Clinton campaign says no more debates until Sanders improves his tone.

Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she couldn't have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have known that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

You really do have your head up her ass, don't you?

the Bosnia film was edited?

Do you, perchance, have access to the unedited one?

The rest of your...excuses...also hold no water.
i was wrong about the film been edited ,... I look it up again ... what I found was the insolent that is referenced was never recorded because of all the gun fire... the movie that you saw was at different time she went there ... look it up for yourself

Billy, you're an idiot! Nothing was "edited". Clinton flat out lied. Why even bother trying to defend the indefensible?
go look at what she said ... she corrected the statement... its not uncommon for a politician to miss speak its on the web look for yourself

No, it's not uncommon for a Democrat to misspeak. When a Republican misspeaks, it's called a lie according to the left.
Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she couldn't have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have known that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

You really do have your head up her ass, don't you?

the Bosnia film was edited?

Do you, perchance, have access to the unedited one?

The rest of your...excuses...also hold no water.
i was wrong about the film been edited ,... I look it up again ... what I found was the insolent that is referenced was never recorded because of all the gun fire... the movie that you saw was at different time she went there ... look it up for yourself

Billy, you're an idiot! Nothing was "edited". Clinton flat out lied. Why even bother trying to defend the indefensible?
go look at what she said ... she corrected the statement... its not uncommon for a politician to miss speak its on the web look for yourself

How do you "miss speak" when you recount a harrowing tale of landing in Bosnia and having to run for your life because of sniper fire...when what you ACTUALLY did was land and be met by a welcoming committee including a little girl who brought you flowers and read you a poem? How do you get THOSE TWO THINGS confused, Billy? Hillary was trying to impress people and lied big time trying to do so. Why she feels the need to do that is baffling to be honest with you! Why she thinks she's going to get away with it is also baffling.
the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she couldn't have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have known that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

You really do have your head up her ass, don't you?

the Bosnia film was edited?

Do you, perchance, have access to the unedited one?

The rest of your...excuses...also hold no water.
i was wrong about the film been edited ,... I look it up again ... what I found was the insolent that is referenced was never recorded because of all the gun fire... the movie that you saw was at different time she went there ... look it up for yourself

Billy, you're an idiot! Nothing was "edited". Clinton flat out lied. Why even bother trying to defend the indefensible?
go look at what she said ... she corrected the statement... its not uncommon for a politician to miss speak its on the web look for yourself

How do you "miss speak" when you recount a harrowing tale of landing in Bosnia and having to run for your life because of sniper fire...when what you ACTUALLY did was land and be met by a welcoming committee including a little girl who brought you flowers and read you a poem? How do you get THOSE TWO THINGS confused, Billy? Hillary was trying to impress people and lied big time trying to do so. Why she feels the need to do that is baffling to be honest with you! Why she thinks she's going to get away with it is also baffling.

I would have made up something more believable to an American audience like saying that she landed in an ambush. The little girl was a decoy used to lure her there. Once she was there the girl claimed to have successfully reused dinosaur DNA and created an intelligent breed of dinosaurs called Raptors. Those raptors then proceeded to try to rip her and her aids apart. Fortunately we had the US military their who, happen to have advance alien technology provided by the Silver Surfer, happen to zap the shit out of those dinos. Later Bill and Hillary ate hot dogs.
You really do have your head up her ass, don't you?

the Bosnia film was edited?

Do you, perchance, have access to the unedited one?

The rest of your...excuses...also hold no water.
i was wrong about the film been edited ,... I look it up again ... what I found was the insolent that is referenced was never recorded because of all the gun fire... the movie that you saw was at different time she went there ... look it up for yourself

Billy, you're an idiot! Nothing was "edited". Clinton flat out lied. Why even bother trying to defend the indefensible?
go look at what she said ... she corrected the statement... its not uncommon for a politician to miss speak its on the web look for yourself

How do you "miss speak" when you recount a harrowing tale of landing in Bosnia and having to run for your life because of sniper fire...when what you ACTUALLY did was land and be met by a welcoming committee including a little girl who brought you flowers and read you a poem? How do you get THOSE TWO THINGS confused, Billy? Hillary was trying to impress people and lied big time trying to do so. Why she feels the need to do that is baffling to be honest with you! Why she thinks she's going to get away with it is also baffling.

I would have made up something more believable to an American audience like saying that she landed in an ambush. The little girl was a decoy used to lure her there. Once she was there the girl claimed to have successfully reused dinosaur DNA and created an intelligent breed of dinosaurs called Raptors. Those raptors then proceeded to try to rip her and her aids apart. Fortunately we had the US military their who, happen to have advance alien technology provided by the Silver Surfer, happen to zap the shit out of those dinos. Later Bill and Hillary ate hot dogs.

