Clinton Cash

How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?
Links have been given. I notice that you were unable to bring in ANYTHING that refutes any of the figures given.

That makes this pretty much a wrap...
How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?
Links have been given. I notice that you were unable to bring in ANYTHING that refutes any of the figures given.

That makes this pretty much a wrap...
I looked at the links, and I couldn't make hell or high water out of, what is the $200 million in assets of the foundation? Is this just an office that they own for the corporations, or grants waiting to be given out, cars for everyone that works there or a clinic or two or ten that they have erected etc etc? There's no details, at least not ones that I understood.

If it is a Corporate head quarter's building then my oh my oh my, I would call that wasteful... but if it is clinic buildings in different areas of the country....for their causes, then that's MORE than the 75 million the author claimed went to the cause, right?

And because I could not make hell or high water off of the yearly foundation statements that were linked, I began my search for information on the Clinton foundation with Watchdog groups on charities.

I don't take what authors on either side of the aisle, with an agenda and timing to disrupt the political opponent as being honest....their doing it for a political outcome and doing it for their own monetary's a marketing strategy, not necessarily the truth.

Thus the search for more info.

AND, this search lead to that info I found on their CEO quitting which gave lots of info on this independent "Audit Report" that Chelsea requested, which made some 'recommendations on what the Foundation needed to accomplish, to be on the more up and up in their Foundation....which included not paying their managers so much money....and being more careful on who they take charitable givings from. Chelsea HOPPED on to that audit and is trying to re-mediate or rectify those problems with the foundation.

THIS MEANS that they do have a problem with their foundation or rather problems with their foundation, so the op and you all could very well be right on the percentage going to the causes.

BUT, Chelsea has taken by the horns these "problems" with the foundation and I have every faith in her to accomplish her goals.

Bubba was paying his friends too much imho

Couldn't find Bill, Hillary's or Chelsea's salaries and what they actually make out of the foundation.

yes, there was the travel bill of 5 million I believe since the foundation opened but I don't see that part outrageous out of the $500 million...sure Bill and all of his other workers traveled for this foundation....and they enjoyed traveling and eating well for it, perhaps...but it was their job....

the foundation does have 275 paid employees, that seems like an awful lot of employees for a foundation.

Regardless, I don't blame Hillary for any of this, she and Chelsea recently joined the foundation and Chelsea has been given the task of fixing what daddy and his previous CEO messed up.
Did she use a personal server for official correspondence and then destroy e-mails that she personally decided should be destroyed?

Did the Clinton foundation solicit money from foreigners in exchange for favors?

Did she claim that Benghazi was caused by a video that only a handful of people in the entire world had seen?

You can claim that she is pure as the driven snow, but the dirt is coming out every day. Even some dems and some media are turning against her.

Better check your soup very carefully.

Here is the video that pretty much sums it all.

How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?
Links have been given. I notice that you were unable to bring in ANYTHING that refutes any of the figures given.

That makes this pretty much a wrap...
I looked at the links, and I couldn't make hell or high water out of, what is the $200 million in assets of the foundation? Is this just an office that they own for the corporations, or grants waiting to be given out, cars for everyone that works there or a clinic or two or ten that they have erected etc etc? There's no details, at least not ones that I understood.

If it is a Corporate head quarter's building then my oh my oh my, I would call that wasteful... but if it is clinic buildings in different areas of the country....for their causes, then that's MORE than the 75 million the author claimed went to the cause, right?

And because I could not make hell or high water off of the yearly foundation statements that were linked, I began my search for information on the Clinton foundation with Watchdog groups on charities.

I don't take what authors on either side of the aisle, with an agenda and timing to disrupt the political opponent as being honest....their doing it for a political outcome and doing it for their own monetary's a marketing strategy, not necessarily the truth.

Thus the search for more info.

AND, this search lead to that info I found on their CEO quitting which gave lots of info on this independent "Audit Report" that Chelsea requested, which made some 'recommendations on what the Foundation needed to accomplish, to be on the more up and up in their Foundation....which included not paying their managers so much money....and being more careful on who they take charitable givings from. Chelsea HOPPED on to that audit and is trying to re-mediate or rectify those problems with the foundation.

