Clinton Cash

Here's how corrupt Mrs. Clinton is:

She can get a 2.5 billion campaign commitment form the Wall Street Harpies...then go out and claim she is the one to take down the Wall Street Harpies...and the Wall Street Harpies will still fund her...because the Harpies know she is just lying to the American people.

Just lying to the American people. You can count on that from Bill Clinton's very ambitious wife. And Wall Street is counting on it.

How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?
Is this first time?

Anyone remembers Hillary's Senate campaign fundraiser with Hollywood elite and democrat leadership when that dude Peter Paul financed whole event? She was even fined $50K for lying about money spent on event. Liberals really think we have short memory and will not recall any of the shit they've done.
How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?

The data comes from IRS filings and audited financials. Here are the links -

2010 -
2011 -

The Clinton's define "sleazy".
How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?

The data comes from IRS filings and audited financials. Here are the links -

2010 -
2011 -

The Clinton's define "sleazy".

Thank You Zander...
ok, spent the last hour doing some googling on the Foundation and on all the sites that ranked different Charities, and even had best charity and worst charity lists, along with what percentage the foundations contribute towards the cause and I could find nothing at all on the Clinton foundation, they have not been reported on, DON'T KNOW WHY??? You would think that they would be one that these watchdog groups would have information on?

so while doing this I spotted an article about the NEW ceo that they hired to run the foundation, a younger guy that supposedly Chelsea brought in to bring the Foundation to the standards they wanted to be at, to stream line the foundation (mostly high salaries of cronies to a degree), and perhaps get rid of the clintonianites that were all friends with and worked with Bill when he was President or when he was Governor.

Apparently Chelsea's picked CEO guy was being told by the guys who were running the show before him that he was doing things all wrong and there was conflicts in the office when the new guy basically demoted a few of the cronies....or something like that... and after a year and a half of him working to bring the foundation up to the Standards of some "Audit Report" by an independent agency on the foundation that Chelsea had ordered in 2011....part of the complaint was that people within the organization were paid too much or too much was being spent on salaries for their employees, and they needed to make certain the money they took had no conflicts of interest....

Chelsea has been trying to handle this with the new CEO, anyway....the new CEO just up and quit, gave his resignation...he won't comment and refers reporters to the Clinton foundation, and the Clinton foundation just used his resignation statement as to him quitting, which basically says the foundation is great and wonderful and he enjoyed his time working there yadahdahdadah,,,,

Sooo, they put in one of the cronies as a temp in the position and Chelsea is looking for a new CEO to run the foundation....

That's all I found out.

I could not get a percentage spent on causes from any of the watchdogs, as said.

ALSO, what do you think the +/-$200 million in assets are, that the foundation reports on their financial statements?
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Well there is no doubt that the charity would be an awesome way to buy face time with the Clintons. As a matter of fact Pinchuk the Ukrainian oligarch benefactor to the charity has been courting the Clintons for years. To the tune of 29 million promised to the charity. I believe Pinchuk's foundation has already paid 8 or so million already.

Not only do we have the coup that was backed by the State Department, people that were trained by the Clinton charity now in the new government in Kiev, loans to the tune of a billion or so secured by the US for the Ukraine, Biden's son involved in a major Ukrainian company, but now we have allegations that Pinchuk's Interpipe company was trading with Iran despite US sanctions.

Now old Victor is denying it, but the plot thickens. Man oh man, you pay big bucks to play with the Clinton's.
How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?

The data comes from IRS filings and audited financials. Here are the links -

2010 -
2011 -

The Clinton's define "sleazy".

We need a new word for "sleazy times two". I suggest Clintonesque.
Her Majesty's 'Foundation gives 15% to various charities. The remaining 85% goes to pay (cough) expenses.
They dont care. The Left simply straight up does not give a shit. Hillary could be the secret gunman at Sandy Hook and they would not care. She is their bitch. They will vote for her.

