Clinton Cash

Why bother:
Clinton Cash Author Peter Schweizer s Long History Of Errors Retractions And Questionable Sourcing Research Media Matters for America

Media should be cautious with Republican activist and strategist Peter Schweizer's new book Clinton Cash. Schweizer has a disreputable history of reporting marked by errors and retractions, with numerous reporters excoriating him for facts that "do not check out," sources that "do not exist," and a basic failure to practice "Journalism 101."


Serial Misinformer Peter Schweizer Is Releasing A New Anti-Clinton Book

Schweizer Is A Republican Activist And Consultant

Schweizer Retracted "Incorrect" Report About Sen. Whitehouse

USA Today Corrected Schweizer's False Reporting About Gore

Wash. Post: Schweizer's Group Launched "Bogus" Attack On Obama's Security Briefings

"A Fatal Shortcoming In Journalism 101": Reporters Debunked Schweizer's Obama-Sebelius Reporting

Fact Checker: Schweizer Couldn't Back Up Energy Reporting When Called Out For Errors

Fact Checker On Schweizer's Reporting About Pelosi: "The Facts Don't Fit Schweizer's Claim"

Seattle Times: Schweizer Flubbed Reporting About Rep. McDermott

Investigation: Schweizer's Facts "Do Not Check Out," And Sources "Do Not Exist"

Veteran Journalist Found Schweizer Book Practiced "Neither Journalism Nor History"

Schweizer "Tacitly Conced[ed] He Was Wrong" About Al Franken's Hiring Of Minorities

This guy is a party hack (and proven infactual journalist) producing a hit piece on Clinton...

This is an example of Negative Campaigning, do the GOP want to apologise.
And here comes the smear campaign.

Media matters, a shill for all things democrat, and in the hip pocket of the Clinton's are your sources. Why am I not surprised.
Why bother:
Clinton Cash Author Peter Schweizer s Long History Of Errors Retractions And Questionable Sourcing Research Media Matters for America

Media should be cautious with Republican activist and strategist Peter Schweizer's new book Clinton Cash. Schweizer has a disreputable history of reporting marked by errors and retractions, with numerous reporters excoriating him for facts that "do not check out," sources that "do not exist," and a basic failure to practice "Journalism 101."


Serial Misinformer Peter Schweizer Is Releasing A New Anti-Clinton Book

Schweizer Is A Republican Activist And Consultant

Schweizer Retracted "Incorrect" Report About Sen. Whitehouse

USA Today Corrected Schweizer's False Reporting About Gore

Wash. Post: Schweizer's Group Launched "Bogus" Attack On Obama's Security Briefings

"A Fatal Shortcoming In Journalism 101": Reporters Debunked Schweizer's Obama-Sebelius Reporting

Fact Checker: Schweizer Couldn't Back Up Energy Reporting When Called Out For Errors

Fact Checker On Schweizer's Reporting About Pelosi: "The Facts Don't Fit Schweizer's Claim"

Seattle Times: Schweizer Flubbed Reporting About Rep. McDermott

Investigation: Schweizer's Facts "Do Not Check Out," And Sources "Do Not Exist"

Veteran Journalist Found Schweizer Book Practiced "Neither Journalism Nor History"

Schweizer "Tacitly Conced[ed] He Was Wrong" About Al Franken's Hiring Of Minorities

This guy is a party hack (and proven infactual journalist) producing a hit piece on Clinton...

This is an example of Negative Campaigning, do the GOP want to apologise.

Two excerpts from ‘Morning Joe’ this morning. Even Mika criticized David Brock and she is as far left as they come.
I would ask you the same questions.

"David, are you more interested in knowing whether the allegations, as laid out in the book, are true or impugning the author?" asked Bloomberg Politics editor Mark Halperin, who was on the show as a guest.

Brock said he wanted the facts of the book to come out but said he's "also interested in the author's history," which he said is riddled with credibility issues.