THIS MEANS that they do have a problem with their foundation or rather problems with their foundation, so the op and you all could very well be right on the percentage going to the causes.

BUT, Chelsea has taken by the horns these "problems" with the foundation and I have every faith in her to accomplish her goals.

Bubba was paying his friends too much imho

Couldn't find Bill, Hillary's or Chelsea's salaries and what they actually make out of the foundation.

yes, there was the travel bill of 5 million I believe since the foundation opened but I don't see that part outrageous out of the $500 million...sure Bill and all of his other workers traveled for this foundation....and they enjoyed traveling and eating well for it, perhaps...but it was their job....

the foundation does have 275 paid employees, that seems like an awful lot of employees for a foundation.

Regardless, I don't blame Hillary for any of this, she and Chelsea recently joined the foundation and Chelsea has been given the task of fixing what daddy and his previous CEO messed up.

Look at part IX of the tax returns......They spent far more than $5 million on travel. Here is 2008:

In 2008 they spent $13,990,000 on travel alone! $8.7 million for "office expenses". $12.6 million on conferences, conventions and meetings. $27 million on salaries and wages, That same year they gave out a paltry $3.8 million in grants.

Sorry Care, but this is not a charity, it's a slush fund.
How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?
Links have been given. I notice that you were unable to bring in ANYTHING that refutes any of the figures given.

That makes this pretty much a wrap...
I looked at the links, and I couldn't make hell or high water out of, what is the $200 million in assets of the foundation? Is this just an office that they own for the corporations, or grants waiting to be given out, cars for everyone that works there or a clinic or two or ten that they have erected etc etc? There's no details, at least not ones that I understood.

If it is a Corporate head quarter's building then my oh my oh my, I would call that wasteful... but if it is clinic buildings in different areas of the country....for their causes, then that's MORE than the 75 million the author claimed went to the cause, right?

And because I could not make hell or high water off of the yearly foundation statements that were linked, I began my search for information on the Clinton foundation with Watchdog groups on charities.

I don't take what authors on either side of the aisle, with an agenda and timing to disrupt the political opponent as being honest....their doing it for a political outcome and doing it for their own monetary's a marketing strategy, not necessarily the truth.

Thus the search for more info.

AND, this search lead to that info I found on their CEO quitting which gave lots of info on this independent "Audit Report" that Chelsea requested, which made some 'recommendations on what the Foundation needed to accomplish, to be on the more up and up in their Foundation....which included not paying their managers so much money....and being more careful on who they take charitable givings from. Chelsea HOPPED on to that audit and is trying to re-mediate or rectify those problems with the foundation.

THIS MEANS that they do have a problem with their foundation or rather problems with their foundation, so the op and you all could very well be right on the percentage going to the causes.

BUT, Chelsea has taken by the horns these "problems" with the foundation and I have every faith in her to accomplish her goals.

Bubba was paying his friends too much imho

Couldn't find Bill, Hillary's or Chelsea's salaries and what they actually make out of the foundation.

yes, there was the travel bill of 5 million I believe since the foundation opened but I don't see that part outrageous out of the $500 million...sure Bill and all of his other workers traveled for this foundation....and they enjoyed traveling and eating well for it, perhaps...but it was their job....

the foundation does have 275 paid employees, that seems like an awful lot of employees for a foundation.

Regardless, I don't blame Hillary for any of this, she and Chelsea recently joined the foundation and Chelsea has been given the task of fixing what daddy and his previous CEO messed up.

I recommend that you pre-order the book on Amazon, and read it for for yourself.
How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?
Links have been given. I notice that you were unable to bring in ANYTHING that refutes any of the figures given.

That makes this pretty much a wrap...
I looked at the links, and I couldn't make hell or high water out of, what is the $200 million in assets of the foundation? Is this just an office that they own for the corporations, or grants waiting to be given out, cars for everyone that works there or a clinic or two or ten that they have erected etc etc? There's no details, at least not ones that I understood.

If it is a Corporate head quarter's building then my oh my oh my, I would call that wasteful... but if it is clinic buildings in different areas of the country....for their causes, then that's MORE than the 75 million the author claimed went to the cause, right?