It's not that we don't care. We just don't care about any more right wing claims. I know that is probably hard for you to understand, but if you get a grownup to read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to you, it might explain why we ignore all your outrageous claims.
They dont care. The Left simply straight up does not give a shit. Hillary could be the secret gunman at Sandy Hook and they would not care. She is their bitch. They will vote for her.

It's not that we don't care. We just don't care about any more right wing claims. I know that is probably hard for you to understand, but if you get a grownup to read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to you, it might explain why we ignore all your outrageous claims.

facts are not "claims". and you would vote for her if she shit in your soup. You, like most liberals, are incapable of individual rational thinking. you do as your masters tell you, think as they tell you, and vote as they tell you. You are a slave, and you are too fricken stupid to realize it.
They dont care. The Left simply straight up does not give a shit. Hillary could be the secret gunman at Sandy Hook and they would not care. She is their bitch. They will vote for her.

It's not that we don't care. We just don't care about any more right wing claims. I know that is probably hard for you to understand, but if you get a grownup to read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to you, it might explain why we ignore all your outrageous claims.

facts are not "claims". and you would vote for her if she shit in your soup. You, like most liberals, are incapable of individual rational thinking. you do as your masters tell you, think as they tell you, and vote as they tell you. You are a slave, and you are too fricken stupid to realize it.

I probably wouldn't vote for her if she shit in my soup, or had Vince Foster killed, or sold drugs, or was involved in anything that could honestly be considered a scandal concerning Benghazi, or any of the other ridiculous accusations from the right. After all your false claims, I wouldn't shy away from it unless I saw an actual turd. So far, you have made a lot of claims, but no proof. Hence, the boy who cried wolf, or in your case "turd" analogy.
They dont care. The Left simply straight up does not give a shit. Hillary could be the secret gunman at Sandy Hook and they would not care. She is their bitch. They will vote for her.

It's not that we don't care. We just don't care about any more right wing claims. I know that is probably hard for you to understand, but if you get a grownup to read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to you, it might explain why we ignore all your outrageous claims.

facts are not "claims". and you would vote for her if she shit in your soup. You, like most liberals, are incapable of individual rational thinking. you do as your masters tell you, think as they tell you, and vote as they tell you. You are a slave, and you are too fricken stupid to realize it.

I probably wouldn't vote for her if she shit in my soup, or had Vince Foster killed, or sold drugs, or was involved in anything that could honestly be considered a scandal concerning Benghazi, or any of the other ridiculous accusations from the right. After all your false claims, I wouldn't shy away from it unless I saw an actual turd. So far, you have made a lot of claims, but no proof. Hence, the boy who cried wolf, or in your case "turd" analogy.

Did she use a personal server for official correspondence and then destroy e-mails that she personally decided should be destroyed?

Did the Clinton foundation solicit money from foreigners in exchange for favors?

Did she claim that Benghazi was caused by a video that only a handful of people in the entire world had seen?

You can claim that she is pure as the driven snow, but the dirt is coming out every day. Even some dems and some media are turning against her.

Better check your soup very carefully.
They dont care. The Left simply straight up does not give a shit. Hillary could be the secret gunman at Sandy Hook and they would not care. She is their bitch. They will vote for her.

It's not that we don't care. We just don't care about any more right wing claims. I know that is probably hard for you to understand, but if you get a grownup to read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to you, it might explain why we ignore all your outrageous claims.

facts are not "claims". and you would vote for her if she shit in your soup. You, like most liberals, are incapable of individual rational thinking. you do as your masters tell you, think as they tell you, and vote as they tell you. You are a slave, and you are too fricken stupid to realize it.

I probably wouldn't vote for her if she shit in my soup, or had Vince Foster killed, or sold drugs, or was involved in anything that could honestly be considered a scandal concerning Benghazi, or any of the other ridiculous accusations from the right. After all your false claims, I wouldn't shy away from it unless I saw an actual turd. So far, you have made a lot of claims, but no proof. Hence, the boy who cried wolf, or in your case "turd" analogy.
It is really hard to see the turd when you are wearing a blindfold....

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