"Should we be focused on the truth or lack of truth of what [Schweizer] is saying rather than running through his bio," Halperin pressed Brock, who was once a fierce opponent of the Clintons. "For instance, your bio is something some people consider controversial but when you put ideas forward we like to just talk about the ideas your'e putting forward, not revisit every thing you've ever done."

"I think this is a political put-up job, and I can smell it a mile away," Brock said of the book. He said, however, that scrutiny should be paid to Clinton's actions during her tenure at the State Department.

"We kind of can't," said Brzezinski, referring to the controversy over Clinton's exclusive use of a personal email address and Web server, when she was secretary of state. "Because what should be in the public record or at least be viewed by the State Department has been scrubbed."

MSNBC hosts confront David Brock on pro-Clinton bias
Story about Clinton Cash is picking up the steam.

BBC - Will a 'feared' book damage Hillary's presidential hopes? - BBC links to the following story
As Colombian Oil Money Flowed To Clintons, State Department Took No Action To Prevent Labor Violations

Questions about the propriety of the foundation's donation policy aren't new. The International Business Times, for instance, has published a series of articles digging deep into the Clinton family's relations with Colombian petroleum company Pacific Rubiales and its founder, Canadian-born billionaire Frank Giustra, who sits on the Clinton Foundation board.

I have no doubt that Hillary is a crook. From the money that poured into her foundation since she left State Department she would be in top 10 highest paid CEOs. What is even better is she gave 12 speeches while Secretary of State charging over $500,000 that went to her "charity". Isn't convenient that her daughter Chelsea is now working for that foundation and Hillary "no longer has anything to do with it." I believe in that as much I believe Vince Foster killed himself and then rolled himself into a carpet and then dumped himself in Ft. Marcy Park right before he was forced to testify against the Clintons.
“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.

The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.

New York Times - New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation

Seems that Hillary took large amounts of foreign money as bribes when she was in the State Department to influence foreign policy. Maybe drives got deleted because of this, not because of Benghazi. Book will hit shelves on May 5.

This is more of a reason that more Democrats need to step up and start their own bid for President. They have a few more months to get their shit together.
This is more of a reason that more Democrats need to step up and start their own bid for President. They have a few more months to get their shit together.

I don't think anybody from "D" establishment has balls to run against her simply because she got too much dirt on everyone for everything they did for the past 10 years. And if anyone tries, will be smeared not just from Hillary but from the rest of the establishment and at the end Hillary will still be their best hope.
Here's how corrupt Mrs. Clinton is:

She can get a 2.5 billion campaign commitment form the Wall Street Harpies...then go out and claim she is the one to take down the Wall Street Harpies...and the Wall Street Harpies will still fund her...because the Harpies know she is just lying to the American people.

Just lying to the American people. You can count on that from Bill Clinton's very ambitious wife. And Wall Street is counting on it.
Why bother:
Clinton Cash Author Peter Schweizer s Long History Of Errors Retractions And Questionable Sourcing Research Media Matters for America

Media should be cautious with Republican activist and strategist Peter Schweizer's new book Clinton Cash. Schweizer has a disreputable history of reporting marked by errors and retractions, with numerous reporters excoriating him for facts that "do not check out," sources that "do not exist," and a basic failure to practice "Journalism 101."


Serial Misinformer Peter Schweizer Is Releasing A New Anti-Clinton Book

Schweizer Is A Republican Activist And Consultant

Schweizer Retracted "Incorrect" Report About Sen. Whitehouse

USA Today Corrected Schweizer's False Reporting About Gore

Wash. Post: Schweizer's Group Launched "Bogus" Attack On Obama's Security Briefings

"A Fatal Shortcoming In Journalism 101": Reporters Debunked Schweizer's Obama-Sebelius Reporting

Fact Checker: Schweizer Couldn't Back Up Energy Reporting When Called Out For Errors

Fact Checker On Schweizer's Reporting About Pelosi: "The Facts Don't Fit Schweizer's Claim"

Seattle Times: Schweizer Flubbed Reporting About Rep. McDermott

Investigation: Schweizer's Facts "Do Not Check Out," And Sources "Do Not Exist"

Veteran Journalist Found Schweizer Book Practiced "Neither Journalism Nor History"

Schweizer "Tacitly Conced[ed] He Was Wrong" About Al Franken's Hiring Of Minorities

This guy is a party hack (and proven infactual journalist) producing a hit piece on Clinton...

