Clinton campaign says no more debates until Sanders improves his tone.

Sounds like neither Hillary nor Donald will be in another debate. they are just too afraid of facing the competition
Meh, we both know 'fear' has nothing to do with it. Both of them do not see any political gain from doing so and therefore will stop. It is all about political gain.

I disagree there. when you narrow the field to two, that would be the time where you look for opportunities to contrast yourself from your opponent. Unless you are afraid that contrast would make you look less flattering.
Hillary is fucked.
The longer Bernie stays in the race the worse it makes Hillary look.
The longer Bernie stays in the race the more entrenched his supporters are becoming.
That means the less likely Bernie's supporters are to vote for Hillary.
Now some Hillary 'adviser' is telling Bernie to shut the fuck up and stop being a 'male-meany'.
Imagine how that comment is going to play with Bernie's supporters?
Hillary will quit within a few weeks for 'health reasons'. She caught some sort of 'bad bug' from her home-brew server. The FBI is on their way too.
Biden and Pocahantas will jump in.
I do believe Biden/Warren would likely beat Trump/?
the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

Really? CBS news is a branch of the right wing? That must be what you're saying because it was CBS that originally called her out for this lie. There is video evidence that proves she lied. If you can't even acknowledge this one you are truly hooked on the koolaid. Did you watch the video I linked? No? I didn't think you would. You should though, because she's a liar and it would benefit you to wake up and realize that.
Apparently Sanders is too much of a meanie head. I'm sure Donald will accommodate her sensitivity in the general.

Clinton campaign: No more debates until Bernie starts being nicer

The Sanders and Clinton campaign have tussled since the start of campaign season over the number of debates. But it seemed like those silly tiffs were finally settled back in January, when the two campaigns agreed to meet for debates once a month through May.

Now the Clinton campaign is sounding less sure about that agreement. Joel Benenson, the campaign's chief strategist, said on CNN Monday morning that Sanders needs to watch his tone, or else the Clinton campaign will pack up its ball and head home. "The real question is, what kind of campaign is Sen. Sanders going to run going forward?," Benenson said when asked about Sanders' request for a New York debate.

"Let's see the tone," Benenson continued when pressed about why Clinton was reluctant to debate. "This is a man who said he'd never run a negative ad, he's now running them, they're planning to run more, let's see the tone of the campaign he wants to run before we get to any other questions."

If it weren't for the 10,000 dumb things the GOP candidates have said,

I'd rate the above as the dumbest thing said by anyone in any campaign so far.
how about Hillary stop lying, never mind Bernie
still waiting for you on the right to actually point out a lie ... just because your right wing nut jobs leaders say she did,still waiting for all of these alleged lies

Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she couldn't have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have known that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

You really do have your head up her ass, don't you?

the Bosnia film was edited?

Do you, perchance, have access to the unedited one?

The rest of your...excuses...also hold no water.
how about Hillary stop lying, never mind Bernie
still waiting for you on the right to actually point out a lie ... just because your right wing nut jobs leaders say she did,still waiting for all of these alleged lies

Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she could have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have know that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

Billy,'re embarrassing yourself!
oh you can't stand the facts, them pesky little truths, I get it ... the only one who is embarrassing here is you ... why ??? you couldn't prove me wrong... so you try your best .. and you failed at that one too ... still waiting for a lie she told ... can you actually come up with one ??? didn't think so

The fact that you don't realize that Hillary Clinton is quite prone to bending the truth is amusing, Billy.

She's not exactly good at it either. When you tell people you landed under sniper fire in Bosnia and had to run for your life...when you were actually met at the airport by a little girl who handed you flowers and read you a have to wonder about Hillary's intelligence. Did she really think that wasn't going to be on video tape somewhere?
how about Hillary stop lying, never mind Bernie
still waiting for you on the right to actually point out a lie ... just because your right wing nut jobs leaders say she did,still waiting for all of these alleged lies

Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she couldn't have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have known that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

You REALLY are Billy CLINTON, aren't you?
like all republicans no proof, just false accusations ... because you too couldn't come up with and actual lie she told ... so far I've proved beyond a reasonable doubt that you havet any lies she has told ... only what your handlers have told you ... whats new ... the fact that paul ryan came out the other day and said he was wrong saying people who were getting government assistants aren't takers ... so with your analogy here with hillary changing her point of view and ryan changing his point of view, does that make ryan a liar too, just because he change his view on takers ??? or are you stuck on stupid
how about Hillary stop lying, never mind Bernie
still waiting for you on the right to actually point out a lie ... just because your right wing nut jobs leaders say she did,still waiting for all of these alleged lies

Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she couldn't have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have known that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

You really do have your head up her ass, don't you?

the Bosnia film was edited?