That's almost as believable as snipers attacking the First Lady of the United States inside of a secure military air base, Super! I'm sorry to say it...but I think Hillary Clinton shows all the signs of being a pathological liar. She seems to be able to convince herself that what she's said is in fact the truth when it's obvious that it isn't .
Like, landing under fire in Bosnia?

Benghazi was about a video, then it wasn't

She was named after Sir Edmond Hillary?

Dozens out there, straight from the donkeys mouth

the landing in Bosnia was edited by the right this has been shown many times ...what you saw was what the right wanted you to see...

oh the benghazi video ... oh you nailed her on that one or did you... no you didn't nail her on a lie ... this was all told in any of the benghazi hearings ... but you didn't watch them now did ya ... because if you had you would have know that the CIa was the one who had stated to her and the people in the administration that they believed it was because of this video ... the reason they believed it was about the video, prior to the attack on benghazi thee were events were many protest, riots, and attacks on us embassy all over the middle east over this video ... thats why she made the statement it was prepared for her ... when she learned it wasn't she came out with the statement that they believed was the cause ... so tell us how is that a lie ... I'd love to know that one how she made it up as it being about a video then its not...

now the sir edmond hillary so called lie...this assumption that you feel she lied about her name because sir edmond hillary climb Everest," in 1953 she couldn't have been named hillary at her birth because she was born in 1947 ... the problem you have again is your assumption that sir edmond hillary was just a bookkeeper all that time before he claimed everest ... well that too has been a false assumption on your part and many on the right ... if you did any research at all you would have known that Sir Edman Hillary had climbed many mountains before the war and after the war, and during the war ... that her mother did get her name from the books she read about him, his adventures in mountain climbing ... but like all of you right wing nut jobs you see just a what you want to see ... when you're handed just a little fact to fit the right wing narrative by your handlers you buy it .. you don't research it, well my uninformed friend, I did my research.. you failed at it like all you right wing nut jobs do ... the only lies that are being told is the lies to you about her lying ... I'm still waiting to hear from any of you right wing nut jobs where she told a lie ... not one of you have ever shown her telling a lie or even produced one...

You really do have your head up her ass, don't you?

the Bosnia film was edited?

Do you, perchance, have access to the unedited one?

The rest of your...excuses...also hold no water.
i was wrong about the film been edited ,... I look it up again ... what I found was the insolent that is referenced was never recorded because of all the gun fire... the movie that you saw was at different time she went there ... look it up for yourself

Billy, you're an idiot! Nothing was "edited". Clinton flat out lied. Why even bother trying to defend the indefensible?
go look at what she said ... she corrected the statement... its not uncommon for a politician to miss speak its on the web look for yourself

she corrected the statement

How long after her 1996 trip to Bosnia did she correct the record of what happened?
just wow, she's ordering him around and she's a NOBODY right now. you see how it will be if she is Elected President. I bet ole Bernie just said, woof woof and then rolled over in his dog house
Apparently Sanders is too much of a meanie head. I'm sure Donald will accommodate her sensitivity in the general.

Clinton campaign: No more debates until Bernie starts being nicer

The Sanders and Clinton campaign have tussled since the start of campaign season over the number of debates. But it seemed like those silly tiffs were finally settled back in January, when the two campaigns agreed to meet for debates once a month through May.

Now the Clinton campaign is sounding less sure about that agreement. Joel Benenson, the campaign's chief strategist, said on CNN Monday morning that Sanders needs to watch his tone, or else the Clinton campaign will pack up its ball and head home. "The real question is, what kind of campaign is Sen. Sanders going to run going forward?," Benenson said when asked about Sanders' request for a New York debate.

"Let's see the tone," Benenson continued when pressed about why Clinton was reluctant to debate. "This is a man who said he'd never run a negative ad, he's now running them, they're planning to run more, let's see the tone of the campaign he wants to run before we get to any other questions."

She doesn't need to debate this nursing home candidate anymore. The only thing thing he has left, is promising free puppies for votes.

She's sewed this one up already, there's no way he can catch her, and the Super Delegates aren't going to move over to a socialist that just changed his party status to Democrat to run on this ticket.

Hillary has shown a lot of patience with this old fart. I would have grabbed that pointer finger of his and snapped it off in a debate long ago.
Apparently Sanders is too much of a meanie head. I'm sure Donald will accommodate her sensitivity in the general.

Clinton campaign: No more debates until Bernie starts being nicer

The Sanders and Clinton campaign have tussled since the start of campaign season over the number of debates. But it seemed like those silly tiffs were finally settled back in January, when the two campaigns agreed to meet for debates once a month through May.

