 Republican and conservative activists. It involves the case before the Supreme Court, seeking to overturn CA's Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in the state.

I thought Republicans were all drones who mindlessly supported the party line and hated anyone who is not rich, white, and straight.
If he personally accepts or supports it.. good for him... if Bigot Joe Schmoe don't... good for him... all part of freedom... but sign no law that infringes upon that freedom for people to discriminate against behavior, choice, and action of others that they don't like or agree with

Perhaps you all don't see the irony here ~ the big time, major, celebrity speaker at the GOP convention signing a pro-gay marriage document, a document to be presented to the California Supreme Court....that's pretty fucking ironic.....

I see plenty of irony, in your post.
Republican values are not conservative values. None of these people really changed their minds, they always supported same sex marriage. Not one claims to have some sort of come to Jesus moment when the light shone down and they heard the word of the Lord.

It is the nation heading toward the dustbin of history. Sad to say. Then it will all have to start again. The lifecycle of nations.

You have it backwards.
Conservatives want less government intrusion into the private lives of others.
No true conservative opposes gay marriage.
That is a social issue for liberals only, not a conservative one.
You have your religious beliefs confused with conservatism.
Last person us conservatives want a as a spokesperson is a talking head Hollywood movie star that has never run a business in his life and had to figure out a payroll.
but sign no law that infringes upon that freedom for people to discriminate against behavior, choice, and action of others that they don't like or agree with

Those laws have already been around for decades, they are call Public Accommodation laws and prevent discrimination based on several factors, one being religion which is a behavior, choice, and action that some might not like or agree with.

Depending on the state these Public Accommodation laws which pretty much all include religion (a choice) can include marital status (a choice), veteran's status (a choice), parental status (a choice), etc.


Any law that forces a black business owner to serve the KKK is wrong.

End of conversation.
but sign no law that infringes upon that freedom for people to discriminate against behavior, choice, and action of others that they don't like or agree with
Darn straight .... discrimination is my god-given right.

You don't think you should be able to keep people you despise out of your business? Why don't I believe that?
No one is making a big fuss over Eastwood. What this is about is the irony that he was used as a major speaker at the GOP convention. It's funny. A joke.

Wow Eastwood doesn't tow the line. No shit. He thinks for himself as most people do.

Most people on here who are right wing conservatives are toeing the line. It's like a chorus of the same sound bites over and over and over again. Clintwood has gone against the grain on the gay rights thing, and you all suddenly say he's just great for being an independent thinker. How totally ironic, and transparent.

Most of the people on here who you label as right wing conservatives stand on an entirely different line than the one you drew.
This is hysterical!
Bunch of hypocrites I see here.

You hated Eastwood for his empty chair routine, the horrible things that were said about him, shame on you!

Now you love him!

Eastwood is not lock step and has supported Dems and Reps.

"Eastwood is also a supporter of gun control laws. "I've always supported a certain amount of gun control. I think it's very important that guns don't get in the wrong hands; It's very important to keep them out of the hands of felons or anyone who might be crazy with it"

Where the heck is rdean?

Hey stupid, who loves him? He is a drunk uncle at thanksgiving dinner. We are all scared because we dont know what the old fool will say.

Did you confuse Eastwood and Biden?

Hint, Eastwood is the one on the left.

If he personally accepts or supports it.. good for him... if Bigot Joe Schmoe don't... good for him... all part of freedom... but sign no law that infringes upon that freedom for people to discriminate against behavior, choice, and action of others that they don't like or agree with

This makes no sense.

At issue is a California law that violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. It applies to the states and other public sector entities only.

There are no laws, nor are there any proposed, that would ‘force’ private citizens to ‘accept’ anything. The notion is idiocy.

Again, you and others on the right are free to express your hate and ignorance with regard to marriage equality.

Really? There are no laws that force business owners to accept members of racist biker gangs as customers?
At issue is a California law that violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. It applies to the states and other public sector entities only.

HAHAHA You libulals have the gall to speak of the Equal Protection Clause after you destroyed it by mandating affirmative action!!!!?????

Affirmative Action equalized protection. It made sure people who often were treated unfairly were not being restricted from things because of their gender, race, religion, etc. It equalized protection: it gave everyone a fair shot. Too bad the white man lost some of his entitlement just for being white. Now you know how the rest of the world lives. I never heard so much whining.


Only idiots, racists, and racist idiots support affirmative action.
Republican values are not conservative values. None of these people really changed their minds, they always supported same sex marriage. Not one claims to have some sort of come to Jesus moment when the light shone down and they heard the word of the Lord.

It is the nation heading toward the dustbin of history. Sad to say. Then it will all have to start again. The lifecycle of nations.