And because I could not make hell or high water off of the yearly foundation statements that were linked, I began my search for information on the Clinton foundation with Watchdog groups on charities.

I don't take what authors on either side of the aisle, with an agenda and timing to disrupt the political opponent as being honest....their doing it for a political outcome and doing it for their own monetary's a marketing strategy, not necessarily the truth.

Thus the search for more info.

AND, this search lead to that info I found on their CEO quitting which gave lots of info on this independent "Audit Report" that Chelsea requested, which made some 'recommendations on what the Foundation needed to accomplish, to be on the more up and up in their Foundation....which included not paying their managers so much money....and being more careful on who they take charitable givings from. Chelsea HOPPED on to that audit and is trying to re-mediate or rectify those problems with the foundation.

THIS MEANS that they do have a problem with their foundation or rather problems with their foundation, so the op and you all could very well be right on the percentage going to the causes.

BUT, Chelsea has taken by the horns these "problems" with the foundation and I have every faith in her to accomplish her goals.

Bubba was paying his friends too much imho

Couldn't find Bill, Hillary's or Chelsea's salaries and what they actually make out of the foundation.

yes, there was the travel bill of 5 million I believe since the foundation opened but I don't see that part outrageous out of the $500 million...sure Bill and all of his other workers traveled for this foundation....and they enjoyed traveling and eating well for it, perhaps...but it was their job....

the foundation does have 275 paid employees, that seems like an awful lot of employees for a foundation.

Regardless, I don't blame Hillary for any of this, she and Chelsea recently joined the foundation and Chelsea has been given the task of fixing what daddy and his previous CEO messed up.

Look at part IX of the tax returns......They spent far more than $5 million on travel. Here is 2008:

In 2008 they spent $13,990,000 on travel alone! $8.7 million for "office expenses". $12.6 million on conferences, conventions and meetings. $27 million on salaries and wages, That same year they gave out a paltry $3.8 million in grants.

Sorry Care, but this is not a charity, it's a slush fund.

The Clinton Foundation is a Bigger Scam than the Kids Wish Network. The worst charities list is going to need to do an update.

America s Worst Charities Kids Wish Network
They dont care. The Left simply straight up does not give a shit. Hillary could be the secret gunman at Sandy Hook and they would not care. She is their bitch. They will vote for her.

It's not that we don't care. We just don't care about any more right wing claims. I know that is probably hard for you to understand, but if you get a grownup to read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to you, it might explain why we ignore all your outrageous claims.

facts are not "claims". and you would vote for her if she shit in your soup. You, like most liberals, are incapable of individual rational thinking. you do as your masters tell you, think as they tell you, and vote as they tell you. You are a slave, and you are too fricken stupid to realize it.

I probably wouldn't vote for her if she shit in my soup, or had Vince Foster killed, or sold drugs, or was involved in anything that could honestly be considered a scandal concerning Benghazi, or any of the other ridiculous accusations from the right. After all your false claims, I wouldn't shy away from it unless I saw an actual turd. So far, you have made a lot of claims, but no proof. Hence, the boy who cried wolf, or in your case "turd" analogy.

Did she use a personal server for official correspondence and then destroy e-mails that she personally decided should be destroyed?

Did the Clinton foundation solicit money from foreigners in exchange for favors?

Did she claim that Benghazi was caused by a video that only a handful of people in the entire world had seen?

You can claim that she is pure as the driven snow, but the dirt is coming out every day. Even some dems and some media are turning against her.

Better check your soup very carefully.

Did she break any laws by using a personal server? Whose responsibility was it to decide which e-mails were personal and which were to be saved?

Do you have any evidence that favors were given for any donations?

Do you believe all seven completed investigations that have been completed, including the republican led House Intelligence Committee, which all found no intentional wrong doing, were lying to protect Hillary?

Nobody said she is pure as the driven snow, but she is certainly better than the crazy right wingers who keep making all those already disproven allegations.

NYMAG - The Disastrous Clinton Post-Presidency

The New York Times has a report about the State Department’s decision to approve the sale of Uranium mines to a Russian company that donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Global Initiative, and that a Russian investment bank promoting the deal paid Bill $500,000 for a speech in Moscow.