Now the Clinton campaign is sounding less sure about that agreement. Joel Benenson, the campaign's chief strategist, said on CNN Monday morning that Sanders needs to watch his tone, or else the Clinton campaign will pack up its ball and head home. "The real question is, what kind of campaign is Sen. Sanders going to run going forward?," Benenson said when asked about Sanders' request for a New York debate.

"Let's see the tone," Benenson continued when pressed about why Clinton was reluctant to debate. "This is a man who said he'd never run a negative ad, he's now running them, they're planning to run more, let's see the tone of the campaign he wants to run before we get to any other questions."

She doesn't need to debate this nursing home candidate anymore. The only thing thing he has left, is promising free puppies for votes.

She's sewed this one up already, there's no way he can catch her, and the Super Delegates aren't going to move over to a socialist that just changed his party status to Democrat to run on this ticket.

Hillary has shown a lot of patience with this old fart. I would have grabbed that pointer finger of his and snapped it off in a debate long ago.

Patience? Hillary has been shown to be an incredibly flawed candidate who is struggling to beat your so called "old fart" in a race that shouldn't have even been remotely close! Democrats have a choice between an old pathological liar who's been bought and paid for by Wall Street fat cats...or an old fart who's running on giving free stuff to the poor and the young and having the middle class pay for it.

Debbie Wasserman Shultz tried to make this primary a formality for Hillary but Hillary's been such a gawd awful candidate that she's having a hard time wrapping up a fixed race.
Billy, you're an idiot! Nothing was "edited". Clinton flat out lied. Why even bother trying to defend the indefensible?[/QUOTE]
go look at what she said ... she corrected the statement... its not uncommon for a politician to miss speak its on the web look for yourself[/QUOTE]

she corrected the statement

How long after her 1996 trip to Bosnia did she correct the record of what happened?[/QUOTE]
if you have a need to know look it up yourself... why would I say this ??? because no matter what I've say you will not believe it...

EXAMPLE: first of this week

at the beginning of this week, republicans lie so much to their voters that we DEMS/LIBERALS really can't take you republicans serious ... the Washington post wrote into their paper that a 146 FBI agents were on her emails ... thats more agents then the Oklahoma Bombing ... thats more agents then 911 .... to have a person looked at by the FBI for email is more important then oklahoma bombing and 911 ... the FOX news and the washing tom post said that there were a huge number of Emails in question of those emails that were considered as classified and 22 that were considered top secret ... this was told to the press by a person in congress who had released this information to them ... the reporters across the board of reporters tried to track down where it came from you guessed it, it was a republican that released this information to the press ... what I'm doing here is trying to show you how scared these republicans are scared of hillary ... this is to show you how you republicans have your tongues raped around republicans butts and will lap up anything they say... these reporters went to the FBI ... come to find out the FBI said there were less the 12 FBI agents on her EMAILS ... theFBI said so far they didn't have any emails that were considered Classified or top secret in question at this time ... so you morons have been duped once again by the tying republicans that you believe so much ... If you ever did any research you would have found this out ...
Last edited:
Billy, you're an idiot! Nothing was "edited". Clinton flat out lied. Why even bother trying to defend the indefensible?
go look at what she said ... she corrected the statement... its not uncommon for a politician to miss speak its on the web look for yourself[/QUOTE]

she corrected the statement

How long after her 1996 trip to Bosnia did she correct the record of what happened?[/QUOTE]
if you have a need to know look it up yourself... why would I say this ??? because no matter what I've say you will not believe it...

EXAMPLE: first of this week

at the beginning of this week, republicans lie so much to their voters that we DEMS/LIBERALS really can't take you republicans serious ... the Washington post wrote into their paper that a 146 FBI agents were on her emails ... thats more agents then the Oklahoma Bombing ... thats more agents then 911 .... to have a person looked at by the FBI for email is more important then oklahoma bombing and 911 ... the FOX news and the washing tom post said that there were a huge number of Emails in question of those emails that were considered as classified and 22 that were considered top secret ... this was told to the press by a person in congress who had released this information to them ... the reporters across the board of reporters tried to track down where it came from you guessed it, it was a republican that released this information to the press ... what I'm doing here is trying to show you how scared these republicans are scared of hillary ... this is to show you how you republicans have your tongues raped around republicans butts and will lap up anything they say... these reporters went to the FBI ... come to find out the FBI said there were less the 12 FBI agents on her EMAILS ... theFBI said so far they didn't have any emails that were considered Classified or top secret in question at this time ... so you morons have been duped once again by the tying republicans that you believe so much ... If you ever did any research you would have found this out ...[/QUOTE]

if you have a need to know look it up yourself... why would I say this ??? because no matter what I've say you will not believe it...

I looked it up billy, it took her 12 years to come clean about the Bosnia trip.

CBS exposed it when she was running for president in 2008.

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