This is an example of Negative Campaigning, do the GOP want to apologise.

That's just liberal covering fire.
How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

Travel, salaries, and "other expenses". The Clinton slushfund only spent 15% on actual "charity".

The U.S. Constitution Actually Bans Hillary s Foreign Gov t. Payola

Total money raised 2009-2012 = $500,000,000
Less travel expenses………………….. = 25,000,000
Less employee benefits……………. = 110,000,000
Less “Other expenses”…………….. = 290,000,000
Money left for charity……………….. = $75,000,000

Between 2009 and 2012, the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million dollars according to a review of IRS documents by The Federalist (2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008). A measly 15 percent of that, or $75 million, went towards programmatic grants. More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses. Nearly $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits. And a whopping $290 million during that period — nearly 60 percent of all money raised — was classified merely as “other expenses.” Official IRS forms do not list cigar or dry-cleaning expenses as a specific line item. The Clinton Foundation may well be saving lives, but it seems odd that the costs of so many life-saving activities would be classified by the organization itself as just random, miscellaneous expenses.
How does Hillary and Bill make money off of Donations to a Non profit Charity?

The $290M that's classified as other out of the $500M the foundation collected in 2009-2012. What's that spent on? Then there is the $25M on travel for the trips when Bubba wasn't jet setting with a pedophile to an orgy island. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity. It spends 15% on "programs" with the rest used to support their permanent campaign staff organization and to fund their lavish lifestyles on TAX FREE donations.
From one Ukrainian oligarch alone the Clinton foundation got a commitment of 29 million. Gee. And that Ukrainian oligarch just happened to be Pinchuk.

Hillary's foundation you see was going to train Ukrainians to be future leaders. In the new government after the coup.


How much money is the US lending the Ukraine now? Shell game for cash.
Democrat Myth: The Clinton Foundation is doing good work!
Reality: It's a slush fund that spends 85% of the "donations"

Imagine if this was the "Bush Foundation" and they spend 85% of their donations? Would the "Sarah Palin Foundation" get a pass with such shoddy accounting? Other expenses? Really? WTF?
Democrat Myth: The Clinton Foundation is doing good work!
Reality: It's a slush fund that spends 85% of the "donations"

Imagine if this was the "Bush Foundation" and they spend 85% of their donations? Would the "Sarah Palin Foundation" get a pass with such shoddy accounting? Other expenses? Really? WTF?

But but but...Palin is a 'bagger and you just Shut Up.
Zero surprise. Hillary is as crooked as they come. Hopefully the teapers won't fuck this up with their nonsense. god, teapers are useless.
Zero surprise. Hillary is as crooked as they come. Hopefully the teapers won't fuck this up with their nonsense. god, teapers are useless.

^^^ Speaking of Useless ^^^^

You and Bulldog should get a room.

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.

The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.

New York Times - New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation

Seems that Hillary took large amounts of foreign money as bribes when she was in the State Department to influence foreign policy. Maybe drives got deleted because of this, not because of Benghazi. Book will hit shelves on May 5.


They took large amounts of foreign money when he was President....especially from the Chinese...for all of those too young to remember the old corruption of these monsters....
Zero surprise. Hillary is as crooked as they come. Hopefully the teapers won't fuck this up with their nonsense. god, teapers are useless.

Name some "teapers".
Anyone that supports or doesn't find the lousy canadian, Ted Cruz, USELESS! Come on, how can any true American consider voting for a canadian who refused to denounce his canadian citizenship until he though he had political power. What a douche.

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