The Washington Post reports that Bill Clinton has received $26 million in speaking fees from entities that also donated to the Clinton Global Initiative.

The Washington Examiner reports, “Twenty-two of the 37 corporations nominated for a prestigious State Department award — and six of the eight ultimate winners — while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State were also donors to the Clinton family foundation.”

And Reuters reports, “Hillary Clinton's family's charities are refiling at least five annual tax returns after a Reuters review found errors in how they reported donations from governments, and said they may audit other Clinton Foundation returns in case of other errors.”

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?
Links have been given. I notice that you were unable to bring in ANYTHING that refutes any of the figures given.

That makes this pretty much a wrap...
I looked at the links, and I couldn't make hell or high water out of, what is the $200 million in assets of the foundation? Is this just an office that they own for the corporations, or grants waiting to be given out, cars for everyone that works there or a clinic or two or ten that they have erected etc etc? There's no details, at least not ones that I understood.

If it is a Corporate head quarter's building then my oh my oh my, I would call that wasteful... but if it is clinic buildings in different areas of the country....for their causes, then that's MORE than the 75 million the author claimed went to the cause, right?

And because I could not make hell or high water off of the yearly foundation statements that were linked, I began my search for information on the Clinton foundation with Watchdog groups on charities.

I don't take what authors on either side of the aisle, with an agenda and timing to disrupt the political opponent as being honest....their doing it for a political outcome and doing it for their own monetary's a marketing strategy, not necessarily the truth.

Thus the search for more info.

AND, this search lead to that info I found on their CEO quitting which gave lots of info on this independent "Audit Report" that Chelsea requested, which made some 'recommendations on what the Foundation needed to accomplish, to be on the more up and up in their Foundation....which included not paying their managers so much money....and being more careful on who they take charitable givings from. Chelsea HOPPED on to that audit and is trying to re-mediate or rectify those problems with the foundation.

THIS MEANS that they do have a problem with their foundation or rather problems with their foundation, so the op and you all could very well be right on the percentage going to the causes.

BUT, Chelsea has taken by the horns these "problems" with the foundation and I have every faith in her to accomplish her goals.

Bubba was paying his friends too much imho

Couldn't find Bill, Hillary's or Chelsea's salaries and what they actually make out of the foundation.

yes, there was the travel bill of 5 million I believe since the foundation opened but I don't see that part outrageous out of the $500 million...sure Bill and all of his other workers traveled for this foundation....and they enjoyed traveling and eating well for it, perhaps...but it was their job....

the foundation does have 275 paid employees, that seems like an awful lot of employees for a foundation.

Regardless, I don't blame Hillary for any of this, she and Chelsea recently joined the foundation and Chelsea has been given the task of fixing what daddy and his previous CEO messed up.

Look at part IX of the tax returns......They spent far more than $5 million on travel. Here is 2008:

In 2008 they spent $13,990,000 on travel alone! $8.7 million for "office expenses". $12.6 million on conferences, conventions and meetings. $27 million on salaries and wages, That same year they gave out a paltry $3.8 million in grants.

Sorry Care, but this is not a charity, it's a slush fund.

The Clinton Foundation is a Bigger Scam than the Kids Wish Network. The worst charities list is going to need to do an update.

America s Worst Charities Kids Wish Network

One does wonder exactly why they are left out of such watchdog ratings. It does not make sense.
seriously boe? You want me to think of you as an adult with that kind of childish peanut gallery response... and a lie no less?

Did you fact check and review what this person/this author is ''claiming'' on the 15%?
Links have been given. I notice that you were unable to bring in ANYTHING that refutes any of the figures given.

That makes this pretty much a wrap...
I looked at the links, and I couldn't make hell or high water out of, what is the $200 million in assets of the foundation? Is this just an office that they own for the corporations, or grants waiting to be given out, cars for everyone that works there or a clinic or two or ten that they have erected etc etc? There's no details, at least not ones that I understood.

If it is a Corporate head quarter's building then my oh my oh my, I would call that wasteful... but if it is clinic buildings in different areas of the country....for their causes, then that's MORE than the 75 million the author claimed went to the cause, right?