Do you, perchance, have access to the unedited one?

The rest of your...excuses...also hold no water.
i was wrong about the film been edited ,... I look it up again ... what I found was the insolent that is referenced was never recorded because of all the gun fire... the movie that you saw was at different time she went there ... she made a mistake by saying it was bosnia ... it was a different place that it happened ...
Last edited:
how about Hillary stop lying, never mind Bernie
still waiting for you on the right to actually point out a lie ... just because your right wing nut jobs leaders say she did,still waiting for all of these alleged lies

Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she couldn't have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have known that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

You really do have your head up her ass, don't you?

the Bosnia film was edited?

Do you, perchance, have access to the unedited one?

The rest of your...excuses...also hold no water.
i was wrong about the film been edited ,... I look it up again ... what I found was the insolent that is referenced was never recorded because of all the gun fire... the movie that you saw was at different time she went there ... look it up for yourself

Billy, you're an idiot! Nothing was "edited". Clinton flat out lied. Why even bother trying to defend the indefensible?
Hillary is fucked.
The longer Bernie stays in the race the worse it makes Hillary look.
The longer Bernie stays in the race the more entrenched his supporters are becoming.
That means the less likely Bernie's supporters are to vote for Hillary.
Now some Hillary 'adviser' is telling Bernie to shut the fuck up and stop being a 'male-meany'.
Imagine how that comment is going to play with Bernie's supporters?
Hillary will quit within a few weeks for 'health reasons'. She caught some sort of 'bad bug' from her home-brew server. The FBI is on their way too.
Biden and Pocahantas will jump in.
I do believe Biden/Warren would likely beat Trump/?
talk about dreamers
still waiting for you on the right to actually point out a lie ... just because your right wing nut jobs leaders say she did,still waiting for all of these alleged lies

Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she couldn't have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have known that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

You really do have your head up her ass, don't you?

the Bosnia film was edited?

Do you, perchance, have access to the unedited one?

The rest of your...excuses...also hold no water.
i was wrong about the film been edited ,... I look it up again ... what I found was the insolent that is referenced was never recorded because of all the gun fire... the movie that you saw was at different time she went there ... look it up for yourself

Billy, you're an idiot! Nothing was "edited". Clinton flat out lied. Why even bother trying to defend the indefensible?
go look at what she said ... she corrected the statement... its not uncommon for a politician to miss speak its on the web look for yourself
still waiting for you on the right to actually point out a lie ... just because your right wing nut jobs leaders say she did,still waiting for all of these alleged lies

Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she could have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have know that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

Billy,'re embarrassing yourself!
oh you can't stand the facts, them pesky little truths, I get it ... the only one who is embarrassing here is you ... why ??? you couldn't prove me wrong... so you try your best .. and you failed at that one too ... still waiting for a lie she told ... can you actually come up with one ??? didn't think so

The fact that you don't realize that Hillary Clinton is quite prone to bending the truth is amusing, Billy.

She's not exactly good at it either. When you tell people you landed under sniper fire in Bosnia and had to run for your life...when you were actually met at the airport by a little girl who handed you flowers and read you a have to wonder about Hillary's intelligence. Did she really think that wasn't going to be on video tape somewhere?
To be fair, it's not totally all her fault. Consider who she's married to. Bubba can lie to a person's face and have them admire the way he does it. She's been surrounded by the cloud of Clinton truth dodging for so long that she obviously thinks she can pull it off like he does. Her problem, though, is that he is a natural liar while she is not. He can tell obvious lies and be likable enough to get away with it, but she just can't. Her ducking the debates is just another reminder that the more she is seen and heard, the less likable she becomes.
Why would she even debate. Shes losing primary states and getting all the delegates. Crazy bernie is probably banging his head with a hammer.
Sanders has been mild on Hillary...and she's threatening no more debates? I guess that means if trump wins the nomination she will refuse to ever debate him...because he will rip her a new one.

The 1st time she went after Trump he immediately shut her up by running the ad of the would-be President impressing allies and enemies alike by barking like a dog.

If I as sanders I would find out exactly what day / time Hillary will be interviewed by the FBI for her server scandal and challenge Hillary to a debate at that exact time. Hillary's team would have to explain how she could not do that debate because of being interviewed by the FBI for potential crimes under the Espionage Act! :p

Now THAT would be mean!

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