You have it backwards.
Conservatives want less government intrusion into the private lives of others.
No true conservative opposes gay marriage.
That is a social issue for liberals only, not a conservative one.
You have your religious beliefs confused with conservatism.

I don't have any religious basis for opposing same sex marriage. I've never used a religious argument, nor ever mentioned religion. You did, so you must have need of a straw man.
Republican values are not conservative values. None of these people really changed their minds, they always supported same sex marriage. Not one claims to have some sort of come to Jesus moment when the light shone down and they heard the word of the Lord.

It is the nation heading toward the dustbin of history. Sad to say. Then it will all have to start again. The lifecycle of nations.

You have it backwards.
Conservatives want less government intrusion into the private lives of others.
No true conservative opposes gay marriage.
That is a social issue for liberals only, not a conservative one.
You have your religious beliefs confused with conservatism.

And you have it just as wrong as Katzndogz…

Marriage equality is not a ‘social issue’ for ‘liberals only,’ it’s a matter of public policy and Constitutional law, where the states are acting in a manner offensive to the Constitution, where a class of persons is being singled-out and subject to discriminatory measures solely for who they are.

This should be opposed by every American, regardless his political philosophy.
Perhaps you all don't see the irony here ~ the big time, major, celebrity speaker at the GOP convention signing a pro-gay marriage document, a document to be presented to the California Supreme Court....that's pretty fucking ironic.....

He was only one of many signers, was a brief to the United States Supreme Court, not the California Supreme Court.


It doesn't matter how many others signed it or whether it was the California Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court. It makes no difference to my point. It is still highly ironic that this man was a speaker at the GOP convention, supposedly representing Conservative values, and he signed a document that condones gay marriage. Does not matter how many others signed it. The point is he does not represent GOP values.

There are, quite literally, millions of Republicans that support same sex marriage. Some polls have put support for the issue at almost half of the self acknowledged Republicans. That makes the only thing here that is ironic your insistence that Republicans are close minded bigots despite all the evidence that you are wrong.
He was only one of many signers, was a brief to the United States Supreme Court, not the California Supreme Court.


It doesn't matter how many others signed it or whether it was the California Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court. It makes no difference to my point. It is still highly ironic that this man was a speaker at the GOP convention, supposedly representing Conservative values, and he signed a document that condones gay marriage. Does not matter how many others signed it. The point is he does not represent GOP values.

What you are missing is that no one ever claimed that Eastwood was a conservative. Certainly it didn't come from him. He's always been a libertarian with conservative fiscal values. There are a lot of republicans who are not also conservatives. The two terms have different meanings. There are a lot of conservatives who aren't republicans. Democrats demand lock step with every democrat position. The democrats would not tolerate a democrat in their ranks unless same sex marriage was accepted. Republicans are not so rigid.

Some people think that the only thing that divides the nation is the social issues. Last time I looked the vast majority of those people were Democrats.
This is hysterical!
Bunch of hypocrites I see here.

You hated Eastwood for his empty chair routine, the horrible things that were said about him, shame on you!

Now you love him!

Eastwood is not lock step and has supported Dems and Reps.

"Eastwood is also a supporter of gun control laws. "I've always supported a certain amount of gun control. I think it's very important that guns don't get in the wrong hands; It's very important to keep them out of the hands of felons or anyone who might be crazy with it"

Where the heck is rdean?

Meh, Clint did more damage than good for Romney with that empty chair routine.

The meme for the night that should have been "What a warm guy Romney is" from that infomercial they produced instead became, "Has Clint lost his mind?"

I still like Clint's movies - most of them, anyway.

Funny how you keep saying that without a shred of evidence.
Republican values are not conservative values. None of these people really changed their minds, they always supported same sex marriage. Not one claims to have some sort of come to Jesus moment when the light shone down and they heard the word of the Lord.

It is the nation heading toward the dustbin of history. Sad to say. Then it will all have to start again. The lifecycle of nations.

You have it backwards.
Conservatives want less government intrusion into the private lives of others.
No true conservative opposes gay marriage.
That is a social issue for liberals only, not a conservative one.
You have your religious beliefs confused with conservatism.

And you have it just as wrong as Katzndogz…

Marriage equality is not a ‘social issue’ for ‘liberals only,’ it’s a matter of public policy and Constitutional law, where the states are acting in a manner offensive to the Constitution, where a class of persons is being singled-out and subject to discriminatory measures solely for who they are.

This should be opposed by every American, regardless his political philosophy.

That is not what he said, asswipe, learn to read.

By the way, the only purpose in licensing marriage is to give the state a say in who people are sleeping with. Until you start complaining about that, don't ever try to lecture anyone else on what is, and is not, offensive to the Constitution.

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