And because I could not make hell or high water off of the yearly foundation statements that were linked, I began my search for information on the Clinton foundation with Watchdog groups on charities.

I don't take what authors on either side of the aisle, with an agenda and timing to disrupt the political opponent as being honest....their doing it for a political outcome and doing it for their own monetary's a marketing strategy, not necessarily the truth.

Thus the search for more info.

AND, this search lead to that info I found on their CEO quitting which gave lots of info on this independent "Audit Report" that Chelsea requested, which made some 'recommendations on what the Foundation needed to accomplish, to be on the more up and up in their Foundation....which included not paying their managers so much money....and being more careful on who they take charitable givings from. Chelsea HOPPED on to that audit and is trying to re-mediate or rectify those problems with the foundation.

THIS MEANS that they do have a problem with their foundation or rather problems with their foundation, so the op and you all could very well be right on the percentage going to the causes.

BUT, Chelsea has taken by the horns these "problems" with the foundation and I have every faith in her to accomplish her goals.

Bubba was paying his friends too much imho

Couldn't find Bill, Hillary's or Chelsea's salaries and what they actually make out of the foundation.

yes, there was the travel bill of 5 million I believe since the foundation opened but I don't see that part outrageous out of the $500 million...sure Bill and all of his other workers traveled for this foundation....and they enjoyed traveling and eating well for it, perhaps...but it was their job....

the foundation does have 275 paid employees, that seems like an awful lot of employees for a foundation.

Regardless, I don't blame Hillary for any of this, she and Chelsea recently joined the foundation and Chelsea has been given the task of fixing what daddy and his previous CEO messed up.

Look at part IX of the tax returns......They spent far more than $5 million on travel. Here is 2008:

In 2008 they spent $13,990,000 on travel alone! $8.7 million for "office expenses". $12.6 million on conferences, conventions and meetings. $27 million on salaries and wages, That same year they gave out a paltry $3.8 million in grants.

Sorry Care, but this is not a charity, it's a slush fund.

The Clinton Foundation is a Bigger Scam than the Kids Wish Network. The worst charities list is going to need to do an update.

America s Worst Charities Kids Wish Network

One does wonder exactly why they are left out of such watchdog ratings. It does not make sense.

I'd take a wild guess that nobody but Clinton huntin' RW's gives a damn ????
This another joke brought to you by RW...

I think they hate that recently the Democrat ex Presidents have done far more good that the Republican ones....

Carter is an example of a great man doing great things...

GOP ones just find jobs on a oil or defense company board... This is not a bribe (just looks like one).
Do nothing...
This another joke brought to you by RW...

I think they hate that recently the Democrat ex Presidents have done far more good that the Republican ones....

Carter is an example of a great man doing great things...

GOP ones just find jobs on a oil or defense company board... This is not a bribe (just looks like one).
Do nothing...

total horseshit. Do you happen to know how many corporate boards Algore sits on?
This another joke brought to you by RW...

I think they hate that recently the Democrat ex Presidents have done far more good that the Republican ones....

Carter is an example of a great man doing great things...

GOP ones just find jobs on a oil or defense company board... This is not a bribe (just looks like one).
Do nothing...

sure it is... The C's have over $100 million between them. Why would they put themselves at risk by taking a little $$ on the side? ... well, they didn't.
All logic escapes RW's/
We don't know what is in the book but the New York Times and Washington Post neither of which can be called right wing have put out excerpts from the book and I'm guessing they did their own fact checking before putting it out there.

I started a thread on it because of the new developments as of last night.

In it are links to Times articles showing what they've done and who they've talked to.

The best the Clintons can hope for at this time is

1. The scumbag in the White House isn't going to ask his latest Affirmative Action Hire at the DoJ to investigate.

2. The new Affirmative Action Attorney General isn't going to investigate on her own.

3. The House and the Senate WILL investigate and be stone-walled by both Clintons and the most corrupt regime in history.

4. This will drag out into late next year, Hitlery will get her crew out, Goose Stepping in the Streets, protesting against any misogynists who DARE accuse the lying whore of being what she is

5. dimocraps will proclaim this 'Old News'

6. Most dimocraps, being no better than the thieving Clintons, will vote in massive numbers and she will put up a strong run at the White House.

If she wins, she will look to exact her revenge.

If she loses, her minions will do their best to protect her and, depending on who is elected, she might get away with it completely.

If it's Bush, she's off the hook totally. If it's anybody else, she might be spending time in prison.

This is it for dims. They know, as do I, that it's all on the line in '16.

They're going to so everything they can to win -- By hook or crook.

Because they know, as do I, that winning isn't the only thing, it is everything

That is just the way it is people. The winners write the history books
This another joke brought to you by RW...

I think they hate that recently the Democrat ex Presidents have done far more good that the Republican ones....

Carter is an example of a great man doing great things...

GOP ones just find jobs on a oil or defense company board... This is not a bribe (just looks like one).
Do nothing...

sure it is... The C's have over $100 million between them. Why would they put themselves at risk by taking a little $$ on the side? ... well, they didn't.
All logic escapes RW's/

Scuze moi - but the way the Clintons acquired the $100M+ is via the Graft and Influence peddling. They didn't start a successful business. They sold out Americans for greasy, tainted bucks.
This another joke brought to you by RW...

I think they hate that recently the Democrat ex Presidents have done far more good that the Republican ones....

Carter is an example of a great man doing great things...

GOP ones just find jobs on a oil or defense company board... This is not a bribe (just looks like one).
Do nothing...

sure it is... The C's have over $100 million between them. Why would they put themselves at risk by taking a little $$ on the side? ... well, they didn't.
All logic escapes RW's/

Scuze moi - but the way the Clintons acquired the $100M+ is via the Graft and Influence peddling. They didn't start a successful business. They sold out Americans for greasy, tainted bucks.

Bill Clinton has a very successful business in motivational speaking...

You see because Clinton was a very successful President coming from a very modest background, people want to hear him speak...

Sounds a pretty good family business, he even has the wife at it too.
The laugh here is that the Clinton Foundation releases its donor list unlike most other charities.

Not everyone of the George W Bush Presidential Fund was named...
Bush library funded by 500 million in private donations Dallas Morning News
So the RW are crapping frogs over Clinton Foundation because they do release all names of donors and amounts...

And like all charities they accept donations from foreign bodies... Does your local church as your tax affairs before you are allowed to donate?
This another joke brought to you by RW...

I think they hate that recently the Democrat ex Presidents have done far more good that the Republican ones....

Carter is an example of a great man doing great things...

GOP ones just find jobs on a oil or defense company board... This is not a bribe (just looks like one).
Do nothing...

sure it is... The C's have over $100 million between them. Why would they put themselves at risk by taking a little $$ on the side? ... well, they didn't.
All logic escapes RW's/

Scuze moi - but the way the Clintons acquired the $100M+ is via the Graft and Influence peddling. They didn't start a successful business. They sold out Americans for greasy, tainted bucks.

Bill Clinton has a very successful business in motivational speaking...

You see because Clinton was a very successful President coming from a very modest background, people want to hear him speak...

Sounds a pretty good family business, he even has the wife at it too.

This another joke brought to you by RW...

I think they hate that recently the Democrat ex Presidents have done far more good that the Republican ones....

Carter is an example of a great man doing great things...

GOP ones just find jobs on a oil or defense company board... This is not a bribe (just looks like one).
Do nothing...

sure it is... The C's have over $100 million between them. Why would they put themselves at risk by taking a little $$ on the side? ... well, they didn't.
All logic escapes RW's/

Scuze moi - but the way the Clintons acquired the $100M+ is via the Graft and Influence peddling. They didn't start a successful business. They sold out Americans for greasy, tainted bucks.

Bill Clinton has a very successful business in motivational speaking...

You see because Clinton was a very successful President coming from a very modest background, people want to hear him speak...

Sounds a pretty good family business, he even has the wife at it too.

No evidence idiot....

This must be killing you... Throwing out unsubstantiated claim after another...

Credibility is your problem. Clinton ran the country to the best boom in modern history, reduced poverty and achieved a surplus.... You back asshats in GOP who have either achieved nothing or have put GOP ahead of USA interests.

Now you are just spitting out hate..


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